Anyone else "wonder" why Flynn was only indicted for lying???

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No. That is all Mueller could find on him.

yeah, THAT's IT......never thought of that.........LOL

(just for fun........Flynn lied to the FBI FOUR times; each charge carries a FIVE year sentence......So, the holiday spirit......let Flynn off with a stern scolding???)
The news that Michael Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to Russia-related offenses is striking, for several reasons. The lies he told the FBI were about asking the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, for political favors during the presidential transition, some of which the ambassador granted. The lies happened when Flynn was already national security adviser and Donald Trump was president. The fact that Flynn lied about contacts with Russia seems particularly suspicious. And if Flynn testifies, as ABC News has reported, that Trump directed the contacts, the lying looks more suspicious still.

The content of the Flynn-Kislyak conversations deepens the narrative that special counsel Robert Mueller has been building: Earlier guilty pleas revealed Russian efforts to connect with the Trump campaign; this one reveals official contacts between the Trump team and Russia after the election -- contact significant enough for Flynn to lie to the FBI about.

The fact that the lies concern Russia makes it politically harder for Trump to fire Mueller or to pardon Flynn than if the charge had involved Flynn's other legal woes over his unreported lobbying for Turkey.

Prosecutors could’ve chosen any criminal act on Flynn’s part for his initial plea. In negotiations with someone who has been caught committing felonies, federal prosecutors have most of the power. The point of the guilty plea is to put Flynn on the hook and require him to continue to cooperate going forward. Now that he’s admitting to a crime, they can seek a harsher penalty if he doesn’t cooperate and a lesser one if he does. What’s more, if the prosecutors want to add more charges later, they can.

How the Flynn Charges Box In Trump
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas right?

He lied, about a violation of the Logan Act. Which has never been prosecuted. That is the smoking gun?
Logan Act has never been prosecuted because we’ve never had a traitor as president before.
I thought that was obvious.
You're "right"......My thread regards what happened last Friday....and, yes its an unbelievable 3.5 days apologies.

3.5 days? since election day of last year all your posts read like this one

And regarding my being "mad" may not want to believe this, but I'm having a GREAT time witnessing the downfall of the orange clown.

ya do a great job of disguising all that behind the anger and frustration, speaking of which, these posts/threads are all part of the pain from the election aren't they? why else would you have to pretend you are happy?
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas right?

He lied, about a violation of the Logan Act. Which has never been prosecuted. That is the smoking gun?
Logan Act has never been prosecuted because we’ve never had a traitor as president before.
I thought that was obvious.

Sure we have....You just didn't care because he was YOUR traitor......

Always remember this when he sold out to your hero pootin. obummer was always pootins putz in the WH.

Flynn lied to the FBI FOUR times; each charge carries a FIVE year sentence......So, the holiday spirit......let Flynn off with a stern scolding???

Indicting him for lying to the FBI is hardly a 'scolding'. Of course, it has nothing to directly do with implicating Trump, either, as you had hoped. :p
But I actually testify in Court so have no idea how any of this works..

Well, the above says it all on your level of IQ.......Go to bed....

Go ask a prosecutor then silly boy. Like I said, i actually do this stuff for real, you don't. You parrot whatever your Masters tell you to parrot.
"Lying to the FBI" is what they charge when they really have nothing. It's like jaywalking or spitting on the sidewalk.

Very, very good.......mystery solved thanks to you.....
You then have no worries and can go back to playing with your guns and making some good moonshine.
Let me help you out, junior, if there is a crime that prosecutors are trying to pin on the big guy, the plea dealing criminal will have that plea deal set up in such a way that the underlying crime, that would allow them to go after the big guy, is actually NAMED in the plea deal.

See anything like that with trump?

No? Is mueller the stupidist prosecutor the world has ever seen, or is there no other crime?

This is what happens when right wingers get a mail order "law degree" after watching five episodes of Law & Order.....
It kind of makes using him as a witness against anyone else really hard. He has plead to lying to the FBI, which any decent defense attorney will bring up ad nauseum in a cross examination.

Not to interfere with your stupidity, but consider this:

Prosecutors work it this way......"Tell me all that you know BEFORE I hand to you a sweet plea deal"....................and NOT, "I'll give you a sweet plea deal.....and maybe you'll tell me what you want to say....or maybe not."

See the difference?

Let me help you out, junior, if there is a crime that prosecutors are trying to pin on the big guy, the plea dealing criminal will have that plea deal set up in such a way that the underlying crime, that would allow them to go after the big guy, is actually NAMED in the plea deal.

See anything like that with trump?

No? Is mueller the stupidist prosecutor the world has ever seen, or is there no other crime?

And if you are going to convict an accomplice of anything, It should NEVER be about lying. again, it makes you 100% ignorable as a witness.
Let me help you out, junior, if there is a crime that prosecutors are trying to pin on the big guy, the plea dealing criminal will have that plea deal set up in such a way that the underlying crime, that would allow them to go after the big guy, is actually NAMED in the plea deal.

