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Any deep inspiring Spiritual Experiences? Share your Story!

....it's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc

except there repeatedly has been
2) This thread was asking people who HAVE had an experience to share it, not for people who haven't to incessantly argue or troll. I'm pretty sure she didn't start this thread for the purpose of debate (she can correct me if I'm wrong) so quit derailing the thread and disrespecting Emily's intention.

i'm an ex-emt, 3 decades of service. We were told the 'hearing is always last to go' , but one wonders what depth of unconsiousness ,or even lifelessness that ends.

Our job was usually boring 95% of the time, a taxi ride.... the 5% that did matter were 'worked' , or in laymans terms fanning the last flames of life .

So how did some of these folks desribe what we did? describe our appearance even though they were never consious? recite what we said?

documented --unbiased links/etc?

Do you really think an emt would document something s/he was made aware of after the fact ?

Do you really think we document every 'wierd' thing that happens in the field?

so then it's just your opinion--not fact

Nothing celestial or spirtual is ever 'fact' .

the entire gist of 'faith' is based on belief.....opinion .....

no nasa rocket science need apply....

First, salvation. Years ago in my adolescence. After an abusive upbringing, I found Christ. It was a game-changer.

Then much later, just a few years ago, I started reading the Bible bearing in mind its audience and the numerous time statements in both testaments, especially the New, and a veil slowly lifted off my eyes. The Bible made sense; it told a single comprehensive story.

I only wish that Preterism had more of a brick-and-mortar presence. But I realized in time that, unlike futurists, we have no sense of urgency, no sense of fear. We live in the present with the knowledge that Christ delivered as he promised in his generation. He is with us.

Now I truly feel liberated. No more confusion. No more questions. Just peace and understanding.
And that's freedom of 'faith' peeps can believe what you want to believe , it's the gateway to relief, denial, despair ,peace, redemption.... you name it we got it for you.

Myself it's evident all around me , a baby's laugh.....the moonglow on a summers night......each unique snowflake.....along with all natures wonderous offerings

No brick/mortar need apply either....

And that's freedom of 'faith' peeps can believe what you want to believe , it's the gateway to relief, denial, despair ,peace, redemption.... you name it we got it for you.

Myself it's evident all around me , a baby's laugh.....the moonglow on a summers night......each unique snowflake.....along with all natures wonderous offerings

No brick/mortar need apply either....

Snowflakes and moonglow inspire atheists, too.
inspire them to existentialism , vs spiritulaism norwegen

there is a subtle difference

there is no divine intervention ..no one can prove it
I already have, what part of Geocaching
Bin Laden on Sept 25th that lead to the raid on Oct 5 did you not understand.
You are seeing divine intervention through the lens of myths not through the eyes of logic. The mythical divine does not exist, the practicle process to make humanity more stable -future interacting with the past is a common sense given. We already proved the possibility and had former president and denying evidence existed theorisist admit this when we finally were able to send sound faster then the speed of light.
(science symposium Hawkings changed his mind over what he was shown and did not previously take into acct as evidence) :)
Good old Bin Laden... uSAMA and Al quida .The Arabic al is the same as the el in Hebrew thus uSAMA EL or Samael the messenger who brings the poison of gd...He brought division or death wherever he went and he met a fitting end to say the least...
point being there is no divine intervention/etc
Not in my case, Divine was the name of the person who I saved from being robbed. (funny coincidence)
Why her? Probably because she and her family took me in during my first Thanksgiving in the new town. They made extra food to be shared with the less fortunate afterwards, just like the Temple sacrafice gathering events used to do in YeruShalem.
I'M a believer that since everything has a process, there is no such thing as miracles, only processes yet to be figured out or advanced into knowing as we get to that time it's revealed.
Even the so called Divine has a process, and where it comes from has always been revealed and that key unlocks the rest.
Heaven derives from the actual Hebrew term "Olam Habah" meaning "World to Come" aka the future to come. Common sense, the more advanced into the future the more unimaginable concepts come to fruition and surpass even
our restricted imaginations.
Which is why the past always describes the vision of this time to come in archaic & poetic terms only they are familiar with.
Using that key, now go back and reread things in a reality based way not mythical.
The message warning is not coming from the sky since the beginning, the start (message that knows history)is at the end of the linear time line, which is why Isaiah says the beginning (non linear time interacting in all time lines) is at the end and maybe why Torah is read from right to left. Olam Habah did not exist since the begining, it's to come when we become Shalem (complete & whole & stable).
You lose that knowledge when you lose the original Hebrew term Olam Habah and redefine it through translation to a new precept in English called Heaven.

