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Any deep inspiring Spiritual Experiences? Share your Story!

i'm an ex-emt, 3 decades of service. We were told the 'hearing is always last to go' , but one wonders what depth of unconsiousness ,or even lifelessness that ends.

Our job was usually boring 95% of the time, a taxi ride.... the 5% that did matter were 'worked' , or in laymans terms fanning the last flames of life .

So how did some of these folks desribe what we did? describe our appearance even though they were never consious? recite what we said?

documented --unbiased links/etc?

Do you really think an emt would document something s/he was made aware of after the fact ?

Do you really think we document every 'wierd' thing that happens in the field?

so then it's just your opinion--not fact

Nothing celestial or spirtual is ever 'fact' .

the entire gist of 'faith' is based on belief.....opinion .....

no nasa rocket science need apply....

so not proven --exactly what I've been saying

nor disproven
flew right on over your head .......~S~
no divinity--no divine intervention --simple

of which you've also.......no....proof!

been over this a million times
.....YOU people have to prove it--not I to disprove--like court cases the state claims someone did something, the state HAS to prove it or it's bullshit--you people INITIALLY made the claim
..also--I can claim all kinds of bullshit:
I went to the moon and jesus served me breakfast
Elvis came to me and told me the Ten Commandments
No we don't. We don't have to prove God's existence. We can't prove it.

If you don't believe in Him, though, then you're engaging in a conversation that really doesn't concern you.
...you people try to argue that god is real--so, if you don't prove it, you are full of shit --plain and simple

Dear harmonica
Why can't we just agree what we MEAN by "God"
And focus on the CONCEPT or PRINCIPLE which is common to both people
or universal to all people?

In some contexts God can mean:
Forces of Life or Nature
Truth or Wisdom
Good Will
Universal laws

God is a personification or metaphor for many concepts.

So depending on the context, there is a secular meaning and translation.
It does not have to be some personified figure deified.

To some people, Collective society or Humanity is their equivalent of
believing in some higher good.

Collective truth or knowledge is another equivalent of "God's truth" or "God's" universal laws.

harmonica do you believe in any level of
collective knowledge or laws?

Do you believe there are universal laws governing all things in existence?
That's the equivalent of believing in "God's Laws"

Just because people express this differently doesn't mean
someone else's symbolism "doesn't exist".

What is the equivalent or parallel in YOUR way of defining the world
and the relationships or laws within it?

If you find the PARALLEL concept, principle or meaning
THAT'S the meaning behind symbolic terms such as God, Jesus, Spirit etc.

You just have to figure out what in your understanding
is the closest equivalent that ALIGNS with the same in someone else's system or language.
been over this a million times
.....YOU people have to prove it--not I to disprove--like court cases the state claims someone did something, the state HAS to prove it or it's bullshit--you people INITIALLY made the claim
..also--I can claim all kinds of bullshit:
I went to the moon and jesus served me breakfast
Elvis came to me and told me the Ten Commandments
Do you need proof the universe had a beginning?
....we have no idea--can't even to scratch the surface--can't even touch the surface of knowing anything on any of this
...so you people need to insert '''all of this is not proven/not true --I just make it up'''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
so not proven --exactly what I've been saying

flew right on over your head .......~S~
no divinity--no divine intervention --simple

of which you've also.......no....proof!

been over this a million times
.....YOU people have to prove it--not I to disprove--like court cases the state claims someone did something, the state HAS to prove it or it's bullshit--you people INITIALLY made the claim
..also--I can claim all kinds of bullshit:
I went to the moon and jesus served me breakfast
Elvis came to me and told me the Ten Commandments
You know what?

Despite all your desperate flailing about, all your NUH UH YOU BIG DOODYHEADS, all your petulant foot-stamping, all your pathetic attempts at distraction...

No one has ever given up their faith because of anything you're said.

You fail. Again. Constantly.
hahahhahahha--fail at what??!!????
again, impressive evidence you have of god
documented --unbiased links/etc?

