Anti western cosplayers, don't let them to keep on ruining the Anime you love!

You are INCREDIBLY racist... So because we don't look like an asian person, you are going to discriminate against us and tell us that we aren't allowed to dress up as a fictional character because we aren't pretty enough?? And then you call us racist?? My god. You sat there and said we all look exactly the same, with big noses, square heads, and ugly looks. You are so racist against westerners that I can't quite wrap my head around it. Shame on you... You sit here and try and shame westerners for the way we look... Something we can't control. How would you like it if I started making fun of the way you look? How would you like it if I called you ugly simply because of what race you are? How about I tell you that you are not pretty or special enough to dress up as a fictional character?

There is a special place in hell for racist assholes like you.

1. The reason westerners can't Cosplay Anime/Asian characters is not because of they are westerners or because of who they are born as but because :
- They only end up ruining Anime characters because they don't look like the characters.
- Their action is similar to "black face" so what they are doing is racism against Asians.

2. The point is not some, most, etc westerner have big long nose, square face, etc but the point is no westerners who look like Asian so when they imitate Asian characters they only cause those 2 things I mentioned before.

3. Yes no one can control how they are going to be born but that is not giving them rights to commit crimes, peoples who are born poor can't justify stealing by saying they can't help being born poor. Accept who you are and don't do things that cause harm to other peoples. And no one here calling westerners ugly, you seems try so hard to dramatize this issue because you hate this so much that you will do anything to stop it even by spreading nonsense about this movement.
Interesting. I have to ask, so how is someone cosplaying harming you? How is it racist to temporary look like another person who doesn't exist?

So someone who badly imitate the one you love and respect such as your lover, parents, etc are not hurting you? And imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians.
If someone dressed as a family member or whoever and didn't do anything that would be considered as immoral, I would laugh at them.

In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?
Interesting. I have to ask, so how is someone cosplaying harming you? How is it racist to temporary look like another person who doesn't exist?

So someone who badly imitate the one you love and respect such as your lover, parents, etc are not hurting you? And imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians.

How about this:

Asians dye their hair different colors that resemble westerners... THEY ARE BEING RACIST!!

Anime characters have red hair/blonde hair instead of black... RACIST!!!

You sound utterly ridiculous, and nothing you have said will ever make you sound less of a racist bigot.

1. The Asians who did that never said they do it to imitate westerners, so you only making nonsense. Someone who dye their hair will never automatically mean they imitate another race because hair color is not used to determine someone race or appearance.

2. You know nothing about Anime, the reason Anime characters have non-black colors is to make them easier to recognize and to represent their elements for Mahou [ magic ] genre Anime. You can read this in more detail at Anti Western Cosplayers View topic - What we Asians truly believe of how you westerners look like

Anyway trying to insult me will never work, you maybe not know this but I have been in this movement for more than 8 years now so I have seen most of things I need to continue this movement, you can say I have eat enought salt from this movement so anymore have no more effects on me.
Red heads, like me, are generally thought of to be of Irish decent or purely Irish. Last time I checked, Irish people are considered to be white, which is a race.
Blondes could be Swedish or Norwegian. Two races that are white. Huzzah!
Brown haired people, could be just about any race, African, Mexican, Hispanic, British and yes, even Asian.

So you continue to fight for a hopeless cause? You're tenacious, I'll give you that much.

Are you fail to see that yellow, red, brown and other color you claim as westerners only hair color is not the only non-black colors in Anime?

What about the green, orange, etc other hair colors in Anime then? Must be based on westerners hair color too huh? Like I said hair colors in Anime used to make characters easier to recognize because Anime characters appearance are basicly look the same with one another. As for the reason why their appearance is basicly the same is to make them look appealing for Japanese.
Uh, what? That first question confused me. I guess English isn't your first language and that's understandable, but I don't know what you trying to ask. Yellow hair, well I see that as blonde. Well, those are unnatural hair colors, which are made by using hair dye. I never said those were westerns hair colors. I didn't even mention them until you did. I know that different hair colors are used for diversity.
I realize my name has Yagami in it. But that is because it's from Yagami Iori of the King of Fighters game which I have been a fan of since 1995. Also, I should mention that I enjoy anime (though I don't cosplay myself), that I find the Japanese culture to be fascinating to which I would like to learn more about. I am also an American citizen of the US and that I am proud to be a person who respects others for who they are regardless of their race, religion or gender. I'm not trying boast, nor do I want you to think that I'm trying to be rude to you, but that I am trying to teach you a thing or two.

Anyways, I have a few points to make to you:
1. Not all westerners look the same. Some of them happen to be of Asian (including Japanese) decent.
2. It's ironic that you're complaining on a web site that I'm assuming is American made because of it's title U(nited) S(tates) Message Board when you're, I'm just guessing here, Japanese or at least Asian.
3. Not all cosplayers dress as anime characters. Some cosplay as game, tv, movie and sometimes even real people for example. I once saw a guy cosplaying as Stan Lee
4. "Imitation is the highest form of flattery". People who cosplay as an anime character or one of the things that I mentioned above, is probably a fan of said example. Even if they don't have that great of a costume.
5. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Some Asians, even Japanese, find western people to be attractive or pretty. Some of them are even married to each other. What a shocker, huh?
6. I don't think there's anything wrong with pride, but when you let it blind you to reality and lead down a path of willing ignorance, bigotry, racist views and arrogance, then that's when a line has to be drawn. I also don't think there's anything wrong with not liking some cosplay you have seen and trust me, I've seen some pretty bad cosplayers. Just as long as it doesn't turn you into a jerk.
7. If your goal is to stop all westerners from cosplaying, then I'm afraid it's an impossible task because there are thousands upon thousands of western cosplayers.
8. How about you make a trade with us? Convince your government to give the United States their McDonald's, their Mickey Mouse inspired clothing, their sense of clothing style (Rockabilly, imitation of 1950's "grease monkeys") the national American past time known as baseball, sports jerseys or anything else that is American that has been integrated into the Japanese society. Then, we'll stop cosplaying as your precious fictional, nonexistent, not physically harming anybody by looking like them, anime characters. Until then, we'll continue to cosplay the HELL out of them.

I suggest you think about those points and re-evaluate your view on western cosplayers. Other than that, ja mata ne! :D

1. Obviously but are there any of them who look like Asian so that they won't ruining the Anime/Asian characters when they try to imitate those characters? You know bad Cosplay = ruining the characters = hurting the fans of those characters, not to mention the bad side effect on the show which could hurt the business aspects.

2. Because I know most of this forums viewers are westerners so I put this issue in the right place.

3. This anti western cosplayers movement only against western cosplayers who imitate Anime/Asian characters, anything than that is not an issue to this movement. You should read the original post in more detailt.