Thank you HaShev You bring up a good point about the process "in time."

harmonica some of my friends were discussing the neuroscience research published by a doctor
in the local Med Center in Houston. The study was on brain impulses, and the research showed that
even BEFORE the subject person Consciously decided to take an action such as picking up a coffee cup,
the brain was already reacting and showing impulse activity related to PREPARING for that action.
So the impulse already started before the person made a conscious choice.

Now was this a delay in when someone REALIZES they made that choice?
Or was it really the unconscious planning and preparing in advance before the REAL WILL or consciousness of the
person went there. Was it just a delay in perception that explains this backwards gap in time?

This disturbed some people's perception of what is free will.
How much are unconscious impulses and what is really what we determine and decide on our own volition to do or not.

However, if you take what I am saying and looks like HaShev refers to as well.
The whole process is already in motion, already connected.
And we are just perceiving and working with that process, where past and future events
already correlate and co influence each other (that's how I see it anyway).

The way HaShev describes it above is close enough to what I see going on,
so it may not be perfect but it alludes to similar enough for me to recognize.

.....also--there can't be divine intervention since you can't prove there is a ''divine being'' --plain and simple

Dear harmonica
proving or believing there is a divine source is no different from
proving there is a COLLECTIVE society, a COLLECTIVE humanity,
a COLLECTIVE history or knowledge or body of laws universal for "all humanity."

All of that is faith based because our present empirical perception is limited
in time and scope to the finite here and now. Everything else beyond the
current senses is basically FAITH BASED.

We are taking all that which we know on FAITH.

For example, look at the Flat Earth protesters who contest science as faked.
They demonstrate that even established scientific facts are FAITH BASED.
They don't believe the research is real, or the photos, but it's PROPAGANDA.

So all things can be challenged, and nothing can make people BELIEVE it is true or not.

It serves the same purpose as "believing in a divine source"
to acknowledge there is a COLLECTIVE LEVEL of either truth, laws,
humanity, etc. That serves the same purpose as believing in God.

For example, if you believe the laws of Nature, the forces of Life,
and the Universe are collective and govern all humans on earth, that
takes the same degree of faith as believing in God, such calling it by SECULAR terms.
Laws of God or
Laws of Science, Nature, the Life, Universe
It means the same reference, just not using religious personified terms of deity.
But the content of the laws are the same if you are arguing these are

All faith based.

Another difference besides the terms used to describe Laws of Life in the Universe:
Do you believe in Restorative Justice or Retributive Justice
as the dominating force in life and society?

This also makes all the difference in how people see the world
and human relations.

So that to me is the equivalent of having faith in Christ Jesus
is having faith in Restorative Justice.

Equally faith based, and achieves the same result!

Believing in universal laws of God and of Life as "greater good will" that applies to all people on earth.
Believing in Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice to establish
truth for justice and peace for all humanity.
Believing in the power of Forgiveness to heal wrongs and
relations so problems of social injustice can be corrected in harmony.

This is the same as believing in the meaning behind the Holy Trinity
except spelled out in secular terms. Equally faith based.
whoever thinks the Earth is flat is a dumbass--plain and simple
there is no divine power--plain and simple

Dear harmonica Depends what you define to be a "divine" power.
Some people might call LOVE a divine energy.
How about where LIFE comes from, what gives something LIVING energy.
And forgiveness, and how that allows a natural healing process.
Where does the healing energy come from?

You don't have to call it "divine."
But if we agree on the RULES for how this life-giving healing energy
works, THAT'S the real issue!

How does LOVE and FORGIVENESS heal and transform relationships?
Whether we call it divine or not, as long as we agree how this process
works, that's what matters and makes a difference in life!
Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep - Canoe.com
you never dreamed?

You can't prove the content of the dreams.
We can show the brain has certain activities that correspond to dream states.
But there is no proof of content.