Do you really think an emt would document something s/he was made aware of after the fact ?

Do you really think we document every 'wierd' thing that happens in the field?

so then it's just your opinion--not fact

Nothing celestial or spirtual is ever 'fact' .

the entire gist of 'faith' is based on belief.....opinion .....

no nasa rocket science need apply....

so not proven --exactly what I've been saying

nor disproven
not being proven means it's bullshit --not true
Do you need proof the universe had a beginning?
....we have no idea--can't even to scratch the surface--can't even touch the surface of knowing anything on any of this
...so you people need to insert '''all of this is not proven/not true --I just make it up'''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
Probably because it makes no sense to deny the science like you are doing.
Do you need proof the universe had a beginning?
....we have no idea--can't even to scratch the surface--can't even touch the surface of knowing anything on any of this
...so you people need to insert '''all of this is not proven/not true --I just make it up'''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
But the science doesn’t say no beginning, dipshit.
been over this a million times
.....YOU people have to prove it--not I to disprove--like court cases the state claims someone did something, the state HAS to prove it or it's bullshit--you people INITIALLY made the claim
..also--I can claim all kinds of bullshit:
I went to the moon and jesus served me breakfast
Elvis came to me and told me the Ten Commandments

Yeah, sure, but the Bible does not just make claims about God. It gives clear instructions to follow, a specific way to verify those claims, but that is not something that someone else can do for you.

You have to do it for yourself.

For instance, it is written that the pure of mind will see God. You might demand proof from someone else that this is true, but if you do not purify and refine your own mind, you will see and understand nothing.

Even if a dead person should rise from the same grave you are sleeping in and started talking to you, you would still see and understand nothing.

The more you purify and refine your mind the better you will understand the extraterrestrial language of the prophets. The more you understand the language of the prophets the more your perception of time and life itself will change and the better you will know what to do. The more you apply your mind to understand, the more you will become a new creature, 'like one of us', knowing good and evil.

If you learn to choose good and reject evil, only then you will gain the ability to see and hear God, and what has always been right in front of your own nose.
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Do you really think an emt would document something s/he was made aware of after the fact ?

Do you really think we document every 'wierd' thing that happens in the field?

so then it's just your opinion--not fact

Nothing celestial or spirtual is ever 'fact' .

the entire gist of 'faith' is based on belief.....opinion .....

no nasa rocket science need apply....

so not proven --exactly what I've been saying

nor disproven
not being proven means it's bullshit --not true

Hi harmonica and thank you for your critical comments
on this thread that make the points better than you may think.

You have every and equal right to interpret the lack of proof the way you wish.
But it's equally as biased as interpreting the lack of disproof one way or the other.

True neutrality would mean we allow both interpretations as long as neither is proven.

How many things are theories and not proven "except by agreed acceptance."

Can we really prove that gravity will always keep working, and not suddenly quit and change?

Some people have brought up "how do we prove we really LOVE someone, even our
own mother, and it's not fake and just going through the emotions and expressions"

When I brought up dreams, you were quick to jump on how we someone accept
and AGREE "we are talking about the same thing" because both people have similar experiences.

But look at the round earth and flat earth people: both experience the same world
and look at the same photos and data, and come up with two different theories!
They both accuse the OTHER as being willfully ignorant and rejecting the other "possibility."

Exactly harmonica!

What we take as "proof" is based on what we AGREE to accept.

We can all be like flat earthers who don't agree to accept that interpretation.
We can all be like you are with "no proof" of real divine interventions or spiritual experiences,
and could all reject people who "claim" to have dreamed something last night
because we have "no proof" they are really telling the truth of what they dreamed and what it meant TO THEM.

I AGREE with you totally that this is FAITH BASED.

The issue is where and how do agree to handle different
faith based conclusions. If we are going to accommodate you
and where you draw the line, can we treat all people with equal respect
regardless where they draw the line.

