Are Antifa terrorists?

  • No, they are in the right

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anchovies on pizza

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Antifa are just sweet lttle fellers

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest


"The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group."

They had a permit, it was revoked when the riot broke out, probably like is in the

OP video.

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.

what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.

what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest

Berkeley isn't in Oregon OldLady
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest


"The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group."

They had a permit, it was revoked when the riot broke out, probably like is in the

OP video.

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown
Did you look at the link I put up? It was from Fox; it shouldn't give you hives.
Whether any of them had a permit isn't the point. They're both a fight waiting to happen.
The far left is known for using violence to silence others, it is part of their MO..

And if you notice the far left elite will stay mostly silent about their terrorist groups.

Yes they may make a press release, but it is not a flat out commendation. Yet they want others to do what they refuse to do in most cases.
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest


"The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group."

They had a permit, it was revoked when the riot broke out, probably like is in the

OP video.

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown
Did you look at the link I put up? It was from Fox; it shouldn't give you hives.
Whether any of them had a permit isn't the point. They're both a fight waiting to happen.
Couldn’t be a fight if Leftards allowed others to hold their rallies in peace.
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest


"The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group."

They had a permit, it was revoked when the riot broke out, probably like is in the

OP video.

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown
Did you look at the link I put up? It was from Fox; it shouldn't give you hives.
Whether any of them had a permit isn't the point. They're both a fight waiting to happen.
I’m not American but even I noticed your article is about Berkeley NOT Portland, OL.
what idiots
ALL of them. Reminds me of nothing but a junior high rumble. Go home and mow the lawn.
troll, the patriot prayer group had permit to be there and antifa showed up to disrupt them.
No, they didn't have a permit.
City officials said neither group had sought or obtained a permit for their respective rallies.

Antifa members in Berkeley smash windows of US Marine Corps recruiting office during protest


"The afternoon began with a permitted rally at Terry Schrunk Federal Plaza organized by Joey Gibson, U.S. Senate candidate for Washington and leader of the right-wing, Vancouver-based group."

They had a permit, it was revoked when the riot broke out, probably like is in the

OP video.

Portland Police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown
Did you look at the link I put up? It was from Fox; it shouldn't give you hives.
Whether any of them had a permit isn't the point. They're both a fight waiting to happen.

The OP is about Portland, OldLady
Which mob are the righties? KKK, who??


The kkk never gets numbers like that.

The marches they televise never show more than a handful, maybe once in a while you might see 20 or so.

Note how the still photos are always from close up, even low to the ground looking up,

it hides how few their numbers are, because the lib media has a vested interest in pretending the KKK is a real force.
I wonder what the arguments would look like if it was a rally of leftists and some right wingers showed up to insigate violence?
I votes yes!

Of course these thugs are terrorists, ANTIFA are the Brown Shirts of the Demonrats.
So, like I've been saying, these jokers throw mortars into crowds, very dangerous. This time it

was on the front lines, as soon as the mortar explodes, the clash is on! Antifa is getting the worst of it,

and then the police provide a barrage of flashbangs to scatter the Antifa punks.

You can hear

the cheering at the end. For those of you who don't know what mortars are, they

are fireworks you light, then drop them into a tube and they launch into the sky

and go boom with pretty colors. They're close to pro-grade fireworks. Here, that

would be called aggravated battery. You'll see fireworks first, the little pops, the

boom is the mortar.

PANTIFA gets their butts handed to them yet again!


Antifa are easily defeated, They’re all a bunch of pussy whipped bitch is living in their mothers basement

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