Antifa being labeled a terrorists organization

You keep trying to justify ripping people out of cars by blaming people like myself that believe when you are detained by the police, don’t mouth of to them, don’t threaten them, don’t hit them, don’t go for their service weapon, don’t brandish your own weapon at them. But, you keep going with that ripping people out of cars as if it is done form of free speech. It’s speaks to the eft’s affinity for lawlessness when they are not in power.

Actually, no one is really questioning police shooting in valid self-defense.

We are upset about shooting people when they are lying on the ground, in their own homes, have their backs turned to the police, etc.

Don't want to be ripped out of your car? Make the police respect people's civil rights.
You keep trying to justify ripping people out of cars by blaming people like myself that believe when you are detained by the police, don’t mouth of to them, don’t threaten them, don’t hit them, don’t go for their service weapon, don’t brandish your own weapon at them. But, you keep going with that ripping people out of cars as if it is done form of free speech. It’s speaks to the eft’s affinity for lawlessness when they are not in power.

Actually, no one is really questioning police shooting in valid self-defense.

We are upset about shooting people when they are lying on the ground, in their own homes, have their backs turned to the police, etc.

Don't want to be ripped out of your car? Make the police respect people's civil rights.

People are still going to rip people out of their car for reasons far beyond the granular scenarios you sited. The ANTIFA movement has stated they are doing it in the name of fighting “fascism.”
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!? Well, some dogs just take a tad longer to learn!
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!? Well, some dogs just take a tad longer to learn!

I pray for him just as Nancy Pelosi does for our wonderful president

I wish him well. I really do...
Last edited:
eople are still going to rip people out of their car for reasons far beyond the granular scenarios you sited. The ANTIFA movement has stated they are doing it in the name of fighting “fascism.”

Whatever.... So how many people have been "ripped out of their cars" exactly?

Come on, give me a number.

I can tell you exactly how many black people have been killed by police.
eople are still going to rip people out of their car for reasons far beyond the granular scenarios you sited. The ANTIFA movement has stated they are doing it in the name of fighting “fascism.”

Whatever.... So how many people have been "ripped out of their cars" exactly?

Come on, give me a number.

I can tell you exactly how many black people have been killed by police.

I am sure you can. This isn’t a 1:1 comparison. You still have not made the case or justification for ripping people from their cars outside of what lies between your ears and the extreme left wing base from which you hale.
eople are still going to rip people out of their car for reasons far beyond the granular scenarios you sited. The ANTIFA movement has stated they are doing it in the name of fighting “fascism.”

Whatever.... So how many people have been "ripped out of their cars" exactly?

Come on, give me a number.

I can tell you exactly how many black people have been killed by police.
Can you tell me how many black people murder white people each year vs how many white people kill black people?

Hint: white people are killed 2x more by blacks then blacks are killed by whites

This despite the white population being 5x greater than the black population. That makes white people being murdered at a 10x higher rate by black people



  • 881578CB-420C-44F9-A48C-9A704F2BBD5C.png
    62.7 KB · Views: 16
eople are still going to rip people out of their car for reasons far beyond the granular scenarios you sited. The ANTIFA movement has stated they are doing it in the name of fighting “fascism.”

Whatever.... So how many people have been "ripped out of their cars" exactly?

Come on, give me a number.

I can tell you exactly how many black people have been killed by police.

I am sure you can. This isn’t a 1:1 comparison. You still have not made the case or justification for ripping people from their cars outside of what lies between your ears and the extreme left wing base from which you hale.
Big difference in ripping a belligerent ignant that just threatened a cops life, resisted arrest or won't follow simple commands as if they are hiding something -coupled with- a nasty warrant against them (from their vehicle), as opposed to a total innocent person from their vehicle.
I am sure you can. This isn’t a 1:1 comparison. You still have not made the case or justification for ripping people from their cars outside of what lies between your ears and the extreme left wing base from which you hale.

I never said it was okay. I'm just not getting terribly worked up about it.

Especially since you can't even give me a number of times this has actually happened.
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
More Trumpian 'Pie in the Sky'! Does ANYONE remember that the Orange Clown promised a brand new 2000 mile long, 30 feet tall concrete wall on our Southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for all of it? Did any of that happen?

SO who is actually gullible enough to believe that the Trumpian Republicans will pass a budget including a 1/2 TRILLION DOLLARS toward Black community projects?

The Orange One is lying again and very, very desperate to get His Ship of Fools duped again!
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

If the news doesn’t report it, it doesn’t exist
You mean this wall?
View attachment 393653

Of course not, you DUPED FOOL! Does it look like a nearly 2000 miles, 30 feet tall of solid concrete WALL that Mexico paid for, all as promised 100's of time by the Orange Fool in 2016 & 2017 you dumb shit? What it looks like is part of the ~500 miles of replacement steel barrier that was scheduled for replacement all along the Southern border, including just south of me here in AZ!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.

first your Masters in the Media told you “we don’t need a wall, because there aren’t tons of people illegally crossing the border. “ Then when that was proven false with the caravans, your masters in the media said “walls didn’t work“ and said there was better technology (as if they wanted to keep illegals out), but never gave an explanation as to what technology they’re talking about (drones don’t stop people, unless if they have laser beams or machine guns attached to them). Then your masters in the media told you “walls were racist”.

go ahead drive to the border. Check it out for yourself. It’s a beautiful sight to see!
Looks like someone’s upset that they can no longer climb over the 4ft fence that used to be there. It’s being built foot by foot each day. And it works tremendously.
Only an ignorant fool could make that claim being such a childish dig! Pathetic that your limited intellect couldn't find the substance in your grey matter to express YOUR OWN words without heavily dipping into your faction's lexicon!

