Antifa, The Unfortunate Consequence of The Growing U.S. Nazi Movement

It is a fact that the "alt-right" is Trump's most enthusiastic die-hard supporters. It is also clear he is hesitant to alienate these people. At this moment these scumbags have more political power than they have had for a very long time.
The nazis have all you people closing ranks around them simply because you feel you have to disagree with liberals in all they do and say.
That's because everything leftists do or say is wrong.
Leftists almost unanimously hate Nazis, so does that mean you like Nazis?

You poor naive soul.

Leftists are Nazis. Nazis are leftists.

What is the difference between Stalin and Hitler, other than Stalin murdering 20 million and Hitler murdering 6 million?
Those assholes goosestepping around our public spaces damned sure didn't vote for Hilary.
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


View attachment 147388 View attachment 147389 View attachment 147390

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.


Another gutless lying leftist political slut speaks.
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


View attachment 147388 View attachment 147389 View attachment 147390

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.


When fascism comes to america it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross
As already said, the Big Giant Neo-Nazi Movement' is entirely media created; they need it to be a Big Giant Movement because the Democrats desperately need a Big Giant Enemy they can pretend to be fighting, and they need that because they have no real policies except demonizing those uppity white proles and pander almost exclusively to racist identity politics for a base.
As already said, the Big Giant Neo-Nazi Movement' is entirely media created; they need it to be a Big Giant Movement because the Democrats desperately need a Big Giant Enemy they can pretend to be fighting, and they need that because they have no real policies except demonizing those uppity white proles and pander almost exclusively to racist identity politics for a base.
This Nazi thing is noteworthy mostly because of how much the right seems to be spewing pure hate towards people who hate Nazis while practically nothing is said about the Nazis. Clearly the right hates liberals far more than they hate Nazis, it's not really surprising but it is kind of cool of them to simultaneously tell America where they really stand and put to rest their often repeated claim that Nazism is a leftist thing.
As already said, the Big Giant Neo-Nazi Movement' is entirely media created; they need it to be a Big Giant Movement because the Democrats desperately need a Big Giant Enemy they can pretend to be fighting, and they need that because they have no real policies except demonizing those uppity white proles and pander almost exclusively to racist identity politics for a base.
This Nazi thing is noteworthy mostly because of how much the right seems to be spewing pure hate towards people who hate Nazis while practically nothing is said about the Nazis. Clearly the right hates liberals far more than they hate Nazis, it's not really surprising but it is kind of cool of them to simultaneously tell America where they really stand and put to rest their often repeated claim that Nazism is a leftist thing.

Rubbish. They get no attention whatsoever from most Americans; their little marches and rallies barely get 5 seconds on the local news for decades. they got attention in Charlotte because a bunch of paid thugs hired by Democrats wanted to generate photo ops for themselves. That's it, period.
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


View attachment 147388 View attachment 147389 View attachment 147390

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.


When fascism comes to america it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross
Nope, that would be a theocracy....... Learn your political constructs.
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


View attachment 147388 View attachment 147389 View attachment 147390

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.

why trump won.jpg
As already said, the Big Giant Neo-Nazi Movement' is entirely media created; they need it to be a Big Giant Movement because the Democrats desperately need a Big Giant Enemy they can pretend to be fighting, and they need that because they have no real policies except demonizing those uppity white proles and pander almost exclusively to racist identity politics for a base.
This Nazi thing is noteworthy mostly because of how much the right seems to be spewing pure hate towards people who hate Nazis while practically nothing is said about the Nazis. Clearly the right hates liberals far more than they hate Nazis, it's not really surprising but it is kind of cool of them to simultaneously tell America where they really stand and put to rest their often repeated claim that Nazism is a leftist thing.
Love your rationalization perspective dud. How about you wake up and see what the real world looks like, not just what satisfies your confirmation bias.
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


View attachment 147388 View attachment 147389 View attachment 147390

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.


When fascism comes to america it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross

The Big Orange Idiot opened the door to the Nazis' open displays of violence, and like every issue that shows conservatism in a negative light (Is there an issue that puts them in a positive light? Not really.) the conservative denial of this fact is rampant.

Big Orange is inspiring everything bad about the American people to show itself. This includes the mistaken belief by members of Antifa that they have the support of progressives. If Antifa members want to fight the fascism conservatives now welcome, they must remove their masks and join in peaceful demonstrations.

Employing violence makes Antifa no better than the Nazism they want ended.

Despite the hate and violence Big Orange and his fans advocate, Hurricane Harvey has permitted the volunteerism in Houston to somewhat redeem our society's seemingly dormant compassion. But, it is certain the number of conservatives risking their lives to help the hurricane's victims is far outnumbered by the progressives wading chest-deep in the floodwaters searching for survivors.

Sadly, compassion and empathy are not among the personal characteristics conservatives possess. If conservatives had compassion and empathy, they would be progressives.



No question about it.

What growing american Nazi movement?

I was unaware that supporting violent hateful bigots was alright if they are working against practically non existent groups
As already said, the Big Giant Neo-Nazi Movement' is entirely media created; they need it to be a Big Giant Movement because the Democrats desperately need a Big Giant Enemy they can pretend to be fighting, and they need that because they have no real policies except demonizing those uppity white proles and pander almost exclusively to racist identity politics for a base.
This Nazi thing is noteworthy mostly because of how much the right seems to be spewing pure hate towards people who hate Nazis while practically nothing is said about the Nazis. Clearly the right hates liberals far more than they hate Nazis, it's not really surprising but it is kind of cool of them to simultaneously tell America where they really stand and put to rest their often repeated claim that Nazism is a leftist thing.

