Anti western cosplayers, don't let them to keep on ruining the Anime you love!

This is silly. It's cartoons and people dressing up as cartoon characters. Get a grip and get a life.
This is silly. It's cartoons and people dressing up as cartoon characters. Get a grip and get a life.

Silly for you but not for hundreds millions of peoples.

Stop your crying. Who in the hell cares about silly anime cartoons? Anime totally sucks anyways. :rolleyes-41: It's all so dramatic and silly. That must be why you nerds love it so.

Give me Scooby Doo, Bugs Bunny or any of the old time funny cartoons any day. :happy-1: Your anime crap has RUINED cartoons.
Can't forget about Sylvester and Tweety! :tongue: Just some of MY favorite cartoons. Most of these were made long before I was born, but I can appreciate good and funny cartoons, and because of that I can see that anime is nothing but a bunch of overly dramatic crapola . . .

Or should I say "Thuffering Thuccotash!" :lol:

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Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

"Wrong doing "?
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.
Thousands of you democrats made the KKK as well not jealous of ether
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.

You should visit Japan once in a while to see the real thing of what actually happen in the Anime Cosplay world.
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.

You should visit Japan once in a while to see the real thing of what actually happen in the Anime Cosplay world.
you need to get a life
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.

You should visit Japan once in a while to see the real thing of what actually happen in the Anime Cosplay world.

"The real thing" is a real country where the vast, vast majority of people are not obsessed otaku weirdos like you. Most people have real lives and don't give a crap about your strange fixation. Seek help.
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.

You should visit Japan once in a while to see the real thing of what actually happen in the Anime Cosplay world.

I would love to visit Japan someday, but it wouldn't be because of anime. Lol.
Anti western cosplayers channel [ see how many Asians and Anime fans from around the world who participated and agreed with the movement ]
Don't you feel sad and insulted when you see the Anime characters you love are cosplayed [ read : RUINED ] by those who look nothing like the Anime characters you love? The Anime characters you love have small nose but those sicko [ yes they are sicko and you will soon find out why ] have big long nose, the Anime characters you love have round face but those sicko have square face, the Anime characters you love have smallish body form while those sicko have big wide body form, etc those sicko look nothing like the Anime characters you love but those sicko don't care as long as they said they can have fun, they have fun from your suffering.

Other than ruining Anime [ doing bad Cosplay = ruining Anime ] which hurt millions of Anime fans, the reason for this movement is to stop western cosplayers racism towards Asians. Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians [ why only Asians look good cosplaying Anime characters ], imitating other race is racism such as the "black face" racism.

This is how good Anime Cosplay are supposed to be which western cosplayers never able to achieve to this day and forever [ as have been said Anime characters are not based on westerners so it is just impossible to see good western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters ] :


From hundreds millions Anime fans in the world the one who don't like western cosplayers the most are Japanese, not only because Japanese prefer cuteness for many things including appearance [ westerners are not cute including for Japanese ] but also because Japanese believe westerners look very different from Anime characters. Just check this Japanese toys which making fun of westerners face :

Especially check the 2D character on the toy's background which based on westerners appearance, did you see how very different that western character is compared to Anime characters? That western characters just look like the cartoon characters which westerners made based on themselves.

And this is Japanese depiction of westerners in reality which depicted on Japanese ads :

That is just one example from many other Japanese ads like that. As you can see Japanese believe that westerners have small deep set eyes, big long nose, square face, square jaw and big wide body form which are all the opposite of Anime characters big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

How to participate in the anti western cosplayers movement :
. By following the anti western cosplayers channel, the more peoples who follow the channel then the more pressure the western cosplayers who see the channel's videos will feel that their action of cosplaying Anime characters are really wrong. This will also cause them to stop thinking that they can just do whatever they want, many western cosplayers who insist on cosplaying Anime characters is because they [ they said it themselves ] think they can just do whatever they want.
2. By joining the anti western cosplayers group [ ], the reasons is the same as above.
3. The best way is by making your own videos, blogs, topics, etc which told or mention that western cosplayers cosplaying Anime characters will only ruin the Anime characters which hurt many Anime fans feelings and their action also a form of racism against Asians.

To all western cosplayers :
. Who said they Cosplay for fun, are you having fun by doing racism towards Asians and by hurting Anime fans? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers want to have fun then do it by not causing any harm to other peoples because having fun by causing harm is what sicko always do.
2. Who said they Cosplay to show their love for Anime, are you showing your love by ruining the one you claim to love? If yes then that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your love for Anime then do it the right way by supporting Anime such as by buying Anime DVD or other Anime related items or at least don't cause any harm to Anime which you western cosplayers claim to love.
3. Who said they Cosplay to show their appreciation for Asians, are you showing your appreciation by doing racism to the one you claim you appreciate? If yes then again that is sick and if no then stop your wrong doing. If you western cosplayers really want to show your appreciation for Asians for making all the Anime you love then do it the right way such as by buying Asians made products or at least don't cause any harm towards Asians.

As for other westerners, know that this movement is not against westerners as a race but only against western cosplayers who Cosplay as Anime/Asian characters, this movement even have no issue with western cosplayers who want to use the term Cosplay but without cosplaying as Anime/Asian characters [ Cosplay originally mean imitating Anime/Asian characters ] and instead choosing to Cosplay as cartoon/western characters. This movement obviously not against westerners who watch Anime, read Manga, listen to Asian music, eating Asian food, doing Asian fashion, speaking in Asian language etc because all of that are not causing any harm towards Asians or what belong to Asians. So this movement against western cosplayers are not because they are westerners [ this is not a racist movement ] but because western cosplayers are ruining and will always ruining Anime characters which hurt millions of Anime fans and also because western cosplayers action are racism towards Asians.

Good Anime Cosplay will always make many peoples who are fans of the characters happy, while bad fail Cosplay will only make many peoples sad which in turn start to dislike the Anime they before love because their fantasy are ruined by the bad fail Cosplay they see of the Anime characters they love, only Asian cosplayers can Cosplay Anime characters.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.

You should visit Japan once in a while to see the real thing of what actually happen in the Anime Cosplay world.

"The real thing" is a real country where the vast, vast majority of people are not obsessed otaku weirdos like you. Most people have real lives and don't give a crap about your strange fixation. Seek help.

Too bad you have no idea what you are talking about, the big majority of Japanese are Anime fans including adults, yea they maybe not on the Otaku level but they are fans.
I wonder if you even know what Otaku actually mean because you just keep blabbering nonsense.
Thats a long post just to say you are a racist.

You are just angry that thousand of Asians and Anime fans have banded together to stop westerners racism and wrong doing against Asians.

Yes, everyone is angry about a bunch of losers who dress up like cartoon characters . . . . :boohoo: You wish you were so relevant.

You should visit Japan once in a while to see the real thing of what actually happen in the Anime Cosplay world.

"The real thing" is a real country where the vast, vast majority of people are not obsessed otaku weirdos like you. Most people have real lives and don't give a crap about your strange fixation. Seek help.

Too bad you have no idea what you are talking about...

I really do, and you really need to get out of the basement and see a shrink in the real world.
I love anime.... Have since Battle of the galaxy or gatchman in the 70's. Most of us who love Anime are not like the repulsive idiot racist OP. What a fucking moron.

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