Any of your liberal historical geniuses ever hear of the "Killing Fields?"

Bush arranged the Iraq withdrawal.

Who's changing the subject? You're claiming we have a responsibility to save lives all over the world,

so what about Africa?

Please show me the evidence that Bush arranged the withdrawal by the end of the year.


Article 24—Withdrawal of the United States Forces from Iraq

Recognizing the performance and increasing capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces, the assumption of full security responsibility by those Forces, and based upon the strong relationship between the Parties, an agreement on the following has been reached:

1.All the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory no later than December 31, 2011.

Status of Forces Agreement, 2008 - Wikisource

Signed in duplicate in Baghdad on this 17th day of November, 2008, in the English and Arabic languages, each text being equally authentic.



Wow! I was not aware of that. If it's true (and it is) that was a very BAD move by the Bush admin.

I was not aware the Bush signed this and all the media coverage that has covered Obama's announcement of a pullout (in the liberal media) hasn't mentioned this.

My only assumption can be the reason there has been no mention is Obama wants to take the credit for pulling out of the troops before the 2012 election.

I add this:

Big win’ for Iran
Iran has been providing weapons, including rockets and explosives, to Shiite extremists to kill Iraqi and U.S. troops. Iran also trains Iraqi insurgents inside Iran. It also aids Muqtada al-Sadr, the firebrand Shiite cleric who wants Iraq to become a hard-line Islamic state.

“Strategically, it’s obvious. This is a big win for Tehran,” Gen. Kimmitt said.
“I believe there is a lot of concern [in Gulf Arab states]. We have said one of reasons for keeping American forces in Iraq was to continue a very strong signal to Iran to draw a line between Persian Iran and the rest of the region.

“The Iraqis themselves have to make a decision whether they want to lean toward the West or lean toward the East. Iran has a very aggressive program inside Iraq to spread their influence.”

He said Iran, which now aids Syria, and the terrorist groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, would love to have a pathway through Iraq to increase its influence among those groups.

“Removing U.S. troops only enables that,” Gen. Kimmitt said

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a 'disaster' - Washington Times

Kimmet is right.
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Are you aware that Iran and Iraq had a bloody war in the eighties?

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Send Carbiner to the head of the class!

I was wondering when that was going to cross your mind!

Geeze! I thought it would NEVER get through!

What do you think is on Achmadinajad's mind EVEN AS WE SPEAK, since he has heard about the US troop withdrawal?????????

Holy shit.
You're a peach.
Iran hasn't entered (as in started) a conventional war in close to a century.

Even Carbariner remembers the Iran/Iraq war! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Big win’ for Iran
Iran has been providing weapons, including rockets and explosives, to Shiite extremists to kill Iraqi and U.S. troops. Iran also trains Iraqi insurgents inside Iran. It also aids Muqtada al-Sadr, the firebrand Shiite cleric who wants Iraq to become a hard-line Islamic state.

“Strategically, it’s obvious. This is a big win for Tehran,” Gen. Kimmitt said.
“I believe there is a lot of concern [in Gulf Arab states]. We have said one of reasons for keeping American forces in Iraq was to continue a very strong signal to Iran to draw a line between Persian Iran and the rest of the region.

“The Iraqis themselves have to make a decision whether they want to lean toward the West or lean toward the East. Iran has a very aggressive program inside Iraq to spread their influence.”

He said Iran, which now aids Syria, and the terrorist groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, would love to have a pathway through Iraq to increase its influence among those groups.

“Removing U.S. troops only enables that,” Gen. Kimmitt said

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a 'disaster' - Washington Times
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Are you aware that Iran and Iraq had a bloody war in the eighties?

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Send Carbiner to the head of the class!

I was wondering when that was going to cross your mind!

Geeze! I thought it would NEVER get through!

What do you think is on Achmadinajad's mind EVEN AS WE SPEAK, since he has heard about the US troop withdrawal?????????

So what concern of the United States was it that Iraq and Iran fought a bloody war in the 80's?

Should we have intervened on one side or the other? How many American lives would it have been worth to get involved? What would the purpose of getting involved have been?

