Any golf for Obama this week?


Gold Member
May 23, 2012

Looks like he'll be busy with his trade deals this week but he might sneak in a few rounds of golf and the far right will complain about this, that's for sure, without explaining why he's in Indonesia. Obama's asked for and gotten secrecy cooperation about the Trans Pacific Partnership from the not so liberal press and the right wing press as well as both houses of congress except for Alan Grayson who's reported on it. Obama hopes to get fast track authority on this trade deal that's said to be Nafta on steroids. Is Obama really the socialist or liberal he's accused of being? No, he's more of a Reagan guy who he quotes and admires. Look at all the Ceo's and ex romney people and anti labor people he appoints. But the conservatives are now so far to the extreme reactionary right that their ignorant base that posts on this forum thinks Obama's a liberal or a socialist.

Activist Post: The Trans-Pacific Partnership: We Won?t Be Fooled By Rigged Corporate Trade Agreements

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