Any chance of a legit Libertarian party growth? or Fix Republicans from the inside


Nov 8, 2012
Just found this site...
Loving it so far...I have been looking for somewhere to discus this...

I am a Libertarian leaning Republican. I hesitate to call myself Libertarian because of the Libertarian Parys past, some of the people associated with it, conservative the image it has.

My thought is this. I would think that a Libertarian Party that was organized and strong would have HUGE appeal. When I look at the electorate, I see a lot of people that liked what Romney said about how exceptional America is, about conservative fiscal policies etc...but they could not get over pro-choice issues, or issues around gay marriage etc. I also see that on the Liberal side, the Social issues they win on in general in America (everything from gay marriage to the move across the country to legalize marijuana etc.) I would think that a party that split that middle on social issues, and was fiscally conservative would have some huge draw.

My question the Libertarian party "real enough" to achieve some kind of critical mass, and challenge or change the face of politics? Or would that just split the fiscal conservative (Republican) vote? Is there any hope at all of a Socially moderate fiscally conservative Republican candidate...or even better...movement?
I see a lot of people that liked what Romney said about how exceptional America is...


Your problem is NOT that you fancy yourself some kind of a Libertarian, but that you live in a conservative bubble.

4/4/09: Barack Obama: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. I’m enormously proud of my country and its role and history in the world."

Political Leaders on What Makes America Exceptional -- New York Magazine

You have no clue how stupid you come across
Just found this site...
Loving it so far...I have been looking for somewhere to discus this...

I am a Libertarian leaning Republican. I hesitate to call myself Libertarian because of the Libertarian Parys past, some of the people associated with it, conservative the image it has.

My thought is this. I would think that a Libertarian Party that was organized and strong would have HUGE appeal. When I look at the electorate, I see a lot of people that liked what Romney said about how exceptional America is, about conservative fiscal policies etc...but they could not get over pro-choice issues, or issues around gay marriage etc. I also see that on the Liberal side, the Social issues they win on in general in America (everything from gay marriage to the move across the country to legalize marijuana etc.) I would think that a party that split that middle on social issues, and was fiscally conservative would have some huge draw.

My question the Libertarian party "real enough" to achieve some kind of critical mass, and challenge or change the face of politics? Or would that just split the fiscal conservative (Republican) vote? Is there any hope at all of a Socially moderate fiscally conservative Republican candidate...or even better...movement?

It can be done. Trust me. We changed the idiocy up here from Progressive Conservative to Conservative and seized power.

Don't look at labels. Just know you can change shit. I'll run with Paulites if they can bend a bit. And I can show you how to work it.
I see a lot of people that liked what Romney said about how exceptional America is...


Your problem is NOT that you fancy yourself some kind of a Libertarian, but that you live in a conservative bubble.

4/4/09: Barack Obama: "I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. I’m enormously proud of my country and its role and history in the world."

Political Leaders on What Makes America Exceptional -- New York Magazine

You have no clue how stupid you come across

Whats it feel like to love living in a world of losers and being so damned proud of it.

You are bragging on being a loser. You are happy about being a loser. So strange.
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Obama might have given lip service to America being exceptional, but when I look at the totality of his Presidency to date (things he has said overseas, his former church, etc etc) leads me to believe that he does not believe the United States deserves to be the global leader that we have been in the past.

I don't pretend to know EVERY one across the US...but I do know a lot of people that were torn. I am brushing with broad strokes here...but the people I know are MUCH more fiscally conservative than Obama. They voted for him though...and a lot of that has to do with social issues. Look, I am a Vet...I live in the I am not looking at this from the die hard Democrats view point. I am talking about defeating them...

I THINK this newer/softer Libertarian party that is a lot less anarchist than in the past has some real appeal nationally...but I dont know if it has the organization to make a dent. I think the Republican party is doing some soul searching...but the primary process seems to leave us with watered down "least offensive" candidate. I am a nobody politically, My gut tells me that a candidate who doesnt alienate the LGBT community (as an example) and remains fiscally conservative could pull in a lot of people. Does that happen through a better Libertarian party or a Libertarian caucus within the Republican party?

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