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Any Serious Ideas on The Middle East?


Does anyone have any (serious) ideas as to what our strategy for the middle east should be?[/quote]
Yes I do. Consider the following:

1) Enforce the following so the Zealots of both sides can't haggle:
UN General Assembly resolution 303 reiterated the UN commitment to internationalization of Jerusalem, and designated it a "corpus separatum" - separate body. Under the original partition plan of 1947 (GA resolution 181), Jerusalem was to have been administered under UN sovereignty as an international city.

2)Banish the word "Israel" back into the synagogues, churches and mosques where it resided for nearly 2000 years. That the word has escaped is the fault of president Truman for having authorized the recognition of the Jewish state before he knew its name. Words are important. Consider the "N" word....shall we also have an "I" word too? Thus we can defang the Muslim and Zionist Zealots.

3) Have a National Referendum here in the US if we as a people wish to give the word Israel to the Zionists. Thus we can have (or absolve ourselves of) a collective guilt.

4) If number 3 is too expensive, this matter can (should) be adjudicated before the Supreme Court of the US. The proposition: The word Israel on that land know as Palestine is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the Zionist Sect of the Jewish religion. :clap2:

P.S. Your view of Wilson is 20/20.:clap2:
I wish I had the time to respond, I aint wasting my time on the usmb.

that said, jerusalem was majority jew, that you have to argue, shows that your whole premise is if its arab or moslem, than no other should be allowed.

bottom line is arabs found a better life living next to jews. its documented, all one need do is read.

britian did a report and that was the conclusion, arabs lived better with jews, that is when they compared cairo or baghdad etc. etc.

anyhow, I would stay and argue but I cant give my work freely where its not needed.
I wish I had the time to respond, I aint wasting my time on the usmb.

that said, jerusalem was majority jew, that you have to argue, shows that your whole premise is if its arab or moslem, than no other should be allowed.

bottom line is arabs found a better life living next to jews. its documented, all one need do is read.

britian did a report and that was the conclusion, arabs lived better with jews, that is when they compared cairo or baghdad etc. etc.

anyhow, I would stay and argue but I cant give my work freely where its not needed.

Don't worry bruh, your "work" on this thread won't be missed. Thanks for capitulating.
The U.S. and the Middle East got along just fine from 1789 to 1914, so I don't understand why people think this recent escalation of violence is anything but a recent phenomenon.

Maybe because thats when the US started to build its self as a global power. And we wern't jus christians anymore. We were christians wit an army, and aren't scared to attack ppl. Ex. WWI, WWII (atomic bomb). Vietnam. Kuwait. Beruit. They dont want us to interfere. or atleast the muslim extremists.
You mean the US has spawned hatred by bombing country after country and murdering millions of innocent people? Wow, who would have ever imagined...
You mean the US has spawned hatred by bombing country after country and murdering millions of innocent people? Wow, who would have ever imagined...

Is that a serious post?

WWI: reason for entering war...Germany bombs American boat.
WWII: reason for entering war...Hitler and communism, and Japanese bombing
Korean War: reason for entering war...getting out of hand, didn't want the spread of communism.
Vietnam War: reason for entering war...questionable, maybe not the smartest war to fight. (but our relationship with vietnam is very good right now, so no future affect of war)
Desert Storm: reason for entering war...Saddam, and invasion of Kuwait (major oil supplier)
War on Terrorism: reason for entering war...9/11

So where in the hell has America bombed millions of innocent ppl?
The U.S doesn't get involved too much. The greatest tragedy in the world right now is in Africe with the genocide. And that's because the U.S. isn't involved.

The U.S. (unlike some countries) does not go on bombing raids and bombing at night throughout cities just to kill innocent ppl. Those bombs are meant to kill terrorists or the enemy. If the U.S. wasn't in Iraq and Afghanistan, I can guarantee you innocent ppl would be getting killed by terrorists a lot more.

Does anyone have any (serious) ideas as to what our strategy for the middle east should be?
Yes I do. Consider the following:

1) Enforce the following so the Zealots of both sides can't haggle:
UN General Assembly resolution 303 reiterated the UN commitment to internationalization of Jerusalem, and designated it a "corpus separatum" - separate body. Under the original partition plan of 1947 (GA resolution 181), Jerusalem was to have been administered under UN sovereignty as an international city.

