
That's the problem with the fake religion the bible is based on.

Their is so much garbage you could just pick any random thoughts and find verses that will fit it.

I will pray for you.
That assumption comes from total ignorance of the Holy Scriptures. The Anti-Christ is indeed addressed in the Holy Scriptures, but its spoken of only by one Apostle of Christ (John). The term is not based upon any single nation, any single person or some imagined evil taking place thousands of years after the scriptures were presented by eyewitness testimony in the 1st century. Such evidence is called prima facie evidence and stands as truth until it can be refuted by Objective Facts in Evidence.

As far as predicting the end of time............not even Jesus Christ is privy to that information, not angels in heaven.......only the Father knows when that day will come. (Matthew 24:36). Yet time and time again.........the loonies come from the shadows into the light and declare they know more that Jesus Christ who is both Lord and Savior........they know when the end will be. :th_spinspin:

Facts as derived from simply reading the text of the scriptures while staying within contextual integrity of the Chapter you are reading. The term anti-christ is a Greek term meaning "against Christ" or "false Christ"

The term is used but few times.......and not once in the book of Revelation. All uses are by the same author in explaining exactly what anti christ means. (1 John 2:18 demonstrates anti-christ is not one single person but a classification of many different individuals.......its a false ideology/doctrine, not a person. The same passage proves that the anti-christ existed at the time this book was being recorded by John in the 1st century....its has nothing to do with some distant future event, anti-christs have been around since the 1st century.

Any religion/doctrine or person that does not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Only Begotten of the Father and the equal of the Father is considered an anti-christ doctrine (example....the majority of the Jews in the 1st century were anti-christs. (1 John 2:22-23) Today you have many anti-christ doctrines from the Jews, to Muslims, to the Jehovah's Witnesses...etc., as they refuse to acknowledge Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior

1. Private interpretation of scripture is forbidden (2 Peter 1:20).......the scriptures self-interpret as does any book of history, (such is the content of the Holy Scriptures......its a running history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy from the origins in Genesis to the last book drafted by John of things to shorty take place ..........the Book of Revelation, that is recorded in relation to the infant Christian church known as the kingdom of God or the kingdom of the Son. Revelation explains this last book as being symbolized and not be taken literally and it deals with the infant church's tribulation with the Roman Empire who was attempting to destroy this new religion called Christianity during the 1st 2 centuries of the church.

Many cults falsely declare that the book of Revelations is where the anti-christ is predicted for the end of the age. Again, the term is never mentioned anywhere else in scripture (especially in the book of Revelation in either literal or symbolized text) other that by John a few times in 1 John and once in 2 John

(Rev.1:1) explains this with no ambiguity sets the stage to bring hope to the struggling infant church, its directed at 7 different Christian churches in Asia (which is symbolic, not to be taken literally as its directed at everyone in the kingdom of the Son that can understand signified language and it includes all congregations of Christianity......the number 7 throughout the scriptures is presented to indicate a PERFECT/COMPLETE NUMBER."
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That assumption comes from total ignorance of the Holy Scriptures. The Anti-Christ is indeed addressed in the Holy Scriptures, but its spoken of only by one Apostle of Christ (John). The term is not based upon any single nation, any single person or some imagined evil taking place thousands of years after the scriptures were presented by eyewitness testimony in the 1st century. Such evidence is called prima facie evidence and stands as truth until it can be refuted by Objective Facts in Evidence.

As far as predicting the end of time............not even Jesus Christ is privy to that information, not angels in heaven.......only the Father knows when that day will come. (Matthew 24:36). Yet time and time again.........the loonies come from the shadows into the light and declare they know more that Jesus Christ who is both Lord and Savior........they know when the end will be. :th_spinspin:

Facts as derived from simply reading the text of the scriptures while staying within contextual integrity of the Chapter you are reading. The term anti-christ is a Greek term meaning "against Christ" or "false Christ"

The term is used but few times.......and not once in the book of Revelation. All uses are by the same author in explaining exactly what anti christ means. (1 John 2:18 demonstrates anti-christ is not one single person but a classification of many different individuals.......its a false ideology/doctrine, not a person. The same passage proves that the anti-christ existed at the time this book was being recorded by John in the 1st century....its has nothing to do with some distant future event, anti-christs have been around since the 1st century.