4. Nope, that phrase is not true especially to us Asians. Imitation is crimes, for example if make an imitating of something then sell it, you imitate an actor/actress to get money, you imitate a police or army personel, etc including you imitate a character while the result is bad then you are ruining that character image.

5. That is nonsense, just read this Anti Western Cosplayers Japanese marriages also proves Anime characters based on Asians , your mindset is the reason why kkk still exist to this day because they falsely believe their race is superior so that they automatically believe anyone else must look up and bow down to them.

6. Without pride, humans are just animals without shame.

7. There is a bigger purpose behind this movement.

8. If you have problem with those issue then make those movement, I myself not doing or wearing any of the things you mentioned.

And peoples who cimmit crimes are not deserving any respect,
anyway you are the 8th members who register just to be able to reply this topic.
1. Yes, there are. I have seen Asian cosplayers many times.
2. Why? What's the point of showing them this? Are you trying to gather support or just piss them off?
3. So you have nothing better to do than to whine and complain about non-Asians dressing up as people who don't exist?
4. Did I mention anything about trying to sell a product or imitate authority figures? No, I don't think I did. I can see your point about ruining someone's good image, but when they don't I've seen some pretty bad cosplayers. as I mentioned, but that didn't stop and make me think, "Oh, that anime must really suck because that cosplayer's costume sucks."
5. Did you not read that part where I said, "I am proud to be a person who respects others for who they are regardless of their race, religion or gender."? Obviously, I don't have the mindset of some pitiful KKK member.
6. Completely missed the point on that one, didn't you? I don't have a clue how you got "no pride" out of that one.
7. I see. I just think you're making a big deal out of something that doesn't have much of an impact on your world. There are much worse things out there to have a movement against. Like, slavery, starvation, the mistreatment of women in the mid-east to name a few.
8. Good for you then. You're being yourself.

1. Why not show that so called westerners who look like Asian? See how many peoples who are going to laught at you in here after showing it, and posting someone who have Asian blood in them will only prove you wrong.

2. To inform the westerners who are not cosplayers imitating Anime/Asian characters about the wrong doing of the westerners who imitate Anime/Asian characters.

3. Nah, I'm agants westerners racism and other wrong doing against Asians.

4. Exist or not Anime characters are loved by hundreds millions of peoples in the world, many Anime fans even go as far as to claim certain Anime characters as their wife or husband. Especially in Japan, the numbers of fanatic Anime fans is much higher. Exist or not you still hurt them when you badly imitate the one they love and respect.

5. You don't make any sense, what you said earlier contradicts the facts I posted which you are speaking nonsense.

6. There is no blind pride stuff with the Proud Asian who run this movement, it is just about peoples who fight to protect those they care about and love.

7. If this really have not much impact then how come you yourself register just to be able to reply this? You are a streotype, you haven't see the real scene especially in Japan as the center of Anime yet.
1. My brother in law is part Thai. How about that?
2. I doubt they'll care
3. Not all westerns are racist against Asians. And dressing up as an anime character isn't racist because anime characters don't exist. Do you even know what racism is? Here's the definition:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does dressing up as an anime character show that that person thinks that they are superior to someone? I would think that they wouldn't dress up as someone who they think is beneath them.
4. Well, that's puzzling. How can you hurt someone who doesn't have a physical body or feelings?
5. Makes perfect sense to me. I AM NOT RACIST! You're Japanese? Great! You could be Chinese. That's great too. You could be Korean. Guess what? That's also great. I love you as a fellow human being, dammit!
6. As well as you should protect those you love and care about. But, those that you are protecting, don't exist. They aren't going to care if someone cosplays badly as them. If you were trying to protect real people, that would be different.
7. Hey, if I cloud afford to visit Japan and see the anime scene, I would. Who knows. maybe I'd even join you and your cause. But, as for now, I'm stuck in this country that sadly has a bed rep going for it. Maybe you could enlighten me.

1. Part Thai still mean he have Asian blood, I can see you actually not believe there are westerners who excatly look like Asian, you just keep speaking nonsense they exist because you can't accept the truth of this movement.

2. Just see the over 500 recommend this topic got, not to mention the one posted on other forums, sites, etc.

3. Exist or not, Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians. It is like you are imitating a character from a movie then said that character not exist, really lame logic you use. And insulting other race is also racism, using wikipedia is only what peoples who don't have common sense will do. Do you know why "black face" is racist? That is the same reason why imitating Anime characters is racist, except black face is for african.

4. You are not hurting the Anime characters but you are ruining their image, reputation, etc which the fans of those characters have in their mind. Just like the image you have about your parents or other peoples you love and respect that exist in your mind. It is not about the issue the characters exist or not but about what you are doing is causing harm to other peoples or you are violating other peoples rights.

5. You earlier said about Japanese find westerners attractive while the Japanese marriage data shows the opposite, that is what shows you don't make any sense with what you said before.

6. Again this is not a matter of exist or not but a matter of you are violating other peoples rights and causing harm to them. And if you insist about that not exist stuff then you should stop trying to stop this movement because those characters you love so much including to imitate are not really exist according to what you said so what you are doing is pointless.

7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.
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1. The reason westerners can't Cosplay Anime/Asian characters is not because of they are westerners or because of who they are born as but because :
- They only end up ruining Anime characters because they don't look like the characters.
- Their action is similar to "black face" so what they are doing is racism against Asians.

2. The point is not some, most, etc westerner have big long nose, square face, etc but the point is no westerners who look like Asian so when they imitate Asian characters they only cause those 2 things I mentioned before.

3. Yes no one can control how they are going to be born but that is not giving them rights to commit crimes, peoples who are born poor can't justify stealing by saying they can't help being born poor. Accept who you are and don't do things that cause harm to other peoples. And no one here calling westerners ugly, you seems try so hard to dramatize this issue because you hate this so much that you will do anything to stop it even by spreading nonsense about this movement.
Interesting. I have to ask, so how is someone cosplaying harming you? How is it racist to temporary look like another person who doesn't exist?

So someone who badly imitate the one you love and respect such as your lover, parents, etc are not hurting you? And imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians.
If someone dressed as a family member or whoever and didn't do anything that would be considered as immoral, I would laugh at them.

In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
So someone who badly imitate the one you love and respect such as your lover, parents, etc are not hurting you? And imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians.

How about this:

Asians dye their hair different colors that resemble westerners... THEY ARE BEING RACIST!!

Anime characters have red hair/blonde hair instead of black... RACIST!!!

You sound utterly ridiculous, and nothing you have said will ever make you sound less of a racist bigot.

1. The Asians who did that never said they do it to imitate westerners, so you only making nonsense. Someone who dye their hair will never automatically mean they imitate another race because hair color is not used to determine someone race or appearance.

