Any white police officer can send any black American he sees to prison.

To add to wakes advise. Where's your stat's and facts???

Just spouting your opinion isn't going to charge minds.

You can't force feed information to the right wing. They are determined to stay stupid. Black and whites do drugs at the same rate, but blacks are 12 times more likely to be arrested. Much more likely to get the death sentence. How many blacks have been released since DNA? Their prison sentences are much longer. Many plead guilty just to get it over with.

Look at that woman who stood her ground. Fired a warning shot at a boyfriend who has a court order to stay away from her and who previously put her in the hospital. She didn't hurt anyone. But she thought the law would be on her side so she refused to plea bargain and now she's serving 20 years. Her life is ruined. You can't find stories like this with a white woman. This is a national story that been in the news for weeks and yet, you will still get right wingers crying "Give us a link" they never read, never watch. They just go through the motions. It's a determined ignorance. You can see it in everything they do.

All their failures under Bush. The anti science. The "hate minorities". These are a failed people who are lashing out.
Zimmerman WAS investigated.Over several days. There was no evidence he committed a crime but that he acted in self defense. As for the police they do not bring the charge, the DA does.

Using your logic any black police officer can jail any white man he wants.

He was only investigated after Martin's family showed up. Remember, Trayvon lay in a morgue for three days before his family could locate the body. Even though the police had his cell phone and student ID.

That's three days right after the murder that there was no investigation. The kid was just carted away, Zimmerman when to the police station for a statement and was let go. I wonder if they gave him his gun back?

Then why is there pictures and video of Zimmerman at the police station with a bloody nose/back of his head???

What you say don't make sense.

So you're walking down the street and some guy walks up to you and threatens you. He tries to stop you because he said he called the police on you and you try to leave and being black, you are afraid of what the police might do to you, but he grabs you. So you punch him one time to get away. He falls down and hits his head then gets up and takes out a gun and shoots you. I suspect that's what happened. The witnesses saying one guy was on top of another. Maybe Zimmerman checking to see if he killed the guy.

Take a look at this picture. It was taken at the police station. The little bit of blood was wiped off and the scratches on his head are more bruises than anything else. Does this look like someone whose face was repeatedly punched? His head slammed against cement? Does it? I was in the military. I've been in fights. I've seen fights. People who are punched multiple times in the face don't look like this, ever.


And we don't know what happened. Everyone said they were too scared to go outside and it was dark with no lights and Zimmerman, of course would lie his ass off to stay out of jail. There was no investigation until a month after the altercation.

Believing right wing bullshit that flies in the face of reason is a quick trip to a psycho ward. They lie, their policies suck. They are failed and sad group of people. But as the Sandy Hook killer showed us, they are also very dangerous.
Sounds to me like you're scared over nothing and trying to fear monger people just like those people who are running around claiming whites are going extinct.

Take a chill pill dude seriously. The sky isn't falling and everything will work out.
rdean you nitwit

No policeman can sent anyone to prison.

The most a policeman can do is arrest a person.

It takes a judge and a jury to send someone to prison. .. :cool:
Zimmerman WAS investigated.Over several days. There was no evidence he committed a crime but that he acted in self defense. As for the police they do not bring the charge, the DA does.

Using your logic any black police officer can jail any white man he wants.

He was only investigated after Martin's family showed up. Remember, Trayvon lay in a morgue for three days before his family could locate the body. Even though the police had his cell phone and student ID.

That's three days right after the murder that there was no investigation. The kid was just carted away, Zimmerman when to the police station for a statement and was let go. I wonder if they gave him his gun back?

Then why is there pictures and video of Zimmerman at the police station with a bloody nose/back of his head???

What you say don't make sense.[/QUOTE
I bet the cops put make up on him to make his photos look like he was beaten,whites are the greatest liars in this country,sometimes they get caught at lying.But at most they dont.Or the cops roughed him (z) up
What the "stop and frisk" laws in New York and the stalking and murder of unarmed youngster Trayvon Martin prove is that any white police officer can send any black man he sees to prison if he feels like it.

Remember, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested. He just said the kid deserved it and they let him go without even 5 minutes of investigation.

All the police officer has to say is the black man attacked him and as long as there aren't any witnesses, the black guy will end up in jail. In fact, I suspect any white man can now shoot a black man in the south and all they have do say is they were "scared". As long as there aren't any witnesses. It's over.

So this is what a batshit crazy liberal meltdown looks like.
To add to wakes advise. Where's your stat's and facts???

Just spouting your opinion isn't going to charge minds.

You can't force feed information to the right wing. They are determined to stay stupid. Black and whites do drugs at the same rate, but blacks are 12 times more likely to be arrested. Much more likely to get the death sentence. How many blacks have been released since DNA? Their prison sentences are much longer. Many plead guilty just to get it over with.

Look at that woman who stood her ground. Fired a warning shot at a boyfriend who has a court order to stay away from her and who previously put her in the hospital. She didn't hurt anyone. But she thought the law would be on her side so she refused to plea bargain and now she's serving 20 years. Her life is ruined. You can't find stories like this with a white woman. This is a national story that been in the news for weeks and yet, you will still get right wingers crying "Give us a link" they never read, never watch. They just go through the motions. It's a determined ignorance. You can see it in everything they do.

