Anti-Zionist Shocked to Learn Homosexuality Is Illegal in Palestine and Israel Isn't a Muslim Nation

It is up to the righteous and informed to stand by Israes side. Some are too ignorant,.lacking curiousity required to understand the reality of nations so good men (and women) must act appropriately . For their and the worlds own good as it were as much as they are oblivious to this fact. Israel is the Middle Easts brightest light and we need to support them in their efforts while calling out bad actors The UN doesn't have their backs, they are compromised in ordsr to appease certain voting blocs. We can and must rise above this and speak the truth no matter how much it shatters the false beliefs of some.
A gay rights demonstration in a Muslim country would not last long. By the time the police arrived to arrest the demonstrators they would have been beaten to death by a raving mob of Muslims.
A pro-Palestinian protestor wearing a pride dress is shocked to find out that homosexuality is illegal in Palestine.

In my opinion, this extreme ignorance is absolutely hilarious.

What do you think?

You could see her starting to panic as her world collapsed under the weight of facts.

Sadly, she won't change her views, because her anti-Semitic friends would shun her.
This is one hundred percent proof that these idiots don't have a clue what they're talking about. They're all just a bunch of sheep.
She is very stupid
Road Runner

She is one of the most uninformed libs I have seen in a long time

Others may be just as bad

But they know how to deflect, whereas she just flat out admitted her ignorance instead of saying “yeah, well trump is a poopyhead!”
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Be sure to remind ALL the lefties here who support Palestine that they are supporting the executions of LGBT people.

Speaking of Palestine, I honestly don't know why there hasn't been TONS of outrage about this as this is the equivalent of Kamala Harris publicly declaring Satan as her lord and savior in my book. Check this thread of mine out.


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