Do you get what I'm saying harmonica?

We have been "taking it on faith" that people dream what they said they dream.
No proof.
All faith based on taking people's word for it!!!
have or have you not ever dreamed?

Yes but you cannot prove or disprove it.
It is based on faith, and we agree or not.

It is not based on scientific proof.
so you have dreamed --but you say you can't prove dreaming exists.....???????!!!!!!!!!
it's like 1 + 1 =2 ---you CAN'T deny that

Dear harmonica
Since you bring up numbers,
we happen to agree to call this quantity
"one" or 1
This quantity
* *
"two" or 2 etc.

So that by definition, we have agree to call
adding two of these
to make
* *
so by DEFINITION we agree to use SYMBOLS "1" and "2"
where "1 + 1 = 2"

Now how this applies to SYMBOLIC terms such as

What do these TERMS "represent" or MEAN?
If we agree God MEANS:
Source of Life
Law of Nature
Universal Laws governing the world
Good Will for all humanity
Collective Truth etc.

Then "God" means those things BY DEFINITION.

Same with "Jesus" what does someone MEAN by faith in "Jesus":
Faith in Salvation or end of suffering for all humanity by making peace
Peace and Justice
Restorative Justice
Divine Justice
Equal Justice under Law

If we AGREE that "Jesus" represents
"Universal Justice for all Humanity Collectively"
then BY DEFINITION that's what that term SYMBOLIZES.


These are still faith based. We can't prove there is JUSTICE
in the world, or that we will ever receive it or all humanity will
ever unite under one JUSTICE. But if people BELIEVE in Justice,
then we can AGREE on terms of "Justice" whether we call it Jesus or Justice or what.

My point is these cannot be proven, they remain faith based.
What we can do is find out where we AGREE on meaning and terms for these concepts.

We cannot prove LOVE exists, but take it on faith we are "talking about the same thing."
We can't prove whether we really dreamed what we said we did,
but are "taking it on faith" and we AGREE to believe each other even WITHOUT PROOF.

I'm saying that faith in collective, spiritual or "divine" things --
anything abstract or unproveable such as love, wisdom, peace, justice etc.
depends on what we AGREE to call these things.
These abstract concepts are faith based, but we can AGREE what we are talking about anyway.
Even if we can never prove these things exist.
....it's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc

Dear harmonica
Maybe what others call "divine intervention" you are calling nature.
That's fine as well. Agnes Sanford also taught people that God was
the same as Nature. You don't have to call this "divine "in order to
be talking about the same thing. If we can agree to call it LAWS OF NATURE
that's saying the same things.

1. How do you describe the point at which life or the personality of someone
either enters the human body during development, or develops over time.

Where does that come from. Does life come from within the cells and just
generates itself. Does it come from forces outside the physical body?

2. Also what do you call the life energy connecting all living things in
an Ecosystem. Did all these things develop individually? Or did
they develop in connection with each other holistically?

3. Also how do you describe either
Collective humanity or society
Collective truth or knowledge
Universal laws of nature and the world

Do you believe in a collective body of laws that already
exists and is independent of anything man made up?
I held my mothers hand for the last time last saturday night, as the cancer ate her alive.

I told here it was alright to go ....

she was still lucid , right up to the end

she died early sunday morning

methinks there's a certain spiritual experience in watching one pass , and no, i really can't explain it

Thank you for being there with your mother.
That is really touching and I hope and pray
that you receive greater strength and comfort.

I stayed by my father's side while he was dying,
but he waited till I left to let go. I was warned that
he might do that. Sometimes we don't really give
permission to people to let go, or they don't want
to do that. So thank you for being there to tell your
mother it is okay to go. That's beautiful. Thanks for sharing, sparky
Yes both existence and nonexistence are equally faith based.
Both rely on whether individuals BELIEVE and call it that or something else.

Just like DREAMS harmonica
We can neither prove nor disprove when someone SAYS they "had a dream" and
what that dream entailed or what it means. All faith based.

Yet we are okay socially with accepting when someone SAYS they dreamed something.
Someday we will be okay with people SAYING they saw spirits or had messages or visions
of something and what it meant to them.