If you are going to slam flat earthers for having a different threshold of proof,
what if someone slams you because they think your threshold of proof and rejection otherwise is foolish and stupid?

Can we really be neutral and try to accept people regardless of how they interpret
things that "aren't yet proven to THEM to be worth agreeing on"?
....we have no idea--can't even to scratch the surface--can't even touch the surface of knowing anything on any of this
...so you people need to insert '''all of this is not proven/not true --I just make it up'''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
Probably because it makes no sense to deny the science like you are doing.

Here ding and harmonica
This is what I mean by slamming people for not interpreting science the same way.
Nobody has to believe the science, but should be free to come about understanding by their own choice of process.

If harmonica doesn't respond to that approach, why not work differently that is more effective?

For example, I am curious what is the equivalent in harmonica's way of defining relations in the world
of the COLLECTIVE level of existence, of laws or truth, of humanity or society?

harmonica: what do you call or consider the highest level of goodness, of truth, or
aspirations you strive for personally and you think is best for humanity?

Do you look at loving relations and world peace and cooperation as the ideal for the world at large?

Do you believe striving for TRUTH and removing all error and stupid ignorance is your motivation
you wish all people would agree to follow as well?

How do YOU describe the ideal good to make society better for everyone? Can we start there?

Thank you!

[PS if that doesn't work harmonica let's start from the opposite approach:
what do you find to be the ultimate cause of EVIL in the world.
what do all humans need to address to solve the worst problems facing humanity.
and how do you feel is the best way to go about addressing and solving this problem,
where if EVERYONE did that, the world would be a better place. How do you define this?]
been over this a million times
.....YOU people have to prove it--not I to disprove--like court cases the state claims someone did something, the state HAS to prove it or it's bullshit--you people INITIALLY made the claim
..also--I can claim all kinds of bullshit:
I went to the moon and jesus served me breakfast
Elvis came to me and told me the Ten Commandments

Yeah, sure, but the Bible does not just make claims about God. It gives clear instructions to follow, a specific way to verify those claims, but that is not something that someone else can do for you.

You have to do it for yourself.

For instance, it is written that the pure of mind will see God. You might demand proof from someone else that this is true, but if you do not purify and refine your own mind, you will see and understand nothing.

Even if a dead person should rise from the same grave you are sleeping in and started talking to you, you would still see and understand nothing.

The more you purify and refine your mind the better you will understand the extraterrestrial language of the prophets. The more you understand the language of the prophets the more your perception of time and life itself will change and the better you will know what to do. The more you apply your mind to understand, the more you will become a new creature, 'like one of us', knowing good and evil.

If you learn to choose good and reject evil, only then you will gain the ability to see and hear God, and what has always been right in front of your own nose.
.....and the muslims/hindus/etc have their ''guide books/etc...these same ''instructions'' are not exclusive to the Bible ..I can come up with the same stuff
....we have no idea--can't even to scratch the surface--can't even touch the surface of knowing anything on any of this
...so you people need to insert '''all of this is not proven/not true --I just make it up'''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
But the science doesn’t say no beginning, dipshit.
you are making so much sense :rolleyes-41:
and you really enhance your arguments with the insults :rolleyes-41:--that's ingenious
....we have no idea--can't even to scratch the surface--can't even touch the surface of knowing anything on any of this
...so you people need to insert '''all of this is not proven/not true --I just make it up'''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
Probably because it makes no sense to deny the science like you are doing.
what science is that??
???!!!! what????
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
Probably because it makes no sense to deny the science like you are doing.

Here ding and harmonica
This is what I mean by slamming people for not interpreting science the same way.
Nobody has to believe the science, but should be free to come about understanding by their own choice of process.

If harmonica doesn't respond to that approach, why not work differently that is more effective?