Actually, it looks like your dumb ass has an issue with the truth. Your cult was promised a WALL that another Sovereign State was going to pay for but got only a fraction of a fucking FENCE promised by the Orange Charlatan that US taxpayers were forced to pay for from monies essentially stolen from other Congressional appropriations! And yet you seem proud of being duped by that Orange Jester! How fucking rational is that?

As far as YOUR "masters in the media" barbs go, you Orange sycophants need some new material! But the media is only a problem to ignorant fucks like yourself. One need only be capable to discriminate between which media outlets are and which aren't vendors of TRUTH!

BTW, you fucking dipstick, I'm a conservative and was a registered member of the GOP until Nixon turned out to be a CROOK 46 years ago just like the Orange Narcissist has proven to be!
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
You’re a disgusting miserable person. No way you’re over 60 years old and that immature. If so, then you’ve gone senile.
Get help please.
HA! I seem to have found where your goat is tied without even trying. Do facts and truth always send you orbital? Oh well, truth can be a real irritant to youthful, maturity challenged fuck-ups. Ta-Ta bitch!
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!? Well, some dogs just take a tad longer to learn!

I pray for him just as Nancy Pelosi does for our wonderful president

I wish him well. I really do...
You're a good man, D.R. H.
I am sure you can. This isn’t a 1:1 comparison. You still have not made the case or justification for ripping people from their cars outside of what lies between your ears and the extreme left wing base from which you hale.

I never said it was okay. I'm just not getting terribly worked up about it.

Especially since you can't even give me a number of times this has actually happened.

I do get worked up over it and if I pull 1-2 videos of it happening it’s too much. It’s not just the pulling of drivers out of cars. It’s also infringing on people’s personal space, disrupting them during dinner, blocking them from driving a street, blocking people from crossing the street. This entitlement to assault people, obstruct people all justified out of “protest”.
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.

You're an idiot. If they had thrown in the towel, that means they gave up and can't do any more. If you throw it up to "divine intervention", that means you can't do any more and have to hope that something bigger can fix it for you.

But.................what if your "divine intervention" says that you lose? Are you willing to accept that?
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.

You're an idiot. If they had thrown in the towel, that means they gave up and can't do any more. If you throw it up to "divine intervention", that means you can't do any more and have to hope that something bigger can fix it for you.

The "idiot" is you, not to mention a fool. The man is praying. "Praying" ... do you understand? Actively praying. There is a man who has not given up. He is asking for assistance "from above". Do you know what "assistance" means? No, I suppose that you don't.

But.................what if your "divine intervention" says that you lose? Are you willing to accept that?
The divine never give up. You're not very smart are you.
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.

You're an idiot. If they had thrown in the towel, that means they gave up and can't do any more. If you throw it up to "divine intervention", that means you can't do any more and have to hope that something bigger can fix it for you.

The "idiot" is you, not to mention a fool. The man is praying. "Praying" ... do you understand? Actively praying. There is a man who has not given up. He is asking for assistance "from above". Do you know what "assistance" means? No, I suppose that you don't.

But.................what if your "divine intervention" says that you lose? Are you willing to accept that?
The divine never give up. You're not very smart are you.

If you have to ask for something other than you to help, that means you cannot get it done on your own, which is why you ask for help. If you have to pray for assistance, that means you cannot do it yourself, so you need to ask for something to help you. You lose.
God bless you and may he cleanse you of the demons inside you
Finally throwing in the towel and hoisting the white flag, eh!?....
Praying for your soul is not "throwing in the towel". It merely means that he realizes that he cannot help you on his own but that perhaps divine intervention can. No, he hasn't "thrown in the towel" because he hasn't given up on you. If you have any compassion for mankind then you should thank him.

You're an idiot. If they had thrown in the towel, that means they gave up and can't do any more. If you throw it up to "divine intervention", that means you can't do any more and have to hope that something bigger can fix it for you.

The "idiot" is you, not to mention a fool. The man is praying. "Praying" ... do you understand? Actively praying. There is a man who has not given up. He is asking for assistance "from above". Do you know what "assistance" means? No, I suppose that you don't.

But.................what if your "divine intervention" says that you lose? Are you willing to accept that?
The divine never give up. You're not very smart are you.

If you have to ask for something other than you to help, that means you cannot get it done on your own, which is why you ask for help. If you have to pray for assistance, that means you cannot do it yourself, so you need to ask for something to help you. You lose.
You regard someone's sincere concern for another person's welfare a loser? I think you must be the dumbest person on this forum with an inferiority complex bigger than a bull hippo's testicles.
I do get worked up over it and if I pull 1-2 videos of it happening it’s too much. It’s not just the pulling of drivers out of cars. It’s also infringing on people’s personal space, disrupting them during dinner, blocking them from driving a street, blocking people from crossing the street. This entitlement to assault people, obstruct people all justified out of “protest”.

So let me get this straight. White people should be terribly upset because some BLM protesters disrupted their dinner....

But Black people should just be fine with being shot in their beds in the middle of the night, being choked to death, having their children shot while playing with toys, being shot in the back during a domestic dispute, etc. etc.
I do get worked up over it and if I pull 1-2 videos of it happening it’s too much. It’s not just the pulling of drivers out of cars. It’s also infringing on people’s personal space, disrupting them during dinner, blocking them from driving a street, blocking people from crossing the street. This entitlement to assault people, obstruct people all justified out of “protest”.

So let me get this straight. White people should be terribly upset because some BLM protesters disrupted their dinner....

But Black people should just be fine with being shot in their beds in the middle of the night, being choked to death, having their children shot while playing with toys, being shot in the back during a domestic dispute, etc. etc.
How did you come to that conclusion?

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