Anti-vax Hillsong Church member Stephen Harmon, 34, dies of Covid

Since 99% of the covid deaths are unvaxxed people thats not just a correct assumption, its a fact backed by science.

That 99% goes back to when people weren't vaccinated. I'm sure you've seen my links from Israel and UK, where the majority of hospitalizations and deaths are among the vaccinated right? Might come here, might not. But maybe I'd give up the bluster.

(At any rate, all these breakthrough cases might be the canary in the coal mine)

At any rate I hate all this political tap dancing over people's deaths
That 99% goes back to when people weren't vaccinated. I'm sure you've seen my links from Israel and UK, where the majority of hospitalizations and deaths are among the vaccinated right? Might come here, might not. But maybe I'd give up the bluster.

(At any rate, all these breakthrough cases might be the canary in the coal mine)

At any rate I hate all this political tap dancing over people's deaths
"That 99% goes back to when people weren't vaccinated."

No it doesn't. It goes back to when they started giving the vax.
What I cant understand is why you would ask a forum that is majority white racists why Black people wont do something especially since you claim you are Black?

Never heard Harris or Cuomo say anything against the vaccine once it was approved by real doctors and they both made it a point to make their vaxxing public. The repubs on the other hand are afraid to even say they got vaxxed. Not sure who xiden is?

No. If you want to be concerned you should be concerned about the enormous number of whites that havent been vaxxed which btw is triple the number of unvaxxed Blacks.
Well since whites make up the majority of the population…does it really matter where i ask? moreover i don’t know the races of all the posters. I welcome any insight on the topic.

White people, latino, and asians are all getting vaccined at greater numbers and percentages.

If you hadn’t heard Harris, Cuomo etc spread s
What I cant understand is why you would ask a forum that is majority white racists why Black people wont do something especially since you claim you are Black?

Never heard Harris or Cuomo say anything against the vaccine once it was approved by real doctors and they both made it a point to make their vaxxing public. The repubs on the other hand are afraid to even say they got vaxxed. Not sure who xiden is?

No. If you want to be concerned you should be concerned about the enormous number of whites that havent been vaxxed which btw is triple the number of unvaxxed Blacks.
Why not? I like this forum...and we are here to discuss politics and current events...also I don't know the race of any poster...well other then you and one other.

Really? Then you didn't pay much attention in 2020:
Harris said she wouldn't take it:
Cuomo: Andrew Cuomo: Americans Can’t Trust the FDA and CDC on a Vaccine | National Review
"Americans “should be” skeptical of any Covid vaccine the CDC/FDA clear for use"

Well whites, asians, and hispanics are all getting the vaccine in much greater numbers then African-Americans..much greater.
May I interject. Irresponsible coitus is the major cause of issues.
Irresponsible coitus was a matter of survival for whites during the ice age. They had to interbreed due to the low numbers. That has nothing to do with them not taking a shot now.
"That 99% goes back to when people weren't vaccinated."

No it doesn't. It goes back to when they started giving the vax.
Actually I believe the 97% to 99% is the current statistics that hospitals are giving out. They are monitoring the effectiveness of the vaccination, and just count how many of their COVID patients, were or weren't vaccinated. And the current numbers are eye opening.
Really? Then you didn't pay much attention in 2020:
Harris said she wouldn't take it:
Cuomo: Andrew Cuomo: Americans Can’t Trust the FDA and CDC on a Vaccine | National Review
"Americans “should be” skeptical of any Covid vaccine the CDC/FDA clear for use"

That was because as predicted President Trump threatened to fire the head of the FDA unless he approved the vaccine by friday afternoon (Dec 12, 2020)

They knew that Trump didn't have to integrity to put safety first.

That was also why they wanted independent verification of the data, which they got. After which they were 100% for the vaccine without hesitation.

Geeeez, this is the whole Fauci N95 mask argument all over again.

Who do you think is responsible for the scam and why are they doing it?
Globalists and Communists, and the media they control. Many in our own government. It is a power grab. It is about control and people like you that are so easily manipulated.
That was because as predicted President Trump threatened to fire the head of the FDA unless he approved the vaccine by friday afternoon (Dec 12, 2020)

They knew that Trump didn't have to integrity to put safety first.

That was also why they wanted independent verification of the data, which they got. After which they were 100% for the vaccine without hesitation.

Geeeez, this is the whole Fauci N95 mask argument all over again.
So the vaccine isn't safe is what you are saying?

who did the independent vertification? when?

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