For example, I am curious what is the equivalent in harmonica's way of defining relations in the world
of the COLLECTIVE level of existence, of laws or truth, of humanity or society?

harmonica: what do you call or consider the highest level of goodness, of truth, or
aspirations you strive for personally and you think is best for humanity?

Do you look at loving relations and world peace and cooperation as the ideal for the world at large?

Do you believe striving for TRUTH and removing all error and stupid ignorance is your motivation
you wish all people would agree to follow as well?

How do YOU describe the ideal good to make society better for everyone? Can we start there?

Thank you!

[PS if that doesn't work harmonica let's start from the opposite approach:
what do you find to be the ultimate cause of EVIL in the world.
what do all humans need to address to solve the worst problems facing humanity.
and how do you feel is the best way to go about addressing and solving this problem,
where if EVERYONE did that, the world would be a better place. How do you define this?]
I'm a ''realist''---I believe in evolution = humans =hate/greedy/jealous/angry/murder/rape/robe/etc --these are all ''natural'' to humans
wars--there always have been wars and always will be

...I am like my father--he ''indirectly'' taught me to be nice to people..be polite...etc ...don't be mean ....

....evolution- realism= .....if the human child--especially males--don't get love/discipline/etc, they more than likely will grow up to be jackasses.....a lot of how human behaviour is determined is by their socioeconomic/familial upbringing/etc
..if you and I were born in Somalia, we would probably need to steal/use violence/etc

..we see ''a lot'' hate/greed/jealousy/etc in the news--but this is not all that is out there
= I don't see it as bad or good---but more like humans doing what's ''natural''
Stop being silly.

The fact that you deny the science tells me you don’t like what it means.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
Probably because it makes no sense to deny the science like you are doing.

Here ding and harmonica
This is what I mean by slamming people for not interpreting science the same way.
Nobody has to believe the science, but should be free to come about understanding by their own choice of process.

If harmonica doesn't respond to that approach, why not work differently that is more effective?

For example, I am curious what is the equivalent in harmonica's way of defining relations in the world
of the COLLECTIVE level of existence, of laws or truth, of humanity or society?

harmonica: what do you call or consider the highest level of goodness, of truth, or
aspirations you strive for personally and you think is best for humanity?

Do you look at loving relations and world peace and cooperation as the ideal for the world at large?

Do you believe striving for TRUTH and removing all error and stupid ignorance is your motivation
you wish all people would agree to follow as well?

How do YOU describe the ideal good to make society better for everyone? Can we start there?

Thank you!

[PS if that doesn't work harmonica let's start from the opposite approach:
what do you find to be the ultimate cause of EVIL in the world.
what do all humans need to address to solve the worst problems facing humanity.
and how do you feel is the best way to go about addressing and solving this problem,
where if EVERYONE did that, the world would be a better place. How do you define this?]
you can never solve the worst problems
wars--always will be
murder--always will be
this is part of the humans
flew right on over your head .......~S~
no divinity--no divine intervention --simple

of which you've also.......no....proof!

been over this a million times
.....YOU people have to prove it--not I to disprove--like court cases the state claims someone did something, the state HAS to prove it or it's bullshit--you people INITIALLY made the claim
..also--I can claim all kinds of bullshit:
I went to the moon and jesus served me breakfast
Elvis came to me and told me the Ten Commandments
You know what?

Despite all your desperate flailing about, all your NUH UH YOU BIG DOODYHEADS, all your petulant foot-stamping, all your pathetic attempts at distraction...

No one has ever given up their faith because of anything you're said.

You fail. Again. Constantly.
hahahhahahha--fail at what??!!????
again, impressive evidence you have of god
Your failures are convincing anyone that there is no higher power, and now you prove you have no understanding of the nature of faith.

Run along, boy.
we've been over this before
plain and simple --you can't prove there is a god
.....we have NO idea what a god would be like--what the beginning of the Universe was like/etc ..it's all speculation-imagination----
So the universe having a beginning scares you
.....where do you people get the ''scare'' word from?? you don't have anything else, so you use that ..they use it in the race threads
....you make no sense and are just pulling crap out of the air--if anyone should be scared of no beginning, it would be you people
Probably because it makes no sense to deny the science like you are doing.

