Anti Trump shooter in Florida, in Psych hospital twice, on psych drugs too...

And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.
Considering his mental health problems, why did his family not intervene and take away his guns?

He shouldn't been able to buy ANY guns due to his mental health problems.
Again, if the guy were blue papered and released after the 72 hours, or if he were a voluntary admission, or if the psychiatrists did not have their crystal ball working and didn't determine that he was a danger to himself or others, then there is no way it would have shown up on a background check. Not the way the laws stand now. The background check is kind of the tail wagging the dog, I think. Much more needs to be done to help our mentally ill and support the families and the police who are trying to protect both them and the people around them.
And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.
Of course...mental health reason.

If he had been hospitalized for mental health reasons, that would have excluded him from purchasing firearms. Obviously more gun laws aren't the answer.
Just being hospitalized does not require reporting to NICS. Or if it is supposed to be reported, it is not in many cases. That needs to be tightened. But it would have been even better if the family had taken advantage of the ERPO laws in their state and had his guns removed.

True. The BATF Form 4473 used during firearms purchases only asks if the buyer has been adjudicated or committed. He would have lied on that anyway.
He posted on Reddit that he hated Trump.
Sounds to me like you are trying to associate him with other anti-trumpers... am I wrong?

Should we not suspect anyone who has the amount of vitriol and hatred for Trump as seen on this board or anywhere else? We've already seen a Bernie supporter attempt a mass political assassination on a baseball field, so why should any anti-trumper be trusted?
I think it is idiotic to try and tie a shooting by a mentally ill 24 year old to a political ideology. Who do you think you are kidding with that crap?!
maybe - but every single public shooting in the last decade plus has been politicized, not reviewed and honest answers or attempts at solutions have come out of it. quite the contrary, we have CNN and other news outlets making up flat out lies about guns and hell, i even saw an illustration where an AR15 had a grenade launcher on it and it "pulsed" like a penis in the wind. swear to god that animated gif was on their website when that wasn't anywhere near the reality of what was used.

we can't have an "honest" conversation about guns if your goals/solutions are pre-defined going into said conversation. so while i do agree it's stupid to make this political when it isn't, it's also all to common anymore to weaponize anything and everything in order *to* make it policial.

that started before trump but that's more on society than a single president.
The pulsing like a penis in the wind line was a little much but I see your point... haha
And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.

There is no evidence that the Killer was Anti Trump, the article says nothing about it. I have read several additional articles on this tragedy, not a single reference is ever made to a political affiliation.
This link to the Baltimore Sun showed that he should NOT been allowed to buy and own any type of Firearms.

He had been on drugs for years in the parents attempt to help him.

In Howard County, parents of Jacksonville shooting suspect had been desperate to find psychiatric care for son
Then why did the article say he bought them legally? Maybe teenaged troubled behavior is give too much of a "pass," considering this was the same history (although nowhere near as bad) as the kid who shot up Parkland. However, we have to be careful that being troubled as a juvenile doesn't brand people forever. Perhaps when those behaviors persist, however, for many years, they should not be so strictly protected.
And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.

There is no evidence that the Killer was Anti Trump, the article says nothing about it. I have read several additional articles on this tragedy, not a single reference is ever made to a political affiliation.
And either way, it has nothing to do with anything.
You mean the 2.4 million times a year that Americans use their legal guns to stop attackers like this as well as rapists, robbers and killers? Or the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate has gone down 49%, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%, and our violent crime rate has gone down 72%..... you mean that benefit?
The crime rate in Germany has been falling for 30 years because Americans are stockpiling guns?
Crime rate in Germany lowest since 1992, but Seehofer still issues stern warning | DW | 08.05.2018
Why don`t I know one of the 156 million who used a gun to stop a rapist, robber or killer in my lifetime? I worked in a factory with 3,200 others, most of who were gun owners, not kooks like yourself, and I never heard of one of them stopping a rapist, robber, killer or even a jaywalker.
more folks have died from gun violence than American soldiers have died overseas this year

we need dont moments of silence, they arent working, we need moments of action

stop blaming mental illness. girls are mentally ill yet they dont shoot. people all over the world are mentally ill yet they dont shoot.

what is this thing with folks who are dumped by their girlfriends and their only option is to do a mass shooting. that's absurd!

And we have ample evidence from all over the world that gun bans simply don't work. If the laws you wish did there wouldn't be 130 dead from a terrorist attack in Paris. Gun bans only affect the law abiding. The criminals, and the deranged simply ignore those laws.
We have ample evidence from all over the world that gun bans limit gun deaths. EVERYWHERE.

No, we don't....Britain has increasing gun crime, but the criminals don't shoot to kill their victims....and as more Americans have owned and now carry guns our gun murder rate dropped 49%.... please explain that in the context of your post.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
You mean the 2.4 million times a year that Americans use their legal guns to stop attackers like this as well as rapists, robbers and killers? Or the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate has gone down 49%, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%, and our violent crime rate has gone down 72%..... you mean that benefit?
The crime rate in Germany has been falling for 30 years because Americans are stockpiling guns?
Crime rate in Germany lowest since 1992, but Seehofer still issues stern warning | DW | 08.05.2018
Why don`t I know one of the 156 million who used a gun to stop a rapist, robber or killer in my lifetime? I worked in a factory with 3,200 others, most of who were gun owners, not kooks like yourself, and I never heard of one of them stopping a rapist, robber, killer or even a jaywalker.

