Anyone Find It Rather Peculiar?,No One Has Ever Asked Hillary About Trump Accomplishments/Successes.

No not really. Reversing previous EO's is not really much in way an accomplishments. Returning us to a > trillion dollar deficit is not much of one either. All you have to do is give your buddies a permanent tax cut while increasing spending. But I guess doing so in the booming economy President "Nero" was handed, was an accomplishment of sorts.
Hillary Clinton's only accomplishment, was being in Government her entire life and managing to achieve zero accomplishments. That's a pretty astounding accomplishment.
Hillary Clinton's only accomplishment was being in Government her entire life and managing to achieve zero accomplishments. That's a pretty astounding accomplishment.
i can count all of hillarys accomplishments on my index finger
Asked Hillary About Trump Accomplishments/Successes


nobody gives two shits about Trump.

he's an accomplished, successful LIAR.

i would pay a host to ask Hillary why she was surprised that she lost knowing that 70% of all Americans would rather have a daily diarreah attack over he being President.

I wouldnt let that lying asshat clean out my cats litter box.
so far as of today,,,,,,Hillary Accomplishments......3
The stock market was at 7,000 when Obama took office and at 20,000 when he left. But somehow it was all Trump.

Unemployment was at 10% when Obama put in his first budget, but it was at 4% at the beginning of Trump's first budget. But somehow it was all Trump.

Trump's accomplishments have been the failed Carrier deal, raising the debt by two trillion, hurting farmers, kicking 20 million off healthcare when October rolls around.

Republicans and Democrats have such different ideas of success.

Donald Trump, the reverse Midas Man. Everyone he touches is poisoned.
a reporter should of asked why no one ever went to one of her rallies on their own instead of being paid to show up
"Anyone Find It Rather Peculiar?,No One Has Ever Asked Hillary About Trump Accomplishments/Successes."

No. No one cares what she has to say. Even Democrats have come out and told Hillary to just STFU and go away...BEFORE the 2018 mid-term elections.

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