Here ding and harmonica
This is what I mean by slamming people for not interpreting science the same way.
Nobody has to believe the science, but should be free to come about understanding by their own choice of process.

If harmonica doesn't respond to that approach, why not work differently that is more effective?

For example, I am curious what is the equivalent in harmonica's way of defining relations in the world
of the COLLECTIVE level of existence, of laws or truth, of humanity or society?

harmonica: what do you call or consider the highest level of goodness, of truth, or
aspirations you strive for personally and you think is best for humanity?

Do you look at loving relations and world peace and cooperation as the ideal for the world at large?

Do you believe striving for TRUTH and removing all error and stupid ignorance is your motivation
you wish all people would agree to follow as well?

How do YOU describe the ideal good to make society better for everyone? Can we start there?

Thank you!

[PS if that doesn't work harmonica let's start from the opposite approach:
what do you find to be the ultimate cause of EVIL in the world.
what do all humans need to address to solve the worst problems facing humanity.
and how do you feel is the best way to go about addressing and solving this problem,
where if EVERYONE did that, the world would be a better place. How do you define this?]
I'm a ''realist''---I believe in evolution = humans =hate/greedy/jealous/angry/murder/rape/robe/etc --these are all ''natural'' to humans
wars--there always have been wars and always will be

...I am like my father--he ''indirectly'' taught me to be nice to people..be polite...etc ...don't be mean ....

....evolution- realism= .....if the human child--especially males--don't get love/discipline/etc, they more than likely will grow up to be jackasses.....a lot of how human behaviour is determined is by their socioeconomic/familial upbringing/etc
..if you and I were born in Somalia, we would probably need to steal/use violence/etc

..we see ''a lot'' hate/greed/jealousy/etc in the news--but this is not all that is out there
= I don't see it as bad or good---but more like humans doing what's ''natural''

Dear harmonica
The difference I guess is where we believe human beings are
in the process of development and social evolution.

I believe the phase of retributive justice is like the
teenage vs. parent phase of rebellion and learning
there are consequences for breaking rules (before
progressing to the restorative justice approach to relations).

The point is not to stay in this phase of depending on
parental authority to stay orderly (instead of the selfish
greedy destructive side of human beings which I equate
to immature children wanting everything their way).
The "church" role is like the collective "mother" or nurturing side of parenting.
the "state" role is more like the collective "father" or
disciplinary authoritarian role of governing and protecting the

the point is not to stay dependent on either church or state
to act as our parents to run to. We are supposed to grow to
become independent households, or collectively independent
nations of self-governing city-states when we reach full maturity.

That's how I see the NATURAL process developing.

Society collectively REFLECTS the same patterns we see
from infants and "terrible two's" progressing to rebellious
teenagers before becoming adults able to govern our own
decisions by REASON not by fear-based punishment or
"spankings" as with small children who respond emotionally.

When we reach maturity, we are supposed to gain enough
experience to learn by trial and error, the consequences of
destructive vs. productive approaches, and what is more
effective, sustainable and healthful. So that's how I see
where we are, is in various stages of development.

I do believe this is natural, I believe we learn by REASON
and we have free will for a purpose, so we study problems
and figure out solutions by the "scientific approach."

Where the "spiritual" level or process applies, the more
we FORGIVE and let go of personal biases and reactions
in response to conflicts with other people, this has the effect
of opening up our minds and intuition to solve problems in a
more "holistic" manner connecting with other people. There
is a SCIENCE to this process, it is NATURAL. But because of
the collective influence that people have on each other, this
level of shared energy and insights including on a subconscious
level is what the SPIRITUAL references and terms are used
to describe the RELATIONSHIPS between "individual and collective"
levels of society and knowledge of the laws we consider to be truth.

