Anybody but Hillary

Stop your incessant deflection....I'm sick of it

You opened the door. You made potential presidential candidates 'accomplishments' the topic.

Interestingly you can't name a single accomplishment from the entire clown car on the GOP side?

So why make Hillary's accomplishments an issue...

She's going to run for POTUS? Cheese and rice you're a dim one

So what were those GOP accomplishments you were going to tell us about?

Yo dimwit I asked what Shillary's were. YOU are the one that tried to deflect. Idiot

Why do you ask?

Run along. I have no interest in your stupid little game. In fact why don't you and girl boy get together and compare notes

"Anybody" is a big field. It's going to come down to a choice between two and who I vote for is going to depend upon who they are.

a head of cabbage would be a better president than hillary.

A head of cabbage would be better than a lot of people. If a head of cabbage is in the race, I will certainly take that into account.
The Democratic party should be offering a helping hand to working folk and ending these endless, pointless occupations in the Mideast. Instead Democratic politicians seem to only care about coddling transgender activists and supplying their corporate allies with piles of our tax dollars.
Anybody but Hillary

But there isn't anybody but Hillary.

Democrat policies for the last six years have been so completely rejected by the American people, that they have voted out of office nearly every Democrat that had any chance of becoming President.

There's literally nobody left.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, who can't help but put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it?

Fauxahontas Warren, who is even farther left than Obama?

The Obama administration has so thoroughly destroyed the Democrat party, by lying for year after year about what their agenda would do, and then pushing their far-left programs into law and showing America just how unworkable they are, that there is nobody available to run for office any more.

At this point, Republicans could run Bob Dole again and win.

Someone like Dole would certainly get my vote. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing anyone of that quality.
How about Joe Manchin, senator from West Virginia? There must be somebody instead of Hillary.
You opened the door. You made potential presidential candidates 'accomplishments' the topic.

Interestingly you can't name a single accomplishment from the entire clown car on the GOP side?

So why make Hillary's accomplishments an issue...

She's going to run for POTUS? Cheese and rice you're a dim one

So what were those GOP accomplishments you were going to tell us about?

Yo dimwit I asked what Shillary's were. YOU are the one that tried to deflect. Idiot

Why do you ask?

Run along. I have no interest in your stupid little game. In fact why don't you and girl boy get together and compare notes

Your hatred will consume you, just let it go.
Really? When did US Social Security end? Medicare? Medicaid? Public schools? The VA?

Are you sure socialism is dead in America?

That's not socialism you blithering fucking idiot.

Gawd DAYUM but dimocraps are some stupid fucks.

You try to lay claim to every decent program we've gotten through but deny responsibility for every clusterfuck you've created.

I'm not even going to point out all the mistakes you scumbags have made and how much worse you've made things

It wouldn't do any good. You're a dimocrap -- the scum of the earth. You were born that way and -- You'll die that way.

Just the facts of life
Really? When did US Social Security end? Medicare? Medicaid? Public schools? The VA?

Are you sure socialism is dead in America?

That's not socialism you blithering fucking idiot.

Gawd DAYUM but dimocraps are some stupid fucks.

You try to lay claim to every decent program we've gotten through but deny responsibility for every clusterfuck you've created.

I'm not even going to point out all the mistakes you scumbags have made and how much worse you've made things

It wouldn't do any good. You're a dimocrap -- the scum of the earth. You were born that way and -- You'll die that way.

Just the facts of life

What is socialism then? If Obama is a socialist, what does he support that's socialist?
Please save us from that phony laugh.

Can you imagine enduring that for 4 years?
It's probably just too much for you to process right now. Give yourself a break, don't be so hard on yourself, one step at a time.

It's not our front runner for the presidency that just committed suicide in public, douche

I think it's time for you to take a nice, long.... Even permanent, vacation.

Try -- I hear Tikrit is nice this time of year.

Another poor soul driven by his own hate and bigotry. That's no way to compensate for your self loathing.
What is socialism then? If Obama is a socialist, what does he support that's socialist?

Socialism is the control of the means of production inside a Country, the regulation of day to day life and an over-riding, all powerful government not even subject to its own rules..... Sound familiar?

Only an IDIOT (you qualify) thinks socialism is the ownership of the means of production...... It is control of it that counts.

Taking care of its people is what EVERY form of government is supposed to do.... Unless you're a liberturdian, which is a lower from of life than even dimocrap scum..... Or close, at the very least

These things get complicated and you're just not smart enough to grasp the concepts. It's way over your head.

You prove that in here every day.
What is socialism then? If Obama is a socialist, what does he support that's socialist?

Socialism is the control of the means of production inside a Country, the regulation of day to day life and an over-riding, all powerful government not even subject to its own rules..... Sound familiar?

Only an IDIOT (you qualify) thinks socialism is the ownership of the means of production...... It is control of it that counts.

Taking care of its people is what EVERY form of government is supposed to do.... Unless you're a liberturdian, which is a lower from of life than even dimocrap scum..... Or close, at the very least

These things get complicated and you're just not smart enough to grasp the concepts. It's way over your head.

You prove that in here every day.

Just let that hate go my friend, just be.....

Another poor soul driven by his own hate and bigotry. That's no way to compensate for your self loathing.

Trust me asswipe. I am not 'driven' by anything. I am simply observing.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.
What is socialism then? If Obama is a socialist, what does he support that's socialist?

Socialism is the control of the means of production inside a Country, the regulation of day to day life and an over-riding, all powerful government not even subject to its own rules..... Sound familiar?

Only an IDIOT (you qualify) thinks socialism is the ownership of the means of production...... It is control of it that counts.

Taking care of its people is what EVERY form of government is supposed to do.... Unless you're a liberturdian, which is a lower from of life than even dimocrap scum..... Or close, at the very least

These things get complicated and you're just not smart enough to grasp the concepts. It's way over your head.

You prove that in here every day.

So Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the VA hospitals, the public schools,

they don't control anything? No government control? Because you said they weren't socialism.

She may just have some competition:


Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley says if he were president, it would be important as commander in chief to have his secretary of state use the official server for business.

“After 12 years of declining wages, people want executive leadership that knows how to get things done,” the former governor said, adding that he would make his decision on a presidential run this spring.

Read more: Martin O Malley Important for secretary of state to use official server - Nick Gass - POLITICO
O'Malley raised taxes so many times in MD they elected a Republican. "Rainwater tax" anyone?

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