Anyone here STILL believe that Trump is all for the "common citizen"?

Why is it so hard for democrats to understand that those who pay the most taxes will receive the biggest reduction in taxes when taxes are cut? give tax breaks (83% of the breaks go to corporations) WITHOUT cuts in spending......precipitating the BORROWING of $1.5 fucking TRILLION is NOT a win for America......just a win for those corporations......

WHY......WHY are tax breaks for Corps.......PERMANENT .......while for individuals, TEMPORARY???????
Yes, release the stranglehold on corporations and let them grow. So far, democrat economics hasn't worked.
What any american who works hard to scrape by is figuring out is NEITHER party supports working people. It has always been this way always will be. In my 82 years of life it is so easy to see. for the rich by the rich of the rich. Again neither party cares. People will figure it out. I have educated my kids well on would be proud.

You sound like you are envious.

You think it is OK for the filthy government to steal from people making more money than you and give it to you?

Because that is what it sounds like you trying to rationalize.

In a Democracy like we have the bad thing is that the mob can use the government to steal from you and that is despicable.

In my 70 years of life I have never had a rich person steal from me but I sure as hell have had the filthy ass welfare queens elect politicians who used the government to steal from me so they can get their free stuff.

ever hear of vera coking? she was an old woman.... who trump tried to use the government...... to STEAL her home thru eminent domain. to STEAL her home, so he can bulldoze it & pave her land into a casino parking lot.

so.... you were saying what now? trump is scum.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Even with giant casino hotels dwarfing her crumbling three-story home, Vera Coking refused to sell.

An unlikely player in a real-life game of Monopoly, the feisty widow turned down $1 million at least once for her 30-by-60-foot lot, and now says she wants $3 million.

She may never get it.

Coking watched from the outside as Donald J. Trump's newest casino project, a 22-story addition to neighboring Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, opened Feb. 16, next door to the home where she has lived for 35 years.

Trump lost out on a bid to have the lot seized in an eminent domain proceeding. So he built around her.

Coking is surrounded on three sides by the casino hotels.

Coking, whose wood-framed house is an eyesore with peeling white paint and a collapsed railing on the second-floor deck, lives on Social Security. Her health is failing, and she is in the process of fighting a condemnation action by the city.

"If they give me the right price, I would sell," said Coking, who appears to be in her 70s.

Her lawyer, Glenn A. Zeitz, continues to push Trump to buy her out. In recent talks, Zeitz said Trump's lawyers indicated that they would not pay more than $1 million. He said the house and lot are worth at least $2 million.

Trump's employees have two words for the 5-foot-5 woman living at 127 Columbia Place. They call her "Trump's ulcer."

"This is not an innocent little darling we're dealing with here," Trump said recently. "This is a tough, cunning, crafty person who has purposely allowed that property to go to hell, right at the foot of the entrance to Atlantic City, so she can get a higher price."

Trump said he doesn't want the property badly enough to pay Coking's price. Odds are that Caesars Atlantic City Hotel Casino, which is across the street in the other direction, won't buy it either.

Coking blames Trump for her predicament.

"He never sat down with me. All he did was destroy my house and destroy my health. He should be ashamed of himself," said Coking, who walks with a cane and speaks with a trace of a European accent.

She has sued Trump over damage to the house during the 1993 demolition of a steel skeleton left hovering just above her house after Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione's casino project on the site went bust.

She also claimed that Trump Plaza workers dumped snow on her sidewalk, causing her to slip and injure her hip.

Trump said he has offered to paint the house and fix it up, but Coking told him no dice.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home

yaaaaaa.............. lol - go ahead & spin that.

Go bitch to Trump about that. I don't give a shit Moon Bat.

The welfare queens using the government to steal from me is a far more oppressive thing in my life than some businessman influencing politicians to use eminent domain for their benefit.

