Anti western cosplayers, don't let them to keep on ruining the Anime you love!

I can't believe this guy keeps coming back. :rolleyes-41: Does he realize that nobody takes him seriously at all?

Look mister, nobody cares about your stupid cartoon characters! Grow up!
I can't believe this guy keeps coming back. :rolleyes-41: Does he realize that nobody takes him seriously at all?

Look mister, nobody cares about your stupid cartoon characters! Grow up!
I care as far enjoying anime, but I do not care about his crusade against any non Asian cosplayers. Ironically, I've seen some Westerners (as he calls them) that have done cosplays that are just as good or even better than Asian cosplayers. Also, I bet some people do take him seriously, but then they're just as disturbed as he is.
I can't believe this guy keeps coming back. :rolleyes-41: Does he realize that nobody takes him seriously at all?

Look mister, nobody cares about your stupid cartoon characters! Grow up!
I care as far enjoying anime, but I do not care about his crusade against any non Asian cosplayers. Ironically, I've seen some Westerners (as he calls them) that have done cosplays that are just as good or even better than Asian cosplayers. Also, I bet some people do take him seriously, but then they're just as disturbed as he is.

Fair points. :) I'm directing my statements towards the OP alone, and not anyone else. This person is obviously obsessed with these cartoon characters.
Racism? Racism? You know nothing of racism until you have been discriminated against your race, until you know what it is like to have an entire NATION against you. You live in an Asian country, surrounded by people like you. You experience NO racism where you live.
Here? In America. It's all you know. White people will never experience racism in America because the definition of racism is: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
  • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    And in America, the white population is superior. In Japan, in China, in Taiwon and etc. you will never experience racism. You say we are making a mockery out of you? That this is basically black face. Do you understand the concept of black face. Black face is a MOCKERY because of the history they had. Because they were made fools on television. Because white people treated them poorly and they are making fun of them. They purposely made their lips big, their eyes weird colors, their skin beyond dark and rough, and they made them look stupid and most "black" characters back then were PORTRAYED as retarded animals. Not even human beings. THAT is why black face is racist. But cosplaying as an anime character, IS NOT. They are not purposely making fun of Asians simply because they wanted to dress up as an anime character who is not even Asian. But because an Asian man made it, it automatically means it is restricted to only Asians. If that's the case, then stop fantasizing over Disney characters. So many animes of remakes of Alice and Wonderland. A book created from a white man, and a movie created by a RACIST white man. The only way westerners can be racist is if they made a mockery of you. Is if they made their faces yellow, intentionally squinted their eyes and copied your accent in an awful manner.
    You wanna talk about this is being RACIST? We can talk about racism. Have your people ever been separated from their loved ones, their own flesh and blood, their own CHILDREN and killed. Simply because of their religion or because of they way they look. Or have you ever had to fight for your own country against white people because they claimed they found this land. Or in South Africa, the Dutch came and took over the entire country. Taking everything and had the nerve to give them Apartheid laws. In America, during World War II, they took Japanese people and put them in communities only for them. But America never killed them. It never became into a genocide. No, Hitler took the Jews, made them wear pin stars of their religion, then forcefully captured them and threw them into ghettos. I am not saying it was okay for America to do that, because it is not. But that is most that has happened to the Japanese. Because they never starved them, they never beat them, they never threw them into a gas chamber and burned them alive. They did this to kids who were under 6. 6 years old.
    Now let's talk about Modern time. I am a Hispanic, female. Already I am casted as a minority in my country. I look Italian and therefore people think I'm not good enough for that particular race. Because I am not "Spanish" enough. (And no, I have never cosplayed either, but I do love the Japanese culture.) Now enough about me, you have never been pulled over because of your skin color. But my mother was. They made a bullshit reason and had two police cars behind her. All for speeding. And an officer behind her had a gun behind our car because they thought she was reaching for a weapon when it was her driving license. You have never been scared to go outside because your black and it's night time, and if a police officer sees you they'll shoot you. You have never been deemed as a terrorist because of your religion or what you believe in. You have never been beaten up because you're a certain race or what you believe in. You have never been asked, "why are you here?" In a store because they think you're too poor to pay for anything, because you're a minority. You wanna pull the race card? You know nothing of racism if you live in a country when it's just your own race. So don't sit here and complain that westerners are racist because of cosplaying a character an Asian man made. And even still, Asians aren't discriminated against that much in America. Not like Muslims, or Mexicans, or illegal immigrants, or refugees, or Latinos or black people in general are. They are not mocking you in a threatening manner. Just because they don't look like that character, doesn't mean they're making a mockery out of it.
