Anyone Notice that Most of the Outed Sex Abusers are Democrats?

I want a pussy hat.
No we have a bunch of sexual harassment accusations against ESPN sports casters and other ESPN personnel. I'll bet you a dime to a donut that most of those guys are Democrats. When ESPN has veered into expressing views on political issues, they have been decidedly to the left.

And now we have sexual harassment accusations against Dustin Hoffman, a well-known Hollywood lefty.

Again, why is that most of those who have been accused of sexual harassment/abuse are liberal Democrats? Will a light bulb go off among the ladies at the National Organization for (Liberal) Woman (NOW)?
mikegriffith1's statement is erroneously narrow.

Dems and Pubs, lefties and centrists and righties -- all are having the debt coming due on sexual harassment.

Now it is only a short matter of time before the debt comes due on women.
It's a desperate attempt to sacrifice these men then say "We cleaned our house. Now you get rid of Trump." Unfortunately the whole Trump is a sexual harasser fiction has fallen apart with the revelation that the women who complained were paid to do so. All they have left is the Access Hollywood tape in which Trump harasses no one. Sadly, the me too flu has escaped its confines. Even the dead are not exempt from being gropers in the grave.

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