Rubbish. They get no attention whatsoever from most Americans; their little marches and rallies barely get 5 seconds on the local news for decades. they got attention in Charlotte because a bunch of paid thugs hired by Democrats wanted to generate photo ops for themselves. That's it, period.
You think so? The Nazis seem to think they have a president that likes them. If nothing else this is an extreme failure by your president. This shit is much less about democrats then how the right seems to be handling this shit. The right wing media did not reflect the disinterest you claim but rather are still portraying the Nazi scum as victims of the left's supposed war on free speech rather than Americans shouting down bad people trying to sell a dangerous message of hatred to our youth.
The peaceful protests by progressive groups demonstrating against conservative hate organizations are being marred by the violence of Antifa.

Antifa as an entity is nothing new. Antifa began in Nazi Germany and the “Anti-Fascist Action, a militant group founded in the 1980s in the United Kingdom.” The ideals of Antifa have nothing in common with the progressive agenda, aside from opposition to the danger posed to U.S. society by the White Nationalists, white supremacists, skin-heads, and similar Nazi groups.

The rise of Antifa in the U.S. is the unfortunate consequence of the Big Orange Idiot’s embracing the Nazi hate groups and the conservatives’ eager acceptance of Big Orange’s actions.

Unlike conservatives who stand squarely behind the Big Orange Idiot’s agenda to Make America White Again, progressives condemn both the Nazis’ violence, and that of Antifa.

The advocating of violence and hatred spewed by Nazis is finding wide acceptance among conservatives. When the Big Orange Idiot encouraged violence during his campaign rallies he received repeated standing ovations for doing so. This fact cannot be denied by conservatives as there are countless videos on the Internet as proof.

However, while conservatives welcome Nazi violence and criminal assault against peaceful protesters, the actions of Antifa prove they differ little, if any from the Nazis they attack.

Like fascism, many Antifa members support oppressed populations, and other aspects of the fascists’ agenda. While other Antifa affiliates use radical or militant tactics to promote their message. None of which are compatible with the progressive policies of equality for all, and moreover, accepting the diversity that built the United States.

The conservatives’ hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, coupled with their homophobia, xenophobia, misogyny, and overwhelming desire for a plutocratic government are at odds with the Founding Fathers’ intents. This is despite the conservatives’ consistent invoking of their misinterpretations of the U.S. Constitution.

Simply put, Nazi=bad, Antifa=bad. Of course, this is also much too difficult for conservatives to understand.


View attachment 147388 View attachment 147389 View attachment 147390

And this kind of sh!t is supposed to make America great again? Conservatism at its best.


When fascism comes to america it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross

The Big Orange Idiot opened the door to the Nazis' open displays of violence, and like every issue that shows conservatism in a negative light (Is there an issue that puts them in a positive light? Not really.) the conservative denial of this fact is rampant.

Big Orange is inspiring everything bad about the American people to show itself. This includes the mistaken belief by members of Antifa that they have the support of progressives. If Antifa members want to fight the fascism conservatives now welcome, they must remove their masks and join in peaceful demonstrations.

Employing violence makes Antifa no better than the Nazism they want ended.

Despite the hate and violence Big Orange and his fans advocate, Hurricane Harvey has permitted the volunteerism in Houston to somewhat redeem our society's seemingly dormant compassion. But, it is certain the number of conservatives risking their lives to help the hurricane's victims is far outnumbered by the progressives wading chest-deep in the floodwaters searching for survivors.

Sadly, compassion and empathy are not among the personal characteristics conservatives possess. If conservatives had compassion and empathy, they would be progressives.


View attachment 147411

No question about it.


What open displays of violence?
Nope, that would be a theocracy....... Learn your political constructs.

NO, forgot the part about being "wrapped in a flag"........Religious people are more into shrouds and robes with pointed hoods (like you probably wear)and not flags......LOL
Nope, that would be a theocracy....... Learn your political constructs.

NO, forgot the part about being "wrapped in a flag"........Religious people are more into shrouds and robes with pointed hoods (like you probably wear)and not flags......LOL
Could you possibly be any more of a clueless partisan loser? Or even more of a board joke?
I see nobody has produced any stats on all this 'growth' they keep babbling about. Did the membership skyrocket hugely, like from 20 all the way to 25 or something?

After seeing these mighty Social Justice Warriors in action lately, I can buy it takes 50 or 60 thousand of them to counter that increase.
I see nobody has produced any stats on all this 'growth' they keep babbling about. Did the membership skyrocket hugely, like from 20 all the way to 25 or something?

After seeing these mighty Social Justice Warriors in action lately, I can buy it takes 50 or 60 thousand of them to counter that increase.
LIberals call conservatives nazis but they are using a page right out of Goebbels play book. Everyday.

I see nobody has produced any stats on all this 'growth' they keep babbling about. Did the membership skyrocket hugely, like from 20 all the way to 25 or something?

After seeing these mighty Social Justice Warriors in action lately, I can buy it takes 50 or 60 thousand of them to counter that increase.
LIberals call conservatives nazis but they are using a page right out of Goebbels play book. Everyday.

And Antonio Gramsci's as well. Alinsky's Rules is Gramsci for Dummies.

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