Antifa member targeted Florida rally with bomb. More explosi

No one "caught it in time". The guy didn't go through with it.

Why are you surprised that rallies to commemorate a failed violent insurrection that tried to overthrow the government, attracted violence? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Republicans are on the road to a civil war.
Why do you all keep the narrative going that an insurrection was in play on 1/6th, when that isn't what was in play at all ? It was a protest that got out of hand (sound familiar)????????? Until the culprit's that attempted to overthrow law and order in this country, and our government along with the president from 2016 to 2020 are brought to justice and are arrested, then you make yourself out to be a fool by sticking with the hypocritical narrative of 1/6th being an insurrection while canceling out or ignoring what took place from 2016 to 2020 in this country.
hats off to who caught it in time
4321 till Harris ask for bail money

Why didn't he get shot on sight?

More of a threat that Ashli ever was
The trump Nazis have made it clear they are eager to see a civil war in this country. What they are too stupid to realize is they will not be the winners.

Just like other civil wars, when the dust settles, those who took up arms to defend the "traditions" they held dear (and weren't killed), they will be no better off than before. The survivors with the money will, again, be calling the shots.

And, be warned, the billionaires and Big Business will have the protection of the U.S. Military. So, the white supremacist militias should stay in the poor neighborhoods to do their killing. But stay out of the black and Hispanic areas, they are as heavily armed as the militias, and know the best spots to set up ambushes. They'll cut your lily-white a$$es to shreds.



Take your meds
I think there's a fair chance we might see more of this in the coming months and years. Bombings, assassinations, domestic terrorism could be on the rise and from both sides too. Hate to say it, hate to see it, but the anger, the hatred, the bitterness, the divisiveness is only going to get worse IMHO. I hope I'm wrong.
you are not wrong.

we've put each other in a nothing left to lose state.
The trump Nazis have made it clear they are eager to see a civil war in this country. What they are too stupid to realize is they will not be the winners.

Just like other civil wars, when the dust settles, those who took up arms to defend the "traditions" they held dear (and weren't killed), they will be no better off than before. The survivors with the money will, again, be calling the shots.

And, be warned, the billionaires and Big Business will have the protection of the U.S. Military. So, the white supremacist militias should stay in the poor neighborhoods to do their killing. But stay out of the black and Hispanic areas, they are as heavily armed as the militias, and know the best spots to set up ambushes. They'll cut your lily-white a$$es to shreds.

you calling people Nazis is the problem.

and the rest of the stupid ass shit you spew.
No one "caught it in time". The guy didn't go through with it.

Why are you surprised that rallies to commemorate a failed violent insurrection that tried to overthrow the government, attracted violence? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Republicans are on the road to a civil war.
then by your own words the Trump side was reacting to the lefts bullshit.
then by your own words the Trump side was reacting to the lefts bullshit.

Do you have any reading comprehension skills at all? The Trump side tried to overthrow the election because they didn't like the result. The rally that was held, was in support of the attempted coup. These people shouldn't even have been given a permit to gather.

The indulgences being shown to these right wing seditionists and terrorists is extraordinary and demonstrates how white terrorists are treated with kid gloves by your government. I recall the government going in with guns and bombs to take out the Black Panthers.

Why are the Proud Boys and other white terrorists being treated with kid gloves?
Armed legally or illegally in regards to protection ??

You answer that one. Remember, I don't display that I have a weapon.

Not profiling, but it's a fair question to ask anyone that is armed these days. I know the answer wouldn't be truthful if armed illegally, but we do have an issue with that these days.

I live in an open carry state that means that unless you have been barred for felonious reasons and open carry it then everyone is legal for carry.

We see that it is the question many law enforcement officers are dealing with today. Oh but don't be an officer attempting to find out, otherwise if the officer suspects something right ? That's racist or whatever the case may be if that happens, and that's unfortunate for law enforcement these days it seems.

I had to learn how to handle that. I want cops to ask if I am armed or not if I forget the proper way. I want that cop to be as loose as he can be. Once we get past a certain place, the whole thing turns into a relaxed situation.

No win situation for the officer's these days. Ok so the nation has some dirty cop's, so that warrant's destroying the abilities of good law enforcement from doing their jobs because of some rogue idiot officer's that were going to get what was coming to them because of a new world of technology, otherwise that gets video on demand in which implicates them nicely in a court of law now ??

This has only been the laswt 3 or so years. And it takes time for the cops to gain the confidence of the public while they break down the Blue Shield that's been protecting those bad cops.

So the agenda seeks weakness, otherwise that is then built into the narratives... It opens the doors eventually to the overthrowing of the system maybe ?? That's what seems to have become the agenda now, otherwise take the action's of a few and paint with the broadest brush available in order to paint the whole story as being a systemic issue.

Yeah we have problems sure, and thank goodness for technology today, but it appears that in a lot of cases the technology is being abused and used wrongfully when gets into the wrong hands. That has become a problem just as well. What happens when you leave a loaded firearm in the reach of children ? Case in point, the firearm is the technology, and the child is the uneducated careless human being that doesn't use the technology correctly, and therefore kills him or herself or somebody else with it. Technology in the wrong hands can be just as lethal as a loaded gun in the hands of a child.

The jury is out.
The trump Nazis have made it clear they are eager to see a civil war in this country. What they are too stupid to realize is they will not be the winners.

Just like other civil wars, when the dust settles, those who took up arms to defend the "traditions" they held dear (and weren't killed), they will be no better off than before. The survivors with the money will, again, be calling the shots.

And, be warned, the billionaires and Big Business will have the protection of the U.S. Military. So, the white supremacist militias should stay in the poor neighborhoods to do their killing. But stay out of the black and Hispanic areas, they are as heavily armed as the militias, and know the best spots to set up ambushes. They'll cut your lily-white a$$es to shreds.

Double your meds.
Note where the bomber came from and received his Antifa training from...Portland, Oregon.

It's the rat's nest of terrorism and attracts mentally ill radical leftist jihadists the way a magnet attracts
iron fillings.
Do you have any reading comprehension skills at all? The Trump side tried to overthrow the election because they didn't like the result. The rally that was held, was in support of the attempted coup. These people shouldn't even have been given a permit to gather.

The indulgences being shown to these right wing seditionists and terrorists is extraordinary and demonstrates how white terrorists are treated with kid gloves by your government. I recall the government going in with guns and bombs to take out the Black Panthers.

Why are the Proud Boys and other white terrorists being treated with kid gloves?
you funny.

it's almost as if you expect people to believe your bullshit.
Note where the bomber came from and received his Antifa training from...Portland, Oregon.

It's the rat's nest of terrorism and attracts mentally ill radical leftist jihadists the way a magnet attracts
iron fillings.
Sure appears that way.

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