Anti western cosplayers, don't let them to keep on ruining the Anime you love!

It turns out another kid who can't face the truth have appeared again on this topic, he/she claiming things up but unable to prove any of it such as how there are westerners who looks like Asians.

This topic seems to have been recommened over 500 x and many of it seems to go to the racist western cosplayers, while I have searched that most of them are "kids", no in age but in mentality.
7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.

You are a strange, pathetic little otaku.
Once again, keep trying, but you are still racist as all get out. And this movement is being looked at the same as the Westboro Baptist Church; IE: you're an idiot that couldnt show anything but hate if your life depended on it.
The racist western cosplayers who ruin Anime and being racist against Asians are whining about the peoples who are against their wrong doing.
1. My brother in law is part Thai. How about that?
2. I doubt they'll care
3. Not all westerns are racist against Asians. And dressing up as an anime character isn't racist because anime characters don't exist. Do you even know what racism is? Here's the definition:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does dressing up as an anime character show that that person thinks that they are superior to someone? I would think that they wouldn't dress up as someone who they think is beneath them.
4. Well, that's puzzling. How can you hurt someone who doesn't have a physical body or feelings?
5. Makes perfect sense to me. I AM NOT RACIST! You're Japanese? Great! You could be Chinese. That's great too. You could be Korean. Guess what? That's also great. I love you as a fellow human being, dammit!
6. As well as you should protect those you love and care about. But, those that you are protecting, don't exist. They aren't going to care if someone cosplays badly as them. If you were trying to protect real people, that would be different.
7. Hey, if I cloud afford to visit Japan and see the anime scene, I would. Who knows. maybe I'd even join you and your cause. But, as for now, I'm stuck in this country that sadly has a bed rep going for it. Maybe you could enlighten me.

1. Part Thai still mean he have Asian blood, I can see you actually not believe there are westerners who excatly look like Asian, you just keep speaking nonsense they exist because you can't accept the truth of this movement.

2. Just see the over 500 recommend this topic got, not to mention the one posted on other forums, sites, etc.

3. Exist or not, Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians. It is like you are imitating a character from a movie then said that character not exist, really lame logic you use. And insulting other race is also racism, using wikipedia is only what peoples who have common sense will do. Do you know why "black face" is racist? That is the same reason why imitating Anime characters is racist, except black face is for african.

4. You are not hurting the Anime characters but you are ruining their image, reputation, etc which the fans of those characters have in their mind. Just like the image you have about your parents or other peoples you love and respect that exist in your mind. It is not about the issue the characters exist or not but about what you are doing is causing harm to other peoples or you are violating other peoples rights.

5. You earlier said about Japanese find westerners attractive while the Japanese marriage data shows the opposite, that is what shows you don't make any sense with what you said before.

6. Again this is not a matter of exist or not but a matter of you are violating other peoples rights and causing harm to them. And if you insist about that not exist stuff then you should stop trying to stop this movement because those characters you love so much including to imitate are not really exist according to what you said so what you are doing is pointless.

7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.
1. You misunderstand me. I know there are some westerners that look exactly Asian. MY brother in law, DOES look Asian with his eye shape.
2. I meant that I doubt that westerns cosplayers will care.
3. I really doubt that they are trying to imitate Asians when they cosplay. Have you ever asked one, two or a lot of them why they cosplay? Or do you just assume that they do it to insult Asians?
4. Well, in America, when you dress as someone else and it's not to done to benefit them in anyway, it isn't harmful. Like at costume parties, where people dress up as other characters just to have fun and enjoy each other's friendship
5. No, I said Asians, not just the Japanese.
6. I'm not trying to stop your movement. I'm just curious to what it's all about. Someone showed me your very first post on my FaceBook and I got curious. So here I am.
7. Are they in English, because I can't read Japanese. Sorry

1. You can't any post any evidence such as pics mean that you are just speaking nonsense, as for your brother in law he have Asian looking eyes obviously because he have some Asian blood in him. Anyway, just the eyes will never count, you have to be able to show at least just westerners 1 who look similar to the Asian cosplayer I posted in this topic original post to prove your nonsense is not nonsense.

