Anti-vax Hillsong Church member Stephen Harmon, 34, dies of Covid

I remember they predicted millions dying from Ebola, because Obama didn't cut off travel from Africa. Instead of a travel ban, Obama limited entry to a few airports where he set up screening of incoming passengers.

And you're right. Their reaction all depends on who's running the show at the time.

Yeah I remember that too. Did anyone in the US even die? :auiqs.jpg:

You asked why Black people were not getting the vaccine and you claim to be Black. As a Black person that means you are either dumb or were never taught your history.

It's not a scapegoat, its a reason. Big difference. If someone is kicking me in the ass daily and then they suddenly give me a lollipop instead I am going to be very suspicious of that lollipop.
ah you think that the entire reason that nearly 75% of the Afrian-American community hasn't gotten the vaccine is simply because of history? Why do you think that distrust continues, even when people from all other races and around the world are getting the vaccine and are doing fine thus far?

You think it's simply because they don't trust white people? interesting. Ok...thanks for your opinion. What do you think can be done by the Admin and other State Govts to get African Americans to take the vaccine?


There could have been 200 million deaths. That's what they were playing with when they rolled the Ebola dice.
ah you think that the entire reason that nearly 75% of the Afrian-American community hasn't gotten the vaccine is simply because of history?
Well nothing is ever "simply" because of one reason. You have to break that out by asking the right questions. For example:

How many Blacks haven't gotten the vax because of mistrust of whites?
How many Blacks haven't gotten the vax due to accessibility issues?
How many Blacks are bootlicking Drumpf supporters and simply will not take the vax?

When you break that down then you see that of the entire group that haven't gotten the vax, some may want to get it but either haven't been able to or they are thinking it over.
There are things called FACTORS.
This person could have died from the vaccine. This person could have still caught covid. Could have still died.
You dont know. You just want to keep up the fear campaign.
Yea. A plane coulda fell on his head, but it didn’t. Covid killed him
Well nothing is ever "simply" because of one reason. You have to break that out by asking the right questions. For example:

How many Blacks haven't gotten the vax because of mistrust of whites?
How many Blacks haven't gotten the vax due to accessibility issues?
How many are Blacks are bootlicking Drumpf supporters and simply will not take the vax?

When you break that down then you see that of the entire group that haven't gotten the vax, some may want to get it but either haven't been able to or they are thinking it over.
Well I asked the question broadly, expecting more then one specific answer, but that's what you volunteered.

How many do you think simply don't trust the vaccine because of all the mistrust from 2020 that people like Harris (a person of color), Xiden, and folks like Cuomo spread? I mean if you already have some level of mistrust, and that is added...certainly it can't help.

With that said it's a rather large percentage of the population...very concerning. What do you think can be done to regain some of that trust?
Well nothing is ever "simply" because of one reason. You have to break that out by asking the right questions. For example:

How many Blacks haven't gotten the vax because of mistrust of whites?
How many Blacks haven't gotten the vax due to accessibility issues?
How many Blacks are bootlicking Drumpf supporters and simply will not take the vax?

When you break that down then you see that of the entire group that haven't gotten the vax, some may want to get it but either haven't been able to or they are thinking it over.
In addition, there is media and social media that may be directed at blacks, telling them about false dangers from the vaccine. We know that in 2016 foreign agents targeted blacks on social media.
Well I asked the question broadly, expecting more then one specific answer, but that's what you volunteered.

How many do you think simply don't trust the vaccine because of all the mistrust from 2020 that people like Harris (a person of color), Xiden, and folks like Cuomo spread? I mean if you already have some level of mistrust, and that is added...certainly it can't help.

With that said it's a rather large percentage of the population...very concerning. What do you think can be done to regain some of that trust?

What I cant understand is why you would ask a forum that is majority white racists why Black people wont do something especially since you claim you are Black?

Never heard Harris or Cuomo say anything against the vaccine once it was approved by real doctors and they both made it a point to make their vaxxing public. The repubs on the other hand are afraid to even say they got vaxxed. Not sure who xiden is?

No. If you want to be concerned you should be concerned about the enormous number of whites that havent been vaxxed which btw is triple the number of unvaxxed Blacks.
Blacks cant even be scared to take an experimental vaccine on their own.
No, it is white people.
Must suck to be such a miserable racist.
Yeah that would definitely stoke some of the mistrust the Black community has in the white establishment.
Think about it. They want a civil war, or a race war. And one way to foster it, is to target one side to avoid the vaccine, and give them all kinds of false claims why they need to avoid "the jab".

'The vaccine might hurt my fertility'

"So the false notion was that when you're making an immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, you also were inadvertently making a response to a placental protein -- which would then make you less likely to be fertile," Offit said.
Another one bites the dust, but this one did it w/an interesting flair...he tweeted that ‘I got 99 problems but a vax ain’t one’

I guess now he has no problems.

you seem happy about it. aren't you glad. You know what Malcolm X said about liberals don't you?
Think about it. They want a civil war, or a race war. And one way to foster it, is to target one side to avoid the vaccine, and give them all kinds of false claims why they need to avoid "the jab".

'The vaccine might hurt my fertility'

"So the false notion was that when you're making an immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, you also were inadvertently making a response to a placental protein -- which would then make you less likely to be fertile," Offit said.
Jesus Christ.
Another one bites the dust, but this one did it w/an interesting flair...he tweeted that ‘I got 99 problems but a vax ain’t one’

I guess now he has no problems.

Covid-19 is no respecter of persons. The quicker folk realize this, the better off they'll be.
Very sad. RIP

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