Any religion/doctrine or person that does not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Only Begotten of the Father and the equal of the Father is considered an anti-christ doctrine (example....the majority of the Jews in the 1st century were anti-christs. (1 John 2:22-23) Today you have many anti-christ doctrines from the Jews, to Muslims, to the Jehovah's Witnesses...etc., as they refuse to acknowledge Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior

1. Private interpretation of scripture is forbidden (2 Peter 1:20).......the scriptures self-interpret as does any book of history, (such is the content of the Holy Scriptures......its a running history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy from the origins in Genesis to the last book drafted by John of things to shorty take place ..........the Book of Revelation, that is recorded in relation to the infant Christian church known as the kingdom of God or the kingdom of the Son. Revelation explains this last book as being symbolized and not be taken literally and it deals with the infant church's tribulation with the Roman Empire who was attempting to destroy this new religion called Christianity during the 1st 2 centuries of the church.

Many cults falsely declare that the book of Revelations is where the anti-christ is predicted for the end of the age. Again, the term is never mentioned anywhere in scripture (especially in the book of Revelation in either literal or symbolized text) other that by John a few times in 1 John and once in 2 John

(Rev.1:1) explains this with no ambiguity sets the stage to bring hope to the struggle infant church, its directed at 7 different Christian churches in Asia (which is symbolic, not to be taken literally as its directed everyone in the kingdom that can understand signified language and it includes all congregations of Christianity......the number 7 throughout the scriptures is presented to indicate a PERFECT NUMBER."
That's great and all but it's all fake.

The one true God will embrace you if only you seek his acceptance.

It can be a difficult journey, especially if you're enamored with false beliefs, but those with fortitude can prevail and bask in the adoration of the true God.

I will pray that you are strong enough to make this journey.
Genesis 3: 14

So the Lord God said to the serpent:

“Because you have done this,
You are cursed more than all cattle,
And more than every beast of the field;
On your belly you shall go,
And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life
Do you not think that the God of creation who made man from the dust of the ground and breathed a spirit into him.........the same God who created everything from capable of creating a talking serpent? Certain acts of God are called Miracles for a reason.............they can't be measured by the natural laws of physics. Super-Natural means exactly that.......Superior to Nature. If there is no super-natural Creator, that created nature from nothing........explain how the universe came into existence, please no Ideas that exists only between your ears...i.,e theories, hypothesis, conjecture, speculation or assumptions........present your objective facts in evidence that prove where the mass/energy came from that supposedly exploded and created everything from just 2 simple gases (Hydrogen and Helium)....that eventually evolved into men.

The only way that you can disprove a miracle is by pulling out your supernatural-0-meter (i.e, quantify or measure supernatural events.

Fact: you can no more disprove a true supernatural event than I can prove such an event via using the natural laws of physics.........that's the reason you read all the SUBJECTIVE AD HOMINEM BS in the archives when someone attempts to challenge the Word of God.
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That's great and all but it's all fake.

The one true God will embrace you if only you seek his acceptance.

It can be a difficult journey, especially if you're enamored with false beliefs, but those with fortitude can prevail and bask in the adoration of the true God.

I will pray that you are strong enough to make this journey.
Prove its fake...........document your evidence by book, chapter and verse.........coming from any valid modern translation. I have to witness this as someone attempts to use the natural laws of physics to explain away SUPER NATURAL (superior to nature)

When anyone can accomplish this please explain where the mass/energy came from that created everything in the universe from nothing.
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Prove its fake...........document your evidence by book, chapter and verse.........coming from any valid modern translation. I have to witness this as someone attempts to use the natural laws of physics to explain away SUPER NATURAL (superior to nature)

You are an alien from Mars who has assimilated human form to spy on earth.

Prove that is a fake belief.

When anyone can accomplish this please explain where the mass/energy came from that created everything in the universe from nothing.
If you want to know the mysteries of creation I encourage you to seek the true Lord.

He will embrace you if only you cast away your false beliefs and seek him in earnest.

As I have said, it is a difficult journey and not all have the courage to take it.

I will pray for you and hope you endeavor to seek truth instead of words written by man.

Good luck.
The parents are responsible. They could have repented and loaded into the ark. For 120 years, Noah constructed the ark; that's a long time. Once finished, God left it open for 7 more days, offering mercy and grace to people. Nobody responded, so God shut the door and the rain began to fall. The unbelievers became believers all of sudden.

But God caused the flood. He killed those people. It's called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Imagine I go to a kindergarten with a bomb, and I tell everyone I'm going to blow up the building, and they should get out. Even if they don't leave, I'm still guilty of killing those who die.
You are an alien from Mars who has assimilated human form to spy on earth.