Every year I pay a ton in income tax that is used to provide welfare to the welfare queens and the illegals and the Muslim refugees and all that other scum that elect Liberals to take my money.

Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions in taxes and has given hundreds of millions to charity. Far more than you have so just shut the fuck up with you mindless anti Trump hate. It just makes you look like a fool.

blah blah fucking blah *uh-huh*

why won't he show his tax returns to prove what you can only claim, sweety? & don't use the tired excuse that he is under audit. nixon was under audit as well at the time & he showed them.

why won't he show his tax returns

Because....screw you loser!!!

Trump doesn't have to show his returns just like Obama didn't have to show us his college transcripts that would have proved that he enrolled as a foreign student.

The Moon Bats didn't demand accountability from Obama for things like that so why should the people that voted for Trump demand that Trump release any records? The Moon Bats also didn't demand that Crooked Hillary be held accountable for destroying 50,000 government emails that could have proven her corruption like in the Russian urainium deal.

Besides, Trump did release a tax record that showed that he paid $30 million in Federal Income Taxes one year. That is more than all the Moon Bats that live in America will pay in their combined lives.
You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.

It is rolling already, but we have an entire decade of Democrat made messes to clean up.

And what 'messes' does the tax bill clean up? That the Democrats and Democrats only created?

Fix the record number of people that left the workforce during the Hussein Era and record number of welfare recipients for starters.
You mean he gets to keep that much of his own money.

Got jealousy?

You realize that the national debt also belongs to us, don't you?

Yup. And after President Trump gets the economy rolling, jobs created, and taxes collected, we can start cutting all unnecessary spending and pay off the debt.

I'm so glad President Trump has liberals suddenly caring so much about the debt, the Hussein was never able to accomplish that.

The economy is already 'rolling', if you believe Trump himself. Therefore, no need for a budget busting tax cut 'stimulus'.

It is rolling already, but we have an entire decade of Democrat made messes to clean up.

You mean getting us back to 2008?

lol, that is goddam funny.

Not going back anywhere, just cleaning up the mess Dems and RINOs made.
Yes, release the stranglehold on corporations and let them grow. So far, democrat economics hasn't worked.

have another drink, Tipsy.......

The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats - Forbes

Is that the best you can do? Even your insults are boring.

Ask a democrat, any democrat, the economy does better with democrats because there is higher unemployment and the chance of greater state dependency!

Democrats run on envy. It's all they have.

blah blah fucking blah *uh-huh*

why won't he show his tax returns to prove what you can only claim, sweety? & don't use the tired excuse that he is under audit. nixon was under audit as well at the time & he showed them.

Why didn't Obama release his college records? Was it because he enrolled as a foreign student or because he was hiding his affirmative action grades? You didn't vote for that lying shithead, did you? If you did you were an idiot, weren't you?

I didn't vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. I don't have to defend him but it is always amusing to point out the mindless hate you filthy Left Wingers have against a man that is working to undo the damage done by that asshole Obama.

don't matter whether you voted for trump or not. you are a traitor for sticking up for him just like you sportin' that confed flag. so spare me jethro.
Trump doesn't "need" to be for me. He only needs to enact policies that allow Americans to succeed. That's it.
uh-huh. it's only temporary & those making $75K will be hit when the piper comes calling. oh ya.... guess what's next? medicare & social security. gotta pay for them thar tax 'cuts' somehow. & mama's getting old.... how will the nursing home get paid for her? nope.... medicaid ain't gonna do it no' mo.

it's only temporary & those making $75K will be hit when the piper comes calling.

In January, the Dems should introduce a bill to make middle class tax cuts deeper and permanent.
Stick it to those nasty Republicans.
We all know the Dems are all about letting people keep more of their own money.

not one (D) voted for the bill & the majority are wealthy themselves. why would that be?

not one (D) voted for the bill

They should write a new, strictly middle class tax cut.
What's stopping them?

they are in the minority at this point in time. but.............. 2018 just might change that. :eusa_dance:

they are in the minority at this point in time.