All their failures under Bush. The anti science. The "hate minorities". These are a failed people who are lashing out.

That woman you talk about went to prison because she broke her bond! When she went back and started crap with her husband after she was told she had to stay away from him, she went back to jail.....why don't you tell the whole story? The woman was nuts...that warning shot hit right over her husbands head WHILE HER CHILDREN WERE STANDING RIGHT WITH HIM!

So blacks get the death sentence for doing drugs???? Wow, didn't know that! Lol!
He was only investigated after Martin's family showed up. Remember, Trayvon lay in a morgue for three days before his family could locate the body. Even though the police had his cell phone and student ID.

That's three days right after the murder that there was no investigation. The kid was just carted away, Zimmerman when to the police station for a statement and was let go. I wonder if they gave him his gun back?

Then why is there pictures and video of Zimmerman at the police station with a bloody nose/back of his head???

What you say don't make sense.[/QUOTE
I bet the cops put make up on him to make his photos look like he was beaten,whites are the greatest liars in this country,sometimes they get caught at lying.But at most they dont.Or the cops roughed him (z) up

See post 22. A bloody nose is not the same as your face being beaten. Anyone who has ever been in a fight knows that.
Then why is there pictures and video of Zimmerman at the police station with a bloody nose/back of his head???

What you say don't make sense.[/QUOTE
I bet the cops put make up on him to make his photos look like he was beaten,whites are the greatest liars in this country,sometimes they get caught at lying.But at most they dont.Or the cops roughed him (z) up

See post 22. A bloody nose is not the same as your face being beaten. Anyone who has ever been in a fight knows that.

You have no idea what kind of person Zimmerman is. You have never met him.

People that have taken the time with George say different. Sean Hannity interviewed him and spent time with him and says George Zimmerman is the exact opposite of the person you liberals make him out to be.

10, 9, 8, 7 ....
Zimmerman WAS investigated.Over several days. There was no evidence he committed a crime but that he acted in self defense. As for the police they do not bring the charge, the DA does.

Using your logic any black police officer can jail any white man he wants.

He was only investigated after Martin's family showed up. Remember, Trayvon lay in a morgue for three days before his family could locate the body. Even though the police had his cell phone and student ID.

That's three days right after the murder that there was no investigation. The kid was just carted away, Zimmerman when to the police station for a statement and was let go. I wonder if they gave him his gun back?

Three days without his parents reporting him missing.
Zimmerman WAS investigated.Over several days. There was no evidence he committed a crime but that he acted in self defense. As for the police they do not bring the charge, the DA does.

Using your logic any black police officer can jail any white man he wants.

He was only investigated after Martin's family showed up. Remember, Trayvon lay in a morgue for three days before his family could locate the body. Even though the police had his cell phone and student ID.

That's three days right after the murder that there was no investigation. The kid was just carted away, Zimmerman when to the police station for a statement and was let go. I wonder if they gave him his gun back?

You did not watch the trial, did you rdean?

After the death of Martin, Zimmerman talked to the police twice – once right after the shooting and then at the police station after midnight. The next day on February 27, he went to the crime scene with the police and gave them minute details of that incident. Police recorded that statement on video, which along with the written statements, was presented before the six-person jury.

No one, no matter who it is, in any shooting in this nation, is not investigated.
Every single person who shoots someone else, is always investigated and interviewed.

rdean you need to get it through your head that not everything reported in the news or on the net is true.
Do some investigating before you believe what is out there being reported.

ABC news got it wrong.
Tracy Martin called the Sanford Police who came to his home the morning after the shooting. When he told police about his son's disappearance, police asked him for a photo of his son. Tracy showed the police officer a photo of Trayvon he had saved on his cellphone. The officer said he was going to show Martin a photo to see if it was his son. It was a photo of Trayvon's dead body.

It is unclear why ABC News reported that Trayvon's body was left in the morgue for three days, classified as "John Doe."
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Zimmerman WAS investigated.Over several days. There was no evidence he committed a crime but that he acted in self defense. As for the police they do not bring the charge, the DA does.

Using your logic any black police officer can jail any white man he wants.

He was only investigated after Martin's family showed up. Remember, Trayvon lay in a morgue for three days before his family could locate the body. Even though the police had his cell phone and student ID.

That's three days right after the murder that there was no investigation. The kid was just carted away, Zimmerman when to the police station for a statement and was let go. I wonder if they gave him his gun back?

You did not watch the trial, did you rdean?

After the death of Martin, Zimmerman talked to the police twice – once right after the shooting and then at the police station after midnight. The next day on February 27, he went to the crime scene with the police and gave them minute details of that incident. Police recorded that statement on video, which along with the written statements, was presented before the six-person jury.

No he didn't see the trial. He doesn't want to know the truth. It goes against liberal ideology.
Then why is there pictures and video of Zimmerman at the police station with a bloody nose/back of his head???

