Any Q'Anon believers left out there?

Q represents how truly stupid Trumpers are.

These dumb fucks will believe any lie you tell them.

They are truly pathetic.

Lock em up

They are proof that this country needs universal health care. My god the psychiatric bills for these people will be incredible!

Look at the people in those videos. They are Trump's base. His core supporters, we see these total wackos all over this message board.

These gullible morons will believe any lie Trump or Q fabricates. Its pathetic.

The craziest phenomenon of a trumper is how you can just feed them fabricated lies and they believe that nonsense.

Because tRump wasn't just their president. He is the God/King!!!! WTF is wrong with you?

Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....
Q represents how truly stupid Trumpers are.

These dumb fucks will believe any lie you tell them.

They are truly pathetic.

Lock em up

They are proof that this country needs universal health care. My god the psychiatric bills for these people will be incredible!

Look at the people in those videos. They are Trump's base. His core supporters, we see these total wackos all over this message board.

These gullible morons will believe any lie Trump or Q fabricates. Its pathetic.

The craziest phenomenon of a trumper is how you can just feed them fabricated lies and they believe that nonsense.

Because tRump wasn't just their president. He is the God/King!!!! WTF is wrong with you?


"tRump".....How mature....
Q represents how truly stupid Trumpers are.

These dumb fucks will believe any lie you tell them.

They are truly pathetic.

Lock em up

They are proof that this country needs universal health care. My god the psychiatric bills for these people will be incredible!

Look at the people in those videos. They are Trump's base. His core supporters, we see these total wackos all over this message board.

These gullible morons will believe any lie Trump or Q fabricates. Its pathetic.

The craziest phenomenon of a trumper is how you can just feed them fabricated lies and they believe that nonsense.

Because tRump wasn't just their president. He is the God/King!!!! WTF is wrong with you?


"tRump".....How mature....

"Bath house Barry"....

How mature

Q represents how truly stupid Trumpers are.

These dumb fucks will believe any lie you tell them.

They are truly pathetic.

Lock em up

They are proof that this country needs universal health care. My god the psychiatric bills for these people will be incredible!

Look at the people in those videos. They are Trump's base. His core supporters, we see these total wackos all over this message board.

These gullible morons will believe any lie Trump or Q fabricates. Its pathetic.

The craziest phenomenon of a trumper is how you can just feed them fabricated lies and they believe that nonsense.

Because tRump wasn't just their president. He is the God/King!!!! WTF is wrong with you?


"tRump".....How mature....

"Bath house Barry"....

How mature


Quote me saying that.
Q represents how truly stupid Trumpers are.

These dumb fucks will believe any lie you tell them.

They are truly pathetic.

Lock em up

They are proof that this country needs universal health care. My god the psychiatric bills for these people will be incredible!

Look at the people in those videos. They are Trump's base. His core supporters, we see these total wackos all over this message board.

These gullible morons will believe any lie Trump or Q fabricates. Its pathetic.

The craziest phenomenon of a trumper is how you can just feed them fabricated lies and they believe that nonsense.

Because tRump wasn't just their president. He is the God/King!!!! WTF is wrong with you?


"tRump".....How mature....

"Bath house Barry"....

How mature


Quote me saying that.

Righty mcbitey in general!!

Democrats use this q thing to cover for them being pedophiles but we been saying this about them way before q was around. Q didn't originate this, many of us have suspected this for decades.
Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe. You are so naive. Some of those Q wackos are in Congress right now...

Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats. The GOP is one big fat lie (and failure), and you sheep believe it all.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies. Trump incited a riot on the Capitol using lies... think about that.
Last edited:
You're right about Q. Hasn't once EVER made an accurate prediction. The problem is, those on the right may claim to no nothing about Q, and yet they repeat many of the lies. Why do you do that?
QAnon believers are realizing their entire conspiracy was a hoax as Biden is sworn in (

After predictions that Trump would seize power with the help of the military at the inauguration failed, any Q'Anon believers still left out there?

I talked to one true believer that still believes them even though these predictions were false, but I think many are waking up to the fact that they are being lied to ..............again.

If I want to be lied to I will just turn on CNN, but most of the time I just ignore them all.

Relax. The newest shiny object for conspiracy theory dildos to focus on will be around any minute.
Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe.
Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats.

This is your party: wackos, lies, fake conspiracies, liars, total epic failures, failed results, recessions, crashes, failed disaster responses, failed wars, inciting riots based on lies, and all you can do is make more lies and excuses to try and defend your failed party and your failed results. The GOP is one big fat lie, everythging about the GOP is a lie and a conspiracy.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies.

Here is a Democrat saying if you voted for Bush or Trump, you should be charged with treason.