Prove that is a fake belief.

If you want to know the mysteries of creation I encourage you to seek the true Lord.

He will embrace you if only you cast away your false beliefs and seek him in earnest.

As I have said, it is a difficult journey and not all have the courage to take it.

I will pray for you and hope you endeavor to seek truth instead of words written by man.

Good luck.
As one can prove in any objective fashion, explaining a Super (superior) Natural (to nature) event, the opposite of this negative is also true, no one can dismiss a supernatural event by attempting to quantify it by the laws of nature, because the SuperNatural is superior to nature.

Which explains the creation of this physical reality called the Universe (which is not eternal as based upon the laws of physics). Where did God come from? Who created Him? No one........God is a Spirit not flesh and bones as exists in the physical realm (John 4:24) God is eternally existing, the alpha and the omega ....there is no end to the spiritual realm. Only something superior to nature can create mass/energy from nothing.

Faith is not blind.........its based upon reason and logic.

As far as worshiping the correct Lord and Christ? (Acts 2:36). I do not worhsip false gods such a ALLAH, Jehova only, I do not respect false scriptures such as promoted by the Mormons which parroted text from the King James translation. I do worship any eastern god/s.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me." -- John 14:6. Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father (the God of Creation) (John 3:16) has been given all authority over the Godhead (For in Him dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily -- Col.2:9), and given all authority in heaven and on earth....with a demand to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost to enter the kingdom of the Father and the Son (Matthew 28:18-20) The kingdom is not reserved for the Jew only who constantly broke God's righteous laws even though God was a husband unto them (Jer.31:31-34) If you deny are promoting the classic anti-christ false doctrine, as explained by John in both 1 John and 2 John.

As far the Godhead found in the Hebrew Text? "Behold......the MAN HAS BECOME AS ONE OF know good and evil" -- Genesis 3:22. This is not the royal use of US, it is plural in meaning. The Godhead is mentioned 7 times in the Scriptures.
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As one can prove in any objective fashion, explaining a Super (superior) Natural (to nature) event, the opposite of this negative is also true, no one can dismiss a supernatural event by attempting to quantify it by the laws of nature, because the SuperNatural is superior to nature.

Which explains the creation of this physical reality called the Universe (which is not eternal as based upon the laws of physics). Where did God come from? Who created Him? No one........God is a Spirit not flesh and bones as exists in the physical realm (John 4:24) God is eternally existing, the alpha and the omega ....there is no end to the spiritual realm. Only something superior to nature can create mass/energy from nothing.

Faith is not blind.........its based upon reason and logic.

As far as worshiping the correct Lord and Christ? (Acts 2:36). I do not worhsip false gods such a ALLAH, Jehova only, I do not respect false scriptures such as promoted by the Mormons which parroted text from the King James translation. I do worship any eastern god/s.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but by Me." -- John 14:6. Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father (the God of Creation) (John 3:16) has been given all authority over the Godhead (For in Him dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily -- Col.2:9), and given all authority in heaven and on earth....with a demand to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost to enter the kingdom of the Father and the Son (Matthew 28:18-20) The kingdom is not reserved for the Jew only who constantly broke God's righteous laws even though God was a husband unto them (Jer.31:31-34) If you deny are promoting the classic anti-christ false doctrine, as explained by John in both 1 John and 2 John.

As far the Godhead found in the Hebrew Text? "Behold......the MAN HAS BECOME AS ONE OF know good and evil" -- Genesis 3:22. This is not the royal use of US, it is plural in meaning. The Godhead is mentioned 7 times in the Scriptures.
Man written stories have subjugated mankind for too long and precipitated a false religion that has left countless subject to an undesirable afterlife.

The folly of your beliefs will be revealed upon your death and you will suffer needlessly for all time.

Cast aside this deceit and search your soul for the truth. If you have the courage and fortitude to do so the one true God will reward you with his benevolence.

