Anyone surprised that America has low expectations for a Republican congress?

you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? Biden declared 2010 as the <dramatic voice>"Summer of recovery"</dramatic voice>. That was after the two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures Obama wanted to pass. Now, what did he do during that time? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready", and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill in there too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
every bill up to 2010 was filibustered by the right ... yiour view of what happen is comical at best ... the sad part is your to dumb to know any better

You know so much that isn't so. But it is understandable when Obama doesn't get it right either, to be nice.

Name one bill that was filibustered that YOU think would have made any difference.

Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’
heres is the writing in you own source'''

"Since 2007, there have been 527 cloture motions that have been filed,according to Senate statistics. This is apparently where Obama got his figure. But this tells only part of the story, as many of those cloture motions were simply dropped, never actually voted on, or “vitiated” in the senatorial nomenclature."

the reason why they weren't voted on wasn't becasue they were bad bills... the reason the were n't voted on or debated onwas becasue they new they didn't have the 60 votes to pass it ....they new that if they brought it to the floor it was going to be filibustered ... if they didn't have the votes the Dems knew it would failed .... it would get tossed ... when a bill fails you have to start over... dems were hopeing they would win the senate this time around... to get them passed ... that didn't happen ... its obvious the writer didn't explore that issue why they didn't bring them to the floor... the writer was more concern in trying to make obama out as a liar ... that too he failed at ... especilally if you knew how congress works ....

in the first 2 years of the obama admistration the dems held the majority, not the super majority ...McConnall said he would stop every bill obama tried to have passed ... he did that by ether filibusteribng the bill, or by saying it he would filibustered it if the Dems didn't have the votes in the congress, that way the bill stays in the hopper ... its still active to be brougnt to the floor ... once its been voted on when its brought to the floor and it fails, you have to take it back to the house and start all over ... Harry Reid was trying to stop that by just keeping them in the hopper ... if you want to talk samantic so be it

note, you did not name one bill just repeated what has be parroted many times before.

TARP, The Stimulus packages, Wall Street Reform, all passed, what else did Obama want?
527 bills he wanted to be passed ... we are talking about how fast the recovery would have happen .... that was your statement you said it took too long for the recovery to happen ... a stupid statement to make....I pointed out if these bills were passed then the recovery would have happen a lot faster ..we aren't talking here about what bill was passed or what bill wasn't ... we are talking about the way the republicans either filibustered or said they would filibuster ;;; Reid new if he didn't have the 60 votes to get the filibuster over turn by the republicans, that he didn't bring it to the floor ... that's what we are talking about ... not what bill was passed or what bill wasn't we are talikng about how the republilcans went about blocking them that has been well established when you say stupid shit like well obama took so long to get it done ...that makes you look like a first class republican typical idiot ...

then you said harry reid should have change the filibuster rule... the republicans went crazy when he said he was going to do that ... yet you blame harry reid for trying to work with republicans in a bipartisan way ... I felt several time he should have changed the rule ... so you know how it gets changed, it has to be changed in January of each year that is how the senate does it
The transition from the democrat despotic rule isn't a week old and they are blaming every ill they caused the country on the Republicans. Wait a sec they have been doing it for the last 8 years.

The time they allow for the president to actually help the economy recover will elapse the moment the Republican is inaugurated in Jan '17.
Look Hadit, freewill has no Idea how the congress works not one Iota
every bill up to 2010 was filibustered by the right ... yiour view of what happen is comical at best ... the sad part is your to dumb to know any better

Sorry, if a Senator is not yapping on about nothing, it's not a filibuster, it's merely the threat of a filibuster. Reid had the option to force their hand and make them actually do it. He did not.
are you this stupid??? really ??? merely the threat of a filibuster ??? you need to go look at the filibuster count ... over 500 filibusters cast ... I guess that's not a threat ...

Really? 500 times a Senator took the floor and spoke for days on end? Surely you can find all those on YouTube somewhere. Do you know what a filibuster is? I'll help you out a little. Look up Ted Cruz and what he actually DID. That's a filibuster. Also, note that a filibuster doesn't actually permanently destroy a bill. It merely delays it so more debate can happen. What you're calling a filibuster is one side saying, "Don't bring that up for a vote or we'll talk you to death", and the other side saying "I can't stand the sound of your voice and you're going to keep me from happy hour, so fine, we won't bring it up".
its obvioust you haven't a clue about filibusters in this day and age... this isn't a Mr. smith goes to washington type filbuster where they stand on the floor and ramble about nothing... they don't even have to go to the floor to give it ... they can give in anomously ... like they have been doing .... all they have to do is say they filibuster the bill .. thats it... no going to the floor... no grand standing ... for harry reid to change the rule he had a certain time to do it ... that time sailed you moron... we dems thought we could work with repuiblicans that was a huge mistake ... as far as I'm concern I hope the dems filibuster every law that the republicans try to pass ... it would do the dems a gread deal to do so ...

