Antifa attacks Candace Owens presumably for nuking the democrat party

You want me to cry for you, little snowflake? :crybaby:

Fuck off

Yes you are, snowflake :itsok:
Was she harmed OP?

Did anyone touch one, single, solitary hair on her unkempt head?

If not, then this is, yet another, FAKE NEWS thread.
So using the N word for people of color or F word for gay people or C word for women is AOK in your world as long as no one touches a single hair? That's your view? Anything is game if you don't touch someone?

Yes, faggot.
You want me to cry for you, little snowflake? :crybaby:

Fuck off


Yes you are, snowflake :itsok:

Jesus Christ, that is some lame insults right there. Considering insulting is all you can do when not being obsessed with the TDS, at least do it properly.

Anyway, you were wrong again so either way, fuck off.
You can cry for poor Candace without speaking to me, you poor little snowflake :itsok:
Most people here probably have seen the clip where Candace Owens demolishes the racist democratic party. One of her problems with the democrats is of course, the KKK, that used to harass black people. The KKK or at least the harassment is back.

“If [Democrats] actually were concerned about white nationalism, they would be holding hearings on Antifa, a far-left, violent, white gang, who determined one day in Philadelphia in August that I, a black woman, was not fit to sit in a restaurant,” said Owens.

“They chased me out, they yelled ‘race traitor’ to a group of black and Hispanic police officers who formed a line to protect me from their ongoing assaults,” added Owens, “They threw water at me, they threw eggs at me, and the leftist media remained silent on it.”

Is it just me or are does using the same tactics over and over again not make leftists somewhat boring? Well, at least they changed the name from KKK. Gorgeous woman, Antifa could take note. Maybe shave arm pits once in a while.

Report: Antifa Threatens Candace Owens Event at University of Pennsylvania | Breitbart

Antifa is a domestic Terror Group and should be designated as such
Imagine a liberal making a thread crying “p-p-p-p-p-protesters are going to an event. It’s so unfair! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
Imagine a liberal making a thread crying “p-p-p-p-p-protesters are going to an event. It’s so unfair! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

Unfortunately I don't have to imagine leftists starting threads about racism and sexism. Well here is some actual racism finally, white guys chasing a black woman out of restaurant. If you don't want to discuss it, go start your own thread.
In many states a verbal attack is assault while a physical attack is battery. Just get a load of all the special protected classes championing assault of a fine American woman in this here thread. Hypocrites abound.
So this is the standard going forward?

A verbal assault is enough to warrant a bonafide assault and cause for arrest?

I just want to be sure for future reference.
In some places, yes. Verbal abuse is considered "assault" and physical contact constitutes 'battery", or in some places "aggravated assault".
Was she harmed OP?

Did anyone touch one, single, solitary hair on her unkempt head?

If not, then this is, yet another, FAKE NEWS thread.
Lol seriously? She needed escorts, and luckily the black guys came to her defense.. notice when she spoke truth to them the democrats got louder so they couldn’t hear her?? What are you afraid of??
They're afraid of being described. They know they're pigs.
No, because police were there doing their job, unlike out west. Same reason ANTIFA doesn't pull their bullshit in ATL.

We don't play that shit. Can you imagine? Personally I don't think there's than many soyboy commie retards in GA.

More like big 'necks and blacks.
For some reason that word cracks me up every time...


That's cuz they ain't too many o dem 'round heanh. :04:

BlackFag probably is actually crying. A gorgeous woman like Owens wouldn't look at him and that's why he has to pretend to be a fag.

He isn't smart or articulate enough for her, and he's hateful and bigoted.
So no, she wouldn't waste any time on him. He's just one of the brainwashed idiot minions of the left.

BlackFag probably is actually crying. A gorgeous woman like Owens wouldn't look at him and that's why he has to pretend to be a fag.

He isn't smart or articulate enough for her, and he's hateful and bigoted.
So no, she wouldn't waste any time on him. He's just one of the brainwashed idiot minions of the left.

First thing he should learn is that you are supposed to get the girls INTO the restaurant with you, not chase them out. Pro-tip for the future...
Candace Owens speaks on the issue, again roasting the lefties.

Was she harmed OP?

Did anyone touch one, single, solitary hair on her unkempt head?

If not, then this is, yet another, FAKE NEWS thread.
So using the N word for people of color or F word for gay people or C word for women is AOK in your world as long as no one touches a single hair? That's your view? Anything is game if you don't touch someone?

Yes, faggot.
Simmer down Mary. Everyone isn't your enemy.

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