Charlie Kirk discusses the MLK myth

True, then you look at the person speaking of history they never lived. In the case of Kirk you have a 30 year old white dude from a well to do family that has no education past high school and has never had a real job in his life.

But hey, if this is the guy you want telling you about MLK, more power to you.
Not the point. If you think he's uninformed or has a bad take or whatever, fine, attack that. Disprove what he's saying (whatever that is) not dismiss what he's saying because he's a "30 year old white guy" or doesnt have a degree in X,Y.Z from A,B,or C University. Why should I or anyone else believe what you're saying on the matter any more than Charlie Kirk or anyone else. I havent listened to it but Kirk is making some argument on the subject all you and most of the people in this thread are doing is ad hominem attacks not actually making a counter argument.
It was going to happen sooner or later. You can't hide the truth forever. The American public has been hoodwinked long enough.

---Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control," Kirk posted on X on Monday morning. "While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born."---

---"Ask yourself, why is exposing the flaws of MLK's life and character — something he said we should judge others by — so controversial? Has America become more colorblind, and merit based the more we have worshipped King?"---

I even seen Fox News given to this type of propaganda where they quote MLK junior as he was some kind of hero. frankly, I don’t know much about the man and the fact that a lot of people say nice things about him, but they have no clue who he was is really interesting.

But us even having this conversation would result in us being called a racist by the maniac millionaires on CNN and MSNBC. The pro BLM journalists who constantly denigrate American history, and who gives a platform to pro BLM racists every day.

I think many of these folks have no idea who MLK Junior was. It’s another insanity of America. Of course there’s tons of black-and-white people we can look up to who are not MLK junior.

Bottom line is something to strongly consider …the black and white class was much better before the 1960s but once we got to the 1960s, you had the hippie movement and things started to fall from there. Something very strong to consider.
Because truth is dangerous to the left.
MLK was a great man, Trump is a dictator, Joe Biden is a good leader, and the DOJ is sure to figure out what Ukraine did with that billion's worth of unaccounted military gear. :spinner:
It was going to happen sooner or later. You can't hide the truth forever. The American public has been hoodwinked long enough.

---Who was MLK? A myth has been created and it has grown totally out of control," Kirk posted on X on Monday morning. "While he was alive most people disliked him, yet today he is the most honored, worshipped, even deified person of the 20th century Today we are going to tell the truth and explain how this myth was born."---

---"Ask yourself, why is exposing the flaws of MLK's life and character — something he said we should judge others by — so controversial? Has America become more colorblind, and merit based the more we have worshipped King?"---

MLK has evolved into a national symbol for equality and freedom. Those who put effort into demeaning the man by focusing on character flaws and controversial actions are trying to demean the symbol as well. And to what end? For what purpose?

It’s not for the sake of truth. Don’t fool yourself if that’s what you think
The issues arise because of the apparent conflict between the public figure MLK, Jr, and the private person.

Nobody claims that he was a "saint" in his private life, and there is plenty of evidence that he had his faults. But as a public figure, he was the most prominent promoter and defender of Civil Rights for "Negroes" of his era. He had a national podium so to speak, and when he spoke publicly the Media and the people listened. He gave several noteworthy speeches that are still quoted to this day, but in his final years he was losing the favor of people who had supported him earlier. He was starting to question whether YBM's should be fighting in Vietnam when there was so much left undone in the homeland, and that antagonized a lot of Democrat politicians of the day.

I am no fan of the MLK national holiday - I don't think he warranted that - but it was done to placate Black Americans, along with the creation of "Black History Month." The lesson now learned is that no matter what is done for Blacks and POC's, it will never be enough, because their stock-in-trade is whining and trying to make their constituency envious and miserable.

Sorry about those reparations. Ain't happening.
Not the point. If you think he's uninformed or has a bad take or whatever, fine, attack that. Disprove what he's saying (whatever that is) not dismiss what he's saying because he's a "30 year old white guy" or doesnt have a degree in X,Y.Z from A,B,or C University. Why should I or anyone else believe what you're saying on the matter any more than Charlie Kirk or anyone else. I havent listened to it but Kirk is making some argument on the subject all you and most of the people in this thread are doing is ad hominem attacks not actually making a counter argument.
In other words, they are dims

The issues arise because of the apparent conflict between the public figure MLK, Jr, and the private person.

Nobody claims that he was a "saint" in his private life, and there is plenty of evidence that he had his faults. But as a public figure, he was the most prominent promoter and defender of Civil Rights for "Negroes" of his era. He had a national podium so to speak, and when he spoke publicly the Media and the people listened. He gave several noteworthy speeches that are still quoted to this day, but in his final years he was losing the favor of people who had supported him earlier. He was starting to question whether YBM's should be fighting in Vietnam when there was so much left undone in the homeland, and that antagonized a lot of Democrat politicians of the day.

I am no fan of the MLK national holiday - I don't think he warranted that - but it was done to placate Black Americans, along with the creation of "Black History Month." The lesson now learned is that no matter what is done for Blacks and POC's, it will never be enough, because their stock-in-trade is whining and trying to make their constituency envious and miserable.

Sorry about those reparations. Ain't happening.
well, i have mixed feelings. As stated b4, I have read up on how Blacks were treated in this country during slavery times. It was beyond hideous. The worst was separating families from one another.. imo. But who can say what was worst, save the victims who are no longer w/ us.

And that is an important point: the victims of slavery are no longer w/ us. So why should we compensate those who didn't go through that? Catholics were not treated well when they first arrived and many of us would say we're not treated well NOW. Try acting like an outspoken Catholic some time and ... oh, I think you are Catholic.. but non Catholics should try acting like a devout Catholic some time in public and see what happens.. snarly looks, discrimination... Yet, do we see Catholics crying for reparation? Maybe we should? Who knows

Anyhow, if I were Black, I would be angry also. As it is, I am angry about being CATHOLIC and treated like dirt in mostly-protestant areas of the US.

However, as the Word says

Be angry, but sin not.
You're supporting a racist like Charlie Kirk.
Im not super familar with Charlie Kirk, but a quick listen to a "Charlie Kirk" search on youtube didnt bring up anything objectively racist. Doesnt mean he isnt but you're going to have to do better than just saying it given your history.
Im not super familar with Charlie Kirk, but a quick listen to a "Charlie Kirk" search on youtube didnt bring up anything objectively racist. Doesnt mean he isnt but you're going to have to do better than just saying it given your history.
What's the maximum effective range of an excuse?
What excuse have I made? Hypocrite
That last dumbass post, I showed you that the CRA was passed by region and you come with some bullshit about, "Oh it was republicans" and then when I showed your dumbass that more Democrats voted for it than republicans you come back with "Oh they had no choice."

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