Racism? Racism? You know nothing of racism until you have been discriminated against your race, until you know what it is like to have an entire NATION against you. You live in an Asian country, surrounded by people like you. You experience NO racism where you live.
Here? In America. It's all you know. White people will never experience racism in America because the definition of racism is: the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
  • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    And in America, the white population is superior. In Japan, in China, in Taiwon and etc. you will never experience racism. You say we are making a mockery out of you? That this is basically black face. Do you understand the concept of black face. Black face is a MOCKERY because of the history they had. Because they were made fools on television. Because white people treated them poorly and they are making fun of them. They purposely made their lips big, their eyes weird colors, their skin beyond dark and rough, and they made them look stupid and most "black" characters back then were PORTRAYED as retarded animals. Not even human beings. THAT is why black face is racist. But cosplaying as an anime character, IS NOT. They are not purposely making fun of Asians simply because they wanted to dress up as an anime character who is not even Asian. But because an Asian man made it, it automatically means it is restricted to only Asians. If that's the case, then stop fantasizing over Disney characters. So many animes of remakes of Alice and Wonderland. A book created from a white man, and a movie created by a RACIST white man. The only way westerners can be racist is if they made a mockery of you. Is if they made their faces yellow, intentionally squinted their eyes and copied your accent in an awful manner.
    You wanna talk about this is being RACIST? We can talk about racism. Have your people ever been separated from their loved ones, their own flesh and blood, their own CHILDREN and killed. Simply because of their religion or because of they way they look. Or have you ever had to fight for your own country against white people because they claimed they found this land. Or in South Africa, the Dutch came and took over the entire country. Taking everything and had the nerve to give them Apartheid laws. In America, during World War II, they took Japanese people and put them in communities only for them. But America never killed them. It never became into a genocide. No, Hitler took the Jews, made them wear pin stars of their religion, then forcefully captured them and threw them into ghettos. I am not saying it was okay for America to do that, because it is not. But that is most that has happened to the Japanese. Because they never starved them, they never beat them, they never threw them into a gas chamber and burned them alive. They did this to kids who were under 6. 6 years old.
    Now let's talk about Modern time. I am a Hispanic, female. Already I am casted as a minority in my country. I look Italian and therefore people think I'm not good enough for that particular race. Because I am not "Spanish" enough. (And no, I have never cosplayed either, but I do love the Japanese culture.) Now enough about me, you have never been pulled over because of your skin color. But my mother was. They made a bullshit reason and had two police cars behind her. All for speeding. And an officer behind her had a gun behind our car because they thought she was reaching for a weapon when it was her driving license. You have never been scared to go outside because your black and it's night time, and if a police officer sees you they'll shoot you. You have never been deemed as a terrorist because of your religion or what you believe in. You have never been beaten up because you're a certain race or what you believe in. You have never been asked, "why are you here?" In a store because they think you're too poor to pay for anything, because you're a minority. You wanna pull the race card? You know nothing of racism if you live in a country when it's just your own race. So don't sit here and complain that westerners are racist because of cosplaying a character an Asian man made. And even still, Asians aren't discriminated against that much in America. Not like Muslims, or Mexicans, or illegal immigrants, or refugees, or Latinos or black people in general are. They are not mocking you in a threatening manner. Just because they don't look like that character, doesn't mean they're making a mockery out of it.

Wow, that post was as stupid as the OP.

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