Anyone else "wonder" why Flynn was only indicted for lying???

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Of course, it has nothing to directly do with implicating Trump, either, as you had hoped

Well, then, Queasy......Its all settled for he can go back to golfing without a care in the world about that pesky Mueller and that lting bunch at the FBI...or those fake news media outlets.....

The outlook is more than rosy.......with a bit of orange mixed in.

Blame Obama! White House offers the lamest response to Flynn charges

"The White House didn’t mention Obama fired Flynn, or that he warned Trump about potential risks of hiring Flynn"

"Obama explicitly warned Trump about the potential risks involved in hiring Flynn. There's also no mention in Cobb's statement that Flynn continued to work as a top Trump official two weeks after the the administration was informed about his lie."

Papers over the fact that Flynn remained in his job more than two weeks after admin was informed he lied. NBC Politics on Twitter

— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) December 1, 2017

May 8, 2017

This story emerged shortly prior to when former acting Attorney General Sally Yates was set to testify on Monday before Congress "about the concerns she expressed to Trump administration officials about Flynn's contacts with Russian officials, namely with Kislyak,"
Can't say I'm surprised that you missed his point and responded with nothing relevant

Darn it........I misplaced my Moron-to-English dictionary and THAT is why I "missed his point"........I need a right wing translator by my side.
Nat likes memes so much so here's one for him:
It is a genuinely, interesting question as to WHY, Flynn was indicted for only the relatively less culpable offense of lying to the FBI.....

Why hasn't Mueller handed out an indictment....through the FBI.... on Flynn kidnapping allegation for the hefty sum of $15 million from the corrupt Turkish government?

Why hasn't Mueller handed out an indictment...through the FBI.....of Flynn's collusion to build nuclear plants all over the Middle East to benefit one of his corrupt clients?

There is SO much more that the wily Mueller is holding back from the public that will send shivers to, not only the orange clown himself, but also to every single member of Trump's entourage.

We are living in VERY interesting times.......

Probably because that was the only thing that he could be proven to have done.

:lol: keep dreaming.

In your dreams it may make sense for Flynn to take a guilty plea and testify against Trump and his people because all that is provable is...exactly what he pleaded guilty to.

In reality that is RIDICULOUS NONSENSE, Flynn and his surely capable of rational decision making lawyers avoided the hammer coming down on him and his son in exchange for his co-operation with the investigation.
It is a genuinely, interesting question as to WHY, Flynn was indicted for only the relatively less culpable offense of lying to the FBI.....

Why hasn't Mueller handed out an indictment....through the FBI.... on Flynn kidnapping allegation for the hefty sum of $15 million from the corrupt Turkish government?

Why hasn't Mueller handed out an indictment...through the FBI.....of Flynn's collusion to build nuclear plants all over the Middle East to benefit one of his corrupt clients?

There is SO much more that the wily Mueller is holding back from the public that will send shivers to, not only the orange clown himself, but also to every single member of Trump's entourage.

We are living in VERY interesting times.......
This isn't a strange thing. Flynn is indicted for the least Mueller could have done to him. He'll get a fine and minimal time served.

Conversely, they'll throw the kitchen sink and Manafort, going back as far into history as they can, and throw away the key.

You play or pay.
so what did it take to expose you this time, 2, 3 posts?

Do you mean "expose" like Roy Moore does with little girls?

I mean certainly you wouldn't be dumb enough to be referring to THIS thread....but, wait.........I take the "dumb enough" statement back.
It is a genuinely, interesting question as to WHY, Flynn was indicted for only the relatively less culpable offense of lying to the FBI.....

Why hasn't Mueller handed out an indictment....through the FBI.... on Flynn kidnapping allegation for the hefty sum of $15 million from the corrupt Turkish government?

Why hasn't Mueller handed out an indictment...through the FBI.....of Flynn's collusion to build nuclear plants all over the Middle East to benefit one of his corrupt clients?

There is SO much more that the wily Mueller is holding back from the public that will send shivers to, not only the orange clown himself, but also to every single member of Trump's entourage.

We are living in VERY interesting times.......

Probably because that was the only thing that he could be proven to have done.

:lol: keep dreaming.

In your dreams it may make sense for Flynn to take a guilty plea and testify against Trump and his people because all that is provable is...exactly what he pleaded guilty to.

In reality that is RIDICULOUS NONSENSE, Flynn and his surely capable of rational decision making lawyers avoided the hammer coming down on him and his son in exchange for his co-operation with the investigation.

You really don't get it do you. If trump were guilty of anything the plea deal would have elements of the crime that trump is accused of IN IT. That is how the justice system works. There IS no underlying crime for flynn to testify about. If there were it would have been part of the plea deal. In other words, don't go jump off of a building when your wet dream doesn't happen.
Discussion is off the rails on Page1 --- The OP helped take it there. Closed...
Let me help you out, junior, if there is a crime that prosecutors are trying to pin on the big guy, the plea dealing criminal will have that plea deal set up in such a way that the underlying crime, that would allow them to go after the big guy, is actually NAMED in the plea deal.

See anything like that with trump?

No? Is mueller the stupidist prosecutor the world has ever seen, or is there no other crime?

This is what happens when right wingers get a mail order "law degree" after watching five episodes of Law & Order.....

You're stupid
It kind of makes using him as a witness against anyone else really hard. He has plead to lying to the FBI, which any decent defense attorney will bring up ad nauseum in a cross examination.

Not to interfere with your stupidity, but consider this:

Prosecutors work it this way......"Tell me all that you know BEFORE I hand to you a sweet plea deal"....................and NOT, "I'll give you a sweet plea deal.....and maybe you'll tell me what you want to say....or maybe not."

See the difference?

Let me help you out, junior, if there is a crime that prosecutors are trying to pin on the big guy, the plea dealing criminal will have that plea deal set up in such a way that the underlying crime, that would allow them to go after the big guy, is actually NAMED in the plea deal.

See anything like that with trump?

No? Is mueller the stupidist prosecutor the world has ever seen, or is there no other crime?

And if you are going to convict an accomplice of anything, It should NEVER be about lying. again, it makes you 100% ignorable as a witness.

Which tells me they didn't have anything else.
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