So they won't even try?

but.............. 2018 just might change that.


Vote Dem in 2018......"We're gonna raise your taxes!"

Sure fire winner right there.

are you kidding me? the party of nononononNONONOONOOOOOOOOOO with a (D) prez - who btw - had their leader state that their #1 priority was to make that (D) prez a one term prez ( that failed, didn't it) would cooperate with the left side of the aisle on anything now?

2017 - cut taxes in a time of war. multiple wars & more wars on the horizen it the epitome of reckless governing.

that is now what the GOP is known for & has been long b4 now.
What any american who works hard to scrape by is figuring out is NEITHER party supports working people. It has always been this way always will be. In my 82 years of life it is so easy to see. for the rich by the rich of the rich. Again neither party cares. People will figure it out. I have educated my kids well on would be proud.

You sound like you are envious.

You think it is OK for the filthy government to steal from people making more money than you and give it to you?

Because that is what it sounds like you trying to rationalize.

In a Democracy like we have the bad thing is that the mob can use the government to steal from you and that is despicable.

In my 70 years of life I have never had a rich person steal from me but I sure as hell have had the filthy ass welfare queens elect politicians who used the government to steal from me so they can get their free stuff.

ever hear of vera coking? she was an old woman.... who trump tried to use the government...... to STEAL her home thru eminent domain. to STEAL her home, so he can bulldoze it & pave her land into a casino parking lot.

so.... you were saying what now? trump is scum.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Even with giant casino hotels dwarfing her crumbling three-story home, Vera Coking refused to sell.

An unlikely player in a real-life game of Monopoly, the feisty widow turned down $1 million at least once for her 30-by-60-foot lot, and now says she wants $3 million.

She may never get it.

Coking watched from the outside as Donald J. Trump's newest casino project, a 22-story addition to neighboring Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, opened Feb. 16, next door to the home where she has lived for 35 years.

Trump lost out on a bid to have the lot seized in an eminent domain proceeding. So he built around her.

Coking is surrounded on three sides by the casino hotels.

Coking, whose wood-framed house is an eyesore with peeling white paint and a collapsed railing on the second-floor deck, lives on Social Security. Her health is failing, and she is in the process of fighting a condemnation action by the city.

"If they give me the right price, I would sell," said Coking, who appears to be in her 70s.

Her lawyer, Glenn A. Zeitz, continues to push Trump to buy her out. In recent talks, Zeitz said Trump's lawyers indicated that they would not pay more than $1 million. He said the house and lot are worth at least $2 million.

Trump's employees have two words for the 5-foot-5 woman living at 127 Columbia Place. They call her "Trump's ulcer."

"This is not an innocent little darling we're dealing with here," Trump said recently. "This is a tough, cunning, crafty person who has purposely allowed that property to go to hell, right at the foot of the entrance to Atlantic City, so she can get a higher price."

Trump said he doesn't want the property badly enough to pay Coking's price. Odds are that Caesars Atlantic City Hotel Casino, which is across the street in the other direction, won't buy it either.

Coking blames Trump for her predicament.

"He never sat down with me. All he did was destroy my house and destroy my health. He should be ashamed of himself," said Coking, who walks with a cane and speaks with a trace of a European accent.

She has sued Trump over damage to the house during the 1993 demolition of a steel skeleton left hovering just above her house after Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione's casino project on the site went bust.

She also claimed that Trump Plaza workers dumped snow on her sidewalk, causing her to slip and injure her hip.

Trump said he has offered to paint the house and fix it up, but Coking told him no dice.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home

yaaaaaa.............. lol - go ahead & spin that.

Go bitch to Trump about that. I don't give a shit Moon Bat.

The welfare queens using the government to steal from me is a far more oppressive thing in my life than some businessman influencing politicians to use eminent domain for their benefit.

