Any Ideas on How to avoid a One Party State?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Like many people on this board I consider the Ds dysfunctional and worthless but I don't hold the Establishment Rs in much higher regard. What can be done to correct this mess? Trump does not thrill me but considering the much worse alternatives the Ds are offering I suspect he will win a second term almost without trying. What solutions would you propose?
Parties come and go just like the whig who existed right before your game. I think the Democrat party will die or become a very limited coastal party. Given Bernie Sanders rise I predict the new left wing we will be full socialist.
Get anonymous unlimited money out of politics and you'll make room for more parties.
What state are u in?

I live in Mass. we have a Repub governor . But he'd be considered a hippee is most red states .
Term limits would be very effective. Eliminating political parties altogether would be good.

It is nice to dream sometimes.
Like many people on this board I consider the Ds dysfunctional and worthless but I don't hold the Establishment Rs in much higher regard. What can be done to correct this mess? Trump does not thrill me but considering the much worse alternatives the Ds are offering I suspect he will win a second term almost without trying. What solutions would you propose?
Everything will sort itself out over time.

Remember how we started out? With Federalists and Dem-Rep's?

Then the Federalists went extinct and the Dem-Reps became Whigs.

Then the Whigs went extinct and the new Republicans were born.

And the Dem-Reps became extinct and were replaced by the Democrats first under Jackson then under Buchanan.

That's what we have had ever since.

But it is never too late for yet another evolution.

Currently the DEM's should kick out their Far Left and the GOP should kick out their Far Right.

That would give us 4 parties.

Political parties in the United States - Wikipedia
Like many people on this board I consider the Ds dysfunctional and worthless but I don't hold the Establishment Rs in much higher regard. What can be done to correct this mess? Trump does not thrill me but considering the much worse alternatives the Ds are offering I suspect he will win a second term almost without trying. What solutions would you propose?

A Liberal Party, a Centrist Party, and the rightwingers expunged.
Nobody has a clue but no one is worried, OK. (Sorry about the long wait for a reply from me but I am still recovering from the sideeffects of a new prescription.
They have almost the entire freaking media in a constant attack on the GOP and the Trump administration and they are still confused about why they lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most of the governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade. Now they want to know how they can overcome the will of the people. Go figure.
The Dim party might die, but there will always be people yearning for government handouts. People like Matthew who desperately want the government to wipe their ass, and tuck them in at night.

So by any other name they are still Dimocrats, and a party will always be there that continues to keep people addicted to their handouts.

Your only chance is to break free, to be deprogrammed, to stand on your own and say, 'I can succeed!'
Like many people on this board I consider the Ds dysfunctional and worthless but I don't hold the Establishment Rs in much higher regard. What can be done to correct this mess? Trump does not thrill me but considering the much worse alternatives the Ds are offering I suspect he will win a second term almost without trying. What solutions would you propose?

Proportional Representation. It's the only way forwards to be honest.

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