Anybody but Hillary

Anybody but Hillary

But there isn't anybody but Hillary.

Democrat policies for the last six years have been so completely rejected by the American people, that they have voted out of office nearly every Democrat that had any chance of becoming President.

There's literally nobody left.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, who can't help but put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it?

Fauxahontas Warren, who is even farther left than Obama?

The Obama administration has so thoroughly destroyed the Democrat party, by lying for year after year about what their agenda would do, and then pushing their far-left programs into law and showing America just how unworkable they are, that there is nobody available to run for office any more.

At this point, Republicans could run Bob Dole again and win.
What's a ******? AHAHAHAHA You girly boys talk a big game but never let me down, in the end you're still just a girly boy. Now run along, pee wee, you're boring me

You're obviously a very bitter, unhappy little person. You need to let all that hate go a just be.......

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, stop pretending you know me, pee wee and that vid looks sorta gay

We shouldn't give up on your evolution into a whole person.

Enough, pee wee. Go find a job and stop thinking you're anything but a loser

You'll probably feel better if you just talk about it. Find someone you trust, priest, minister, counselor, or maybe in your case a bartender, and see if you can begin to sort out the reasons for your hatred and bigotry. The emotional difficulties that trouble you most are probably based on unresolved childhood issues that have contributed to your own self loathing and low self esteem. You have to start the healing somewhere.

You're blabbering all incoherent like....take a deep breath and start over, pee wee
Anybody but Hillary

But there isn't anybody but Hillary.

Democrat policies for the last six years have been so completely rejected by the American people, that they have voted out of office nearly every Democrat that had any chance of becoming President.

There's literally nobody left.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, who can't help but put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it?

Fauxahontas Warren, who is even farther left than Obama?

The Obama administration has so thoroughly destroyed the Democrat party, by lying for year after year about what their agenda would do, and then pushing their far-left programs into law and showing America just how unworkable they are, that there is nobody available to run for office any more.

At this point, Republicans could run Bob Dole again and win.

Jim Webb.
Thanks for supporting my point.

There's nobody.

That's funny since your entire party's political philosophy is so 19th Century.

socialism died with Adolf Hitler and communism died with the Soviets.

It's about time dimocrap scum figured that out..... Your political philosophy is the dodo bird of politics
You're obviously a very bitter, unhappy little person. You need to let all that hate go a just be.......

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, stop pretending you know me, pee wee and that vid looks sorta gay

We shouldn't give up on your evolution into a whole person.

Enough, pee wee. Go find a job and stop thinking you're anything but a loser

You'll probably feel better if you just talk about it. Find someone you trust, priest, minister, counselor, or maybe in your case a bartender, and see if you can begin to sort out the reasons for your hatred and bigotry. The emotional difficulties that trouble you most are probably based on unresolved childhood issues that have contributed to your own self loathing and low self esteem. You have to start the healing somewhere.

You're blabbering all incoherent like....take a deep breath and start over, pee wee

It's probably just too much for you to process right now. Give yourself a break, don't be so hard on yourself, one step at a time.
She could win, as her GOP competition, despite all the scandals and such surrounding Hillary, have even worse skeletons in the closet. Also Hillary tends to survive, no matter what people may throw at her.
It's probably just too much for you to process right now. Give yourself a break, don't be so hard on yourself, one step at a time.

It's not our front runner for the presidency that just committed suicide in public, douche

I think it's time for you to take a nice, long.... Even permanent, vacation.

Try -- I hear Tikrit is nice this time of year.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, stop pretending you know me, pee wee and that vid looks sorta gay

We shouldn't give up on your evolution into a whole person.

Enough, pee wee. Go find a job and stop thinking you're anything but a loser

You'll probably feel better if you just talk about it. Find someone you trust, priest, minister, counselor, or maybe in your case a bartender, and see if you can begin to sort out the reasons for your hatred and bigotry. The emotional difficulties that trouble you most are probably based on unresolved childhood issues that have contributed to your own self loathing and low self esteem. You have to start the healing somewhere.

You're blabbering all incoherent like....take a deep breath and start over, pee wee

It's probably just too much for you to process right now. Give yourself a break, don't be so hard on yourself, one step at a time.

Bleh, I'm weary of you, go to the bath house and relax, pee wee
She could win, as her GOP competition, despite all the scandals and such surrounding Hillary, have even worse skeletons in the closet. Also Hillary tends to survive, no matter what people may throw at her.

God, but I hope the walking advertisement for the way Islam treats its women wins the dimocrap scum nomination.