Every year I pay a ton in income tax that is used to provide welfare to the welfare queens and the illegals and the Muslim refugees and all that other scum that elect Liberals to take my money.

Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions in taxes and has given hundreds of millions to charity. Far more than you have so just shut the fuck up with you mindless anti Trump hate. It just makes you look like a fool.

blah blah fucking blah *uh-huh*

why won't he show his tax returns to prove what you can only claim, sweety? & don't use the tired excuse that he is under audit. nixon was under audit as well at the time & he showed them.

why won't he show his tax returns

Because....screw you loser!!!

yaaaaaaaaa.............. that's all you got. cause you got nothin'.

Why is it so hard for democrats to understand that those who pay the most taxes will receive the biggest reduction in taxes when taxes are cut? give tax breaks (83% of the breaks go to corporations) WITHOUT cuts in spending......precipitating the BORROWING of $1.5 fucking TRILLION is NOT a win for America......just a win for those corporations......

WHY......WHY are tax breaks for Corps.......PERMANENT .......while for individuals, TEMPORARY???????
Yes, release the stranglehold on corporations and let them grow. So far, democrat economics hasn't worked.

riiiiiight......... like when the bush tax cuts were going to sunset & the 'job creators' demanded an extension of 2 more years? that was a sweet deal for them then & was a pittance compared to this time around.
it's only temporary & those making $75K will be hit when the piper comes calling.

In January, the Dems should introduce a bill to make middle class tax cuts deeper and permanent.
Stick it to those nasty Republicans.
We all know the Dems are all about letting people keep more of their own money.

not one (D) voted for the bill & the majority are wealthy themselves. why would that be?

not one (D) voted for the bill

They should write a new, strictly middle class tax cut.
What's stopping them?

they are in the minority at this point in time. but.............. 2018 just might change that. :eusa_dance:

they are in the minority at this point in time.

So they won't even try?

but.............. 2018 just might change that.


Vote Dem in 2018......"We're gonna raise your taxes!"

Sure fire winner right there.

are you kidding me? the party of nononononNONONOONOOOOOOOOOO with a (D) prez - who btw - had their leader state that their #1 priority was to make that (D) prez a one term prez ( that failed, didn't it) would cooperate with the left side of the aisle on anything now?

2017 - cut taxes in a time of war. multiple wars & more wars on the horizen it the epitome of reckless governing.

that is now what the GOP is known for & has been long b4 now.

are you kidding me?

No, I'm not kidding.

If the Dems are worried about middle class tax cuts, the Dems should introduce legislation to cut middle class taxes. Deeper and permanently.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that the Republicans won't fight against that legislation.

Or, if they'd like, Dems should instead run on a promise to raise everybody's taxes.
You sound like you are envious.

You think it is OK for the filthy government to steal from people making more money than you and give it to you?

Because that is what it sounds like you trying to rationalize.

In a Democracy like we have the bad thing is that the mob can use the government to steal from you and that is despicable.

In my 70 years of life I have never had a rich person steal from me but I sure as hell have had the filthy ass welfare queens elect politicians who used the government to steal from me so they can get their free stuff.

ever hear of vera coking? she was an old woman.... who trump tried to use the government...... to STEAL her home thru eminent domain. to STEAL her home, so he can bulldoze it & pave her land into a casino parking lot.

so.... you were saying what now? trump is scum.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Even with giant casino hotels dwarfing her crumbling three-story home, Vera Coking refused to sell.

An unlikely player in a real-life game of Monopoly, the feisty widow turned down $1 million at least once for her 30-by-60-foot lot, and now says she wants $3 million.

She may never get it.

Coking watched from the outside as Donald J. Trump's newest casino project, a 22-story addition to neighboring Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, opened Feb. 16, next door to the home where she has lived for 35 years.

Trump lost out on a bid to have the lot seized in an eminent domain proceeding. So he built around her.

Coking is surrounded on three sides by the casino hotels.

