Anti-trans conservative busted with child sex abuse pictures on his computer

About 335 million American citizens and lefties found a single alleged republican guy with kiddie porn on his computer. What a sad evil hypocritic bunch leftie groomers turned out to be.
From the article...
Anyone surprised by this?

The source is a publication called LGBTQ Nation—an openly pro-faggot, pro-tranny, pro-pedophile source. So the story is most likely complete bullshit. No surprise that a faggot such as MarcATL reads such a publication, and believes what he reads therein.

In the unlikely event that the story is true as represented here, then I am all for throwing the book at Mr. Phelps. Put it in general population in a prison, and let its fellow inmates know what it is in for. Even criminals don't have any tolerance for this sort of subhuman shit, and are capable of dealing the kind of justice that is due, that society as a whole has become to “civilized” to administer.

That type of idiotic and blatant assassination only can come directly from the top.

This happened under Trump's watch.

Afterall, that was his bossom buddy....


How else do you explain the unaliving?
It's a good thing you have that one old photo. Otherwise you might have to explain how this painting was in Epstein’s living room.


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