I seriously do
Anybody but Hillary

But there isn't anybody but Hillary.

Democrat policies for the last six years have been so completely rejected by the American people, that they have voted out of office nearly every Democrat that had any chance of becoming President.

There's literally nobody left.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, who can't help but put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it?

Fauxahontas Warren, who is even farther left than Obama?

The Obama administration has so thoroughly destroyed the Democrat party, by lying for year after year about what their agenda would do, and then pushing their far-left programs into law and showing America just how unworkable they are, that there is nobody available to run for office any more.

At this point, Republicans could run Bob Dole again and win.
Anybody but Hillary

But there isn't anybody but Hillary.

Democrat policies for the last six years have been so completely rejected by the American people, that they have voted out of office nearly every Democrat that had any chance of becoming President.

There's literally nobody left.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, who can't help but put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it?

Fauxahontas Warren, who is even farther left than Obama?

The Obama administration has so thoroughly destroyed the Democrat party, by lying for year after year about what their agenda would do, and then pushing their far-left programs into law and showing America just how unworkable they are, that there is nobody available to run for office any more.

At this point, Republicans could run Bob Dole again and win.

You can keep repeating it, that doesn't make it so. Who has even announced their candidacy this far out from the election?
socialism died with Adolf Hitler
C'mon there are socialist parties all over the world.

and communism died with the Soviets.
Good riddance. The most evil political system in human history.

Yes, but Hitler made it work. Nobody else ever has.

Every other 'socialist' regime on earth is a thinly disguised (if disguised at all) Dictatorship.

Europeans are not really socialists. Hollande is a member of the French Socialist Party but they're not really socialists, either. More like social democrats.

Had Hitler not been a War Mongering maniac, socialism might have had a chance. Germany actually had it going on and it was actually working....

But...... They're Germans.
I'm still waiting on one person to tell me something she has actually accomplished. Just one

Name one thing any of the Republicans you support for president have accomplished.

Stop your incessant deflection....I'm sick of it

You opened the door. You made potential presidential candidates 'accomplishments' the topic.

Interestingly you can't name a single accomplishment from the entire clown car on the GOP side?

So why make Hillary's accomplishments an issue...

She's going to run for POTUS? Cheese and rice you're a dim one

So what were those GOP accomplishments you were going to tell us about?
We shouldn't give up on your evolution into a whole person.

Enough, pee wee. Go find a job and stop thinking you're anything but a loser

You'll probably feel better if you just talk about it. Find someone you trust, priest, minister, counselor, or maybe in your case a bartender, and see if you can begin to sort out the reasons for your hatred and bigotry. The emotional difficulties that trouble you most are probably based on unresolved childhood issues that have contributed to your own self loathing and low self esteem. You have to start the healing somewhere.

You're blabbering all incoherent like....take a deep breath and start over, pee wee

It's probably just too much for you to process right now. Give yourself a break, don't be so hard on yourself, one step at a time.

Bleh, I'm weary of you, go to the bath house and relax, pee wee

I'm sure you are weary, it must be tiring hating so many people all the time. It's too much of a burden for you. You should let it go.

That's funny since your entire party's political philosophy is so 19th Century.

socialism died with Adolf Hitler and communism died with the Soviets.

It's about time dimocrap scum figured that out..... Your political philosophy is the dodo bird of politics

Really? When did US Social Security end? Medicare? Medicaid? Public schools? The VA?

Are you sure socialism is dead in America?
I'm still waiting on one person to tell me something she has actually accomplished. Just one

Name one thing any of the Republicans you support for president have accomplished.

Stop your incessant deflection....I'm sick of it

You opened the door. You made potential presidential candidates 'accomplishments' the topic.

Interestingly you can't name a single accomplishment from the entire clown car on the GOP side?

So why make Hillary's accomplishments an issue...

She's going to run for POTUS? Cheese and rice you're a dim one

So what were those GOP accomplishments you were going to tell us about?

Yo dimwit I asked what Shillary's were. YOU are the one that tried to deflect. Idiot
Name one thing any of the Republicans you support for president have accomplished.

Stop your incessant deflection....I'm sick of it

You opened the door. You made potential presidential candidates 'accomplishments' the topic.

Interestingly you can't name a single accomplishment from the entire clown car on the GOP side?

So why make Hillary's accomplishments an issue...

She's going to run for POTUS? Cheese and rice you're a dim one

So what were those GOP accomplishments you were going to tell us about?

Yo dimwit I asked what Shillary's were. YOU are the one that tried to deflect. Idiot

Why do you ask?

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