Any paratroopers on here?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
3rd Battalion 508th abn Inf C.Z.

Great experience....irregardless...I dedicate this to all paratroopers. It should stir your blood and anyhow...I enjoy being controversial.

German Love song that ruled the airwaves of the WWII era

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My father was one, worked with pushing barrels of napalm out of transports when they were perfecting that weapon in Panama, then did a couple of jumps in the Philippines, then by air transport to Japan. He took the pilot's exam, and passed everything, but couldn't fake his way through the eye exam; he was colorblind, couldn't distinguish between red, blue, and green. I asked him how he thought he could see anything from the air with that without crashing or whatever, and he said he was going to worry about that when he got there. lol another kid wanting in the war.

His lungs got scarred while doing that, but after the war he couldn't claim any benefits for the damage. They had to swear oaths not to report what they did there.

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There's something to be said of folks that jump outta perfectly good planes.....~S~

Don't forget perfectly good helicopters....

After paratrooper training, I was told that there are only two things that fall from the sky:

Bird s--t and fools.

At least we were taught how to fall down properly which would come in handy later in life.
Real paratroopers jump lots of times and get used to it. I paid my money and jumped once. Didn't pee my pants, but I don't know why I didn't. I screamed like a little girl all the way down.
Real paratroopers jump lots of times and get used to it. I paid my money and jumped once. Didn't pee my pants, but I don't know why I didn't. I screamed like a little girl all the way down.

Perfectly understandable. Falling from a great height is why God gave us the ability to scream.
A friend of mine with 3 tours in Nam was a paratrooper who made a lot of jumps and loved it.
One day they had them do a training exercise and jump out of a helicopter just hovering in the air
He told me that was the last day he ever jumped and quit being a paratrooper.
When I asked him why?
He told me when you jump out of an airplane. The force of the wind against your body when you exit gives you a momentary sense of security.
But when he jumped out of the stationary helicopter. It was like stepping off a tall building and falling straight down. Said it felt like his heart went into his throat and it totally freaked him out.
Don't forget perfectly good helicopters....

After paratrooper training, I was told that there are only two things that fall from the sky:

Bird s--t and fools.

At least we were taught how to fall down properly which would come in handy later in life.
My first jump was off the roof of our garage...I held a collapsed.
Don't forget perfectly good helicopters....

After paratrooper training, I was told that there are only two things that fall from the sky:

Bird s--t and fools.

At least we were taught how to fall down properly which would come in handy later in life.

A friend of mine with 3 tours in Nam was a paratrooper who made a lot of jumps and loved it.
One day they had them do a training exercise and jump out of a helicopter just hovering in the air
He told me that was the last day he ever jumped and quit being a paratrooper.
When I asked him why?
He told me when you jump out of an airplane. The force of the wind against your body when you exit gives you a momentary sense of security.
But when he jumped out of the stationary helicopter. It was like stepping off a tall building and falling straight down. Said it felt like his heart went into his throat and it totally freaked him out.
Good analysis

I noticed that.....when I jumped out of a small plane....we sat on the floor in front of the door with our legs dangling out...we pushed off when given the signal and went straight down of course.
My father was one, worked with pushing barrels of napalm out of transports when they were perfecting that weapon in Panama, then did a couple of jumps in the Philippines, then by air transport to Japan. He took the pilot's exam, and passed everything, but couldn't fake his way through the eye exam; he was colorblind, couldn't distinguish between red, blue, and green. I asked him how he thought he could see anything from the air with that without crashing or whatever, and he said he was going to worry about that when he got there. lol another kid wanting in the war.

His lungs got scarred while doing that, but after the war he couldn't claim any benefits for the damage. They had to swear oaths not to report what they did there.

Well, acquainted with empire range...was almost killed there.

The former training area in Rio Hato Panama is another area with a lot of un-exploded ordance...whilst up there once undergoing some training some panamanian kids went into a restricted area (many warning signs to keep out)picked up a unexploded mortar round and it went off....killed them...they asked for vounteers to pick up the body pieces...I declined...a friend of mine went and came back and went on and on about all the gore in great detail.
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