WHAT do you think will be the danger if a nuclear Iran takes over Iraq?
After Tet, when we inflicted one of the worst military defeats on our enemy in the history of warfare, Cronkite and the LMSM called it for the NVA. That's what lost Vietnam for us. A LMSM sympathetic to people killing our soldiers.
Unlike you (and, The CHICKENHAWKS).....Cronkite had (actually) BEEN THERE!!!!

"....Walter Cronkite first gained national recognition for his reporting from the battlefields of World War II. As a United Press correspondent, Cronkite covered the landings in North Africa and Sicily, the Allied invasion of Normandy and the subsequent battles across France and Germany. He was also a member of the "Writing 69th," a group of intrepid reporters that accompanied Allied bombers on missions over Germany."


[ame=]Report from Vietnam (1968) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Vietnam War with Walter Cronkite - Tet Offensive part 1 - YouTube[/ame]


You Teabaggers need to quit relying (so heavily) on those Texas Approved History text-books.

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The argument is that it would have been a disaster to lose another 50,000 Americans trying to prop up a corrupt regime in Cambodia.

Why do you think that wouldn't have been a disaster?

And so the answer is just leave and let and even MORE corrupt regime kill two million people??????

How many American lives would have been a good trade to reduce the number of Cambodians that killed each other?

Give us a ballpark figure.

So, you think the answer is just leave and let then kill each other.

And the NEXT time we need informants to help catch terrorists, how likely is anyone to come forward?
You're amazing aren't you? Ho Chi Mihn actually assisted the Allies during WWII in the fight against the Japanese. What happened after the war is one of the greatest betrayals in history.

They should have gotten their independence. Instead the French were allowed to "re-colonize" the country with the help of the US.

So the answer is just up and leave????????

You won't deal with the subject because you would rather seethe with your hatred of America, and Bush and blah blah blah.
Was Vietnam a mess? YES!

We could argue from here to doomsday on why and probably never agree.

A room full of historical scholars could do the same and NEVER come to a satisfactory conclusion.

Irrelevent to the subject at hand.


You libs just want to fall back to your typical mindset which is "well we should have a perfect world from now on where we never get involved in another country again."

It's wishful thinking!

It's going to happen again, whether we like it or not.


None of you libs wants to address that reality.

Not one of you.

That's lunacy.

What I want to see is responsible policy in terms of dealing with the world at large. We shouldn't be in the business of knocking over government we don't like because our businesses see a bright future in exploiting the resources of others or being involved in perpetual war.

It's really high time to stop this nonsense. It's costly and in the long run it really hurts our nation.

Yeah, we did that in the 30s and watched Europe go to hell in a handbasket.

The policy was called isolationism.

Remember the result?
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After Tet, when we inflicted one of the worst military defeats on our enemy in the history of warfare, Cronkite and the LMSM called it for the NVA. That's what lost Vietnam for us. A LMSM sympathetic to people killing our soldiers.
Unlike you (and, The CHICKENHAWKS).....Cronkite had (actually) BEEN THERE!!!!

"....Walter Cronkite first gained national recognition for his reporting from the battlefields of World War II. As a United Press correspondent, Cronkite covered the landings in North Africa and Sicily, the Allied invasion of Normandy and the subsequent battles across France and Germany. He was also a member of the "Writing 69th," a group of intrepid reporters that accompanied Allied bombers on missions over Germany."


[ame=]Report from Vietnam (1968) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Vietnam War with Walter Cronkite - Tet Offensive part 1 - YouTube[/ame]


You Teabaggers need to quit relying (so heavily) on those Texas Approved History text-books.


This is Walter Cronkite calling Tet for the NVA.

May Satan Gnaw on his lying tongue for all eternity
After Tet, when we inflicted one of the worst military defeats on our enemy in the history of warfare, Cronkite and the LMSM called it for the NVA. That's what lost Vietnam for us. A LMSM sympathetic to people killing our soldiers.
Unlike you (and, The CHICKENHAWKS).....Cronkite had (actually) BEEN THERE!!!!

