Anyone going to celebrate MLK Day?

I will pray that god forgives him for any part he played in enabling obama to be president.

Otherwise I will be getting my AA neighbor a couple of loads of garden mulch (he drives a Caddy...I drive a truck)...while he wires my pergola and installs a 220 line for my hot tub. Later we will enjoy a few Manhattens in the warm Texas sun. MLK had little to do with me getting along with my fellow man.
Wether or not MLK was the man he is precieved to have been is an issue. We can however say that the spirit of MLK does embody what America is all about.
I think most people understand the guy was a total fraud...........even Jackie Kennedy came out and said it---and she was no conservative.

The myth of MLK was crammed down peoples throats by the powers that be. Even most black people will tell you in person that he was a hypocrite.

Irregardless...............................Martin Luther King Jr. - A Historical Examination: The REAL truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

Jacqueline Kennedy's Feelings on Martin Luther King Jr. Revealed in New Audio Tapes - ABC News

I don't observe or celebrate holidays unless it's a family-obligation I do so. Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. Only day I regularly take notice of is the Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown.) Much as I may reverie people, their birthdays or other observances aren't a part of my life.

Would actually make the arguement treating days commenorating people breaks the 1st Commandment.
His words were good, but he was not what he has been portrayed to be. He was a womanizer, a thief, and got rich out of race baiting.

We should focus on his words, not his deeds.
On my worst day, I could not bring myself to celebrate anything about an alcoholic whoremonger who was just about to be indicted for embezzlement from his church and who plagiarized everything he ever wrote.
I think most people understand the guy was a total fraud...........even Jackie Kennedy came out and said it---and she was no conservative.

The myth of MLK was crammed down peoples throats by the powers that be. Even most black people will tell you in person that he was a hypocrite.

Irregardless...............................Martin Luther King Jr. - A Historical Examination: The REAL truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

Jacqueline Kennedy's Feelings on Martin Luther King Jr. Revealed in New Audio Tapes - ABC News

I am sorry, but I don't see Jackie Kennedy as some great authority or seer on life or personalities.

And in the end who among us is without flaws....calling him a fraud is, well, dumb imho.
yea, I honor the man, his message and the wrong he was trying to right. I accept he was a human and had some flaws like the rest of us. what he did needed to be done and he took great personal risk doing it
His words were good, but he was not what he has been portrayed to be. He was a womanizer, a thief, and got rich out of race baiting.

We should focus on his words, not his deeds.

The problem with that being he was a well known plagiarizer....his supposed woids were not his but someone else's and he never gave credit......he even plagiarized his doctoral thesis and it was known but he was allowed to get away with suprise there.

Martin Luther King's Plagiarism
We should all be shunning Martin Luther King's birthday today and instead celebrating a great mans birthday in the name of Robert E. Lee.
What is it about lefties? They need to keep the Black community on the plantation with handouts and they get all huffy when you talk about MLK day. Would anyone be offended if you didn't celebrate Columbus day or you commented about the legendary drinking on St Patrick day?
It is remarkable the total hypocrisy when reading some of the post. Outraged at someone that professed to being against hatred and bigotry.
The same people that are spouting all their anger and outrage against MLK and his message will put on their best faces and dress themselves up and go to their house of worship and profess to follow the teaching of a Messiah.
How ridiculous you all are.
You try to hide your ignorance and hatred in so many different colors.
All good moral decent Americans who believe in the Constitution and this country's goodness celebrates this day.
I think most people understand the guy was a total fraud...........even Jackie Kennedy came out and said it---and she was no conservative.

The myth of MLK was crammed down peoples throats by the powers that be. Even most black people will tell you in person that he was a hypocrite.

Irregardless...............................Martin Luther King Jr. - A Historical Examination: The REAL truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

Jacqueline Kennedy's Feelings on Martin Luther King Jr. Revealed in New Audio Tapes - ABC News

I'm as anti-leftist un-PC as they come, but I don't understand the vitriol. He may not have been the best husband or father, but MLK saved a lot of lives. Had he not been the flagship for the civil rights movement with his Gandhi pacifist approach, there would have been a lot more violence along the way.

I did not like Mandela because he advocated violence, so I have no interest in hypocrisy by not giving MLK props for denouncing violence. That said, I do not think there should be a national holiday, but that's not his fault.
It is remarkable the total hypocrisy when reading some of the post. Outraged at someone that professed to being against hatred and bigotry.
The same people that are spouting all their anger and outrage against MLK and his message will put on their best faces and dress themselves up and go to their house of worship and profess to follow the teaching of a Messiah.
How ridiculous you all are.
You try to hide your ignorance and hatred in so many different colors.

And you have the intolerant left preaching tolerance. There's a lot of it out there.

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