Coking, whose wood-framed house is an eyesore with peeling white paint and a collapsed railing on the second-floor deck, lives on Social Security. Her health is failing, and she is in the process of fighting a condemnation action by the city.

"If they give me the right price, I would sell," said Coking, who appears to be in her 70s.

Her lawyer, Glenn A. Zeitz, continues to push Trump to buy her out. In recent talks, Zeitz said Trump's lawyers indicated that they would not pay more than $1 million. He said the house and lot are worth at least $2 million.

Trump's employees have two words for the 5-foot-5 woman living at 127 Columbia Place. They call her "Trump's ulcer."

"This is not an innocent little darling we're dealing with here," Trump said recently. "This is a tough, cunning, crafty person who has purposely allowed that property to go to hell, right at the foot of the entrance to Atlantic City, so she can get a higher price."

Trump said he doesn't want the property badly enough to pay Coking's price. Odds are that Caesars Atlantic City Hotel Casino, which is across the street in the other direction, won't buy it either.

Coking blames Trump for her predicament.

"He never sat down with me. All he did was destroy my house and destroy my health. He should be ashamed of himself," said Coking, who walks with a cane and speaks with a trace of a European accent.

She has sued Trump over damage to the house during the 1993 demolition of a steel skeleton left hovering just above her house after Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione's casino project on the site went bust.

She also claimed that Trump Plaza workers dumped snow on her sidewalk, causing her to slip and injure her hip.

Trump said he has offered to paint the house and fix it up, but Coking told him no dice.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home

yaaaaaa.............. lol - go ahead & spin that.

Go bitch to Trump about that. I don't give a shit Moon Bat.

The welfare queens using the government to steal from me is a far more oppressive thing in my life than some businessman influencing politicians to use eminent domain for their benefit.

Every year I pay a ton in income tax that is used to provide welfare to the welfare queens and the illegals and the Muslim refugees and all that other scum that elect Liberals to take my money.

Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions in taxes and has given hundreds of millions to charity. Far more than you have so just shut the fuck up with you mindless anti Trump hate. It just makes you look like a fool.

blah blah fucking blah *uh-huh*

why won't he show his tax returns to prove what you can only claim, sweety? & don't use the tired excuse that he is under audit. nixon was under audit as well at the time & he showed them.

why won't he show his tax returns

Because....screw you loser!!!

yaaaaaaaaa.............. that's all you got. cause you got nothin'.


All I've got? What else does lib whining deserve beyond mockery?
not one (D) voted for the bill & the majority are wealthy themselves. why would that be?

not one (D) voted for the bill

They should write a new, strictly middle class tax cut.
What's stopping them?

they are in the minority at this point in time. but.............. 2018 just might change that. :eusa_dance:

they are in the minority at this point in time.

So they won't even try?

but.............. 2018 just might change that.


Vote Dem in 2018......"We're gonna raise your taxes!"

Sure fire winner right there.

are you kidding me? the party of nononononNONONOONOOOOOOOOOO with a (D) prez - who btw - had their leader state that their #1 priority was to make that (D) prez a one term prez ( that failed, didn't it) would cooperate with the left side of the aisle on anything now?

2017 - cut taxes in a time of war. multiple wars & more wars on the horizen it the epitome of reckless governing.

that is now what the GOP is known for & has been long b4 now.

are you kidding me?

No, I'm not kidding.

If the Dems are worried about middle class tax cuts, the Dems should introduce legislation to cut middle class taxes. Deeper and permanently.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that the Republicans won't fight against that legislation.

Or, if they'd like, Dems should instead run on a promise to raise everybody's taxes.


The filthy ass Democrats had eight years to do a middle class tax cut and all they did was raise taxes. They had two years in charge of the complete government. Eight years in charge of the Presidency and six years having the Presidency and the Senate.