Any Democrat going to push back on this because Democrats like this prove everything Trump supporters say about you. It's like this guy wants to incite Trump supporters to take actions against Democrats before Democrats lock them away.
Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe.
Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats.

This is your party: wackos, lies, fake conspiracies, liars, total epic failures, failed results, recessions, crashes, failed disaster responses, failed wars, inciting riots based on lies, and all you can do is make more lies and excuses to try and defend your failed party and your failed results. The GOP is one big fat lie, everythging about the GOP is a lie and a conspiracy.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies.

Here is a Democrat saying if you voted for Bush or Trump, you should be charged with treason.

Any Democrat going to push back on this because Democrats like this prove everything Trump supporters say about you. It's like this guy wants to incite Trump supporters to take actions against Democrats before Democrats lock them away.

I want the GOP to be held accountable for their complete and total failure and their lies.

Bush and Trump were total failures and their failure damaged America in a substantial way. You need to be held accountable for your total failure or your just going to keep on failing.

Bush was the worse president we ever had, and the GOP followed that with Trump, who failed even worse than Bush.

Both Bush and Trump have left office in total disgrace and failure, with historically low approval ratings.

The GOP is a total joke and a total disgrace. They need to be held accountable.

The GOP needs to take a long long look in the mirror and figure out why they are such failures.
Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe.
Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats.

This is your party: wackos, lies, fake conspiracies, liars, total epic failures, failed results, recessions, crashes, failed disaster responses, failed wars, inciting riots based on lies, and all you can do is make more lies and excuses to try and defend your failed party and your failed results. The GOP is one big fat lie, everythging about the GOP is a lie and a conspiracy.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies.

Here is a Democrat saying if you voted for Bush or Trump, you should be charged with treason.

Any Democrat going to push back on this because Democrats like this prove everything Trump supporters say about you. It's like this guy wants to incite Trump supporters to take actions against Democrats before Democrats lock them away.

I want the GOP to be held accountable for their complete and total failure and their lies.

Bush and Trump were total failures and their failure damaged America in a substantial way. You need to be held accountable for your total failure or your just going to keep on failing.

Bush was the worse president we ever had, and the GOP followed that with Trump.

The GOP is a total joke and a total disgrace. They need to be held accountable.

So when do you want to start rounding up their supporters and send them to gitmo like you said in your previous post?
Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe.
Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats.

This is your party: wackos, lies, fake conspiracies, liars, total epic failures, failed results, recessions, crashes, failed disaster responses, failed wars, inciting riots based on lies, and all you can do is make more lies and excuses to try and defend your failed party and your failed results. The GOP is one big fat lie, everythging about the GOP is a lie and a conspiracy.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies.

Here is a Democrat saying if you voted for Bush or Trump, you should be charged with treason.

Any Democrat going to push back on this because Democrats like this prove everything Trump supporters say about you. It's like this guy wants to incite Trump supporters to take actions against Democrats before Democrats lock them away.

I want the GOP to be held accountable for their complete and total failure and their lies.

Bush and Trump were total failures and their failure damaged America in a substantial way. You need to be held accountable for your total failure or your just going to keep on failing.

Bush was the worse president we ever had, and the GOP followed that with Trump.

The GOP is a total joke and a total disgrace. They need to be held accountable.

So when do you want to start rounding up their supporters and send them to gitmo like you said in your previous post?

Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe.
Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats.

This is your party: wackos, lies, fake conspiracies, liars, total epic failures, failed results, recessions, crashes, failed disaster responses, failed wars, inciting riots based on lies, and all you can do is make more lies and excuses to try and defend your failed party and your failed results. The GOP is one big fat lie, everythging about the GOP is a lie and a conspiracy.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies.

Here is a Democrat saying if you voted for Bush or Trump, you should be charged with treason.

Any Democrat going to push back on this because Democrats like this prove everything Trump supporters say about you. It's like this guy wants to incite Trump supporters to take actions against Democrats before Democrats lock them away.

I want the GOP to be held accountable for their complete and total failure and their lies.

Bush and Trump were total failures and their failure damaged America in a substantial way. You need to be held accountable for your total failure or your just going to keep on failing.

Bush was the worse president we ever had, and the GOP followed that with Trump.

The GOP is a total joke and a total disgrace. They need to be held accountable.

Was Obama held accountable for his lies about Obamacare? People voted for him on the premise that their health coverage rates would decrease and without losing any coverage or doctors along the way. They then lost coverage, doctors, and their rates went up. If Obama had been a CEO selling the same policies, he would be in jail, but today trolls like you turn a blind eye to all of it. In fact, you now want the same people to sell us universal coverage. Why on earth would we all trust the same group of liars? It's insane. In fact, if universal coverage was the way to go, they should have done that instead of pissing around with the failed system we have now. They obviously don't know what the hell they are doing, yet they hold power again.

