Anyone notice when the white guy killed blacks, the issue was guns and the confederate flag? Not now


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
All of a sudden the pathetic blow hards on the left want to focus on "mental health."

All of a sudden we all want to try and understand why he was so "sick."

Could not be that he was a product of this race baiting world and 50 years of victimology convincing this asshole that he was nothing but a victim right?

Whenever you see the mainstream media talking about "mental health" that is code for pushing pharmaceuticals. Antidepressants etc etc etc. That goes for FOX News which is increasingly moving to the left if you have not noticed.

Of course when that white kid killed the black people, it was virtually ALL about the confederate flag. It was ALL about that. They were insistent that the flag is what caused the kid to kill them.

Not the blacklivesmatter signs though and massive protests organized by communist community organizers (democrats.) Of course NOT ONE THING even suggested that that had nothing to do with it. Ohhhh, but the confederate flag.

Fucking liberals folks.

We, are nowhere. Nothing has changed and race relations has never been worse in most of our lifetimes. I blame it all on obama voters. The fact is blacks in this country have never had it better at any time in history. Never. Name a time and place when they had it better.
They don't raise hell when blacks kill whites because they EXPECT that to happen. It is not newsworthy. It's routine.

But when a white kills a black ( usually a cop ) it make the news because it isn't the normal thing. Most police encounters do not end in gunfire.

People will cross the street when they see a black man coming toward them but not if they see a white cop.

That being said I am 100% against the militarization of the police.

It is the first step to establishing a Police State.
All of a sudden the pathetic blow hards on the left want to focus on "mental health."

All of a sudden we all want to try and understand why he was so "sick."

Could not be that he was a product of this race baiting world and 50 years of victimology convincing this asshole that he was nothing but a victim right?

Whenever you see the mainstream media talking about "mental health" that is code for pushing pharmaceuticals. Antidepressants etc etc etc. That goes for FOX News which is increasingly moving to the left if you have not noticed.

Of course when that white kid killed the black people, it was virtually ALL about the confederate flag. It was ALL about that. They were insistent that the flag is what caused the kid to kill them.

Not the blacklivesmatter signs though and massive protests organized by communist community organizers (democrats.) Of course NOT ONE THING even suggested that that had nothing to do with it. Ohhhh, but the confederate flag.

Fucking liberals folks.

We, are nowhere. Nothing has changed and race relations has never been worse in most of our lifetimes. I blame it all on obama voters. The fact is blacks in this country have never had it better at any time in history. Never. Name a time and place when they had it better.

I noticed the guy roof was wearing a Gold's Gym shirt in one of the pictures..I was wondering when they'd get around to banning golds gym and any representation of it...maybe make them change the name..forbid anyone from ever saying "gold" or "gym" again because it's "racist"..or somesuch nonsense.
Outstanding butthurt!

Now, exactly what does the OP want to discuss, since there is no linkage??

The guy was sanctioned by his former employer for wearing an Obama Campaign sticker on the air... the spirit of fairness, I think we should ban the 21st century's most divisive symbol...President Obama...

Obama brother.png
Dylan Roof stated that all the press on Treyvon Martin was what put race on his radar.

"Roof, who admitted to opening fire in the historic Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina, killing six women and three men, Martin’s death made him “completely racially aware,” that is, after he did his research via Wikipedia and found it “obvious that Zimmerman was in the right.”

The event that truly awakened me was the Trayvon Martin case. I kept hearing and seeing his name, and eventually I decided to look him up. I read the Wikipedia article and right away I was unable to understand what the big deal was. It was obvious that Zimmerman was in the right. But more importantly this prompted me to type in the words “black on White crime” into Google, and I have never been the same since that day. The first website I came to was the Council of Conservative Citizens. There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders. I was in disbelief. At this moment I realized that something was very wrong. How could the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?"

Emanuel AME Church Shooter Allegedly "Racially Awakened" By Trayvon Martin

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