Both are equally faith based and cannot be proven or disproven one way or another.
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep - Canoe.com
you never dreamed?

You can't prove the content of the dreams.
We can show the brain has certain activities that correspond to dream states.
But there is no proof of content.

Do you get what I'm saying harmonica?

We have been "taking it on faith" that people dream what they said they dream.
No proof.
All faith based on taking people's word for it!!!
have or have you not ever dreamed?

Yes but you cannot prove or disprove it.
It is based on faith, and we agree or not.

It is not based on scientific proof.
so you have dreamed --but you say you can't prove dreaming exists.....???????!!!!!!!!!
it's like 1 + 1 =2 ---you CAN'T deny that

Yes harmonica just because I have experienced a dream
doesn't mean I can prove it to you.

Just like you don't believe in divine experiences other people
have which they can't prove to you.

One of the most interesting perspectives on this was in the observations
Scott Peck wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil. He did not believe
such demonic personalities or forces were "real entities" from another
plane or spiritual dimension that were invading the minds and taking
over conscious will of schizophrenic patients. He was certain these were
merely chemical or neurological disorders and delusions in the brain
that weren't real, but imagined by sick patients.

Until the day he interviewed patients sent to him by a friend, Malachi Martin,
who is historically known for his controversial work performing exorcisms
to rid people of demonic obsessions.

Even AFTER Peck saw these same manifestations, and witnessed these "demon"
personalities tell him things that were in his subconscious memories that his
patients did not and could not have known, Peck admitted he could NEVER PROVE
those spiritual experiences. He saw the snakelike and demonic personalities
manifest physically, and so did his team witness the same phenomena.

But all that remains FAITH BASED, so Peck struggled with how to reconcile this with science.

He still determined that the behaviors he could document as observable, quantifiable
changes or stages followed a set pattern so this was adequate to develop a model
for therapy, using standard scientific methods.

So BOTH things were going on:
A. the quantifiable measurable effects that can be established and replicated
as following a pattern, from sickness to healing and recovery
B. the SPIRITUAL factors or process that CANNOT be proven but remain faith based

harmonica I wish you could research the process used by spiritual healing
including deliverance and exorcism, and compare reports. Even if the visions
that manifest during the process are on the level of "dreams" and not real in the
sense of the physical world we experience empirically, if we can agree "dreams"
are real, why can't we agree that these "demons" and "demonic activity" are real.

How many experiments would have to be replicated, where people report seeing
these "demonic" manifestations? Before these are accepted as "real" the way "dreams" are?
And that's freedom of 'faith' peeps can believe what you want to believe , it's the gateway to relief, denial, despair ,peace, redemption.... you name it we got it for you.

Myself it's evident all around me , a baby's laugh.....the moonglow on a summers night......each unique snowflake.....along with all natures wonderous offerings

No brick/mortar need apply either....


Dear sparky Your comments on the wonderous offerings of nature
remind me of a poetic statement made by Tim Minchin on the beauty of nature and asking "isn't this enough?"
Last edited:
if you can't prove something, it's not there
.....wrong---everybody dreams and/or most people dream = much more people dream than have ''divine intervention''
Dreams: The Mysteries of Sleep - Canoe.com
you never dreamed?

You can't prove the content of the dreams.
We can show the brain has certain activities that correspond to dream states.
But there is no proof of content.

Do you get what I'm saying harmonica?

We have been "taking it on faith" that people dream what they said they dream.
No proof.
All faith based on taking people's word for it!!!
have or have you not ever dreamed?

Yes but you cannot prove or disprove it.
It is based on faith, and we agree or not.

It is not based on scientific proof.
so you have dreamed --but you say you can't prove dreaming exists.....???????!!!!!!!!!
it's like 1 + 1 =2 ---you CAN'T deny that

Yes harmonica just because I have experienced a dream
doesn't mean I can prove it to you.

Just like you don't believe in divine experiences other people
have which they can't prove to you.

One of the most interesting perspectives on this was in the observations
Scott Peck wrote in his book Glimpses of the Devil. He did not believe
such demonic personalities or forces were "real entities" from another
plane or spiritual dimension that were invading the minds and taking
over conscious will of schizophrenic patients. He was certain these were
merely chemical or neurological disorders and delusions in the brain
that weren't real, but imagined by sick patients.

