antifa punk gets his ass knocked out...

Where the hell do these freaking people come from...........'s about Antifia getting his ass knocked out in one punch..........LOL

That was awesome.
When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

It's plain to see you and yours are the NAZI'S

Did the altRight tell you that?

Guess what you Dumb Ass NAZI?

Who is physically attacking the other side

for their political beliefs?

That’s right it’s you on the left.

You lefties are playing a dangerous game…

The good and decent people of America

have fought and destroyed your kind

before and we will do the same to you.

So what is a keyboard warrior like you gonna do? Caps lock me into submission?

We both know you are too stupid to be reasoned with….

I just like pissing you off…

It’s very therapeutic….
You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

It's plain to see you and yours are the NAZI'S

Did the altRight tell you that?

Guess what you Dumb Ass NAZI?

Who is physically attacking the other side

for their political beliefs?

That’s right it’s you on the left.

You lefties are playing a dangerous game…

The good and decent people of America

have fought and destroyed your kind

before and we will do the same to you.

So what is a keyboard warrior like you gonna do? Caps lock me into submission?

They are all clearly Nuts...….

judd is a known mental case...
Where the hell do these freaking people come from...........'s about Antifia getting his ass knocked out in one punch..........LOL

That was awesome.

It reminded me of Election Night….

Crooked hillary got her ass knocked out too….
It's plain to see you and yours are the NAZI'S

Did the altRight tell you that?

Guess what you Dumb Ass NAZI?

Who is physically attacking the other side

for their political beliefs?

That’s right it’s you on the left.

You lefties are playing a dangerous game…

The good and decent people of America

have fought and destroyed your kind

before and we will do the same to you.

So what is a keyboard warrior like you gonna do? Caps lock me into submission?

They are all clearly Nuts...….

judd is a known mental case...

All we need to do is show these idiots speaking..........Only campaign that needs to be aired............

I watch that video and go they have got to be kidding me...............REALLY.........LOL
You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.

Acting like a Nazi gets you called a Nazi. Sorry, but that's how it works. If you don't like the name, then quit acting like one.

You words

"You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. "

What you said is not true, except in one sense of the word.

It reveals what it takes for YOU to call someone a nazi.

And that is not working with you.

You call people an incredibly vile and poisonous and divisive insult, because they will not work with you.

YOur accidental honesty is appreciated.

You are an asshole.

Not because you won't work with me, but because you call people the worst names, for no good reason, just to destroy or marginalize them.

The difference between us name calling here, is that you are a liar, and I am telling the truth.
When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

You missed my point.

You call someone a race baiting asshole, you are leaving open the possibility that he could stop being a race baiting asshole at some point, and your conflict could be resolved.

YOu call some one a nazis, and you are saying that the only way to deal with this person is to destroy him or them.

So you think the right calling liberals names is fine, but you have problems with it being returned? Where do you stand on calling people America hating traitors? Is that something that doesn't count either?

You are conflating a number of issues into a response that misses my point.

My point was that the Left, who has been calling the Right nazis, has been pushing towards a war.

And I explained why.

Nazis is a pretty specific and special name to call someone. I think we can discuss it, separately from the general concept of name calling.

Do you want to respond to my point?

Quit whining you big baby. Your only point is that it's fine for the right to say anything they want, but you'll pout if some of that hatred splashes back on you. Show me one time when you condemned any of the hateful accusations made by the right over the last 20 years, and you might have a little credibility. Otherwise, you're just what you seem to be-----a whiny RWNJ.

No, that was not my point. Your refusal to admit that is merely cowardice on your part.

Considering that you on the Left consider just about anything we on the right say, or at least CLAIM you consider it, hatred,

I'm sure I have many times.

I certainly defended Obama golfing many times. I was always supportive of him spending time away from the office.

Your mis-characterization of my point as "whining" is cowardly to do online. It is quite easy to be an asshole, when you don't have to do it to my face.
Expect a spike in NICS checks, (form 4473) indicative of new firearm acquisitions... Funny segment where Michael Moore and Bill Mahre grapple with starting a civil war, realizing that their side is the one without the firearms and then speculating that "our military men and women are on our side"... ROTFL!

(yes the Infowars host could have been more concise... still raises valid points, none the less)
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That NAZI SOB got knocked into next week...….

Both of them did , that guy can throw a punch..

I don't think this was the good guys first fight...…

It looks like the NAZI won't be fighting for a while....

I liked how his little stick hit the ground with the good guy picking it up...
The girl tries to step on it so he wouldn't get it. She kept yelling and he just pointed at her to gtfo.

I hate to admit but I have to be honest...

I wish the girl would have took a swing at the good guy

so he could knock her ass out too.....

These NAZI'S bring out a bad side in me that I didn't know existed...

