Anyone enjoying watching the Tea Party collapse?

Nearly half the country disapproves of them, including many gopers, but the 20% or so of the electorate will remain ideologically pure.

Would that McCain had chosen Lieberman as a running mate.

i still would not have considered the ancient beat up fuckers running....nope...anyone over 70 should not be allowed to run for President....the job is to stressful and it ages ya even more....
no, don't collapse!

i want to see another hilarious election season.

footshooting III - THIS time we REALLY fuck up the midterms
Hey Bucs don't you think an election is required before you can make this claim? Or are you more into tea leaves and crystal balls?
So, how does everyone feel about watching the once-promising Tea Party collapse into a fringe, extreme element that most of the country is sick of?

no, don't collapse!

i want to see another hilarious election season.

footshooting III - THIS time we REALLY fuck up the midterms

lol. yep, this one turn out to be a real zinger of an election cycle for teapartiers ;)
I remember all the left winger media morons declaring that the Republican Party was dead after the 2008 elections.

Hehehehe, then 2010 happened with a huge midterm turn around. Because of the TP's and Conservatives.

These folks are alive and kicking no matter how many times you declare them dead.

I'm beginning to think I should name them the "Lazarus Party" because they keep coming back to life after every obituary you progressive pukes post for them.

So, how does everyone feel about watching the once-promising Tea Party collapse into a fringe, extreme element that most of the country is sick of?

Good point. It would be interesting IF they weren't threatening to take down everyone else w/ them as BDBoop said

Yo Vern, didn't the feds take everyone down with them during the first default in 1935?

during President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, when the government nationalized gold and made it a felony for any American to own gold. Not only was gold ownership made illegal but it nullified all “gold clauses” in private and government contracts. Writing contracts in gold was a way people protected themselves against government theft, namely inflation. The Supreme Court upheld federal nationalization of gold and nullification of gold contracts in the famous Gold Clause Cases. Today many Americans have turned to gold, driving its price to an all-time high, as a safeguard against what they see as pending inflation. Here’s my question to you: If Obama and Congress enacted a law demanding that you turn in your gold, would you be morally obligated to obey such a law?"


bucs90 used to be one of the hard core rw postsers here, when I arrived at USMB, then the tea party came to his state & started laying off first responders. Aint that right bucs90?
Nearly half the country disapproves of them, including many gopers, but the 20% or so of the electorate will remain ideologically pure.

Would that McCain had chosen Lieberman as a running mate.

i still would not have considered the ancient beat up fuckers running....nope...anyone over 70 should not be allowed to run for President....the job is to stressful and it ages ya even more....

Well, he supported Iraq, but he did have a solid progressive voting history on economic issues. There's no doubt that Obama captured the more left wing of the dems, and first time voters (though ironically he's into domestic spying, a drone war and bailing out Wall St). McCain couldn't pull the trigger on actually running a bipartisan campaign to the middle. Even had he lost, and he probably would have, it might have left a message.
The GOP is up and running, and many of the leaders are kicking the TeaPs in the nads today, so we will see where this goes.

Oh, and don't say the TeaPs are or were insignificant until they actually are: keep in mind the populist TeaPs of 2010 who did well, then have been trying to decay America ever since.
Remind us again how the tea party types like Walker were recalled and stripped of power.

I love hearing this story, especially when Chris tells it.
The GOP is up and running, and many of the leaders are kicking the TeaPs in the nads today, so we will see where this goes.

Oh, and don't say the TeaPs are or were insignificant until they actually are: keep in mind the populist TeaPs of 2010 who did well, then have been trying to decay America ever since.

The tea party is nothing but average americans who are tired of incompetent govt stealing from them and ignoring the constitution.

Sorry, libtardians, but the tea party is alive and well, even if the party label goes away, real americans will never go away and will never stop demanding that their govt follow the constitution and stop screwing the citizens.

If you think that a group of citizens demanding accountabiliy and common sense in government is "trying to decay" america, then you have no idea what this country is all about.
So, how does everyone feel about watching the once-promising Tea Party collapse into a fringe, extreme element that most of the country is sick of?

to be honest with you, i've been too busy watching the left spin out of control trying to make thsi all an issue for the republicans. you guys are spinning so much lately you have your own gravitational force. keep it up and you'll be attracting moons.
bucs90 used to be one of the hard core rw postsers here, when I arrived at USMB, then the tea party came to his state & started laying off first responders. Aint that right bucs90?

Yeah, Bucs90 was a Republican. Sure. BTW, how's that African diamond mine investment working out for ya, the one you got from the lawyer representing the son of the incarcerated Finance Minister
I remember all the left winger media morons declaring that the Republican Party was dead after the 2008 elections.

Hehehehe, then 2010 happened with a huge midterm turn around. Because of the TP's and Conservatives.

These folks are alive and kicking no matter how many times you declare them dead.

I'm beginning to think I should name them the "Lazarus Party" because they keep coming back to life after every obituary you progressive pukes post for them.


Republicans won the 2010 midterms due to the census and a lack of democrat voters. It had nothing to do with tea party support. From 2008 to 2010 the GOP got fewer votes.

2008 GOP house votes: 52,249,491

2010 GOP house votes: 44,827,441
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The GOP is up and running, and many of the leaders are kicking the TeaPs in the nads today, so we will see where this goes.

You know who needs a swift kick in the nads? Oh , wait, you ain't got any.

Oh, and don't say the TeaPs are or were insignificant until they actually are: keep in mind the populist TeaPs of 2010 who did well, then have been trying to decay America ever since.

You better set your fascist bullshit tendencies aside before the the whole Nation looks like Detroit.

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