2)Banish the word "Israel" back into the synagogues, churches and mosques where it resided for nearly 2000 years. That the word has escaped is the fault of president Truman for having authorized the recognition of the Jewish state before he knew its name. Words are important. Consider the "N" word....shall we also have an "I" word too? Thus we can defang the Muslim and Zionist Zealots.

3) Have a National Referendum here in the US if we as a people wish to give the word Israel to the Zionists. Thus we can have (or absolve ourselves of) a collective guilt.

4) If number 3 is too expensive, this matter can (should) be adjudicated before the Supreme Court of the US. The proposition: The word Israel on that land know as Palestine is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the Zionist Sect of the Jewish religion. :clap2:

P.S. Your view of Wilson is 20/20.:clap2:[/QUOTE]

You mean the US has spawned hatred by bombing country after country and murdering millions of innocent people? Wow, who would have ever imagined...

Is that a serious post?

WWI: reason for entering war...Germany bombs American boat.
WWII: reason for entering war...Hitler and communism, and Japanese bombing
Korean War: reason for entering war...getting out of hand, didn't want the spread of communism.
Vietnam War: reason for entering war...questionable, maybe not the smartest war to fight. (but our relationship with vietnam is very good right now, so no future affect of war)
Desert Storm: reason for entering war...Saddam, and invasion of Kuwait (major oil supplier)
War on Terrorism: reason for entering war...9/11

So where in the hell has America bombed millions of innocent ppl?
The U.S doesn't get involved too much. The greatest tragedy in the world right now is in Africe with the genocide. And that's because the U.S. isn't involved.

The U.S. (unlike some countries) does not go on bombing raids and bombing at night throughout cities just to kill innocent ppl. Those bombs are meant to kill terrorists or the enemy. If the U.S. wasn't in Iraq and Afghanistan, I can guarantee you innocent ppl would be getting killed by terrorists a lot more.

Gee, I thought this tread was about serious proposals. Evidently, I am mistaken. I still like my 4# proposal.
WWI: reason for entering war...Germany bombs American boat.
WWII: reason for entering war...Hitler and communism, and Japanese bombing
Korean War: reason for entering war...getting out of hand, didn't want the spread of communism.
Vietnam War: reason for entering war...questionable, maybe not the smartest war to fight. (but our relationship with vietnam is very good right now, so no future affect of war)
Desert Storm: reason for entering war...Saddam, and invasion of Kuwait (major oil supplier)
War on Terrorism: reason for entering war...9/11

Don't mistake pretext for a reason!
The real problem is getting rid of the House of Sa'ud without putting the Wahhabists in power. The royal family is going to collapse sooner or later; probably sooner.
Dumping Israel is a dumbass idea. For one you don't go dumping allies over bullies and terrorist. Unless of course your fine and dandy with the idea of being bullied around yourself. I am for one not.

Take my lunch money and pounce on me if you like but your not going to get me to just give it to becuase you think you can bully me into giving it to you.

Saddam slaughtered innocent babies for their own filthy greed in Kuwait. Either you have a very short memory or your to young to recall that incident. Our troops based out of Saudi one of our many allies to help put a stop to it. Kuwait is a Muslim country, yet they cheered when our troops marched into their cities to help deliver them from pure evil.

To your OP eludes that we should just let these Ben Ladin and Saddam type's have it because they have no power and they want it and they are willing to use any means possible to get it.

While I agree that we should not give up the Jews for terrorists, I do think that going into Kuwait was a mistake.

That was none of our business and the decision has not served us well.
Saddam slaughtered innocent babies for their own filthy greed in Kuwait. Either you have a very short memory or your to young to recall that incident. Our troops based out of Saudi one of our many allies to help put a stop to it. Kuwait is a Muslim country, yet they cheered when our troops marched into their cities to help deliver them from pure evil.

I'm not exactly sure which incident you're referring to, but the murder of Kuwaiti incubator babies by Saddam turned out to be a hoax
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Much of the situation in the middle east is just a direct consequence of US policy, aimed at keeping the soviets out of the region.

