Anti Soros group launches to fight internet censorship


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week a new non-profit group, Free Our Internet, is launching with the goal “to expose efforts by Silicon Valley monopolies and the radical tech-left to take control of the Internet.”
Anti-Soros Group Launches to Fight Internet Censorship
Free Our Internet to fight erosion of on-line freedoms

Half the Country doesn't even understand what this internet censorship bs is even about. If they knew in depth what it really meant we probably wouldn't have so many dumb asses who actually support this bs. ( Internet censor ship that is)
So, Mindwars is upset over two things. I mean, aside from the pointless Soros-demonizing.

First, current Net Neutrality laws prohibit corporate censorship. ISPs may not censor based on content. Mindwars wants corporate censorship. He wants corporations to make it illegal for liberals to talk.

Second, some online orgs tag conservative/Russian fake news as fake news. Mindwars wants to make it illegal to identify conservative/Russian fake news as fake news. Mindwars essentially wants fact-checking to be illegal.

Basically, Mindwars is pushing for a sort of right-wing corporate Stalinism, where corporations and the Republican party decide what is allowed on the internet.

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