Anti western cosplayers, don't let them to keep on ruining the Anime you love!


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.

Cosplay: the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga and anime.

I admit that I don't really read your posts carefully so please correct me if I'm wrong:

You're saying you don't like the way some people draw imaginary characters?

Don't look at them.

Problem solved.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.

Cosplay: the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga and anime.

I admit that I don't really read your posts carefully so please correct me if I'm wrong:

You're saying you don't like the way some people draw imaginary characters?

Don't look at them.

Problem solved.


I and other Anime fans like me obviously don't want to look at them but they just keep spreading their fail Cosplay pictures and videos all over the internet as if they are running for the next president.
They keep saying they are doing Cosplay for fun but by spreading their fails in public actually shows the Cosplay for attentions.
Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.

Cosplay: the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga and anime.

I admit that I don't really read your posts carefully so please correct me if I'm wrong:

You're saying you don't like the way some people draw imaginary characters?

Don't look at them.

Problem solved.


I and other Anime fans like me obviously don't want to look at them but they just keep spreading their fail Cosplay pictures and videos all over the internet as if they are running for the next president.
They keep saying they are doing Cosplay for fun but by spreading their fails in public actually shows the Cosplay for attentions.

How terribly tragic.

Perhaps wearing a blindfold would help.

Be brave and keep up the good fight.
Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.

Cosplay: the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game, especially one from the Japanese genres of manga and anime.

I admit that I don't really read your posts carefully so please correct me if I'm wrong:

You're saying you don't like the way some people draw imaginary characters?

Don't look at them.

Problem solved.


I and other Anime fans like me obviously don't want to look at them but they just keep spreading their fail Cosplay pictures and videos all over the internet as if they are running for the next president.
They keep saying they are doing Cosplay for fun but by spreading their fails in public actually shows the Cosplay for attentions.

How terribly tragic.

Perhaps wearing a blindfold would help.

Be brave and keep up the good fight.

The most awful thing is they also using Asian's tag, this cause peoples who specifically want to avoid seeing them such as by using the keyword "Asian Sakura Cosplay" on their search are also have to see their fail Cosplay.
Most cosplay in the USA does not involve anime. Themes of superhero, scifi (especially Star Wars), video games and general fantasy are more common. Check out the gencon costume parade.

The website mentioned in the OP is just ugly, endless rants about how much this one guy hates westerners, and not just because of the cosplay issue. I hope they aren't all a bunch of hypocrites there, and are just as vigorous about criticizing any asian who dresses up as a western character.
Most cosplay in the USA does not involve anime. Themes of superhero, scifi (especially Star Wars), video games and general fantasy are more common. Check out the gencon costume parade.

The website mentioned in the OP is just ugly, endless rants about how much this one guy hates westerners, and not just because of the cosplay issue. I hope they aren't all a bunch of hypocrites there, and are just as vigorous about criticizing any asian who dresses up as a western character.

1. Wrong, most cosplayers in the usa are cosplaying as Anime characters, you said that wrong info maybe because you don't have vast knowledge about the issue. See the evidence here where you will see most cosplayers from usa who Cosplay are prefer to Cosplay Anime characters. And did you see those over 40 list of Anime dedicated conventions in usa alone? I don't think there are even half of that number of conventions which dedicated for western characters in usa.

2. As for the site, you mean the group? One of the topic in the group already answer your question that they also don't like Asians imitating western characters because that is as wrong as western cosplayers imitating Asian characters which which will just ruin the characters and also racism like "black face" racism.
Shut the hell up asshopper.
I've already told you we dont give a flying fuck about japan!!
Keep making decent cars and electronics and we wont nuke you again.

Go tell that to the millions of americans who wish they are Asian where you can see hundreds thousands of them in
Shut the hell up asshopper.
I've already told you we dont give a flying fuck about japan!!
Keep making decent cars and electronics and we wont nuke you again.

