Antifa urges members to take up arms after Rittenhouse verdict

And if some dumbass tries to take their weapon, well they can blow their ass away. If they get skeered, they can blow everyone away.
I agree with the first statement. The second is idiotic and not what happened AT ALL with Rittenhouse. If that's your take on the situation, you paid zero attention to the evidence given at the trial. Go push your opinions to someone who gives a shit about them.
When is mentally damaged Joe going to direct the FBI to crack down on the terrorists in Antifa?

Crack down? The DNC and others have funded Antifa and BLM to the tune of $90 million.

Not sure if this is going to work out the way they think it will. :laughing0301:

"Some members of Antifa are responding to the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse last week by getting guns themselves.

According to social media posts collected by conservative journalist Andy Ngo, the violent leftist group sees as a threat to them Mr. Rittenhouse’s successful claim of self-defense in the shootings of three rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.

“Antifa accounts in Portland & beyond are terrified over the Rittenhouse acquittal because they’re afraid others will shoot them dead during an attack & have a legal argument for self-defense. They’re urging comrades to get guns immediately so they can kill before being killed,” Mr. Ngo wrote on Twitter, providing multiple screenshots to support his claim.

The account Antifada161 noted that “every leftist and antifascist who doesn’t have guns…should consider getting one/some as fast as possible” just hours after the acquittal.

Another screen-shotted activist replied by saying he was worried about carrying a gun without knowing how to use it, but solicited for “an antifascist group to learn with in SW Washington.”

Antifa urges members to take up arms after Kyle Rittenhouse verdict
I’ve seen some of the same statements made on extreme right wing Internet sites. But the last time I looked, it was still legal to protest in this country no matter if you were on the left..or the right (just don’t light them Tiki Torches and yell that a certain chosen people will NOT replace them. :)). Or go to a school board meeting and threaten bodily harm and violence if you don’t get your way.

I love the pic of all the “Tron” extras in the gaslit, right wing publication. I’m sorry, if civil discourse in this country finally dies, it will be those of you on the right who made it happen.
Crack down? The DNC and others have funded Antifa and BLM to the tune of $90 million.

The Democratic Party sure do love them some paramilitary domestic terrorists. First the KKK, how antifa.
I’ve seen some of the same statements made on extreme right wing Internet sites. But the last time I looked, it was still legal to protest in this country no matter if you were on the left..or the right (just don’t light them Tiki Torches and yell that a certain chosen people will NOT replace them. :)). Or go to a school board meeting and threaten bodily harm and violence if you don’t get your way.

I love the pic of all the “Tron” extras in the gaslit, right wing publication. I’m sorry, if civil discourse in this country finally dies, it will be those of you on the right who made it happen.
What an ignorant post. You're the idiots that spew hate and vitriol when we won't fall into line about your gender crap, climate change crap, etc. You shove your agenda 24/7.

Antifa urges members to take up arms after Rittenhouse verdict​

I'm surprised you don't wholeheartedly approve. Is the 2nd for some Americans only?
The Democratic Party sure do love them some paramilitary domestic terrorists. First the KKK, how antifa.

Really they didn't change, they just modernized the KKK and changed the name.
What an ignorant post. You're the idiots that spew hate and vitriol when we won't fall into line about your gender crap, climate change crap, etc. You shove your agenda 24/7.
And you’re full of shit as you’ve taken a hysterical knee jerk post about something that’s about as real as Unicorns (shh…don’t tell my granddaughter) and used it to spread your bile and hatred because you’re fucking scared as shit you are about to become a minority in your own country in the next 20 years.

There is no agenda. It’s called E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N. It scares the shit out of you. And it should. I bet the dinosaurs thought the same thing when they saw that asteroid coming. :)
And you’re full of shit as you’ve taken a hysterical knee jerk post about something that’s about as real as Unicorns (shh…don’t tell my granddaughter) and used it to spread your bile and hatred because you’re fucking scared as shit you are about to become a minority in your own country in the next 20 years.

There is no agenda. It’s called E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N. It scares the shit out of you. And it should. I bet the dinosaurs thought the same thing when they saw that asteroid coming.
Oh, I's evolution. So you're growing a penis above your vagina?
Oh, I's evolution. So you're growing a penis above your vagina?
Seriously, is that all you righties are concerned with? People’s sexuality?, how they identify?, whether they believe in God or not? So basically, you’re a scared little bitch. Barking and biting at anything you perceive as lunging toward you…threatening your just and righteous Christian view of the country and where it should go. Denying basic respect and courtesy to people because of your fear and bigotry.

What a terrible way to go through life.
Seriously, is that all you righties are concerned with? People’s sexuality?, how they identify?, whether they believe in God or not? So basically, you’re a scared little bitch. Barking and biting at anything you perceive as lunging toward you…threatening your just and righteous Christian view of the country and where it should go. Denying basic respect and courtesy to people because of your fear and bigotry.

What a terrible way to go through life.
You're either male or female. If you're confused, seek psychological help.
I'm surprised you don't wholeheartedly approve. Is the 2nd for some Americans only?
We prefer to keep the guns out of the hands of those who haven't the emotional maturity or even the intellectual capacity to grasp a few simple rules of firearms safety. In other words, they'd probably kill more of themselves than they would of us.

On second thought, give the faggots in their sisters' skinny jeans all the guns they want.
Seriously, is that all you righties are concerned with? People’s sexuality?, how they identify?, whether they believe in God or not? So basically, you’re a scared little bitch. Barking and biting at anything you perceive as lunging toward you…threatening your just and righteous Christian view of the country and where it should go. Denying basic respect and courtesy to people because of your fear and bigotry.

What a terrible way to go through life.

Okay, if you insist............................

Let's take a look at what you lefties are concerned with.






Seriously, is that all you righties are concerned with? People’s sexuality?, how they identify?, whether they believe in God or not? So basically, you’re a scared little bitch. Barking and biting at anything you perceive as lunging toward you…threatening your just and righteous Christian view of the country and where it should go. Denying basic respect and courtesy to people because of your fear and bigotry.

What a terrible way to go through life.
...says the guy who hates people who wear red hats.

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