See anything like that with trump?

No? Is mueller the stupidist prosecutor the world has ever seen, or is there no other crime?

This is what happens when right wingers get a mail order "law degree" after watching five episodes of Law & Order.....

It's called common sense, something that is lacking in that cheap, dime-store brain of yours.
It kind of makes using him as a witness against anyone else really hard. He has plead to lying to the FBI, which any decent defense attorney will bring up ad nauseum in a cross examination.

Not to interfere with your stupidity, but consider this:

Prosecutors work it this way......"Tell me all that you know BEFORE I hand to you a sweet plea deal"....................and NOT, "I'll give you a sweet plea deal.....and maybe you'll tell me what you want to say....or maybe not."

See the difference?

Can't say I'm surprised that you missed his point and responded with nothing relevant
3.5 days? since election day of last year all your posts read like this one

Hey, nitwit....ASK A GROWN UP TO SOUND OUT FOR YOU THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD......Is it about "election day".....or is it about last Friday's Flynn bombshell?
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fitzmas right?

He lied, about a violation of the Logan Act. Which has never been prosecuted. That is the smoking gun?
Logan Act has never been prosecuted because we’ve never had a traitor as president before.
I thought that was obvious.

Sure we have....You just didn't care because he was YOUR traitor......

Always remember this when he sold out to your hero pootin. obummer was always pootins putz in the WH.

Blame Obama! White House offers the lamest response to Flynn charges

"The White House didn’t mention Obama fired Flynn, or that he warned Trump about potential risks of hiring Flynn"

"Obama explicitly warned Trump about the potential risks involved in hiring Flynn. There's also no mention in Cobb's statement that Flynn continued to work as a top Trump official two weeks after the the administration was informed about his lie."

Papers over the fact that Flynn remained in his job more than two weeks after admin was informed he lied. NBC Politics on Twitter

— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) December 1, 2017

The news that Michael Flynn pleaded guilty Friday to Russia-related offenses is striking, for several reasons. The lies he told the FBI were about asking the Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, for political favors during the presidential transition, some of which the ambassador granted. The lies happened when Flynn was already national security adviser and Donald Trump was president. The fact that Flynn lied about contacts with Russia seems particularly suspicious. And if Flynn testifies, as ABC News has reported, that Trump directed the contacts, the lying looks more suspicious still.

The content of the Flynn-Kislyak conversations deepens the narrative that special counsel Robert Mueller has been building: Earlier guilty pleas revealed Russian efforts to connect with the Trump campaign; this one reveals official contacts between the Trump team and Russia after the election -- contact significant enough for Flynn to lie to the FBI about.

The fact that the lies concern Russia makes it politically harder for Trump to fire Mueller or to pardon Flynn than if the charge had involved Flynn's other legal woes over his unreported lobbying for Turkey.

Prosecutors could’ve chosen any criminal act on Flynn’s part for his initial plea. In negotiations with someone who has been caught committing felonies, federal prosecutors have most of the power. The point of the guilty plea is to put Flynn on the hook and require him to continue to cooperate going forward. Now that he’s admitting to a crime, they can seek a harsher penalty if he doesn’t cooperate and a lesser one if he does. What’s more, if the prosecutors want to add more charges later, they can.

How the Flynn Charges Box In Trump

I'm really sorry, Valerie.......But what you laid out above is WAY TOO logical for right wingers to follow.....Please use cartoons and much easier words next time....I mean, have a heart for God's sake.
"Lying to the FBI" is what they charge when they really have nothing. It's like jaywalking or spitting on the sidewalk.

Actually, it would have been better to plead him to jaywalking in this case.

No prosecutor would have plead him to a crime that undermined his credibility as a witness if they planned on using him as a witness. The deal would have been structured differently.

But what do I know, I have just negotiated such deals before.
It kind of makes using him as a witness against anyone else really hard. He has plead to lying to the FBI, which any decent defense attorney will bring up ad nauseum in a cross examination.

Not to interfere with your stupidity, but consider this:

Prosecutors work it this way......"Tell me all that you know BEFORE I hand to you a sweet plea deal"....................and NOT, "I'll give you a sweet plea deal.....and maybe you'll tell me what you want to say....or maybe not."

See the difference?

Let me help you out, junior, if there is a crime that prosecutors are trying to pin on the big guy, the plea dealing criminal will have that plea deal set up in such a way that the underlying crime, that would allow them to go after the big guy, is actually NAMED in the plea deal.

See anything like that with trump?

No? Is mueller the stupidist prosecutor the world has ever seen, or is there no other crime?

And if you are going to convict an accomplice of anything, It should NEVER be about lying. again, it makes you 100% ignorable as a witness.

Yep, these progressive nutters are getting all hot and bothered about a "witness" who has ZERO value! The asshole was FIRED for lying to the Vice President! You can't get any more ridiculous than thinking a KNOWN liar is of any value in a Court of Law. It is laughable.
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