Antifa leader/ Professor : It's a privilege to teach future dead cops

Walk me though it.

Cause my complaints about Berkeley is that they tacitly work with violent street thugs to suppress Free Speech.

This professor is one of those street thugs, and supports the use of political violence.

Where is the irony?

The irony is in the fact that while you champion the "free speech" of Milo and friends on the Berkeley campus, you demand that others be fired for using their "free speech".
They are using their "free speech" to voice their opinions on what they think should happen to the guy.....:badgrin:

Of course.

But when those opinions are obviously hypocritical, I will then use my freedom of speech to call them out on it.
sure... That so called war on conservatives is coming back at the liberal leftist just as hard and furious as it went out...that's life.

Could you translate this to English for me?
I cannot help that you lack understanding.

For sharing his opinion?

His opinion involves inciting murder.

No, it doesn't.

Incitement has a legal definition. This doesn't come close to it.

I was not addressing criminal penalties, rather the college's liberty to object to encouraging murder.

He was neither "inciting", nor "encouraging" murder.

Words have meanings, you don't get to redefine them, no matter how outraged you are about it.

I am not outraged, but as you write, words have meanings. Sometimes they can invite, encourage, or discourage other forms of expression. The intention of the speaker is not controlling.

It is, in terms of the speaker's culpability.

You can't blame the Beatles for Charles Manson, or Salinger for... well, for a lot of them.
Liberal terrorist started this...conservatives will finish it.


I love internet tough guys.

More and more you lefties aren't really discussing anything, but instead are just spouting what, in person, would be fighting words.

That you do it from the safety of a computer screen, is you being the cowards.

THat you then pretend that a normal and healthy response from the cons you are dicks to, is something wrong on THEIR end, is just you libs doubling down on your "tough" talk.


If posts on a message board make you so emotional that you want to lash out in physical violence, that is your fucking problem, not mine.

If you can't take the heat, I'm going to laugh as you melt down.

I like that you did not deny that you lefties are not debating and more just provoking people with fighting words.

Good for you.

That your response was to do EXACTLY WHAT I DESCRIBED, in my post, as doubling down on your "tough talk" is hilarious.

It's not "tough talk", clownshoes. It's reality. This is the fucking internet.

It's not the Harvard debate club. If you want to talk issues, that's fine - let's do it. If you want to whine and moan about how people are being mean to you, then do it somewhere else.

NOt sure what you mean by "it is reality".

YOu are justifying liberals being extremely rude, because it is the "internet", not sure how that rates as a "Reason".

While acting like those who you libs are rude to are the ones that are wrong for being justifiably pissed off at your behavior.

We can only "piss and moan" about it, because you lefties never speak to us in person like that. Wisely.
The irony is in the fact that while you champion the "free speech" of Milo and friends on the Berkeley campus, you demand that others be fired for using their "free speech".
They are using their "free speech" to voice their opinions on what they think should happen to the guy.....:badgrin:

Of course.

But when those opinions are obviously hypocritical, I will then use my freedom of speech to call them out on it.
sure... That so called war on conservatives is coming back at the liberal leftist just as hard and furious as it went out...that's life.

Could you translate this to English for me?
I cannot help that you lack understanding.

Of course you can. You explain yourself.

But you're not trying to be "understood". You're trying to look smart without actually saying anything.
His opinion involves inciting murder.

No, it doesn't.

Incitement has a legal definition. This doesn't come close to it.

I was not addressing criminal penalties, rather the college's liberty to object to encouraging murder.

He was neither "inciting", nor "encouraging" murder.

Words have meanings, you don't get to redefine them, no matter how outraged you are about it.

I am not outraged, but as you write, words have meanings. Sometimes they can invite, encourage, or discourage other forms of expression. The intention of the speaker is not controlling.

It is, in terms of the speaker's culpability.

You can't blame the Beatles for Charles Manson, or Salinger for... well, for a lot of them.

True, there is the issue of job description, did this 'instructor's' include his opinion of future professions/deaths of students? Perhaps fortune telling would be his forte. : )
Direct link to claimed:
Ivan Trumpovic on Twitter


Wow... So I checked out the school and it's apparently a liberal arts place so they might not even fire him for that shit. Is it time for a PA to businesses and parents that degrees from this place are file 13 quality?

Random hypothetical aside for our "supposed" lawyers on here, so if someone already paid into this place and got a degree, and because the school didn't fire this cop killer twat their degree becomes worthless, would they have legal recourse to sue and get their money back?

First of all, John Jay is not a "liberal arts college". It's right there in its name - John Jay College for Criminal Justice.

Secondly, this guy's isn't going to be fired just because you're outraged at him - nor will your whining outrage magically make a degree from John Jay worthless.

"Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association boss Pat Lynch wrote a letter saying Isaacson “harbors total disdain for the active and future police officers that he teaches at John Jay College.”

"In a Friday letter to Karol Mason, president of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Lynch demanded the “immediate dismissal” of Isaacson “on behalf of nearly 50,000 active and retired New York City police officers who are members of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association of the City of New York.”

“Recent media reports have revealed Mr. Isaacson’s disgusting anti-police attitudes and his gleeful embrace of political violence, including violence against police officers, as expressed in his own social media postings,” Lynch wrote.