What you say don't make sense.[/QUOTE
I bet the cops put make up on him to make his photos look like he was beaten,whites are the greatest liars in this country,sometimes they get caught at lying.But at most they dont.Or the cops roughed him (z) up

See post 22. A bloody nose is not the same as your face being beaten. Anyone who has ever been in a fight knows that.

How about a broken nose? The Dr did testify that his nose was broken....did he do that himself?
What the "stop and frisk" laws in New York and the stalking and murder of unarmed youngster Trayvon Martin prove is that any white police officer can send any black man he sees to prison if he feels like it.

Remember, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested. He just said the kid deserved it and they let him go without even 5 minutes of investigation.

All the police officer has to say is the black man attacked him and as long as there aren't any witnesses, the black guy will end up in jail. In fact, I suspect any white man can now shoot a black man in the south and all they have do say is they were "scared". As long as there aren't any witnesses. It's over.

Well, deano, here's hoping you're black!
What the "stop and frisk" laws in New York and the stalking and murder of unarmed youngster Trayvon Martin prove is that any white police officer can send any black man he sees to prison if he feels like it.

Remember, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested. He just said the kid deserved it and they let him go without even 5 minutes of investigation.

All the police officer has to say is the black man attacked him and as long as there aren't any witnesses, the black guy will end up in jail. In fact, I suspect any white man can now shoot a black man in the south and all they have do say is they were "scared". As long as there aren't any witnesses. It's over.

Well, deano, here's hoping you're black!

He's not black, he's just a guilt ridden liberal cracker.
What the "stop and frisk" laws in New York and the stalking and murder of unarmed youngster Trayvon Martin prove is that any white police officer can send any black man he sees to prison if he feels like it.

Remember, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested. He just said the kid deserved it and they let him go without even 5 minutes of investigation.

All the police officer has to say is the black man attacked him and as long as there aren't any witnesses, the black guy will end up in jail. In fact, I suspect any white man can now shoot a black man in the south and all they have do say is they were "scared". As long as there aren't any witnesses. It's over.
Isn't Bloomberg an advocate of "Stop and Frisk"? Wants it done in all 57 states?

Besides, this is really a non issue. If Americans knew their rights (Instead of just Sports Stats or Celebrities) they wouldn't Plea Bargan and instead choose a Jury Trial every time. The States would be so broke prosecuting everyone that they'd HAVE to stop harassing us.

Any case that went to a Jury can be Nullified if need be. (Look that up)

Americans have all the Power but they just LOVE to bow down to The Uniform!
What the "stop and frisk" laws in New York and the stalking and murder of unarmed youngster Trayvon Martin prove is that any white police officer can send any black man he sees to prison if he feels like it.

Remember, Zimmerman wasn't even arrested. He just said the kid deserved it and they let him go without even 5 minutes of investigation.

All the police officer has to say is the black man attacked him and as long as there aren't any witnesses, the black guy will end up in jail. In fact, I suspect any white man can now shoot a black man in the south and all they have do say is they were "scared". As long as there aren't any witnesses. It's over.

Well, deano, here's hoping you're black!

He's not black, he's just a guilt ridden liberal cracker.

Aw shucks!
See post 22. A bloody nose is not the same as your face being beaten. Anyone who has ever been in a fight knows that.

You have no idea what kind of person Zimmerman is. You have never met him.

People that have taken the time with George say different. Sean Hannity interviewed him and spent time with him and says George Zimmerman is the exact opposite of the person you liberals make him out to be.

10, 9, 8, 7 ....

And clearly, you have no idea what kind of kid Trayvon Martin WAS. And he was unarmed. Doing a "kid thing". Walking to the store and buying some soda and some candy. I know what kind of person would chase this kid down and shoot him dead. We call them, murderer. Republicans call them "hero".
See post 22. A bloody nose is not the same as your face being beaten. Anyone who has ever been in a fight knows that.

How about a broken nose? The Dr did testify that his nose was broken....did he do that himself?

You just made that up. The doctor that examined Zimmerman labeled his injuries "insignificant". Don't lie. It's "unbecoming".

Medical examiner calls Zimmerman's injuries 'very insignificant'

Perhaps the biggest contradiction is Zimmerman’s claim that he was repeatedly beaten by Martin. Zimmerman has said his head was struck against the concrete sidewalk by Martin who rained a series of blows — more than two dozen in one account — on the volunteer.

Photographs show that Zimmerman had a bloody nose and two lacerations to the back of his head — wounds that the prosecution has insisted are too minor to have come from a severe attack by Martin.

The wounds displayed on Zimmerman’s head and face were “consistent with one strike, two injuries at one time,” she testified. “The injuries were not life-threatening,” she said, adding they were “very insignificant.”


Does that look like someone who was punched in the face by someone larger than them MORE THAN TWO DOZEN TIMES??????? JUST AN HOUR BEFORE??????

You guys are just so damn dirty. You lie all the time. You deny the truth when it's right in front of you. No wonder all your policies fail. Built on a sinister foundation of lies. You guys just can't help yourselves.
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