2. I don't care what western cosplayers think about this movement, what I care the most for this movement is more Asians know about this and other westerners who not doing the crimes listed in this movement to also know about this.

3. They admit it or not they imitate characters which made based on Asians, remember action is louder than words.

4. Nonsense, someone who imitate african even for not profit reason is still labeled as racist in america,

5. What the Japanese feel and think is typically represent what other Asians feel and think, in fact the number is much lower in China and Korea, there is probably not even 1 Chinese or Korean guy who marry with westerners in 2014.

6. In the end you care so much about this issue that you register only to be able to post in here to try to stop this movement, you admit it or not but what you have been doing is trying to prove this movement is wrong.

7. 2chan is in Japanese language, a reliable other source about Japan that I know is and but those 2 rarely speak about westerners, there are probably many more which I don't know. You can simply use google to see what Japanese think about westerners for example search using the keyword - westerners in Japanese ads -, it will show you what Japanese believes of how westerners are supposed to look like, or maybe you can read blogs from westerners who have visited Japan but they can't be that much reliable because many maybe just posting things to please their viewers and not really from their experience.

Anyway, the only way to stop this movement is by proving Anime characters not based on Asians or Japanese not believe Anime characters based on Asians.
1. I'm not about to post photos of a family member just to prove my point to some stranger.
2. That doesn't pass for a crime in America
3. Not all anime characters are based on Asians. Some of them are even based on westerners or Americans.
4. No, it doesn't. I don't think you know are laws very well. Besides, there are black people who dress up like white people. They even put on make up to appear white. I've seen it done plenty of time on tv for Saturday Night Live or for some movies.
5. Just because the numbers are low, that doesn't mean it's not true.
6. You seem to only read what you want to see. I said I'm not trying to stop your movement.
7. Ok

1. Lame excuse, if not your family members than other hundreds millions of westerners, or what you are going to make more lame excuse by saying "only my family members the westerners who look like Asians", mwahahaha

2. Your country america is not the center of this world, if you truly believe in what you believe in then just ignore this movement because you know you can do whatever you want in america huh?

3. Nonsense, Anime would be ruined if the characters are based on westerners. See the latest evidence I posted from the Shingeki No Kyojin live action.

4. You speak things that do not exist, in america you still called as racist when you imitate african no matter for what reason and in what occasion, it is just westerners imiating Asians as racism is not yet a well know issue in america.

5. When you said Asians find westerners attractive then you have to prove at least 51% Asians prefer to marry with westerners, not even 1% Asians who marry with westerners, you can use other evidence from Cosplay but it is the same that almost all Asians who Cosplay are prefer to imitate Anime/Asian characters and not cartoon/western characters. So where is the fact of Asians find westerners attractive? In your hallucination.

6. Your action speak louder than your lame excuse, so far what you have been doing is trying to prove the reason which this movement use to fight for is wrong. You can't prove any of it wrong because Anime characters based on Asians will never change as long as Japanese still find Asians appearance as the attractive appearance.

Anyway tell your buddies to read all the nonsense you posted in here so they can stop spreading this topic's links to other racist western cosplayers, no matter how many of you come and try to stop this movement will never work because so far I never see any of the racist western cosplayers providing facts to their reasoning, in fact I mostly see them as kkk members who blatantly claim Anime characters based on westerners.
Fine, you want photographic proof? Here you go.