Go tell that to the millions of americans who wish they are Asian where you can see hundreds thousands of them in

Millions of Americans want small dicks?:hellno:
Shut the hell up asshopper.
I've already told you we dont give a flying fuck about japan!!
Keep making decent cars and electronics and we wont nuke you again.

Go tell that to the millions of americans who wish they are Asian where you can see hundreds thousands of them in

Millions of Americans want small dicks?:hellno:

This news must be very surprising to you but that is the truth, most of those millions of westerners in america are females and like I have said you can see the evidence on the website I posted.
This entire post is an abomination. You think "Asians" have a right to cosplay? No, you're horribly mistaken. Only Japanese people have the right to cosplay. I gag when I find out some Korean or Chinese person has adopted our beloved cultural nuances, and it's even worse when they try to claim it as their own. Invent your own culture for heavens sake. Stop stealing ours. You say "Asian only?" You're dead wrong. It's Japanese only. We invented cosplay and anime. You Koreans and Chinese have absolutely no right to claim it under the umbrella of "Asian". In fact, you have less right than the westerners and caucasians. At least they invented animation, you just copied it and plagiarized it like you do with everything else. We need to start a movement to keep cosplay and anime out of the hands of Koreans and Chinese.
This entire post is an abomination. You think "Asians" have a right to cosplay? No, you're horribly mistaken. Only Japanese people have the right to cosplay. I gag when I find out some Korean or Chinese person has adopted our beloved cultural nuances, and it's even worse when they try to claim it as their own. Invent your own culture for heavens sake. Stop stealing ours. You say "Asian only?" You're dead wrong. It's Japanese only. We invented cosplay and anime. You Koreans and Chinese have absolutely no right to claim it under the umbrella of "Asian". In fact, you have less right than the westerners and caucasians. At least they invented animation, you just copied it and plagiarized it like you do with everything else. We need to start a movement to keep cosplay and anime out of the hands of Koreans and Chinese.

Nope, those peoples including me who claim Anime based on Asians never claim them based on Chinese, Korean, etc so your argument is invalid. Your argument will be valid if Japanese don't think themselves as Asian, for example by getting out of the East Asia Summit or not participating in the ASIAN Games which is a sport competition between Asians only. Go tell Japanese to join european soccer league or something to make your comments valid, mwahahaha
Anyway keep trying to wish you are a Japanese, I have seen many wannabe Asians on the internet, most of them claim they are Japanese, probably due to the high influence of Anime in the west.
What about anime characters that aren't Asian? A good portion of the Fullmetal Alchemist cast is based on a European like society. How about people that like to cosplay Pokémon? Those aren't human at all.
What about anime characters that aren't Asian? A good portion of the Fullmetal Alchemist cast is based on a European like society. How about people that like to cosplay Pokémon? Those aren't human at all.

Story setting especially in a movie never automatically reflected on the characters, the story may said the characters to be from outside Asia but their appearance are just like other Anime characters which said to be from Asia. This mean no matter what the story setting is Anime characters always based on Asians appearances. Actually this is kind of not a smart thing to do about going against what Japanese believed like you just did because Japan is the center of Anime.

As for Anime characters obviously the one that apply by this topic is the human characters and not just any characters you see in Anime so peoples who are not Asian can still imitate non human characters in Anime because they will not automatically end up ruining the characters and their action will not be racism against Asians.

Anyway, are you registered to this forum just to be able to reply this topic? I have see 2 new members including you who did the same thing.
Yeah I registered to reply. Riza Hawkeye has blond hair and blue and she is supposed to be Asian? If someone not from the west cosplays as the Avengers should I be offended? I'm not.


I think this group did an amazing job with their costumes and should be applauded for their work.

What about video games? Kingdom Hearts is my favorite game series and I cosplay a character from it. That has Disney characters and Final Fantasy characters in it? Am I only allowed to do a Disney character?

I think people should do what makes them happy as long as it doesn't harm someone else. If you think that me cosplaying is harmful to you I'm sorry but I wont be stopping any time soon.

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