This is where the faith based beliefs and perceptions come in.

However you explain the process or connection between
the INDIVIDUAL and the COLLECTIVE consciousness or
knowledge shared with "other people" that is where people
use Religious symbolism to represent this more abstract,
intangible realm. And because it is on an unconscious or
invisible level of thoughts of different people influencing each other
indirectly, that's where it becomes "faith based."

Whether we "trust" other people or not, or we can "forgive"
faults conflicts or wrongs between people, this is the level
where we make those assessments, so it is faith based,
and it affects our PERCEPTIONS and biases. Whether
we look at things in a secular way, or in spiritual terms as
in religion, the PERCEPTION we have as individuals
is biased by what we can forgive or not, and to what
degree we can include or we reject. Some people call this
fear response, but I have found it is based on past issues
and the degree to which we forgive and resolve them,
which determines how much we bias our perception of all
things whether real or imagined.

There is a science to this perception business as well.
Totally possible to resolve different ways of expression
the same process by taking a natural secular approach.
You do not have to use religious or spiritual terms for it.
And it's still the same process of people reconciling
between each other and individuals vs. the collective level.
you can never solve the worst problems
wars--always will be
murder--always will be
this is part of the humans
Wrong, what part of saving hundreds of thousands of lives and easing the war, by the Brits taking out Al Quedas weapons cache and upper personel, do you not comprehend?
If I had some naysayer like you ringing in my ear all day being a negative Nancy telling me my precepts and theories are wack and I should just give up getting involved, then enough of you type of "hinderers" could sway my resolve and it could litterally change history by making me question my ability to make a difference and affect change. If that were the case your disrupter and obstructive behavior and stance (like that of the left in Politics) can prevent that much needed change and stability, in other words you can cause doubt or inaction which means I could have given in & not taken the chance I did to geocache the target per request to find the subject. In fact this happen to all the other claimed prophets and intuitive characters the British news group challenge asked at that same time, who ended up fearing doing so, because of such similar harassment. I was the only one who dared to give exact details and instructions, including a map. Do you know what happened when I uploaded a map with coordinates? A person liken to you replied:
"you shouldn't do that, this is a non binary news group, no images allowed". *L* Can you believe that? I ended up being 100% accurate and detailed and yet liken to you they hoped and tried to create failure (sound like our political obstructionists?)
In Hebrew the word Hinderer
is SawTawn (Satan), so your attempts to hinder good and righteous works is adversary (satanic).

If you ever played Baseball in the summer, especially the outfield and dealt with a few knats buzzing you, a few you can swipe away and squash by smacking them on your arm, but get a swarm buzzing around with the sole purpose to bother & "hinder you" by going in your ears, up your nose, and making it unbarable to stick around, enough to want to throw in the glove and pick up a hockey stick and skates instead. Same with beach flies and sand fleas, a few you stick around and handle the inconvenience, but a swarm will make you give in for the day.

It's up to you, to decide if you want to be part of the swarm of hinderers and obstructionists or a team player. Do you want to get resolve or be the issue needing resolve?

If everyone took your approach bills would never be introduced by lobbying and laws would never get passed by people believing their ideas and deeds can turn into viable change.