If they wanted to cut taxes on the middle class all they had to do was do it but they didn't because filthy ass Liberals hate the idea of the bloated government getting less revenue. That is like the worst thing in the world for those assholes.
it's only temporary & those making $75K will be hit when the piper comes calling.

In January, the Dems should introduce a bill to make middle class tax cuts deeper and permanent.
Stick it to those nasty Republicans.
We all know the Dems are all about letting people keep more of their own money.

not one (D) voted for the bill & the majority are wealthy themselves. why would that be?

not one (D) voted for the bill

They should write a new, strictly middle class tax cut.
What's stopping them?

they are in the minority at this point in time. but.............. 2018 just might change that. :eusa_dance:

they are in the minority at this point in time.

So they won't even try?

but.............. 2018 just might change that.


Vote Dem in 2018......"We're gonna raise your taxes!"

Sure fire winner right there.

are you kidding me? the party of nononononNONONOONOOOOOOOOOO with a (D) prez - who btw - had their leader state that their #1 priority was to make that (D) prez a one term prez ( that failed, didn't it) would cooperate with the left side of the aisle on anything now?

2017 - cut taxes in a time of war. multiple wars & more wars on the horizen it the epitome of reckless governing.

that is now what the GOP is known for & has been long b4 now.

What an ignorant stupid comment, did you know that the party out of office wants the opposition to always be a one termer. Come on, do you really think the Democrats wanted Bush in for two terms? Do you want Trump in for two terms? Lol! You really believe the opposition should want the other guy in for as many terms as possible?
"The Republican tax bill will slash income tax rates across the board, but the middle class will experience the greatest tax cuts. The Cato Institute's Chris Edwards noted that under the bill, "higher earners will pay an even larger share of the overall income tax burden than they do now. Our highly 'progressive' income tax will be even more progressive."

Edwards pointed out that the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) released an analysis of the final bill, but that the JCT slanted the results by including payroll and excise taxes.

According to Edwards' analysis, the income tax changes will deliver huge benefits to those making between $40,000 and $75,000 per year, and much smaller cuts for people who earn even more money.

Income under $40,000 is not taxed at the federal level. Overall, those who make between $40,000 and $50,000 would pay $11.9 billion in 2019 under the current tax scheme. Under the new tax bill, they will pay $6.7 billion less — a tax cut of 56.3 percent. Those who make between $50,000 and $75,000 currently would pay $90.3 million, but they will pay $23 billion less, a 25.5 percent cut.

Even those who make $75,000 to $100,000 will experience an 18.1 percent tax cut. Those who make $1 million or more per year will experience the largest dollar amount cut ($36.9 billion overall), but their percentage cut will only amount to 6.4 percent.

Democrats can, if they wish to be dishonest, note that the wealthiest earners will get the greatest "cut" in dollar terms. This would be extremely misleading, however — as the percentage makes the most difference.

Currently, 70 percent of federal income taxes are collected from the top 10 percent of earners. The middle class does not pay that much income tax, and the Republican tax bill would cut the amount they do pay even further."

5 Things to Know About the Final Republican Tax Reform Bill

In answer to the question in the thread op, yes.
not one (D) voted for the bill & the majority are wealthy themselves. why would that be?

not one (D) voted for the bill

They should write a new, strictly middle class tax cut.
What's stopping them?

they are in the minority at this point in time. but.............. 2018 just might change that. :eusa_dance:

they are in the minority at this point in time.

So they won't even try?

but.............. 2018 just might change that.


Vote Dem in 2018......"We're gonna raise your taxes!"

Sure fire winner right there.

are you kidding me? the party of nononononNONONOONOOOOOOOOOO with a (D) prez - who btw - had their leader state that their #1 priority was to make that (D) prez a one term prez ( that failed, didn't it) would cooperate with the left side of the aisle on anything now?

2017 - cut taxes in a time of war. multiple wars & more wars on the horizen it the epitome of reckless governing.

that is now what the GOP is known for & has been long b4 now.

are you kidding me?

