
Actually he saved them from living wicked lives that their parents would have taught them to live. During the resurrection will be given an opportunity( without satan influences) to learn and apply Gods will and get their names written in Gods book of life if they remain faithful once satan is loosed for a little while. That has been satans#1 tool--get parents to hand wicked practices to their own children in their darkness. 99% on earth today live in darkness.

So, with abortion then, people are "saving" fetuses from living wicked lives???
No, people have no right to end lives. The creator who can resurrect has every right.

Why would anyone follow someone who kills fetuses and then go around telling anyone who kills fetuses they're bad?

You must think your God is bad. Possibly evil.
Why would anyone follow someone who kills fetuses and then go around telling anyone who kills fetuses they're bad?

You must think your God is bad. Possibly evil.
He does things in righteousness. He owns every iota of creation. He has 100% right to say what is allowed and what isn't.
He does things in righteousness. He owns every iota of creation. He has 100% right to say what is allowed and what isn't.

Well, if he says "killing is evil" then killing is evil. If he kills people, and he says "killing is evil" then he is evil.... I mean, logic 101
Well, if he says "killing is evil" then killing is evil. If he kills people, and he says "killing is evil" then he is evil.... I mean, logic 101
Many x he killed to save his people. Or to protect his people. He is the creator. He can and will resurrect the dead, so they aren't actually dead yet. ( not permanent)--He set before all men-LIFE or DEATH( Deuteronomy 30:19) by actions proves ones choice. If one chooses to rebel against God, they deserve death. The things God asks of us not to do, benefits us.
Many x he killed to save his people. Or to protect his people. He is the creator. He can and will resurrect the dead, so they aren't actually dead yet. ( not permanent)--He set before all men-LIFE or DEATH( Deuteronomy 30:19) by actions proves ones choice. If one chooses to rebel against God, they deserve death. The things God asks of us not to do, benefits us.

He saved the people to become more evil than the people he killed... well done God.

He doesn't seem to resurrect the dead very often, why not?
Righteous? He killed innocent babies.
People today abort their children and others are butchered at Doctor's offices to change their sex. Where's the outcry for the innocent? Hypocrites!

Again, the parents of Noah's day are to blame. The responsibility is solely on their shoulders, as is society's for their rebellion against God Almighty. God offers goodness and peace, but people choose evil, so that's what they get -- evil. Why will people continue to choose death over life?
The 666 mark of the beast groundwork is being laid. People are being conditioned and groomed to it's implementation, whether consciously or unconsciously. To accomplish this, a system devoid of cash must be implemented to control all buying and selling.

"Is it time to put the cash away? Taco Bell and other popular fast-food chains might become digital-only in the near future. During an earnings call earlier this month, parent company Yum! Brands, Inc. addressed plans to eventually move to 100% digital sales at its restaurants. This includes fast food chains like Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC." - Going Cashless
Your finances will be controlled as we move forward. No buying or selling unless you conform. COVID was a catalyst to really get the ball rolling under the guise of "health". A cashless society.

Revelation 13
[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
[18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

He saved the people to become more evil than the people he killed... well done God.

He doesn't seem to resurrect the dead very often, why not?
The resurrection comes in Gods kingdom. After satan is abyssed for 1000 years-they get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods will with no satan influences, But will be tested once satan is loosed for a little while, the faithful to life everlasting, the rebels to death everlasting. Its explained at Revelation 20. What a loving provision to give ones a second chance.
People today abort their children and others are butchered at Doctor's offices to change their sex. Where's the outcry for the innocent? Hypocrites!

Again, the parents of Noah's day are to blame. The responsibility is solely on their shoulders, as is society's for their rebellion against God Almighty. God offers goodness and peace, but people choose evil, so that's what they get -- evil. Why will people continue to choose death over life?

Yes, hypocrites, where's the outcry for the innocents that God kills?

Again, God made the parents of Noah's day.
The resurrection comes in Gods kingdom. After satan is abyssed for 1000 years-they get an opportunity to learn and apply Gods will with no satan influences, But will be tested once satan is loosed for a little while, the faithful to life everlasting, the rebels to death everlasting. Its explained at Revelation 20. What a loving provision to give ones a second chance.

So you're still dead when you get resurrected? Doesn't sound so good to me.
So, anyone who doesn't get given a second chance isn't loved by God then?
God knows 100% what he is doing. 0 doubt in all creation. Not a wise place to be standing for one who cannot even create a single blade of grass, to question the creator of all things.
The 666 mark of the beast groundwork is being laid. People are being conditioned and groomed to it's implementation, whether consciously or unconsciously. To accomplish this, a system devoid of cash must be implemented to control all buying and selling.

"Is it time to put the cash away? Taco Bell and other popular fast-food chains might become digital-only in the near future. During an earnings call earlier this month, parent company Yum! Brands, Inc. addressed plans to eventually move to 100% digital sales at its restaurants. This includes fast food chains like Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC." - Going Cashless

You're just another fanatic. The Mark of the Beast was Roman coin with the likeness of Nero.
God knows 100% what he is doing. 0 doubt in all creation. Not a wise place to be standing for one who cannot even create a single blade of grass, to question the creator of all things.

I have created plenty of things.

And how do I know God even exists? How do I know he created anything?

Who created God?
I have created plenty of things.

And how do I know God even exists? How do I know he created anything?

Who created God?
Even scientists after studying the precision things take to make this creation work successfully know its done by intelligent design.
God always was and always will be. All who draw close to him, he reveals himself in ways.
Even scientists after studying the precision things take to make this creation work successfully know its done by intelligent design.
God always was and always will be. All who draw close to him, he reveals himself in ways.

Now, that's a blatant lie.

Intelligent design is something that doesn't make sense.

If God has always been, then the universe can always have been. If God didn't need to be created, then nor did the universe. Simple as.

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