You have no idea how much reach & power of change by influence a single person has, I haven't even shared a fraction of all that has my handiwork tied to it and I'm still amazed by how much others can get done in their lifetime with similar resolve.
An article I saved all these years for just this occasion;
"Suggestions for bettering this world"- By Darrell Sifford- Phila. Inquirer Tues. July 18,1989
Willis Harman was saying that 'if enough people change their minds, their ways of looking at things,
institutions change too,' and almost before you know it, a new age has dawned, more promising than anything
that has come before.
Increasingly, people are becoming aware that the present system doesn't work in the long run.
People are awakening.....and recognizing that they have it better simply by choosing to have it better.
People in general are becoming aware that it's no longer enough just to concern themselves with their own growth and development.
All of us must be concerned with making the world a better place or there won't be a world.
Every age, every society has its myths and models that offer an explanation of who we are and how the world works.
These reign virtually unexamined until enough new information challenges those old models.
Today we are on the brink of a planetary crisis and on the edge of a changing worldview.
At stake is the future. Herman suggests to Be aware. Be concerned.
Get together, talk, listen, search. In the long run ordinary things can produce extraordinary results.
Most of all be hopeful. 'Things are happening.'
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you can never solve the worst problems
wars--always will be
murder--always will be
this is part of the humans
Wrong, what part of saving hundreds of thousands of lives and easing the war, by the Brits taking out Al Quedas weapons cache and upper personel, do you not comprehend?
If I had some naysayer like you ringing in my ear all day being a negative Nancy telling me my precepts and theories are wack and I should just give up getting involved, then enough of you type of "hinderers" could sway my resolve and it could litterally change history by making me question my ability to make a difference and affect change. If that were the case your disrupter and obstructive behavior and stance (like that of the left in Politics) can prevent that much needed change and stability, in other words you can cause doubt or inaction which means I could have given in & not taken the chance I did to geocache the target per request to find the subject. In fact this happen to all the other claimed prophets and intuitive characters the British news group challenge asked at that same time, who ended up fearing doing so, because of such similar harassment. I was the only one who dared to give exact details and instructions, including a map. Do you know what happened when I uploaded a map with coordinates? A person liken to you replied:
"you shouldn't do that, this is a non binary news group, no images allowed". *L* Can you believe that? I ended up being 100% accurate and detailed and yet liken to you they hoped and tried to create failure (sound like our political obstructionists?)
In Hebrew the word Hinderer
is SawTawn (Satan), so your attempts to hinder good and righteous works is adversary (satanic).

If you ever played Baseball in the summer, especially the outfield and dealt with a few knats buzzing you, a few you can swipe away and squash by smacking them on your arm, but get a swarm buzzing around with the sole purpose to bother & "hinder you" by going in your ears, up your nose, and making it unbarable to stick around, enough to want to throw in the glove and pick up a hockey stick and skates instead. Same with beach flies and sand fleas, a few you stick around and handle the inconvenience, but a swarm will make you give in for the day.

It's up to you, to decide if you want to be part of the swarm of hinderers and obstructionists or a team player. Do you want to get resolve or be the issue needing resolve?

If everyone took your approach bills would never be introduced by lobbying and laws would never get passed by people believing their ideas and deeds can turn into viable change.

You have no idea how much reach & power of change by influence a single person has, I haven't even shared a fraction of all that has my handiwork tied to it and I'm still amazed by how much others can get done in their lifetime with similar resolve.
An article I saved all these years for just this occasion;
"Suggestions for bettering this world"- By Darrell Sifford- Phila. Inquirer Tues. July 18,1989
Willis Harman was saying that 'if enough people change their minds, their ways of looking at things,
institutions change too,' and almost before you know it, a new age has dawned, more promising than anything
that has come before.
Increasingly, people are becoming aware that the present system doesn't work in the long run.
People are awakening.....and recognizing that they have it better simply by choosing to have it better.
People in general are becoming aware that it's no longer enough just to concern themselves with their own growth and development.
All of us must be concerned with making the world a better place or there won't be a world.
Every age, every society has its myths and models that offer an explanation of who we are and how the world works.
These reign virtually unexamined until enough new information challenges those old models.
Today we are on the brink of a planetary crisis and on the edge of a changing worldview.
At stake is the future. Herman suggests to Be aware. Be concerned.
Get together, talk, listen, search. In the long run ordinary things can produce extraordinary results.
Most of all be hopeful. 'Things are happening.'
.....2000 years AFTER ''''jesus'' came, the world had the greatest murder/rape/robbery/killing/destruction = WW2

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