Until the day he interviewed patients sent to him by a friend, Malachi Martin,
who is historically known for his controversial work performing exorcisms
to rid people of demonic obsessions.

Even AFTER Peck saw these same manifestations, and witnessed these "demon"
personalities tell him things that were in his subconscious memories that his
patients did not and could not have known, Peck admitted he could NEVER PROVE
those spiritual experiences. He saw the snakelike and demonic personalities
manifest physically, and so did his team witness the same phenomena.

But all that remains FAITH BASED, so Peck struggled with how to reconcile this with science.

He still determined that the behaviors he could document as observable, quantifiable
changes or stages followed a set pattern so this was adequate to develop a model
for therapy, using standard scientific methods.

So BOTH things were going on:
A. the quantifiable measurable effects that can be established and replicated
as following a pattern, from sickness to healing and recovery
B. the SPIRITUAL factors or process that CANNOT be proven but remain faith based

harmonica I wish you could research the process used by spiritual healing
including deliverance and exorcism, and compare reports. Even if the visions
that manifest during the process are on the level of "dreams" and not real in the
sense of the physical world we experience empirically, if we can agree "dreams"
are real, why can't we agree that these "demons" and "demonic activity" are real.

How many experiments would have to be replicated, where people report seeing
these "demonic" manifestations? Before these are accepted as "real" the way "dreams" are?
wrong and wrong
....you have had dreams so we KNOW people dream--there is no more to it --plain and simple
....it's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc

Dear harmonica
Maybe what others call "divine intervention" you are calling nature.
That's fine as well. Agnes Sanford also taught people that God was
the same as Nature. You don't have to call this "divine "in order to
be talking about the same thing. If we can agree to call it LAWS OF NATURE
that's saying the same things.

1. How do you describe the point at which life or the personality of someone
either enters the human body during development, or develops over time.

Where does that come from. Does life come from within the cells and just
generates itself. Does it come from forces outside the physical body?

2. Also what do you call the life energy connecting all living things in
an Ecosystem. Did all these things develop individually? Or did
they develop in connection with each other holistically?

3. Also how do you describe either
Collective humanity or society
Collective truth or knowledge
Universal laws of nature and the world

Do you believe in a collective body of laws that already
exists and is independent of anything man made up?
no god--no divinity/divine
  1. 1.
    of, from, or like God or a god
  1. 1.
    the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.
2) This thread was asking people who HAVE had an experience to share it, not for people who haven't to incessantly argue or troll. I'm pretty sure she didn't start this thread for the purpose of debate (she can correct me if I'm wrong) so quit derailing the thread and disrespecting Emily's intention.

i'm an ex-emt, 3 decades of service. We were told the 'hearing is always last to go' , but one wonders what depth of unconsiousness ,or even lifelessness that ends.

Our job was usually boring 95% of the time, a taxi ride.... the 5% that did matter were 'worked' , or in laymans terms fanning the last flames of life .

So how did some of these folks desribe what we did? describe our appearance even though they were never consious? recite what we said?

documented --unbiased links/etc?

Do you really think an emt would document something s/he was made aware of after the fact ?

Do you really think we document every 'wierd' thing that happens in the field?

so then it's just your opinion--not fact

Nothing celestial or spirtual is ever 'fact' .

the entire gist of 'faith' is based on belief.....opinion .....

no nasa rocket science need apply....

so not proven --exactly what I've been saying
....it's like when one person is saved out of many from a plane crash/etc --they say ''thank god he was saved'' ...''divine intervention saved him'' ...etc

When it happens to other people, you may think it is just rationalization.

But when it happens to you, where you sense some deeper connection, then it's different.

Your comment reminds me of a "divine" coincidence story I read in Reader's Digest.

Of two passengers sitting next to each other on a plane, one had just lost a family
member and was heading that direction, while the other had a sick family member
in desperate need of an transplant. They agreed to have the deceased tested
for possible compatibility. It was a longshot, but it turned out to be a match. So the
deceased person ended up saving the life of someone else, by their family members sitting together on a plane.
point being there is no divine intervention/etc

except there repeatedly has been
sure--sure--just like Aliens landing on Earth

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