2. You know nothing about Anime, the reason Anime characters have non-black colors is to make them easier to recognize and to represent their elements for Mahou [ magic ] genre Anime. You can read this in more detail at Anti Western Cosplayers View topic - What we Asians truly believe of how you westerners look like

Anyway trying to insult me will never work, you maybe not know this but I have been in this movement for more than 8 years now so I have seen most of things I need to continue this movement, you can say I have eat enought salt from this movement so anymore have no more effects on me.
Red heads, like me, are generally thought of to be of Irish decent or purely Irish. Last time I checked, Irish people are considered to be white, which is a race.
Blondes could be Swedish or Norwegian. Two races that are white. Huzzah!
Brown haired people, could be just about any race, African, Mexican, Hispanic, British and yes, even Asian.

So you continue to fight for a hopeless cause? You're tenacious, I'll give you that much.

Are you fail to see that yellow, red, brown and other color you claim as westerners only hair color is not the only non-black colors in Anime?

What about the green, orange, etc other hair colors in Anime then? Must be based on westerners hair color too huh? Like I said hair colors in Anime used to make characters easier to recognize because Anime characters appearance are basicly look the same with one another. As for the reason why their appearance is basicly the same is to make them look appealing for Japanese.
Uh, what? That first question confused me. I guess English isn't your first language and that's understandable, but I don't know what you trying to ask. Yellow hair, well I see that as blonde. Well, those are unnatural hair colors, which are made by using hair dye. I never said those were westerns hair colors. I didn't even mention them until you did. I know that different hair colors are used for diversity.

The point is yellow, red, brown and other color you claim as westerners only hair color is not the only non-black hairs in Anime, this mean that those colors not automatically mean the characters who have it based on westerners.

Did you realize that the characters who have black, yellow, red, green, etc other colors typically have similar facial & body form [ big narrow set eyes, small nose, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form ]?
Interesting. I have to ask, so how is someone cosplaying harming you? How is it racist to temporary look like another person who doesn't exist?

So someone who badly imitate the one you love and respect such as your lover, parents, etc are not hurting you? And imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians.
If someone dressed as a family member or whoever and didn't do anything that would be considered as immoral, I would laugh at them.

In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
No, I said "if" that happened. I never said that it actually. And besides, who are you to tell me how to react to something?
So someone who badly imitate the one you love and respect such as your lover, parents, etc are not hurting you? And imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians because the characters are based on Asians.
If someone dressed as a family member or whoever and didn't do anything that would be considered as immoral, I would laugh at them.

In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
No, I said "if" that happened. I never said that it actually. And besides, who are you to tell me how to react to something?

No difference, you still got hurt when other peoples badly imitate your parents or other peoples you love and respect. Any normal peoples will feel the same, the same goes for Anime fans who see certain Anime characters as the one they love and respect, some even go to the extreme of claiming certain Aniem characters as their wife or husband especially in Japan.
I realize my name has Yagami in it. But that is because it's from Yagami Iori of the King of Fighters game which I have been a fan of since 1995. Also, I should mention that I enjoy anime (though I don't cosplay myself), that I find the Japanese culture to be fascinating to which I would like to learn more about. I am also an American citizen of the US and that I am proud to be a person who respects others for who they are regardless of their race, religion or gender. I'm not trying boast, nor do I want you to think that I'm trying to be rude to you, but that I am trying to teach you a thing or two.

Anyways, I have a few points to make to you:
1. Not all westerners look the same. Some of them happen to be of Asian (including Japanese) decent.
2. It's ironic that you're complaining on a web site that I'm assuming is American made because of it's title U(nited) S(tates) Message Board when you're, I'm just guessing here, Japanese or at least Asian.
3. Not all cosplayers dress as anime characters. Some cosplay as game, tv, movie and sometimes even real people for example. I once saw a guy cosplaying as Stan Lee
4. "Imitation is the highest form of flattery". People who cosplay as an anime character or one of the things that I mentioned above, is probably a fan of said example. Even if they don't have that great of a costume.
5. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Some Asians, even Japanese, find western people to be attractive or pretty. Some of them are even married to each other. What a shocker, huh?
6. I don't think there's anything wrong with pride, but when you let it blind you to reality and lead down a path of willing ignorance, bigotry, racist views and arrogance, then that's when a line has to be drawn. I also don't think there's anything wrong with not liking some cosplay you have seen and trust me, I've seen some pretty bad cosplayers. Just as long as it doesn't turn you into a jerk.
7. If your goal is to stop all westerners from cosplaying, then I'm afraid it's an impossible task because there are thousands upon thousands of western cosplayers.
8. How about you make a trade with us? Convince your government to give the United States their McDonald's, their Mickey Mouse inspired clothing, their sense of clothing style (Rockabilly, imitation of 1950's "grease monkeys") the national American past time known as baseball, sports jerseys or anything else that is American that has been integrated into the Japanese society. Then, we'll stop cosplaying as your precious fictional, nonexistent, not physically harming anybody by looking like them, anime characters. Until then, we'll continue to cosplay the HELL out of them.

I suggest you think about those points and re-evaluate your view on western cosplayers. Other than that, ja mata ne! :D

1. Obviously but are there any of them who look like Asian so that they won't ruining the Anime/Asian characters when they try to imitate those characters? You know bad Cosplay = ruining the characters = hurting the fans of those characters, not to mention the bad side effect on the show which could hurt the business aspects.

2. Because I know most of this forums viewers are westerners so I put this issue in the right place.

3. This anti western cosplayers movement only against western cosplayers who imitate Anime/Asian characters, anything than that is not an issue to this movement. You should read the original post in more detailt.

4. Nope, that phrase is not true especially to us Asians. Imitation is crimes, for example if make an imitating of something then sell it, you imitate an actor/actress to get money, you imitate a police or army personel, etc including you imitate a character while the result is bad then you are ruining that character image.

5. That is nonsense, just read this Anti Western Cosplayers Japanese marriages also proves Anime characters based on Asians , your mindset is the reason why kkk still exist to this day because they falsely believe their race is superior so that they automatically believe anyone else must look up and bow down to them.

6. Without pride, humans are just animals without shame.

7. There is a bigger purpose behind this movement.

8. If you have problem with those issue then make those movement, I myself not doing or wearing any of the things you mentioned.

