Antifa terrorists fire BB guns at heads of Patriots: Time = 3:52

If these assholes end up getting shot, they deserve it. When you come right down to it, shooting may be the only way to stop these anarchists.
Sounds like a plan.

But the Law Enforcement or Military folks are the ones that have to do it; not us civilians.

It has to be legal.

But there may be non-lethal ways of doing it...

  • mounted police (cavalry) armed with long batons and multi-shot tazers, as well as semi-auto service handguns
  • sleeping gas dropped from helicopters. then scoop-'em-up
  • Federal tent-camp detention centers in the Arizona desert ala Sheriff Joe Arpaio
  • squadrons of high-end police drones equipped with Co2 pellet-guns or BB-guns... auto-repeater... large magazine-hoppers
  • trap rioters by blocking-off side-streets and their retreat from the rear, then go in an crack some skulls before arresting them
  • metaphorically crucify them in Federal criminal courts; throw the book at them; flight risks; no bail; long prison sentences; hard labor; huge fines
And if that doesn't stop it, then send-in the Infantry and fire on them; plenty of advance warning; shoot-to-maim if possible; shoot-to-kill when appropriate.

Phukk 'em.

Let God sort 'em out.
That sounds a little like Lori Lightfoot's wife.
If these assholes end up getting shot, they deserve it. When you come right down to it, shooting may be the only way to stop these anarchists.
Sounds like a plan.

But the Law Enforcement or Military folks are the ones that have to do it; not us civilians.

It has to be legal.

But there may be non-lethal ways of doing it...

  • mounted police (cavalry) armed with long batons and multi-shot tazers, as well as semi-auto service handguns
  • sleeping gas dropped from helicopters. then scoop-'em-up
  • Federal tent-camp detention centers in the Arizona desert ala Sheriff Joe Arpaio
  • squadrons of high-end police drones equipped with Co2 pellet-guns or BB-guns... auto-repeater... large magazine-hoppers
  • trap rioters by blocking-off side-streets and their retreat from the rear, then go in an crack some skulls before arresting them
  • metaphorically crucify them in Federal criminal courts; throw the book at them; flight risks; no bail; long prison sentences; hard labor; huge fines
And if that doesn't stop it, then send-in the Infantry and fire on them; plenty of advance warning; shoot-to-maim if possible; shoot-to-kill when appropriate.

Phukk 'em.

Let God sort 'em out.

Why not just do what Europe does....

Camera the crap out of the place... Drones, telescopic vans, roof tops... Any who starts is immediately filmed and if ever a face covering is removed or meets with someone with a face covering then you have them by association... The same applies to law enforcement... Any stepping out of line by anyone is all reviewed independently... UK last riots the cops sat back and videoed the lot of them and within two weeks they had them all rounded up in front of judges...
This protects everyone who wants to be lawful and peaceful. All sides have people intent on violence (including the cops), weeding these out can create an environment for peaceful protest

IF it does go violent the measures you suggested are not helpful and will only exasperate the problem. You want handguns... So are you intending to open fire on a crowd?
Sleeping Gas, are fucking serious, How are you going to allocate a proper dosage to an individual? Stop watching movies, that shit ain't real.
Detention Centers??? Who are you putting into it... Only a very small amount of people break the law in these protests... Are you going to put people in jail for lawful assembly?
Drones with arms on US citizens... Again opening fire on a crowd in discriminately will have officers in jail and record lawsuits... You have to prove every individual fired at was breaking the law and was a danger to someone else or open the Government wallet for a lawsuit each.

And since any of those solutions will not work you want the US army to come in and open fire on US Citizens where only a small minority are breaking the law...

And by the way with all those solutions the simplest was not even considered... You ask for them to disburse and if they don't and you have proof of it being an unlawful assembly...
Keep it up, and future clashes will be worse...

WHAT clashes?
Even IF the Right staged a significant protest, it would not make news anywhere.
No media would cover it.
If 100,000 showed up the media would say it was a few hundred....and label them trouble makers and racist.

The right has lost it's voice in the media completely.
The left enjoys 100% media support regardless
Keep it up, and future clashes will be worse...

WHAT clashes?
Even IF the Right staged a significant protest, it would not make news anywhere.
No media would cover it.
If 100,000 showed up the media would say it was a few hundred....and label them trouble makers and racist.

The right has lost it's voice in the media completely.
The left enjoys 100% media support regardless

Radio is dominated by Right wing.
Fox News is openly Right wing
Local TV news is also Right wing biased.
Breirtbart, Gateway Pundit, Daily Mail,....
Wall Street Journal & New York Post....