That's him in the back row, second from the left with my little sister, his wife. And next to him in the blue shirt, is his father with his mother seated on the left. Followed by his sister and her husband. You can take a guess at who the rest are. Point is, there are indeed Asians and westeners who are happily married to each other and in love.
2. Du~h! It ain't? Gee wilikers, I wouldn't ever have guessed that the US ain't the center of the universe. No shit, Sherlock! The reason why I said America is because you keep referring to us as westerners and since I have no knowledge on which to base cosplaying on in regard to other western countries that may or may not have cosplaying conventions, the US is the only reference I can go by. So excuse me if I was unaware of you accusing other western countries of your misguided view of what racism really is.
3. I doubt any Japanese animators or manga writers are concerned about that. I didn't bother to watch that, but I'll assume it's about casting white/westerners in Asian roles and that you're complaining about that too. Guess what? I agree with you. Did you ever see the King of Fighters live action movie?If not, they completely botched it. They cast some white guy named Shawn (or Sean, I don't remember off hand) Harris as Kyo Kusanagi, a Japanese character from the game by the same name. What the heck, I said. And there were a lot of other things wrong with the movie, but there's too much to list. Also, the live action DBZ movie had a white actor cast as Goku. Again, what the heck? But, I wouldn't call that racist, just bad casting.
4.Actually, they do exist. As seen here: White Like Me Saturday Night Live - Yahoo Screen and here's another example of blacks acting like white people: And yet another example: and no body tooted their horn and screamed "That's racist!" because it was obviously done in humor. And I'm sure that a lot of white and black people laugh their asses off at them.
The numbers, highlighted in yellow, speak for themselves. Also, you weren't specific if they were male or female.
I got that from here: By the Numbers Dating Marriage and Race in Asian America - IMDiversity
Scroll half way down to see it. That way you can't say that I just pulled out of my ass.
6. No, I'm just trying to show you that not all westerners are bad people. That the cosplayers here are more than likely not even thinking of being racist. That just because you dress up as a person of another culture, that you aren't being racist. After all, there's Japanese citizens who wear American and other cultures inspired clothing and also impersonate us. I've seen Japanese impersonations of Elvis Presley, an westerner or more specifically, American. You've got Japanese actors dressed as Ronald McDonald, an American mascot for the McDonald's fastfood chain and as Spider-man too. Two of which that are fictional like a majority of your anime characters. And I bet you that for Tokyo Disney or Disney Tokyo (which ever you like), there are Japanese employees in those Micky Mouse, Pluto, Donald Duck or what have you in those costumes. But, do you see anybody over here throwing a fit about it? I doubt it and if they are, then they're just as bad as you are. Just as I can't prove that anything that you say is wrong, except for the Japanese marrying Americans part (see number 5), you can't prove that anything thing I say is wrong either.