And peoples who cimmit crimes are not deserving any respect,
anyway you are the 8th members who register just to be able to reply this topic.
1. Yes, there are. I have seen Asian cosplayers many times.
2. Why? What's the point of showing them this? Are you trying to gather support or just piss them off?
3. So you have nothing better to do than to whine and complain about non-Asians dressing up as people who don't exist?
4. Did I mention anything about trying to sell a product or imitate authority figures? No, I don't think I did. I can see your point about ruining someone's good image, but when they don't I've seen some pretty bad cosplayers. as I mentioned, but that didn't stop and make me think, "Oh, that anime must really suck because that cosplayer's costume sucks."
5. Did you not read that part where I said, "I am proud to be a person who respects others for who they are regardless of their race, religion or gender."? Obviously, I don't have the mindset of some pitiful KKK member.
6. Completely missed the point on that one, didn't you? I don't have a clue how you got "no pride" out of that one.
7. I see. I just think you're making a big deal out of something that doesn't have much of an impact on your world. There are much worse things out there to have a movement against. Like, slavery, starvation, the mistreatment of women in the mid-east to name a few.
8. Good for you then. You're being yourself.

1. Why not show that so called westerners who look like Asian? See how many peoples who are going to laught at you in here after showing it, and posting someone who have Asian blood in them will only prove you wrong.

2. To inform the westerners who are not cosplayers imitating Anime/Asian characters about the wrong doing of the westerners who imitate Anime/Asian characters.

3. Nah, I'm agants westerners racism and other wrong doing against Asians.

4. Exist or not Anime characters are loved by hundreds millions of peoples in the world, many Anime fans even go as far as to claim certain Anime characters as their wife or husband. Especially in Japan, the numbers of fanatic Anime fans is much higher. Exist or not you still hurt them when you badly imitate the one they love and respect.

5. You don't make any sense, what you said earlier contradicts the facts I posted which you are speaking nonsense.

6. There is no blind pride stuff with the Proud Asian who run this movement, it is just about peoples who fight to protect those they care about and love.

7. If this really have not much impact then how come you yourself register just to be able to reply this? You are a streotype, you haven't see the real scene especially in Japan as the center of Anime yet.
1. My brother in law is part Thai. How about that?
2. I doubt they'll care
3. Not all westerns are racist against Asians. And dressing up as an anime character isn't racist because anime characters don't exist. Do you even know what racism is? Here's the definition:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does dressing up as an anime character show that that person thinks that they are superior to someone? I would think that they wouldn't dress up as someone who they think is beneath them.
4. Well, that's puzzling. How can you hurt someone who doesn't have a physical body or feelings?
5. Makes perfect sense to me. I AM NOT RACIST! You're Japanese? Great! You could be Chinese. That's great too. You could be Korean. Guess what? That's also great. I love you as a fellow human being, dammit!
6. As well as you should protect those you love and care about. But, those that you are protecting, don't exist. They aren't going to care if someone cosplays badly as them. If you were trying to protect real people, that would be different.
7. Hey, if I cloud afford to visit Japan and see the anime scene, I would. Who knows. maybe I'd even join you and your cause. But, as for now, I'm stuck in this country that sadly has a bed rep going for it. Maybe you could enlighten me.

1. Part Thai still mean he have Asian blood, I can see you actually not believe there are westerners who excatly look like Asian, you just keep speaking nonsense they exist because you can't accept the truth of this movement.

2. Just see the over 500 recommend this topic got, not to mention the one posted on other forums, sites, etc.

3. Exist or not, Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians. It is like you are imitating a character from a movie then said that character not exist, really lame logic you use. And insulting other race is also racism, using wikipedia is only what peoples who have common sense will do. Do you know why "black face" is racist? That is the same reason why imitating Anime characters is racist, except black face is for african.

4. You are not hurting the Anime characters but you are ruining their image, reputation, etc which the fans of those characters have in their mind. Just like the image you have about your parents or other peoples you love and respect that exist in your mind. It is not about the issue the characters exist or not but about what you are doing is causing harm to other peoples or you are violating other peoples rights.

5. You earlier said about Japanese find westerners attractive while the Japanese marriage data shows the opposite, that is what shows you don't make any sense with what you said before.

6. Again this is not a matter of exist or not but a matter of you are violating other peoples rights and causing harm to them. And if you insist about that not exist stuff then you should stop trying to stop this movement because those characters you love so much including to imitate are not really exist according to what you said so what you are doing is pointless.

7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.
1. You misunderstand me. I know there are some westerners that look exactly Asian. MY brother in law, DOES look Asian with his eye shape.
2. I meant that I doubt that westerns cosplayers will care.
3. I really doubt that they are trying to imitate Asians when they cosplay. Have you ever asked one, two or a lot of them why they cosplay? Or do you just assume that they do it to insult Asians?
4. Well, in America, when you dress as someone else and it's not to done to benefit them in anyway, it isn't harmful. Like at costume parties, where people dress up as other characters just to have fun and enjoy each other's friendship
5. No, I said Asians, not just the Japanese.
6. I'm not trying to stop your movement. I'm just curious to what it's all about. Someone showed me your very first post on my FaceBook and I got curious. So here I am.
7. Are they in English, because I can't read Japanese. Sorry
If someone dressed as a family member or whoever and didn't do anything that would be considered as immoral, I would laugh at them.

In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
No, I said "if" that happened. I never said that it actually. And besides, who are you to tell me how to react to something?

No difference, you still got hurt when other peoples badly imitate your parents or other peoples you love and respect. Any normal peoples will feel the same, the same goes for Anime fans who see certain Anime characters as the one they love and respect, some even go to the extreme of claiming certain Aniem characters as their wife or husband especially in Japan.
Did you clearly read what I said? I said IF. As in, I was speaking in hypothetical terms. No one ever really, actually did imitate anybody I know. And still, if they did I would not care, because I know that they aren't REALLY my parents, or friends or another family member. They are just pretenders. I would just ignore them them. It would NOT hurt me or them if someone did that. I would be like "Oh, you're imitating my mom. How nice for you. Bye now." I'm confident in myself and those who concern me that I wouldn't let that bother me.

Wait...what? They claim people who aren't real to be their husband or wife? Wouldn't they rather be married to a real human being instead?
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1. Obviously but are there any of them who look like Asian so that they won't ruining the Anime/Asian characters when they try to imitate those characters? You know bad Cosplay = ruining the characters = hurting the fans of those characters, not to mention the bad side effect on the show which could hurt the business aspects.

2. Because I know most of this forums viewers are westerners so I put this issue in the right place.

3. This anti western cosplayers movement only against western cosplayers who imitate Anime/Asian characters, anything than that is not an issue to this movement. You should read the original post in more detailt.

4. Nope, that phrase is not true especially to us Asians. Imitation is crimes, for example if make an imitating of something then sell it, you imitate an actor/actress to get money, you imitate a police or army personel, etc including you imitate a character while the result is bad then you are ruining that character image.

5. That is nonsense, just read this Anti Western Cosplayers Japanese marriages also proves Anime characters based on Asians , your mindset is the reason why kkk still exist to this day because they falsely believe their race is superior so that they automatically believe anyone else must look up and bow down to them.