The CDC research showed 2.4 million defensive gun uses...I don't think they were against deer.

The Department of Justice shows 1.5 million defensive guns uses.... I don't think they were against deer.

I wouldn't trust the crime stats from Germany to save my life....
you yourself might have been victimized by a dangerous personality and never reported it. sadly, many people suffer in silence
You mean the 2.4 million times a year that Americans use their legal guns to stop attackers like this as well as rapists, robbers and killers? Or the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate has gone down 49%, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%, and our violent crime rate has gone down 72%..... you mean that benefit?
The crime rate in Germany has been falling for 30 years because Americans are stockpiling guns?
Crime rate in Germany lowest since 1992, but Seehofer still issues stern warning | DW | 08.05.2018
Why don`t I know one of the 156 million who used a gun to stop a rapist, robber or killer in my lifetime? I worked in a factory with 3,200 others, most of who were gun owners, not kooks like yourself, and I never heard of one of them stopping a rapist, robber, killer or even a jaywalker.

Just as I thought.....

Germany's Migrant Policy: Why Trump was Right

In an article meant as a rebuttal to President Trump's tweets, the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on June 19, 2018 admitted that the police crime report of 2017 showed a rise in homicide and sexual assault across the country.

The Süddeutsche Zeitung, while correctly maintaining that the crime report showed an overall drop of 9.6%, disclosed that, "The number of homicides rose by 3.2%" and "the number of sexual assaults had risen as well."

On June 8, 2018, German public broadcaster Südwestrundfunk (SWR) admitted that there was a "correlation between refugee influx and rising crime."
And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.

indeed liberal laws kept his severe mental illness from being reported

which of course had it happened he would have been barred

from purchasing firearms
You mean the 2.4 million times a year that Americans use their legal guns to stop attackers like this as well as rapists, robbers and killers? Or the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate has gone down 49%, our gun crime rate has gone down 75%, and our violent crime rate has gone down 72%..... you mean that benefit?
The crime rate in Germany has been falling for 30 years because Americans are stockpiling guns?
Crime rate in Germany lowest since 1992, but Seehofer still issues stern warning | DW | 08.05.2018
Why don`t I know one of the 156 million who used a gun to stop a rapist, robber or killer in my lifetime? I worked in a factory with 3,200 others, most of who were gun owners, not kooks like yourself, and I never heard of one of them stopping a rapist, robber, killer or even a jaywalker.

You fell for it...... they take all crime to show a drop.....but fail to isolate violent crime which went up....

Trumping Trump: The Truth About German Crime Statistics - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

here are initial research results for violent crimes such as murder, sex offenses and serious bodily harm. There was a 6.7 percent rise in such crimes from 2015 to 2016 following a steady decline from 2007 onwards.


There was a brief rise in the number of violent crimes reported in 2016, an increase that criminologists believe is connected to the wave of refugee arrivals.
And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.
Why did you label him as Anti Trump in your headline.l? Are you just making that up or do you have something to support that he was politically motivated and not just a mentally ill young man?

He posted on Reddit that he hated Trump.
Sounds to me like you are trying to associate him with other anti-trumpers... am I wrong?

Nope, he was a nut..... but I wanted to irritate you anti gunners with the same tactics you use in these mass public shootings when there is no connection to anything other than mental illness..... Thanks for reacting exactly as I knew you would....
Guess it makes you no better than those you despise if you are resorting to their tactics.
more folks have died from gun violence than American soldiers have died overseas this year

we need dont moments of silence, they arent working, we need moments of action

stop blaming mental illness. girls are mentally ill yet they dont shoot. people all over the world are mentally ill yet they dont shoot.

what is this thing with folks who are dumped by their girlfriends and their only option is to do a mass shooting. that's absurd!

And we have ample evidence from all over the world that gun bans simply don't work. If the laws you wish did there wouldn't be 130 dead from a terrorist attack in Paris. Gun bans only affect the law abiding. The criminals, and the deranged simply ignore those laws.
We have ample evidence from all over the world that gun bans limit gun deaths. EVERYWHERE.

No they don’t. Gun bans limit freedom & increase crime.
And here we have the same formula....left winger, on psychiatrict drugs.......

Report: Jacksonville Shooter Was Hospitalized For Mental Illness

Court records obtained by the Associated Press show that Katz was previously hospitalized in psychiatric facilities on two occasions and was prescribed anti-psychotic and anti-depression medication.

Other gamers who interacted with Katz described his “odd” behavior and “erratic” playing style and said he rarely spoke to fellow gamers.
Why did you label him as Anti Trump in your headline.l? Are you just making that up or do you have something to support that he was politically motivated and not just a mentally ill young man?

He posted on Reddit that he hated Trump.
Sounds to me like you are trying to associate him with other anti-trumpers... am I wrong?

Nope, he was a nut..... but I wanted to irritate you anti gunners with the same tactics you use in these mass public shootings when there is no connection to anything other than mental illness..... Thanks for reacting exactly as I knew you would....
Guess it makes you no better than those you despise if you are resorting to their tactics.

Nope...simply showing you how you do it....maybe if you see it in practice you will stop doing it...

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