I have shown this to several of my friends and they all agree that there is no sense in this movement of yours. None of them see anything of nonsense except from what you have to say. And two of them are Japanese while the other three are Korean. Basically, they think you're an expert troll with nothing better to do than to see how many people you can fool into this movement of yours. The KKK I know quite well and as far as I know, not once have they ever worn a costume to appear as an Asian or any other race. In fact, they're more like cowards because the often hide who the y are by wearing those pointy face covering hoods. Just so you know, I don't support the KKK or any group that thinks that race is superior to all other races. Yes, some Americans were racist way back then, but over time racist views and opinions have died down over the years. In the end, I bet you'll just come up with some lame and as you fondly like to say, "nonsense" counterpoint. The way I see is that you can't accept that your cause is unjust, pointless and that you can't handle the truth of the points that I have backed up with actual evidence. You have shown nothing to anyone that cosplaying as any ethical group is a racist thing to do. And even if you could, what would you do? Write a letter pleading that western governments cease and desist cosplaying and to make it illegal to do so in conventions? I'm pretty sure they would say "What the hell is this? we;ve got better things to worry about!" Well, I've made my points over and over. But, I'm sure that it was all in vain, like beating a dead horse or talking to a brick wall. I've wasted enough time with this. But hey, if you some how win and ban cosplay from the western world, I'll give you a thumbs up, a pat on the back and a 1st place blue ribbon and tell you what a top notch job you have done. Final point, just because you dress up as someone else, that doesn't meant that you think that you're better than them. As Sovereign from Mass Effect said, "This exchange, is over..." :D
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Read this too, Kajune. First, I change my mind. I'm not finished with you yet, so this "exchange" is not yet over second, I meant the person sitting on the right of my brother in law's father. Made a little tpyo there. Anyways, look at this. A Japanese game show about Japanese people impersonating famous singers. Some of which, are "westerners" on a game show. Hypocrite much? You blame us for cosplaying as characters who represent Asians and specifically the Japanese regardless if they don't exist as you said yourself. But, then here we've got Japanese singers cosplaying and impersonating people who still or at one time, exist. Now, I personally don't give a damn about it, but that would seem to be even more of an insult to cosplay and or impersonate someone who is made of flesh and blood than it would to cosplay and or impersonate somebody who doesn't exist. I have to assume that you live in Japan, so I have to ask this. Why care about how westerners cosplay as anime characters when you and other anime fans live clear across the other side of the planet? You talk about westerner cosplayers giving a bad image to this or that anime, so when you get to see it first on your own televisions and movie theaters before it is show to us months or even years later, why care about us cosplaying as them? Oh, of course, the internet is the answer isn't it? I guess I answered my second question myself. Still, that doesn't excuse what's going on in the above video. Chew on that for a while.
It's time to dig into my back of Asians cosplaying as fictional American characters bag. *rummages around and begins to pull out photo after photo after photo...* Now, I admit that I don't know where or when these cosplayers were located. But, unless I need my eyes checked, these are Asian (not just Japanese) cosplayers. Also, before we begin, I must apologize for the size of some of the photos and this huge post. And that I don't mind the cosplay attempts at all. This is just to show that the accusations you are making against us "westerners" can go both ways. This was also done under the impression that it doesn't matter if the cosplayer's costume is "bad" or "good", just their ethnicity.
Standard_WEB46.jpg we've got a guy cosplaying as Captain America *Gasp! Metal Gear Solid ! sound effect* If we follow your logic of people cosplaying as fictional characters (that includes anime, which is what you call your animated tv/movies and manga, which is pretty much is what you call your comic books or graphic novels. So, for us that would be, cartoon = animated tv/movie and comic = comic books. Just to be clear. Get it? Got it? Good!) being a insult to that said character's race or ethnicity, then this guy just pimped slapped America with this "bad cosplay". No clue who that girl is supposed to be. Third person is cosplaying as Robin, Batman's faithful side punch, I mean side kick. And what in all that is sacred is that? A blow up doll disguised as Deadpool!? o_O As for the person in the background, it looks like "Deadpool" is attached to their back somehow.
It's Psylocke of Marvel comics! I admit, that Asian girl is gorgeous, but none the less! She is cosplaying as an fictional American character.
An Asian girl dressed in a Star Wars Stromtrooper's armor that has been modified. I bet she went to that Starbucks too.
Ka-blam! Another beautiful Asian girl dressed as a Night Elf from World of Warcraft which is developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment which is located in Irvine, California. Therefore, American.
Another Marvel character cosplayed by an Asian person, Scarlet Witch.
Um...I'm not sure what this is about. But, that is some one who is Asian cosplaying as Spider-man.
Looks like there could've been some Asian Stormtroopers tromping around on the Death Star.
I wonder what "These aren't the droids you're looking for" in Japanese would be.
DC's Wonder Woman. Cool looking cosplay, I have to say.
The Monarch and Doctor Lady from Adult Swim's The Venture Brothers. I can't really tell about the guy, but that lady is most certainly Asian.