6. Without pride, humans are just animals without shame.

7. There is a bigger purpose behind this movement.

8. If you have problem with those issue then make those movement, I myself not doing or wearing any of the things you mentioned.

And peoples who cimmit crimes are not deserving any respect,
anyway you are the 8th members who register just to be able to reply this topic.
1. Yes, there are. I have seen Asian cosplayers many times.
2. Why? What's the point of showing them this? Are you trying to gather support or just piss them off?
3. So you have nothing better to do than to whine and complain about non-Asians dressing up as people who don't exist?
4. Did I mention anything about trying to sell a product or imitate authority figures? No, I don't think I did. I can see your point about ruining someone's good image, but when they don't I've seen some pretty bad cosplayers. as I mentioned, but that didn't stop and make me think, "Oh, that anime must really suck because that cosplayer's costume sucks."
5. Did you not read that part where I said, "I am proud to be a person who respects others for who they are regardless of their race, religion or gender."? Obviously, I don't have the mindset of some pitiful KKK member.
6. Completely missed the point on that one, didn't you? I don't have a clue how you got "no pride" out of that one.
7. I see. I just think you're making a big deal out of something that doesn't have much of an impact on your world. There are much worse things out there to have a movement against. Like, slavery, starvation, the mistreatment of women in the mid-east to name a few.
8. Good for you then. You're being yourself.

1. Why not show that so called westerners who look like Asian? See how many peoples who are going to laught at you in here after showing it, and posting someone who have Asian blood in them will only prove you wrong.

2. To inform the westerners who are not cosplayers imitating Anime/Asian characters about the wrong doing of the westerners who imitate Anime/Asian characters.

3. Nah, I'm agants westerners racism and other wrong doing against Asians.

4. Exist or not Anime characters are loved by hundreds millions of peoples in the world, many Anime fans even go as far as to claim certain Anime characters as their wife or husband. Especially in Japan, the numbers of fanatic Anime fans is much higher. Exist or not you still hurt them when you badly imitate the one they love and respect.

5. You don't make any sense, what you said earlier contradicts the facts I posted which you are speaking nonsense.

6. There is no blind pride stuff with the Proud Asian who run this movement, it is just about peoples who fight to protect those they care about and love.

7. If this really have not much impact then how come you yourself register just to be able to reply this? You are a streotype, you haven't see the real scene especially in Japan as the center of Anime yet.
1. My brother in law is part Thai. How about that?
2. I doubt they'll care
3. Not all westerns are racist against Asians. And dressing up as an anime character isn't racist because anime characters don't exist. Do you even know what racism is? Here's the definition:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does dressing up as an anime character show that that person thinks that they are superior to someone? I would think that they wouldn't dress up as someone who they think is beneath them.
4. Well, that's puzzling. How can you hurt someone who doesn't have a physical body or feelings?
5. Makes perfect sense to me. I AM NOT RACIST! You're Japanese? Great! You could be Chinese. That's great too. You could be Korean. Guess what? That's also great. I love you as a fellow human being, dammit!
6. As well as you should protect those you love and care about. But, those that you are protecting, don't exist. They aren't going to care if someone cosplays badly as them. If you were trying to protect real people, that would be different.
7. Hey, if I cloud afford to visit Japan and see the anime scene, I would. Who knows. maybe I'd even join you and your cause. But, as for now, I'm stuck in this country that sadly has a bed rep going for it. Maybe you could enlighten me.

1. Part Thai still mean he have Asian blood, I can see you actually not believe there are westerners who excatly look like Asian, you just keep speaking nonsense they exist because you can't accept the truth of this movement.

2. Just see the over 500 recommend this topic got, not to mention the one posted on other forums, sites, etc.

3. Exist or not, Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians. It is like you are imitating a character from a movie then said that character not exist, really lame logic you use. And insulting other race is also racism, using wikipedia is only what peoples who have common sense will do. Do you know why "black face" is racist? That is the same reason why imitating Anime characters is racist, except black face is for african.

4. You are not hurting the Anime characters but you are ruining their image, reputation, etc which the fans of those characters have in their mind. Just like the image you have about your parents or other peoples you love and respect that exist in your mind. It is not about the issue the characters exist or not but about what you are doing is causing harm to other peoples or you are violating other peoples rights.

5. You earlier said about Japanese find westerners attractive while the Japanese marriage data shows the opposite, that is what shows you don't make any sense with what you said before.

6. Again this is not a matter of exist or not but a matter of you are violating other peoples rights and causing harm to them. And if you insist about that not exist stuff then you should stop trying to stop this movement because those characters you love so much including to imitate are not really exist according to what you said so what you are doing is pointless.

7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.
1. You misunderstand me. I know there are some westerners that look exactly Asian. MY brother in law, DOES look Asian with his eye shape.
2. I meant that I doubt that westerns cosplayers will care.
3. I really doubt that they are trying to imitate Asians when they cosplay. Have you ever asked one, two or a lot of them why they cosplay? Or do you just assume that they do it to insult Asians?
4. Well, in America, when you dress as someone else and it's not to done to benefit them in anyway, it isn't harmful. Like at costume parties, where people dress up as other characters just to have fun and enjoy each other's friendship
5. No, I said Asians, not just the Japanese.
6. I'm not trying to stop your movement. I'm just curious to what it's all about. Someone showed me your very first post on my FaceBook and I got curious. So here I am.
7. Are they in English, because I can't read Japanese. Sorry

1. You can't any post any evidence such as pics mean that you are just speaking nonsense, as for your brother in law he have Asian looking eyes obviously because he have some Asian blood in him. Anyway, just the eyes will never count, you have to be able to show at least just westerners 1 who look similar to the Asian cosplayer I posted in this topic original post to prove your nonsense is not nonsense.

2. I don't care what western cosplayers think about this movement, what I care the most for this movement is more Asians know about this and other westerners who not doing the crimes listed in this movement to also know about this.

3. They admit it or not they imitate characters which made based on Asians, remember action is louder than words.

4. Nonsense, someone who imitate african even for not profit reason is still labeled as racist in america,

5. What the Japanese feel and think is typically represent what other Asians feel and think, in fact the number is much lower in China and Korea, there is probably not even 1 Chinese or Korean guy who marry with westerners in 2014.

6. In the end you care so much about this issue that you register only to be able to post in here to try to stop this movement, you admit it or not but what you have been doing is trying to prove this movement is wrong.

7. 2chan is in Japanese language, a reliable other source about Japan that I know is and but those 2 rarely speak about westerners, there are probably many more which I don't know. You can simply use google to see what Japanese think about westerners for example search using the keyword - westerners in Japanese ads -, it will show you what Japanese believes of how westerners are supposed to look like, or maybe you can read blogs from westerners who have visited Japan but they can't be that much reliable because many maybe just posting things to please their viewers and not really from their experience.

