Anyone see the dumb Muslim lesbian on Tucker?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
She's seeking "safe spaces" for Muslims. Couldn't tell you what a safe space for Muslim is, but she wants tax dollars to pay for it. On a side, isn't multi-culturism awesome? I don't want to hear liberals complain about taxes. Few things worse than gross ignorance.

Hannity made the point that essentially, people like herself attempt to segregate as opposed integrate, which by now should be liberal apparent. That's just what they do, yet somehow "Republicans are racist). Tucker mentioned LGBT, and she was quick to declare that pool as well. He then made the point we're all Americans first, she responded saying "I'm black first", and Tucker immediately ended the interview.

If only liberals could hear themselves. Nothing but horse manure, only manure has real value.
She's seeking "safe spaces" for Muslims. Couldn't tell you what a safe space for Muslim is, but she wants tax dollars to pay for it. On a side, isn't multi-culturism awesome? I don't want to hear liberals complain about taxes. Few things worse than gross ignorance.

Hannity made the point that essentially, people like herself attempt to segregate as opposed integrate, which by now should be liberal apparent. That's just what they do, yet somehow "Republicans are racist). Tucker mentioned LGBT, and she was quick to declare that pool as well. He then made the point we're all Americans first, she responded saying "I'm black first", and Tucker immediately ended the interview.

If only liberals could hear themselves. Nothing but horse manure, only manure has real value.

She should ask the mullah in Iran if she can have a safe space.
she was going on about being a black lesbian muslim wanting a place to talk where others can't hear them.

during a time like this? does she not realize what she's remotely asking for? some people. it's all about them, not about the US.
HOLD ON people-----this issue is nothing new------IN FACT, Islamic law
addresses it in the GLORIOUS PACT OF OMAR which can EASILY be
adapted to render muslims "protected". The GLORIOUS pact of omar
provides for protection of "people of the book". Muslims are CERTAINLY
entitled to the same level of "PROTECTION"--------Among the details of the
Pact of Omar which is a kind of contract between "kaffirin" living under Islamic rule and muslims------are provisions that include "rights" ------Ms Tucker would be delighted. Muslims ----under such a pact- ---would be obligated to provide hospitalilty to non-muslims (ie the rulers) and review of anything done or said in their home and mosques------which---if found offensive to ISLAM would result in a throat slitting spree on muslims of
any age or gender. Please feel free to ask questions-----hubby was born
into the status of DHIMMI-----the status which Ms Tucker seeks. Feel free
to ask questions-------that means YOU TOO, Ms Tucker------you are CERTAINLY entitled to live near the city dump-----and be OBLIGATED to
stay there

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