"....Walter Cronkite first gained national recognition for his reporting from the battlefields of World War II. As a United Press correspondent, Cronkite covered the landings in North Africa and Sicily, the Allied invasion of Normandy and the subsequent battles across France and Germany. He was also a member of the "Writing 69th," a group of intrepid reporters that accompanied Allied bombers on missions over Germany."

Walter Cronkite


[ame=""]Report from Vietnam (1968) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=""]Vietnam War with Walter Cronkite - Tet Offensive part 1 - YouTube[/ame]


You Teabaggers need to quit relying (so heavily) on those Texas Approved History text-books.


This is Walter Cronkite calling Tet for the NVA.

May Satan Gnaw on his lying tongue for all eternity​

He certainly got a lot Americans, Vietnamese and Cambodians killed with that tongue, that's for sure.

Libs favorite Jihadist, Mooky al Sadr is already calling for attacks on the US Embassy once the troops leave. He fled in horror after the US Trained ISF kicked the shit out of the Jihadists in the South and now he's back.
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Send Carbiner to the head of the class!

I was wondering when that was going to cross your mind!

Geeze! I thought it would NEVER get through!

What do you think is on Achmadinajad's mind EVEN AS WE SPEAK, since he has heard about the US troop withdrawal?????????

Holy shit.
You're a peach.
Iran hasn't entered (as in started) a conventional war in close to a century.

Even Carbariner remembers the Iran/Iraq war! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Big win’ for Iran
Iran has been providing weapons, including rockets and explosives, to Shiite extremists to kill Iraqi and U.S. troops. Iran also trains Iraqi insurgents inside Iran. It also aids Muqtada al-Sadr, the firebrand Shiite cleric who wants Iraq to become a hard-line Islamic state.

“Strategically, it’s obvious. This is a big win for Tehran,” Gen. Kimmitt said.
“I believe there is a lot of concern [in Gulf Arab states]. We have said one of reasons for keeping American forces in Iraq was to continue a very strong signal to Iran to draw a line between Persian Iran and the rest of the region.

“The Iraqis themselves have to make a decision whether they want to lean toward the West or lean toward the East. Iran has a very aggressive program inside Iraq to spread their influence.”

He said Iran, which now aids Syria, and the terrorist groups Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, would love to have a pathway through Iraq to increase its influence among those groups.

“Removing U.S. troops only enables that,” Gen. Kimmitt said

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a 'disaster' - Washington Times


Iraq attacked Iran.
Libs favorite Jihadist, Mooky al Sadr is already calling for attacks on the US Embassy once the troops leave. He fled in horror after the US Trained ISF kicked the shit out of the Jihadists in the South and now he's back.

How was he doing when Saddam was in power?

Go on..I know that you know.

Which nation originally spported Khmer Rouge?

N. Vietnam.

Which nation finally put that insane government down?

The now UNITED nation of Viet Nam.

In 1978, Vietnamese troops poured across the border once again. This time the Khmer Rouge was no longer capable of containing the Vietnamese army. This was probably due in part to the fact that the Vietnamese had now begun receiving support from the Soviet Union. As opposing forces came closer to the capital, Pol Pot fled by helicopter.

On January 7, 1979, Vietnamese troops marched into the Cambodian capital. Shortly after the Vietnamese army established the People's Republic of Kampuchea and placed Hun Sen as prime minister.

Though the war was over and the reign of the Khmer Rouge had come to a halt, there remained horrendous reminders of the atrocities that had occurred. 10 millions landmines were left in the ground. Mass graves scattered the country. Cambodia had lost roughly 30% of its' population.

The Khmer Rouge continued waging a guerilla war after the Vietnamese invasion. In 1991, a formal peace accord was signed by all the factions within Cambodia. The peace accord officially ended the Cambodian civil war. Khieu Samphan was responsible for negotiating on behalf of the Khmer Rouge party. Despite the Paris Peace Accord, the Khmer Rouge boycotted general elections held in 1993 and continued waging armed warfare. In 1994, thousands of Khmer Rouge members surrendered to the government and received amnesty. In 1996, due to infighting the Khmer Rouge split into two main factions and the group below Pol Pot continued to wage war against what they viewed as a Vietnamese puppet government
So getting another another 50,000 Americans killed turning Cambodia into another Vietnam would have been a good thing?