Anyway, the only way to stop this movement is by proving Anime characters not based on Asians or Japanese not believe Anime characters based on Asians.
In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
No, I said "if" that happened. I never said that it actually. And besides, who are you to tell me how to react to something?

No difference, you still got hurt when other peoples badly imitate your parents or other peoples you love and respect. Any normal peoples will feel the same, the same goes for Anime fans who see certain Anime characters as the one they love and respect, some even go to the extreme of claiming certain Aniem characters as their wife or husband especially in Japan.
Did you clearly read what I said? I said IF. As in, I was speaking in hypothetical terms. No one ever really, actually did imitate anybody I know. And still, if they did I would not care, because I know that they aren't REALLY my parents, or friends or another family member. They are just pretenders. I would just ignore them them. It would NOT hurt me or them if someone did that. I would be like "Oh, you're imitating my mom. How nice for you. Bye now." I'm confident in myself and those who concern me that I wouldn't let that bother me.

Wait...what? They claim people who aren't real to be their husband or wife? Wouldn't they rather be married to a real human being instead?

Is this really new to you? This have been going on for years now about the waifu stuff among Anime fans especially in Japan. As for their action I have no comment on that because I will respect them as long as they don't cause any harm towards other peoples.
In the end you still hurt and angry at them, placing condition on them are not making any difference.
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
No, I said "if" that happened. I never said that it actually. And besides, who are you to tell me how to react to something?

No difference, you still got hurt when other peoples badly imitate your parents or other peoples you love and respect. Any normal peoples will feel the same, the same goes for Anime fans who see certain Anime characters as the one they love and respect, some even go to the extreme of claiming certain Aniem characters as their wife or husband especially in Japan.
Did you clearly read what I said? I said IF. As in, I was speaking in hypothetical terms. No one ever really, actually did imitate anybody I know. And still, if they did I would not care, because I know that they aren't REALLY my parents, or friends or another family member. They are just pretenders. I would just ignore them them. It would NOT hurt me or them if someone did that. I would be like "Oh, you're imitating my mom. How nice for you. Bye now." I'm confident in myself and those who concern me that I wouldn't let that bother me.

When you use the word "if" then it means that you open a possibility, and saying you don't care now are only making you a liar because before you said you will get hurt when if someone who imitate the one you love and respect are doing immoral things.
1. Yes, there are. I have seen Asian cosplayers many times.
2. Why? What's the point of showing them this? Are you trying to gather support or just piss them off?
3. So you have nothing better to do than to whine and complain about non-Asians dressing up as people who don't exist?
4. Did I mention anything about trying to sell a product or imitate authority figures? No, I don't think I did. I can see your point about ruining someone's good image, but when they don't I've seen some pretty bad cosplayers. as I mentioned, but that didn't stop and make me think, "Oh, that anime must really suck because that cosplayer's costume sucks."
5. Did you not read that part where I said, "I am proud to be a person who respects others for who they are regardless of their race, religion or gender."? Obviously, I don't have the mindset of some pitiful KKK member.
6. Completely missed the point on that one, didn't you? I don't have a clue how you got "no pride" out of that one.
7. I see. I just think you're making a big deal out of something that doesn't have much of an impact on your world. There are much worse things out there to have a movement against. Like, slavery, starvation, the mistreatment of women in the mid-east to name a few.
8. Good for you then. You're being yourself.

1. Why not show that so called westerners who look like Asian? See how many peoples who are going to laught at you in here after showing it, and posting someone who have Asian blood in them will only prove you wrong.

2. To inform the westerners who are not cosplayers imitating Anime/Asian characters about the wrong doing of the westerners who imitate Anime/Asian characters.

3. Nah, I'm agants westerners racism and other wrong doing against Asians.

4. Exist or not Anime characters are loved by hundreds millions of peoples in the world, many Anime fans even go as far as to claim certain Anime characters as their wife or husband. Especially in Japan, the numbers of fanatic Anime fans is much higher. Exist or not you still hurt them when you badly imitate the one they love and respect.

5. You don't make any sense, what you said earlier contradicts the facts I posted which you are speaking nonsense.

6. There is no blind pride stuff with the Proud Asian who run this movement, it is just about peoples who fight to protect those they care about and love.

7. If this really have not much impact then how come you yourself register just to be able to reply this? You are a streotype, you haven't see the real scene especially in Japan as the center of Anime yet.
1. My brother in law is part Thai. How about that?
2. I doubt they'll care
3. Not all westerns are racist against Asians. And dressing up as an anime character isn't racist because anime characters don't exist. Do you even know what racism is? Here's the definition:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does dressing up as an anime character show that that person thinks that they are superior to someone? I would think that they wouldn't dress up as someone who they think is beneath them.
4. Well, that's puzzling. How can you hurt someone who doesn't have a physical body or feelings?
5. Makes perfect sense to me. I AM NOT RACIST! You're Japanese? Great! You could be Chinese. That's great too. You could be Korean. Guess what? That's also great. I love you as a fellow human being, dammit!
6. As well as you should protect those you love and care about. But, those that you are protecting, don't exist. They aren't going to care if someone cosplays badly as them. If you were trying to protect real people, that would be different.
7. Hey, if I cloud afford to visit Japan and see the anime scene, I would. Who knows. maybe I'd even join you and your cause. But, as for now, I'm stuck in this country that sadly has a bed rep going for it. Maybe you could enlighten me.

1. Part Thai still mean he have Asian blood, I can see you actually not believe there are westerners who excatly look like Asian, you just keep speaking nonsense they exist because you can't accept the truth of this movement.

2. Just see the over 500 recommend this topic got, not to mention the one posted on other forums, sites, etc.

3. Exist or not, Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians. It is like you are imitating a character from a movie then said that character not exist, really lame logic you use. And insulting other race is also racism, using wikipedia is only what peoples who have common sense will do. Do you know why "black face" is racist? That is the same reason why imitating Anime characters is racist, except black face is for african.

4. You are not hurting the Anime characters but you are ruining their image, reputation, etc which the fans of those characters have in their mind. Just like the image you have about your parents or other peoples you love and respect that exist in your mind. It is not about the issue the characters exist or not but about what you are doing is causing harm to other peoples or you are violating other peoples rights.

5. You earlier said about Japanese find westerners attractive while the Japanese marriage data shows the opposite, that is what shows you don't make any sense with what you said before.

6. Again this is not a matter of exist or not but a matter of you are violating other peoples rights and causing harm to them. And if you insist about that not exist stuff then you should stop trying to stop this movement because those characters you love so much including to imitate are not really exist according to what you said so what you are doing is pointless.