I will pray for your enlightenment.
Once we immerse into a one-world government like a United Planet, we venture into a Star Trek and Star Wars consciousness. God is always the Creator. We are eternal. The adventure can be fun or luke skywalker serious as it is in current times. The peasants move through it and aways have.
jesus talked about a one world govt too.....his....
The antichrist will not be one person but a world government.
There are many antichrists. Every govt on earth is antichrist. 99% of all religion is antichrist. 99% of all religion claiming to be christian is antichrist. You are correct however-the antichrist will not be a man.
There are many antichrists. Every govt on earth is antichrist. 99% of all religion is antichrist. 99% of all religion claiming to be christian is antichrist. You are correct however-the antichrist will not be a man.
It is cults such as the Jehovah's witnesses who deny the Godhead and Jesus' reign as Lord and Christ over the Kingdom of God. (Acts 2:36) Lord = Ruler, Christ = Savior of the world, whose god is Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). Jesus is not a created being.....He is the creator of the world and all things spiritual (Col. 1:16-20)

Jesus did not think it robbery to be the equal of the Father (Phil. 2:6) Jesus came to earth as a man in order to fulfill the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17), to institute salvation by Grace as no man is worthy of salvation (Romans 3:10). Salvation is not controlled by physical laws, rules written on stone tablets.........God's laws are now written on the heart of His people (Jer. 31:31-34, Luke 17:21). The kingdom is invisible to those propagating a physical kingdom. Its a spiritual kingdom, not of this world (John 18:36-37
But God caused the flood. He killed those people. It's called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Imagine I go to a kindergarten with a bomb, and I tell everyone I'm going to blow up the building, and they should get out. Even if they don't leave, I'm still guilty of killing those who die.
Yes, God executed righteous judgement; a sinner does not see it that way.
It is cults such as the Jehovah's witnesses who deny the Godhead and Jesus' reign as Lord and Christ over the Kingdom of God. (Acts 2:36) Lord = Ruler, Christ = Savior of the world, whose god is Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). Jesus is not a created being.....He is the creator of the world and all things spiritual (Col. 1:16-20)

Jesus did not think it robbery to be the equal of the Father (Phil. 2:6) Jesus came to earth as a man in order to fulfill the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17), to institute salvation by Grace as no man is worthy of salvation (Romans 3:10). Salvation is not controlled by physical laws, rules written on stone tablets.........God's laws are now written on the heart of His people (Jer. 31:31-34, Luke 17:21). The kingdom is invisible to those propagating a physical kingdom. Its a spiritual kingdom, not of this world (John 18:36-37
God created all things-He created 99.9%of them - THROUGH-Jesus( Coll 1:15-16) = Gods master worker of Prov 8, the one beside God during creation. who gives God all credit for creating all things at Prov 8. Tells all he was created-8:22-25) And Coll 1:15-Jesus is the FIRSTBORN of all creation--100% Fact of life = ALL creation occurred at the beginning. Not the twisted things trinity religion say it means.
Gow will show you 100%-- a house divided(trinity religionssssssssss) will not stand. They cant even understand this simple bible milk, 10 year olds can understand=1Cor 1:10) a true mark) Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth, no division) When his words in Ezekial about 20 x come to pass--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah)--then you will know you are mislead, but then its to late.
God created all things-He created 99.9%of them - THROUGH-Jesus( Coll 1:15-16) = Gods master worker of Prov 8, the one beside God during creation. who gives God all credit for creating all things at Prov 8. Tells all he was created-8:22-25) And Coll 1:15-Jesus is the FIRSTBORN of all creation--100% Fact of life = ALL creation occurred at the beginning. Not the twisted things trinity religion say it means.
Gow will show you 100%-- a house divided(trinity religionssssssssss) will not stand. They cant even understand this simple bible milk, 10 year olds can understand=1Cor 1:10) a true mark) Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth, no division) When his words in Ezekial about 20 x come to pass--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah)--then you will know you are mislead, but then its to late.
The Trinity is God the father, son and Holy Ghost when Jesus left the disciples he said that he would send them a helper the helper is the Holy Ghost also known as God
Righteous? He killed innocent babies.
Actually he saved them from living wicked lives that their parents would have taught them to live. During the resurrection will be given an opportunity( without satan influences) to learn and apply Gods will and get their names written in Gods book of life if they remain faithful once satan is loosed for a little while. That has been satans#1 tool--get parents to hand wicked practices to their own children in their darkness. 99% on earth today live in darkness.
The Trinity is God the father, son and Holy Ghost when Jesus left the disciples he said that he would send them a helper the helper is the Holy Ghost also known as God
So teaches the blind guides who live in darkness.
Fact--In the NT in the Greek language, every spot the true God is spoken of( God) that Greek word ends in v. Every spot-god small g is spoken of that Greek word ends in g--The word got the Greek word ending in g in John 1:1 while the true God got the Greek word ending in v= undeniable fact.-You are mislead along with 2 billion others-like this-2Cor 11:12-15--its who you are listening to.

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