Thankfully Trump made it so people don't go to jail for not buying mandated corporate health care, but I'm sure Beijing Biden will change that again.

Some will always follow and believe. The Pied Piper got it right long ago.

Look at how far gone these people are.

Q represents the modern GOP party, a group of total wackos.

Look at all the wackos on this message board, these people live in an absolute fantasy land.
Q and Trump supporters are scary stupid, like they need to be studied by scientist to figure out why they are so gullible and retarded.

Look at the wackos in the DNC who insisted Trump was Putin's pet.

4 years of a Mueller investigation and $30 million later, and we all found out it was all BS.

Then when they did impeach him it had NOTHING to do with the Russian thingy.

Lies, lies, lies, yet the cultists who have drunk the cool aid continue to believe anyway.

It must be nice for the DNC to control the media while only their political opponents get censored for those supposide lies.

Your tears make me happy.

Trump was Putin's pet, he consistently sided with Putin over and over. This recent solar winds hack is just another example of that. Russia was behind that hack yet Trump and the Trumpers can't admit that.

Just look at the wackos in the video. Look at how gone Trumpers are and Q'ers are. It's embarrassing for your party, you wackos will believe any fabricated lie. You are a bunch of total wackos.

Look at the fake fraud claims, you wackos still can't admit there's no evidence of fraud even though AG Barr, election officials, the courts have all said there's no evidence of fraud.

The GOP is a total joke, you people fabricate wacko conspiracy theories that have no merit, and believe that shit. You live in a world detached from facts and reality. Everything thing out there is some grand conspiracy. You're so freakin gullible. You people are the epitome of gullible. Trumpers are mushrooms, keep them in the dark and feed them shit and they thrive. Mushrooms and sheep, pathetic.

How's that baby sacrificing going !!
How's those secret Q anon codes going?!?!?!?!
Michele Obama is a man !!!!!
They breed babies for sacrifice !?!?!?!
Trump sends them secret codes in numerology!?!?!?!
JFK jr is Q!!!!!!
The Queen of England is a shape shifter !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

You people are so far gone it is embarassing, the GOP party has been taken over by total wackos.
Trump and Trumpers are a total joke. You are the party of lies and wackos.

You dumb fuckin morons will believe any bullshit lie out there.

Oh come the fuck on now....This post is the epotime of insulting stupidity....If you really think that these Q people are endemic of ALL Republicans than you are a dolt led around by the nose of media hacks like Maddow, and Cuomo....

From what I see of your posting, you have really nothing intellectual to offer, rather take every opprotunity to denigrate, and insult those who are ideologically opposed to your views in every way....All the way to wanting to imprison some 74 million people....

You're views are every bit as bad as the bat shit crazy Q people just on the opposite end of the spectrum...But, I sincerely hope you never stop posting, because your unhinged view serve as something to study and put forth as something that rational people should stay away from....

Please, these wackos represent the majority of the GOP party. You clowns believe any lie or conspiracy theory you are told to believe.
Look at the people on this board, you are total wackos, you people can't even admit that there is no evidence of election fraud despite the courts, election official, and AG Barr all saying no evidence of fraud.

You wackos are disgusting, and you believe any stupid lie that trump tells you to believe, like sheep.

On top of that Bush and Trump were total failures with totally failed results. Terrible presidents, worst in US history. All you can do is come up with more lies as to why all the numerous failures of Bush and Trump are somehow the fault of democrats.

This is your party: wackos, lies, fake conspiracies, liars, total epic failures, failed results, recessions, crashes, failed disaster responses, failed wars, inciting riots based on lies, and all you can do is make more lies and excuses to try and defend your failed party and your failed results. The GOP is one big fat lie, everythging about the GOP is a lie and a conspiracy.

If you voted for Bush and Trump you have blood and failure on your hands, you should be thrown in Gitmo and charged with treason. The GOP needs to be held accountable for their complete and total failure, and their lies and fake conspiracies.

Here is a Democrat saying if you voted for Bush or Trump, you should be charged with treason.

Any Democrat going to push back on this because Democrats like this prove everything Trump supporters say about you. It's like this guy wants to incite Trump supporters to take actions against Democrats before Democrats lock them away.

I want the GOP to be held accountable for their complete and total failure and their lies.

Bush and Trump were total failures and their failure damaged America in a substantial way. You need to be held accountable for your total failure or your just going to keep on failing.

Bush was the worse president we ever had, and the GOP followed that with Trump.

The GOP is a total joke and a total disgrace. They need to be held accountable.

So when do you want to start rounding up their supporters and send them to gitmo like you said in your previous post?


Don't be surprised if karma bites you in the ass and you get rounded up and sent to gitmo.
This thread confirms the left is unhinged.
You just need to know how to trigger them is all


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