7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.
1. You misunderstand me. I know there are some westerners that look exactly Asian. MY brother in law, DOES look Asian with his eye shape.
2. I meant that I doubt that westerns cosplayers will care.
3. I really doubt that they are trying to imitate Asians when they cosplay. Have you ever asked one, two or a lot of them why they cosplay? Or do you just assume that they do it to insult Asians?
4. Well, in America, when you dress as someone else and it's not to done to benefit them in anyway, it isn't harmful. Like at costume parties, where people dress up as other characters just to have fun and enjoy each other's friendship
5. No, I said Asians, not just the Japanese.
6. I'm not trying to stop your movement. I'm just curious to what it's all about. Someone showed me your very first post on my FaceBook and I got curious. So here I am.
7. Are they in English, because I can't read Japanese. Sorry

1. You can't any post any evidence such as pics mean that you are just speaking nonsense, as for your brother in law he have Asian looking eyes obviously because he have some Asian blood in him. Anyway, just the eyes will never count, you have to be able to show at least just westerners 1 who look similar to the Asian cosplayer I posted in this topic original post to prove your nonsense is not nonsense.

2. I don't care what western cosplayers think about this movement, what I care the most for this movement is more Asians know about this and other westerners who not doing the crimes listed in this movement to also know about this.

3. They admit it or not they imitate characters which made based on Asians, remember action is louder than words.

4. Nonsense, someone who imitate african even for not profit reason is still labeled as racist in america,

5. What the Japanese feel and think is typically represent what other Asians feel and think, in fact the number is much lower in China and Korea, there is probably not even 1 Chinese or Korean guy who marry with westerners in 2014.

6. In the end you care so much about this issue that you register only to be able to post in here to try to stop this movement, you admit it or not but what you have been doing is trying to prove this movement is wrong.

7. 2chan is in Japanese language, a reliable other source about Japan that I know is and but those 2 rarely speak about westerners, there are probably many more which I don't know. You can simply use google to see what Japanese think about westerners for example search using the keyword - westerners in Japanese ads -, it will show you what Japanese believes of how westerners are supposed to look like, or maybe you can read blogs from westerners who have visited Japan but they can't be that much reliable because many maybe just posting things to please their viewers and not really from their experience.

Anyway, the only way to stop this movement is by proving Anime characters not based on Asians or Japanese not believe Anime characters based on Asians.
1. I'm not about to post photos of a family member just to prove my point to some stranger.
2. That doesn't pass for a crime in America
3. Not all anime characters are based on Asians. Some of them are even based on westerners or Americans.
4. No, it doesn't. I don't think you know are laws very well. Besides, there are black people who dress up like white people. They even put on make up to appear white. I've seen it done plenty of time on tv for Saturday Night Live or for some movies.
5. Just because the numbers are low, that doesn't mean it's not true.
6. You seem to only read what you want to see. I said I'm not trying to stop your movement.
7. Ok
Hurt who? My friends or family?

You still got hurt when you other peoples badly imitating your parents.
No, I said "if" that happened. I never said that it actually. And besides, who are you to tell me how to react to something?

No difference, you still got hurt when other peoples badly imitate your parents or other peoples you love and respect. Any normal peoples will feel the same, the same goes for Anime fans who see certain Anime characters as the one they love and respect, some even go to the extreme of claiming certain Aniem characters as their wife or husband especially in Japan.
Did you clearly read what I said? I said IF. As in, I was speaking in hypothetical terms. No one ever really, actually did imitate anybody I know. And still, if they did I would not care, because I know that they aren't REALLY my parents, or friends or another family member. They are just pretenders. I would just ignore them them. It would NOT hurt me or them if someone did that. I would be like "Oh, you're imitating my mom. How nice for you. Bye now." I'm confident in myself and those who concern me that I wouldn't let that bother me.

When you use the word "if" then it means that you open a possibility, and saying you don't care now are only making you a liar because before you said you will get hurt when if someone who imitate the one you love and respect are doing immoral things.
Then you must have misunderstood me. Someone imitates my mom, I would not care because I know who my mom really is.

Anyways, it's getting late here (10:30pm) and I must sleep. Also, my interest in your silly movement has dropped to zero. Go ahead and reply, but know that I won't see it because I'm blocking you because I just don't care.
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1. Why not show that so called westerners who look like Asian? See how many peoples who are going to laught at you in here after showing it, and posting someone who have Asian blood in them will only prove you wrong.

2. To inform the westerners who are not cosplayers imitating Anime/Asian characters about the wrong doing of the westerners who imitate Anime/Asian characters.

3. Nah, I'm agants westerners racism and other wrong doing against Asians.

4. Exist or not Anime characters are loved by hundreds millions of peoples in the world, many Anime fans even go as far as to claim certain Anime characters as their wife or husband. Especially in Japan, the numbers of fanatic Anime fans is much higher. Exist or not you still hurt them when you badly imitate the one they love and respect.

5. You don't make any sense, what you said earlier contradicts the facts I posted which you are speaking nonsense.

6. There is no blind pride stuff with the Proud Asian who run this movement, it is just about peoples who fight to protect those they care about and love.

7. If this really have not much impact then how come you yourself register just to be able to reply this? You are a streotype, you haven't see the real scene especially in Japan as the center of Anime yet.
1. My brother in law is part Thai. How about that?
2. I doubt they'll care
3. Not all westerns are racist against Asians. And dressing up as an anime character isn't racist because anime characters don't exist. Do you even know what racism is? Here's the definition:
The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

How does dressing up as an anime character show that that person thinks that they are superior to someone? I would think that they wouldn't dress up as someone who they think is beneath them.
4. Well, that's puzzling. How can you hurt someone who doesn't have a physical body or feelings?
5. Makes perfect sense to me. I AM NOT RACIST! You're Japanese? Great! You could be Chinese. That's great too. You could be Korean. Guess what? That's also great. I love you as a fellow human being, dammit!
6. As well as you should protect those you love and care about. But, those that you are protecting, don't exist. They aren't going to care if someone cosplays badly as them. If you were trying to protect real people, that would be different.
7. Hey, if I cloud afford to visit Japan and see the anime scene, I would. Who knows. maybe I'd even join you and your cause. But, as for now, I'm stuck in this country that sadly has a bed rep going for it. Maybe you could enlighten me.

1. Part Thai still mean he have Asian blood, I can see you actually not believe there are westerners who excatly look like Asian, you just keep speaking nonsense they exist because you can't accept the truth of this movement.

2. Just see the over 500 recommend this topic got, not to mention the one posted on other forums, sites, etc.

3. Exist or not, Imitating Anime characters = imitating Asians. It is like you are imitating a character from a movie then said that character not exist, really lame logic you use. And insulting other race is also racism, using wikipedia is only what peoples who have common sense will do. Do you know why "black face" is racist? That is the same reason why imitating Anime characters is racist, except black face is for african.