"Lynch continued: “It is absolutely outrageous that an individual who holds and expresses these views could be employed by any academic institution, much less one that counts an overwhelming number of New York City police officers as among its students, alumni and faculty members.”

"He wrote that Isaacson’s “continued presence will make it next to impossible for John Jay College to maintain any respect or credibility among the women and men who have dedicated their lives protecting this city, or among prospective students considering a law enforcement career.”

What a surprise. The New York Police Union wants him fired.

He's an adjunct, so they probably will fire him. But because the police union said so isn't going to be the reason.
Oh it might be ;)

I love internet tough guys.

More and more you lefties aren't really discussing anything, but instead are just spouting what, in person, would be fighting words.

That you do it from the safety of a computer screen, is you being the cowards.

THat you then pretend that a normal and healthy response from the cons you are dicks to, is something wrong on THEIR end, is just you libs doubling down on your "tough" talk.


If posts on a message board make you so emotional that you want to lash out in physical violence, that is your fucking problem, not mine.

If you can't take the heat, I'm going to laugh as you melt down.

I like that you did not deny that you lefties are not debating and more just provoking people with fighting words.

Good for you.

That your response was to do EXACTLY WHAT I DESCRIBED, in my post, as doubling down on your "tough talk" is hilarious.

It's not "tough talk", clownshoes. It's reality. This is the fucking internet.

It's not the Harvard debate club. If you want to talk issues, that's fine - let's do it. If you want to whine and moan about how people are being mean to you, then do it somewhere else.

NOt sure what you mean by "it is reality".

YOu are justifying liberals being extremely rude, because it is the "internet", not sure how that rates as a "Reason".

While acting like those who you libs are rude to are the ones that are wrong for being justifiably pissed off at your behavior.

We can only "piss and moan" about it, because you lefties never speak to us in person like that. Wisely.

Look around you, clown. Everyone's an asshole here. There are just as many right-wing assholes here, if not more. Everyone's rude.

I find your passive-aggression more offensive than I would find my active aggression. It's more honest.
Could you translate this to English for me?
Liberal terrorist started this...conservatives will finish it.


I love internet tough guys.

More and more you lefties aren't really discussing anything, but instead are just spouting what, in person, would be fighting words.

That you do it from the safety of a computer screen, is you being the cowards.

THat you then pretend that a normal and healthy response from the cons you are dicks to, is something wrong on THEIR end, is just you libs doubling down on your "tough" talk.


If posts on a message board make you so emotional that you want to lash out in physical violence, that is your fucking problem, not mine.

If you can't take the heat, I'm going to laugh as you melt down.

I like that you did not deny that you lefties are not debating and more just provoking people with fighting words.

Good for you.

That your response was to do EXACTLY WHAT I DESCRIBED, in my post, as doubling down on your "tough talk" is hilarious.
Doc is one of the dumbest trolls on the webz.
More and more you lefties aren't really discussing anything, but instead are just spouting what, in person, would be fighting words.

That you do it from the safety of a computer screen, is you being the cowards.

THat you then pretend that a normal and healthy response from the cons you are dicks to, is something wrong on THEIR end, is just you libs doubling down on your "tough" talk.


If posts on a message board make you so emotional that you want to lash out in physical violence, that is your fucking problem, not mine.

If you can't take the heat, I'm going to laugh as you melt down.

I like that you did not deny that you lefties are not debating and more just provoking people with fighting words.

Good for you.

That your response was to do EXACTLY WHAT I DESCRIBED, in my post, as doubling down on your "tough talk" is hilarious.

It's not "tough talk", clownshoes. It's reality. This is the fucking internet.

It's not the Harvard debate club. If you want to talk issues, that's fine - let's do it. If you want to whine and moan about how people are being mean to you, then do it somewhere else.

NOt sure what you mean by "it is reality".

YOu are justifying liberals being extremely rude, because it is the "internet", not sure how that rates as a "Reason".

While acting like those who you libs are rude to are the ones that are wrong for being justifiably pissed off at your behavior.

We can only "piss and moan" about it, because you lefties never speak to us in person like that. Wisely.

Look around you, clown. Everyone's an asshole here. There are just as many right-wing assholes here, if not more. Everyone's rude.

I find your passive-aggression more offensive than I would find my active aggression. It's more honest.

Nice excuse.
There's nothing to excuse.


The guy has managed to "excuse" to himself the use of street violence to suppress the First Amendment of people he does not like.

Do you think that such an asshole would, well supporting mob violence to harm his enemies, would hesitate to use his position of authority in the class room to punish his enemies?
Did anyone that was in front of him have it in them to say in return, "Well, its a privilege to learn from a future dead ANTIFA leader."?

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. What makes that man think that he is going to be spared if nobody else will?
Last edited:
I was wrong, good. - John Jay College Instructor Placed On Leave Over 'Dead Cops' Tweet

College President Karol Mason called the comments “abhorrent.”

“This adjunct expressed personal views that are not consistent with our college’s well known and firm values and principles and my own personal standards and principles,” she said in a statement. “I am appalled that anyone associated with John Jay, with our proud history of supporting law enforcement authorities, would suggest that violence against police is ever acceptable.”

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