Any Man With Money But Not GOD Is A Fool.


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
“A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. 17 In fact, his barns were full to overflowing—he couldn’t get everything in. He thought about his problem, 18 and finally exclaimed, ‘I know—I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones! Then I’ll have room enough. 19 And I’ll sit back and say to myself, “Friend, you have enough stored away for years to come. Now take it easy! Wine, women, and song for you!”’

20 “But God said to him, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. Then who will get it all?’

21 “Yes, every man is a fool who gets rich on earth but not in heaven.”
luke 12:16-21==== what does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? What does it profit you if you gain a lot of wealth, riches and property but lose your soul in the end? What does it profit if you gain name and fame and a very high social status but lose your soul in hell? What does it profit you if all the people around you are happy with you and all of them praise you but lose your soul? What does it profit you if you are very satisfied with your life and everyone around is satisfied with your life and you are very happy with what you’ve achieved but lose your soul in the end? What does it profit you if after you die people remember you and speak wonderful things about you and make a wonderful tombstone for you but you lose your soul in hell?
Turn away from your focus on just this life and focus on things of eternal value . We can save our souls from hell and eternal punishment only by being in the right relationship with God. Sin separates us from God and will keep us out of heaven. Sin is anything that is displeasing in God’s eyes We cannot give excuses for our sin or say it is o.k. just because people around us say it is o.k.; it will destroy us in the end. Rituals, traditions and good works cannot remove our sin or change us; but Jesus can! Jesus came into the world and died for us on the cross to remove our sin and to bring us back into the right relationship with God. He took the punishment that we deserve for our sins that we might not be punished; and on the third day after His death, He rose again, to give us new life.

No sin is too big for Him to forgive. He loves you. If you are sincerely sorry for the wrong you’ve done and ask for forgiveness, HE WILL FORGIVE YOU and make you a new person. He died to pay the price for every one of our sins. No matter what we do we can never make up for our sins, we will always come up short. So don’t wait to do a whole lot of good works and acts of charity to remove your sins and to have them forgiven… just repent and believe in Jesus. The bible says that we are forgiven of our sins by our faith in Jesus and not by our good works. Believe in Jesus who died for you and invite Him into your life; and you will begin to have a relationship with God; then you will enjoy this life to the full, you will have all that you need for this life and when you die…you will be in heaven…ENJOYING ITS RICHES.
Turn away from your focus on just this life and focus on things of eternal value . We can save our souls from hell and eternal punishment only by being in the right relationship with God. Sin separates us from God and will keep us out of heaven. Sin is anything that is displeasing in God’s eyes We cannot give excuses for our sin or say it is o.k. just because people around us say it is o.k.; it will destroy us in the end. Rituals, traditions and good works cannot remove our sin or change us; but Jesus can! Jesus came into the world and died for us on the cross to remove our sin and to bring us back into the right relationship with God. He took the punishment that we deserve for our sins that we might not be punished; and on the third day after His death, He rose again, to give us new life.

No sin is too big for Him to forgive. He loves you. If you are sincerely sorry for the wrong you’ve done and ask for forgiveness, HE WILL FORGIVE YOU and make you a new person. He died to pay the price for every one of our sins. No matter what we do we can never make up for our sins, we will always come up short. So don’t wait to do a whole lot of good works and acts of charity to remove your sins and to have them forgiven… just repent and believe in Jesus. The bible says that we are forgiven of our sins by our faith in Jesus and not by our good works. Believe in Jesus who died for you and invite Him into your life; and you will begin to have a relationship with God; then you will enjoy this life to the full, you will have all that you need for this life and when you die…you will be in heaven…ENJOYING ITS RICHES.

Given the choice I will take the land and the crops. God's record sucks!
“But God said to him, ‘Fool! Tonight you die. Then who will get it all?’

21 “Yes, every man is a fool who gets rich on earth but not in heaven.”
luke 12:16-21==== what does it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your soul? What does it profit you if you gain a lot of wealth, riches and property but lose your soul in the end? What does it profit if you gain name and fame and a very high social status but lose your soul in hell? What does it profit you if all the people around you are happy with you and all of them praise you but lose your soul? What does it profit you if you are very satisfied with your life and everyone around is satisfied with your life and you are very happy with what you’ve achieved but lose your soul in the end? What does it profit you if after you die people remember you and speak wonderful things about you and make a wonderful tombstone for you but you lose your soul in hell?
So, I guess that a bigger fool is a man without money and God......

Well, I guess that means all atheists are fools or even bigger fools.

And they ask why Atheists tend to focus on christianity.

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