4. You are not hurting the Anime characters but you are ruining their image, reputation, etc which the fans of those characters have in their mind. Just like the image you have about your parents or other peoples you love and respect that exist in your mind. It is not about the issue the characters exist or not but about what you are doing is causing harm to other peoples or you are violating other peoples rights.

5. You earlier said about Japanese find westerners attractive while the Japanese marriage data shows the opposite, that is what shows you don't make any sense with what you said before.

6. Again this is not a matter of exist or not but a matter of you are violating other peoples rights and causing harm to them. And if you insist about that not exist stuff then you should stop trying to stop this movement because those characters you love so much including to imitate are not really exist according to what you said so what you are doing is pointless.

7. Just visit Japanese based forums such as 2chan to see what the Japanese actually think about Anime related stuff, or see Japanese Tv channels or maybe news from Japan from realiable Japanese source, for example the ads potraying what Japanese believes how westerners are supposed to look like which totally not look like the Anime characters you see in Anime.
1. You misunderstand me. I know there are some westerners that look exactly Asian. MY brother in law, DOES look Asian with his eye shape.
2. I meant that I doubt that westerns cosplayers will care.
3. I really doubt that they are trying to imitate Asians when they cosplay. Have you ever asked one, two or a lot of them why they cosplay? Or do you just assume that they do it to insult Asians?
4. Well, in America, when you dress as someone else and it's not to done to benefit them in anyway, it isn't harmful. Like at costume parties, where people dress up as other characters just to have fun and enjoy each other's friendship
5. No, I said Asians, not just the Japanese.
6. I'm not trying to stop your movement. I'm just curious to what it's all about. Someone showed me your very first post on my FaceBook and I got curious. So here I am.
7. Are they in English, because I can't read Japanese. Sorry

1. You can't any post any evidence such as pics mean that you are just speaking nonsense, as for your brother in law he have Asian looking eyes obviously because he have some Asian blood in him. Anyway, just the eyes will never count, you have to be able to show at least just westerners 1 who look similar to the Asian cosplayer I posted in this topic original post to prove your nonsense is not nonsense.

2. I don't care what western cosplayers think about this movement, what I care the most for this movement is more Asians know about this and other westerners who not doing the crimes listed in this movement to also know about this.

3. They admit it or not they imitate characters which made based on Asians, remember action is louder than words.

4. Nonsense, someone who imitate african even for not profit reason is still labeled as racist in america,

5. What the Japanese feel and think is typically represent what other Asians feel and think, in fact the number is much lower in China and Korea, there is probably not even 1 Chinese or Korean guy who marry with westerners in 2014.

6. In the end you care so much about this issue that you register only to be able to post in here to try to stop this movement, you admit it or not but what you have been doing is trying to prove this movement is wrong.

7. 2chan is in Japanese language, a reliable other source about Japan that I know is and but those 2 rarely speak about westerners, there are probably many more which I don't know. You can simply use google to see what Japanese think about westerners for example search using the keyword - westerners in Japanese ads -, it will show you what Japanese believes of how westerners are supposed to look like, or maybe you can read blogs from westerners who have visited Japan but they can't be that much reliable because many maybe just posting things to please their viewers and not really from their experience.

Anyway, the only way to stop this movement is by proving Anime characters not based on Asians or Japanese not believe Anime characters based on Asians.
1. I'm not about to post photos of a family member just to prove my point to some stranger.
2. That doesn't pass for a crime in America
3. Not all anime characters are based on Asians. Some of them are even based on westerners or Americans.
4. No, it doesn't. I don't think you know are laws very well. Besides, there are black people who dress up like white people. They even put on make up to appear white. I've seen it done plenty of time on tv for Saturday Night Live or for some movies.
5. Just because the numbers are low, that doesn't mean it's not true.
6. You seem to only read what you want to see. I said I'm not trying to stop your movement.
7. Ok

1. Lame excuse, if not your family members than other hundreds millions of westerners, or what you are going to make more lame excuse by saying "only my family members the westerners who look like Asians", mwahahaha

2. Your country america is not the center of this world, if you truly believe in what you believe in then just ignore this movement because you know you can do whatever you want in america huh?

3. Nonsense, Anime would be ruined if the characters are based on westerners. See the latest evidence I posted from the Shingeki No Kyojin live action.

4. You speak things that do not exist, in america you still called as racist when you imitate african no matter for what reason and in what occasion, it is just westerners imiating Asians as racism is not yet a well know issue in america.

5. When you said Asians find westerners attractive then you have to prove at least 51% Asians prefer to marry with westerners, not even 1% Asians who marry with westerners, you can use other evidence from Cosplay but it is the same that almost all Asians who Cosplay are prefer to imitate Anime/Asian characters and not cartoon/western characters. So where is the fact of Asians find westerners attractive? In your hallucination.

6. Your action speak louder than your lame excuse, so far what you have been doing is trying to prove the reason which this movement use to fight for is wrong. You can't prove any of it wrong because Anime characters based on Asians will never change as long as Japanese still find Asians appearance as the attractive appearance.

Anyway tell your buddies to read all the nonsense you posted in here so they can stop spreading this topic's links to other racist western cosplayers, no matter how many of you come and try to stop this movement will never work because so far I never see any of the racist western cosplayers providing facts to their reasoning, in fact I mostly see them as kkk members who blatantly claim Anime characters based on westerners.

The popularity of cosplay in Japan encourages the misconception that cosplay is specifically a Japanese or Asian hobby. The term cosplay is Japanese in origin, but costume play was originally a hobby from the United States where it has historically been known as costuming as opposed to cosplaying. The hobby was then later picked up by the Japanese and reinvented by Americans. For many years, costuming has had a widespread following and continues to experience growing popularity in North America and Europe, and has more recently spread throughout South America and Australia. Western cosplay's origins are based primarily in science fiction and fantasy fandoms. It is also more common for Western cosplayers to recreate characters from live-action series than it is for Japanese cosplayers. Western costumers also include subcultures of hobbyists who participate in Renaissance faires, live action role-playing games, and historical reenactments.


As early as 1975, a journalist described Trekkies as: smelling of assembly-line junk food, hugely consumed; the look is of people who consume it, habitually and at length; overfed and undernourished, eruptive of skin and flaccid of form, from the merely soft to the grotesquely obese.[17]

Cosplay - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I salute you ma'am!
Okay, now I'm really going to sleep. I just had to satisfy my curiosity and read ALL the other posts. I have come to the conclusion that you are either an expert troll or just a hopeless cause. I encourage you to turn the energy that you expend at this so called "movement" of yours to something useful, like getting a hobby. Salutations, goof ball!

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