I am sure I am not alone.
Why would you wait for someone to swing on you first. Sound like a snowflake to me.

You not being an actual man I can see why you'd be confused.
did you guys see the 'antifa' chick get nailed at a riot in 'berkeley' a half year or so ago . --- --- off topic but funny imo .

We have been putting up with this too long. Build the camps!
Expect a spike in NICS checks, (form 4473) indicative of new firearm acquisitions... Funny segment where Michael Moore and Bill Mahre grapple with starting a civil war, realizing that their side is the one without the firearms and then speculating that "our military men and women are on our side"... ROTFL!

(yes the Infowars host could have been more concise... still raises valid points, none the less)

Are they that eager to create a situation where leftists and communists can be hunted down and killed without legal repercussions?
did you guys see the 'antifa' chick get nailed at a riot in 'berkeley' a half year or so ago . --- --- off topic but funny imo .

Do you know who that "antifa chick" is? Her bros pimp her out for porn videos in a very capitalistic way. She makes videos for hair fetishes because she doesnt shave anything. They laugh and humiiate her on her videos for looking like a shetland sheepdog when she is nude on all fours being exploited for the gain of her antifa handlers. Her porn name is Venus Rosales.
She comes from a rich family but her parents sent her to Berkeley and the leftists there sexually abused her into becoming a lunatic.

This should be the official got clobbered thread



That's not cool

she came after him first and she had a set of brass knuckles on

the guy had a right to defend himself

Wrong, She was putting up defensive hands. The Mobs line was surging forward towards her. Does this make him feel like a real Man?

You do know she stated on facebook that she was off to the protest to take out some fascist right?
Oh...and there's video of her throwing wine bottles.
And another funny coincidence? She had a failed wine store.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....
You're rejoicing at a video of white supremacist Aryan thug punching the snot out of a skinny girl.

That is the side you're on.

This is sin manifested and personified folks.

This is what it looks like.

I know it can hard to tell with your antifa buddies but that was actually a guy.
did you guys see the 'antifa' chick get nailed at a riot in 'berkeley' a half year or so ago . --- --- off topic but funny imo .

Do you know who that "antifa chick" is? Her bros pimp her out for porn videos in a very capitalistic way. She makes videos for hair fetishes because she doesnt shave anything. They laugh and humiiate her on her videos for looking like a shetland sheepdog when she is nude on all fours being exploited for the gain of her antifa handlers. Her porn name is Venus Rosales.
She comes from a rich family but her parents sent her to Berkeley and the leftists there sexually abused her into becoming a lunatic.

View attachment 203026

------------------------------------------ yeah , thanks , i have heard similar DOTR .
newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.

Acting like a Nazi gets you called a Nazi. Sorry, but that's how it works. If you don't like the name, then quit acting like one.

You words

"You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. "

What you said is not true, except in one sense of the word.

It reveals what it takes for YOU to call someone a nazi.

And that is not working with you.

You call people an incredibly vile and poisonous and divisive insult, because they will not work with you.

YOur accidental honesty is appreciated.

You are an asshole.

Not because you won't work with me, but because you call people the worst names, for no good reason, just to destroy or marginalize them.

The difference between us name calling here, is that you are a liar, and I am telling the truth.

Actually, it was me repeating your words dumb ass.

If you don't like being called a Nazi, quit acting like one, and quit supporting altRight Nazis.
Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

You missed my point.

You call someone a race baiting asshole, you are leaving open the possibility that he could stop being a race baiting asshole at some point, and your conflict could be resolved.

YOu call some one a nazis, and you are saying that the only way to deal with this person is to destroy him or them.

So you think the right calling liberals names is fine, but you have problems with it being returned? Where do you stand on calling people America hating traitors? Is that something that doesn't count either?

You are conflating a number of issues into a response that misses my point.

My point was that the Left, who has been calling the Right nazis, has been pushing towards a war.

And I explained why.

Nazis is a pretty specific and special name to call someone. I think we can discuss it, separately from the general concept of name calling.

Do you want to respond to my point?

Quit whining you big baby. Your only point is that it's fine for the right to say anything they want, but you'll pout if some of that hatred splashes back on you. Show me one time when you condemned any of the hateful accusations made by the right over the last 20 years, and you might have a little credibility. Otherwise, you're just what you seem to be-----a whiny RWNJ.

No, that was not my point. Your refusal to admit that is merely cowardice on your part.

Considering that you on the Left consider just about anything we on the right say, or at least CLAIM you consider it, hatred,

I'm sure I have many times.

I certainly defended Obama golfing many times. I was always supportive of him spending time away from the office.

Your mis-characterization of my point as "whining" is cowardly to do online. It is quite easy to be an asshole, when you don't have to do it to my face.

Quit whining.

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