No, I'm not kidding.

If the Dems are worried about middle class tax cuts, the Dems should introduce legislation to cut middle class taxes. Deeper and permanently.

I've got a sneaking suspicion that the Republicans won't fight against that legislation.

Or, if they'd like, Dems should instead run on a promise to raise everybody's taxes.

lol.... did reagan run on that platform? he raised taxes 11x. lest ye ferget.
ever hear of vera coking? she was an old woman.... who trump tried to use the government...... to STEAL her home thru eminent domain. to STEAL her home, so he can bulldoze it & pave her land into a casino parking lot.

so.... you were saying what now? trump is scum.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — Even with giant casino hotels dwarfing her crumbling three-story home, Vera Coking refused to sell.

An unlikely player in a real-life game of Monopoly, the feisty widow turned down $1 million at least once for her 30-by-60-foot lot, and now says she wants $3 million.

She may never get it.

Coking watched from the outside as Donald J. Trump's newest casino project, a 22-story addition to neighboring Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, opened Feb. 16, next door to the home where she has lived for 35 years.

Trump lost out on a bid to have the lot seized in an eminent domain proceeding. So he built around her.

Coking is surrounded on three sides by the casino hotels.

Coking, whose wood-framed house is an eyesore with peeling white paint and a collapsed railing on the second-floor deck, lives on Social Security. Her health is failing, and she is in the process of fighting a condemnation action by the city.

"If they give me the right price, I would sell," said Coking, who appears to be in her 70s.

Her lawyer, Glenn A. Zeitz, continues to push Trump to buy her out. In recent talks, Zeitz said Trump's lawyers indicated that they would not pay more than $1 million. He said the house and lot are worth at least $2 million.

Trump's employees have two words for the 5-foot-5 woman living at 127 Columbia Place. They call her "Trump's ulcer."

"This is not an innocent little darling we're dealing with here," Trump said recently. "This is a tough, cunning, crafty person who has purposely allowed that property to go to hell, right at the foot of the entrance to Atlantic City, so she can get a higher price."

Trump said he doesn't want the property badly enough to pay Coking's price. Odds are that Caesars Atlantic City Hotel Casino, which is across the street in the other direction, won't buy it either.

Coking blames Trump for her predicament.

"He never sat down with me. All he did was destroy my house and destroy my health. He should be ashamed of himself," said Coking, who walks with a cane and speaks with a trace of a European accent.

She has sued Trump over damage to the house during the 1993 demolition of a steel skeleton left hovering just above her house after Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione's casino project on the site went bust.

She also claimed that Trump Plaza workers dumped snow on her sidewalk, causing her to slip and injure her hip.

Trump said he has offered to paint the house and fix it up, but Coking told him no dice.

Elderly Woman Battles Casinos Over Her Home

yaaaaaa.............. lol - go ahead & spin that.

Go bitch to Trump about that. I don't give a shit Moon Bat.

The welfare queens using the government to steal from me is a far more oppressive thing in my life than some businessman influencing politicians to use eminent domain for their benefit.

Every year I pay a ton in income tax that is used to provide welfare to the welfare queens and the illegals and the Muslim refugees and all that other scum that elect Liberals to take my money.

Trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions in taxes and has given hundreds of millions to charity. Far more than you have so just shut the fuck up with you mindless anti Trump hate. It just makes you look like a fool.

blah blah fucking blah *uh-huh*

why won't he show his tax returns to prove what you can only claim, sweety? & don't use the tired excuse that he is under audit. nixon was under audit as well at the time & he showed them.

why won't he show his tax returns

Because....screw you loser!!!

yaaaaaaaaa.............. that's all you got. cause you got nothin'.


All I've got? What else does lib whining deserve beyond mockery?

ho hum. you wanna compare mockery? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trump will never escape the circus he has become. & all that follow his piping..........

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