Socialism was a major issue in the middle east for much of its history, and really Islam as a political force did not make itself known until 1979. Islam is hardly the reason why Americans are hated, though it is itself a terrible curse on the people of the region. And of course the other curse is oil. and until Islam and Oil are out of the picture, the middle east will not progress as other regions of the world have. Maybe that's not such a bad thing, but it's still a reality.

The reality is also that oil is a very necessary and valuable commodity, and there is no way in hell the US will leave the region because a few Americans and a fairly huge number of middle easterners keep dieing. The people running America would gladly go into Utah and masscre people if they had the money and we'd all be here talking about Mormons and their hatred for Christians. And you know what? Mormonism is a curse too.
oh, and ps

The real problem is getting rid of the House of Sa'ud without putting the Wahhabists in power. The royal family is going to collapse sooner or later; probably sooner.

Why exactly do you want to get rid of them? And who do you propose to put in their place?

The US certainly doesn't want to "get rid of them". Because of the fact that the wahabbis would take power, in that, you're absolutely correct.

However, it will never happen. Because there's like 27,000 members of the royal family.
The real problem is getting rid of the House of Sa'ud without putting the Wahhabists in power. The royal family is going to collapse sooner or later; probably sooner.

Why exactly do you want to get rid of them? And who do you propose to put in their place?

The US certainly doesn't want to "get rid of them". Because of the fact that the wahabbis would take power, in that, you're absolutely correct.

However, it will never happen. Because there's like 27,000 members of the royal family.

Wahhabism is already in control of Saudi Arabia.
The real problem is getting rid of the House of Sa'ud without putting the Wahhabists in power. The royal family is going to collapse sooner or later; probably sooner.

Why exactly do you want to get rid of them? And who do you propose to put in their place?

The US certainly doesn't want to "get rid of them". Because of the fact that the wahabbis would take power, in that, you're absolutely correct.

However, it will never happen. Because there's like 27,000 members of the royal family.

Wahhabism is already in control of Saudi Arabia.

You need to read a bit about Saudi Arabia. There is a delicate power balance between the fundamentalists and royal family.
I guess you didn't know about the First Barbary War. It was believe the US and Muslims! Back in the day Thomas Jefferson studied the Koran to know thy enemy!

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A big reason there was little conflict with Muslims in the 1800s and early 1900s, is because Oil wasn't as big of a luxury, before the automobile went mainstream. The Ottoman Empire controlled and really kept them under raps. It also gave them a non-Western enemy. As for Iran, the Western friendly Shah was in Iran. Because of the Shah, whether Israel existed or not Iran would be a tyranical radical countries that doesn't like us too much!
Why exactly do you want to get rid of them? And who do you propose to put in their place?

The US certainly doesn't want to "get rid of them". Because of the fact that the wahabbis would take power, in that, you're absolutely correct.

However, it will never happen. Because there's like 27,000 members of the royal family.

Wahhabism is already in control of Saudi Arabia.

You need to read a bit about Saudi Arabia. There is a delicate power balance between the fundamentalists and royal family.

LOL, the royals are the fundamentalist!
Wahhabism is already in control of Saudi Arabia.

You need to read a bit about Saudi Arabia. There is a delicate power balance between the fundamentalists and royal family.

LOL, the royals are the fundamentalist!

Um, no, they are not.

*sigh* I will repeat myself:

You need to read a bit about Saudi Arabia.

Good Lord....all you have to do is google! It's not that hard! Try, "saudi arabia royal family versus fundamentalists" :lol:
LMAO!!! :lol:

You gave me a neg rep because I proved you wrong???? What, did it make you angry?

You're such a child.

All 3 of your neg reps to me have been the only ones I've gotten. You must be really short or something. ;) Try driving a sports car, honey, it might work a little better.
lmao...I just thought of something...you already have one in your avatar!! :lol:

by the way, what does your comment on this thread's neg rep:

You do know the Islamofacist will one day stab you in the back! The door on your unholy leftist alliance with Islamofacist swings only one way

.....have anything to do with this conversation?? Nothing! Just because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about...you blame it on me?!

Try reading sometime, dipshit! It will do you a world of good!

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