Any lie is good enough


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Bush is blamed for a 6 trillion dollar deficit over 8 years and the left says BAD. Obama presides over a 5 trillion dollar deficit in 4 years and the left says GOOD.

Bush is President for 2 wars, bad. Obama is President for 4 wars, good.

Bush informs Congress and seeks Congressional authority for his wars. Obama ignores Congress for 2 wars.

Bush notes Social Security in trouble and makes proposals to fix it. The left claims that Social Security is fine. Obama claims that there is no money in the Social Security coffers to pay just 3 years later. The left ignores it.

Bush is blamed because Iraq has Islam as a factor in their new Constitution. Obama helps over through Libyan Government to help install Al Qaeda as the new Government and the left cheers. Obama supports the over throw of the Egyptian Government where the new Government will be Islamic and the left cheers.

Bush violates no provisions of the Constitution but is vilified. Obama has violated the Constitution several times and continues to do so. And the left cheers.

Bush issues Executive orders, BAD. Obama ANNOUNCES he will go around Congress with Executive orders every chance he gets, the left cheers.

The right organizes a political movement to elect people to Congress to effect change. No violence, no illegal protests, no businesses driven out. No massive cost to local Governments to police. Tea Party uses legal permits at all protests, does not illegally camp out anywhere and obeys the law. The left calls them Nazis, racists, violent anti Government movement.

The left organizes a non political movement that has no intent of electing anyone to office. The group illegally occupies local Government property across the Country, participates in riots and violence against local cops. The group demand that the Government ignore the Constitution and illegally seize money and property from private firms. The group demands the Government forgive their debts and pay them 20 dollars on hour whether they work or not.

Hypocrites, liars and criminals. Is no lie to big or small for the left? No action out of bounds?

The left claims the right will do anything to gain power. Meanwhile the right uses legal means to organize a political movement that LEGALLY elects around 60 members to Congress. The left organizes thugs dead beats and criminals to terrorize local communities and Wall Street.
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