I think you mean the Mdeia is not totally dominated by the Right Wing and some of them are reporting the truth.
If these assholes end up getting shot, they deserve it. When you come right down to it, shooting may be the only way to stop these anarchists.
Sounds like a plan.

But the Law Enforcement or Military folks are the ones that have to do it; not us civilians.

It has to be legal.

But there may be non-lethal ways of doing it...

  • mounted police (cavalry) armed with long batons and multi-shot tazers, as well as semi-auto service handguns
  • sleeping gas dropped from helicopters. then scoop-'em-up
  • Federal tent-camp detention centers in the Arizona desert ala Sheriff Joe Arpaio
  • squadrons of high-end police drones equipped with Co2 pellet-guns or BB-guns... auto-repeater... large magazine-hoppers
  • trap rioters by blocking-off side-streets and their retreat from the rear, then go in an crack some skulls before arresting them
  • metaphorically crucify them in Federal criminal courts; throw the book at them; flight risks; no bail; long prison sentences; hard labor; huge fines
And if that doesn't stop it, then send-in the Infantry and fire on them; plenty of advance warning; shoot-to-maim if possible; shoot-to-kill when appropriate.

Phukk 'em.

Let God sort 'em out.

Why not just do what Europe does....

Camera the crap out of the place... Drones, telescopic vans, roof tops... Any who starts is immediately filmed and if ever a face covering is removed or meets with someone with a face covering then you have them by association... The same applies to law enforcement... Any stepping out of line by anyone is all reviewed independently... UK last riots the cops sat back and videoed the lot of them and within two weeks they had them all rounded up in front of judges...
This protects everyone who wants to be lawful and peaceful. All sides have people intent on violence (including the cops), weeding these out can create an environment for peaceful protest

IF it does go violent the measures you suggested are not helpful and will only exasperate the problem. You want handguns... So are you intending to open fire on a crowd?
Sleeping Gas, are fucking serious, How are you going to allocate a proper dosage to an individual? Stop watching movies, that shit ain't real.
Detention Centers??? Who are you putting into it... Only a very small amount of people break the law in these protests... Are you going to put people in jail for lawful assembly?
Drones with arms on US citizens... Again opening fire on a crowd in discriminately will have officers in jail and record lawsuits... You have to prove every individual fired at was breaking the law and was a danger to someone else or open the Government wallet for a lawsuit each.

And since any of those solutions will not work you want the US army to come in and open fire on US Citizens where only a small minority are breaking the law...

And by the way with all those solutions the simplest was not even considered... You ask for them to disburse and if they don't and you have proof of it being an unlawful assembly...
View attachment 378970
Good idea. But I'm pretty sure there are already plenty of cameras that recorded evidence of crimes. The big question is, will arrests be made and the answer is, not likely. Knowing who committed crimes doesn't count for anything if you don't enforce your laws. And the criminals who are arrested are often released immediately by liberal leaders, making the deterrent value of law enforcement nil. Enforcement is key and I will add that these people who have burned and looted these cities should be financially responsible to the damage as well. There's just no excuse for this kind of lawlessness. MAGA
Keep it up, and future clashes will be worse...

WHAT clashes?
Even IF the Right staged a significant protest, it would not make news anywhere.
No media would cover it.
If 100,000 showed up the media would say it was a few hundred....and label them trouble makers and racist.

The right has lost it's voice in the media completely.
The left enjoys 100% media support regardless

Radio is dominated by Right wing.
Fox News is openly Right wing
Local TV news is also Right wing biased.
Breirtbart, Gateway Pundit, Daily Mail,....
Wall Street Journal & New York Post....

I think you mean the Mdeia is not totally dominated by the Right Wing and some of them are reporting the truth.
Media in general is dominated by the left - CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, NPR
Government is dominated by the left
Social media is controlled by the left
Public schools are dominated by the left
Thousands of leftwing propaganda websites
Academia is dominated by the left.

All these sections of our society are far more extensive than anything the right has influence over.
Keep it up, and future clashes will be worse...

WHAT clashes?
Even IF the Right staged a significant protest, it would not make news anywhere.
No media would cover it.
If 100,000 showed up the media would say it was a few hundred....and label them trouble makers and racist.

The right has lost it's voice in the media completely.
The left enjoys 100% media support regardless

We don't have news anymore, we now have ideological propaganda

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