This is the last photo I dug out of my bag. Now, seeing as I am a huge Superman fan, I could take this as an insult. Just like how you claim that westerners cosplaying as anime characters are insults to you and your like, I could say "Hey! That Asian guy dressed as my all time favorite superhero hurts my feelings! He has damaged the image of Superman with that 'bad cosplay' attempt at being Superman! I'm going to throw a fit about it! Also, DC and Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster (Superman's creators RIP) should be offended!" Superman is the essential symbol of "Truth, justice and the American way and this Asian cosplaying as him is like another huge pimp slap to America...IF...we go by your weird logic of cosplaying as a fictional or non-fictional character is an insult. Well, howdy doodie! Though I think this costume is a down right laugh riot, it doesn't offend me in the least. Look at that! He's wearing black dress shoes! LoL xD I can't speak for all Americans, but I bet most of them wouldn't even bat an eye at the above cosplays of American characters by Asian people. In fact, I bet some of us are inspired to cosplay by your cosplayers and I will admit, hand to God, that some of your cosplayers have amazingly well done costumes. Again, this is just to show you that just like us cosplaying as anime or manga characters, you are (as proven by the above photos) also cosplaying as our fictional characters. The only difference is, we aren't insulted. It is not to try to stop your movement, just tell you that you should concentrate your efforts on the real racists out there. Not on harmless cosplaying. Cosplayers should be your least of concerns, but racists who openingly admit that they are and commit actual crimes, like murder or rape for racist reasons. You bring up the KKK a lot. Yeah, go after them. Leave the cosplayers alone, they aren't hurting you physically at least. There's a popular saying that goes, "One bad grape could ruin the whole bunch." Please don't judge all western cosplayers just by a few bad cosplay costumes. In fact, why not teach those of us who don't cosplay as well as you or others do how to cosplay better? The End
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Amongs all the morally pathetic peoples I don't like is hypocrite that I hate more than thief or other criminals like that, I don't deal with hypocrite who said he/she no longer have interest on this movement but continue super hard to try to prove this movement wrong, who call this movement is trolling but keep trying super hard to prove this movement wrong, etc other sore losers nonsense like that.
Amongs all the morally pathetic peoples I don't like is hypocrite that I hate more than thief or other criminals like that, I don't deal with hypocrite who said he/she no longer have interest on this movement but continue super hard to try to prove this movement wrong, who call this movement is trolling but keep trying super hard to prove this movement wrong, etc other sore losers nonsense like that.
I tried to reason with and be nice with you, but I guess I failed. You're not one to speak of moralistic values with your incorrect views of westerners and why we love cosplaying. If you hate hypocrites, then you should hate yourself. If you represent the Japanese culture, then you have brought shame upon yourself and them by blaming westerners for imitating the Japanese, when the Japanese are imitating westerners. As I have proven in the above video. You keep saying that I'm trying to prove that your "movement" is wrong. I don't give a damn about your movement, but your lies about westerners. No, I'll say it one last time and if it doesn't get through your thick skull by now, I don't know what will. I am simply proving to you that your misconceptions of westerners is wrong. We're not all the same looking, we're not all racist and we're not all trying to ruin anime. You exhibit many signs of trolling: Your knowledge of America/westerners and her people is based on "facts" that you can't prove. The reason of "because we can" or "because I love that anime/character" isn't proof of racism. You are intolerant to the fact that someone opposes you. You think that the Japanese or any Asian culture is better than westerners. You can't handle being proven wrong on some facts. Like the fact that the Japanese do imitate westerners and western fictional characters. You also keep using the same old tired "facts" that you claim to be true, but yet can't provide positive proof for. One really shouldn't blame another who does the same thing that they are also guilty for. You also selectively ignore points that prove you wrong and certain things that are said to you. Like, I said that I changed my mind and decided to continue this conversation with you. You also can't accept the truth when it contradicts your beliefs and ideals about Americans/westerners. I have come to these conclusions: You are either a single troll that spreads their lies about the west all over the internet just to piss people off. I bet you there are lot of Asians that don't agree with your twisted views of the west. Or you are part of a group of trolls who are taking trolling to the extreme for the same reason stated above. Or you're someone who has been convinced/brain washed by another troll or trolls into believing that their views of the west must be true instead of thinking for yourself. Or that you are part of a group of people who take this "movement" of yours seriously and if that's true, then you and your kind are a bunch of pathetic sore losers. They are much worse things in the world than bad cosplay and this phantom belief that westerner cosplayers are cosplaying just to be racist and piss you off. I would tell you what, but I'm sure you would just ignore, twist and misinterpret everything I had to say just so it makes you look good and help you feel like that you're the "good guy" in this situation. I am thoroughly convinced that you are the racist, the intolerable, the ignorant, the arrogant and the bigoted one. You go ahead with your stupid little movement. As for me and my friends, we will continue to cosplay till the sun explodes. Have a nice life...of which I'm sure you don't have much of.

PS I promise you that you won't hear from me again on this because I would just be wasting my and your time.
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Asians are youthful

Are you able to guess the real age of the Asian girl you see? Are you saying she is 8 years old? 10 years old? 12 years old? No, all of those are wrong because her real age is 20 years old. Asians who are in their 20's are still look like in their teens when compared to westerners while westerners who are in their teens are look like in their 20's when compared to Asians. Asians are capable of looking 10 - 20 years much more younger just like that Asian girl you just see who even by Asian own age standard are supposed to look like 12 years old moreover by westerners age standard she would look like 8 years old, in some case Asians could even look 25 years much younger.

western cosplayers look too old to Cosplay as Anime characters.
western cosplayers never able to achieve this level of Cosplay splendidness


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