How would that have worked, exactly?

Don't you get it??????????

What am I saying, of course you don't.

It doesn't matter whether you agree with Vietnam.

The fact was WE WERE THERE!
Ah, yes.....let's not muddy things by figuring-out HOW we got there.​

"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages (...and, Teabaggers), infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana
ANY gain we had hoped to have fighting terrorism in the ME, will be lost for GENERATIONS because of Obama's electorial narcissism.

It's crime against humanity.

It makes me as sick (no, sicker) as when Bush 41 just pulled out of Iraq after Gulf War I and left the Kurds to freeze and die in the mud.

One of the reaons I didn't vote for Bush 41 in '92.

I'm heart sick over the human suffering he has condemned so many people to in Iraq over this. I'm really am heart sick over it.

God help those people, because Obama sure won't.

But at the end of that day, is that really our problem? Would you send someone you love to die to keep the Kurds and Shi'ites from killing each other for another week? I wouldn't.

If these people are that determined to kill each other because Umar stole Omar's goat 100 years ago, there just ain't that much we can do about it, and we shouldn't get involved. It isn't worth American lives, which should be the first lives we should be concerned about.

If it were a natural disaster, yeah, send people in to help, absolutely.

But if the cultural dynamic is the problem and we can't change it, then we need a much better strategic reason for doing so.

Besides, it's all a moot point. They TOLD us to leave, and it's their country.


The Khmer Rouge got started thanks to Nixon's secret bombing of Cambodia. And he initially supported them because they were against the North Vietnamese. Who, by the way, wound up taking them out.

Good job Tricky Dick. Good Job. :clap:
....Not to mention....​

"The tapes answer definitively some of the major historical puzzles about the Pentagon Papers. For example, what was the initial reaction of President Nixon to the publication, and did that change over time? If the Papers endangered national security so gravely as to justify an injunction, why did the government not ask for such an injunction on the first or second day of publication?"

"The study United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967 was assembled by a special task force within the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Robert S. McNamara ordered compilation of the study late in 1966, and it was assembled on a highly-classified basis by a group under DOD analyst Leslie H. Gelb, who was just 29 years old at the time. Some thirty-six analysts, including Ellsberg, worked on the report, which was intended to illuminate the sequence of steps through which the United States had mired itself in the Vietnam War, and the factors which prevented progress in that conflict and inhibited ending it by means of negotiation.

Upon entering office, the Obama Administration encountered a backlog of over 400 million pages of still-secret documents that had also passed their reasonable expiration dates. Among other actions, it created the National Declassification Center to introduce uniformity into secrecy policy and issued orders that the backlog be eliminated. The release of the Pentagon Papers represents the most substantial achievement to date of the Obama Administration’s effort to reduce the mountain of no-longer useful secrets. The National Security Archive extends its appreciation to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for this action. We look forward to the opening of the remainder of these materials and others as well."



[ame=]World Reacts to Obama Victory - YouTube[/ame]​
Kerry said that there would only be 10,000 people killed if we pulled out...oopsies.

Vietnam was a war won for the Communists by the LMSM


And now Obama seeks to do the same with Iraq.

It doesn't really matter whether you agree with either war.

The results of just pulling out is quite clear.

It is the ultimate betrayal of people who risked their lives to help the US who will get nothing out of it but torture and death.

Not only will it be a disaster in the short run, in the long run it will send a CLEAR message that you should NEVER help the US catch terrorists, because they US won't have your back if you do.

It is the ultimate in short-sighted thinking. Obama is doing it for NOTHING but short-term political gain.

ANY gain we had hoped to have fighting terrorism in the ME, will be lost for GENERATIONS because of Obama's electorial narcissism.

It's crime against humanity.

It makes me as sick (no, sicker) as when Bush 41 just pulled out of Iraq after Gulf War I and left the Kurds to freeze and die in the mud.

One of the reaons I didn't vote for Bush 41 in '92.

I'm heart sick over the human suffering he has condemned so many people to in Iraq over this. I'm really am heart sick over it.

God help those people, because Obama sure won't.

i don't think you could post anything phonier and thereby more disgusting as this. but you will certainly try. negged

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