Anyone Else Having a Week From Hell?


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2008
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
Nah, it's not just you, the wife is finishing up hell month with three people out and four other positions not filled/just vacated. She works for Job Corps, getting the new kids in and getting everything ready for the start of school next week.
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
You just became the flicked finger of fate.
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
You just became the flicked finger of fate.

Hey, sometimes you're the lead sled dog, sometimes you're staring at life's anus.

On the bright side, I actually learned a lot this week, because trying to do sixteen things at once necessitated hunting up new and shorter shortcuts to getting things accomplished.
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
I can’t find my other shoe
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?

The easiest part of dealing with the hell walk of today lies in knowing today will end. This week will end, This month will . . . end. The end of all of these front looking, ever evaporating time periods always lead to Friday nights, weekends, vacations and holidays. Monday ends in Friday. Day ends in night. Dawn embraces us in night's retreat with face warming light, and frustration ends in relaxation. Regardless of the flavor of dread, the mundane is always there to lend or minds a hand up with the normal. Myself, in times like those you're experiencing, I find a constant and observe its refusal to ever change.
Yes I favorite Golf Course is closed for repairs......:102:
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
I can’t find my other shoe
Have you looked on your foot?
The job is OK, so far. But it's been raining steadily for the past couple of weeks. Everything is saturated and the mud is a pain. I feel most sorry for my critters, who have to live out in that mess. Oh, yeah, the State Fair started today and it's been raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock! Sucks for lots of people, though.
The job is OK, so far. But it's been raining steadily for the past couple of weeks. Everything is saturated and the mud is a pain. I feel most sorry for my critters, who have to live out in that mess. Oh, yeah, the State Fair started today and it's been raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock! Sucks for lots of people, though.
I loved the state fair at Fairbanks, and the North Pole marathon in the day.
You are not alone. Been packing all week and slowly moving little by little over to the new housemates house. I am too damn old for this shit. Lower back, hips, tired and sore and just no strength any more. I hurt all over. Big move day is the 30th. Which I dread.
You are not alone. Been packing all week and slowly moving little by little over to the new housemates house. I am too damn old for this shit. Lower back, hips, tired and sore and just no strength any more. I hurt all over. Big move day is the 30th. Which I dread.

Now Gracie....

--- put the finger down. Nice... and ... slow...
The job is OK, so far. But it's been raining steadily for the past couple of weeks. Everything is saturated and the mud is a pain. I feel most sorry for my critters, who have to live out in that mess. Oh, yeah, the State Fair started today and it's been raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock! Sucks for lots of people, though.

Around here, "inclement weather" means that it's blast-furnace hot outside. As in, you can almost hear your skin sizzling when the sun hits it. And God forbid it DOES rain, because the geniuses who run the cities here never want to spend the money on proper drainage, because hey, it's Phoenix and it never rains. So everything is flooded up to the car axles in about five minutes (I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not).

Meh. I still prefer it to someplace like you have, where it rains for days on end. I'm basically a desert rat at heart.
I fired someone today.

And I've had too much to drink tonight because of it.
You are not alone. Been packing all week and slowly moving little by little over to the new housemates house. I am too damn old for this shit. Lower back, hips, tired and sore and just no strength any more. I hurt all over. Big move day is the 30th. Which I dread.

After I started this thread, I was heading out after work and stepped in a hole in the ground that I didn't see. Twisted my ankle and fell right on my bad knee. They're both arthritic and painful, but the bad one is the one I smashed the hell out of as a teenager. Very glad this day is over, so I can hit the reset button.
Mind you, I love my job, and I normally really enjoy going to work. It's just that we're short-handed this week, because one of my co-workers is on vacation. And it just so happens that our clients have all decided to go insane and start ordering rush jobs. Oh, and one set of lunatics insisted that they were NOT going to cancel their hearing in Honolulu, hurricane be damned, and we absolutely had to send them a court reporter. Uhhhh, no. All of our reporters told us to go eff ourselves, they weren't flying into a hurricane. Who can blame them?

So how about you guys? Anyone else have a frantic, hectic, nightmarish week, or did I just draw the short straw?
Best week ever! Gonna sell over $200,000 for the first time ever

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