You're echoing what I said. One side says, "filibuster!", and the other side says, "Okay, we really didn't want to do it anyway". Face it, Reid could easily have called their bluff and forced them to yammer away until they got tired. The filibuster doesn't kill bills, it only delays them.
the filibuster rule in the senate to date is all the have to do a file the filibuster ... today they don't have to come to the floor and stand for hours on end yammer about nothing... all they have to do is file it and if they don't have the 60 votes to veto that filibuster then it says until they can ... that was change way back when ... yes you can come to the floor and file your filibuster then yammer for hours ... but that's just the senator grand standing that's all
The transition from the democrat despotic rule isn't a week old and they are blaming every ill they caused the country on the Republicans. Wait a sec they have been doing it for the last 8 years.
you are so blind ... I feel really sorry for you ... you wait when these republicans fuck up the country again ... all I can say is I told ya so
Sorry, if a Senator is not yapping on about nothing, it's not a filibuster, it's merely the threat of a filibuster. Reid had the option to force their hand and make them actually do it. He did not.
are you this stupid??? really ??? merely the threat of a filibuster ??? you need to go look at the filibuster count ... over 500 filibusters cast ... I guess that's not a threat ...

Really? 500 times a Senator took the floor and spoke for days on end? Surely you can find all those on YouTube somewhere. Do you know what a filibuster is? I'll help you out a little. Look up Ted Cruz and what he actually DID. That's a filibuster. Also, note that a filibuster doesn't actually permanently destroy a bill. It merely delays it so more debate can happen. What you're calling a filibuster is one side saying, "Don't bring that up for a vote or we'll talk you to death", and the other side saying "I can't stand the sound of your voice and you're going to keep me from happy hour, so fine, we won't bring it up".
its obvioust you haven't a clue about filibusters in this day and age... this isn't a Mr. smith goes to washington type filbuster where they stand on the floor and ramble about nothing... they don't even have to go to the floor to give it ... they can give in anomously ... like they have been doing .... all they have to do is say they filibuster the bill .. thats it... no going to the floor... no grand standing ... for harry reid to change the rule he had a certain time to do it ... that time sailed you moron... we dems thought we could work with repuiblicans that was a huge mistake ... as far as I'm concern I hope the dems filibuster every law that the republicans try to pass ... it would do the dems a gread deal to do so ...

You're echoing what I said. One side says, "filibuster!", and the other side says, "Okay, we really didn't want to do it anyway". Face it, Reid could easily have called their bluff and forced them to yammer away until they got tired. The filibuster doesn't kill bills, it only delays them.
the filibuster rule in the senate to date is all the have to do a file the filibuster ... today they don't have to come to the floor and stand for hours on end yammer about nothing... all they have to do is file it and if they don't have the 60 votes to veto that filibuster then it says until they can ... that was change way back when ... yes you can come to the floor and file your filibuster then yammer for hours ... but that's just the senator grand standing that's all

You guys...

Billy, there have absolutely not been over 500 filibusters since 2007. The President tried to count each cloture vote as its own filibuster in that remark, and as the Post showed in Freewill's link, it's a flat-out incorrect way to measure filibuster instances.

hadit, a filibuster is not necessarily a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington-style talking filibuster. There's a great definition in an article from The Atlantic that was linked in that Post Fact Checker column, Yes the Filibuster Is Still a Huge Problem - The Atlantic:

...a filibuster is simply any effort to use Senate rules to raise the bar on a bill or nomination from the standard of majority to the supermajority, in this case 60 votes in the 100-member Senate.

When a politician does perform a old-school standing filibuster, understand he is putting on a little political theater to attract attention.
Apparently America has an even lower expectation for Democrats so they fired a whole bunch of the fuckers. Libs have a short term memory loss, probably from weed.
As a conservative, Tea Party, libertarian....I have low expectations of the Republican congress....they are politicians.....however......I have more fear of a democrat controlled you move to block the bad....and hope better comes along.......
Apparently America has an even lower expectation for Democrats so they fired a whole bunch of the fuckers. Libs have a short term memory loss, probably from weed.

It's nothing to get cocky about. The party of the sitting president ALWAYS loses seats in Congress in the midterms of his second term.
Apparently America has an even lower expectation for Democrats so they fired a whole bunch of the fuckers. Libs have a short term memory loss, probably from weed.

It's nothing to get cocky about. The party of the sitting president ALWAYS loses seats in Congress in the midterms of his second term.
Always? Are you sure? However, Republicans don't always win as many seats since the 1920s. Nice attempt at minimizing the slaughter though.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? Biden declared 2010 as the <dramatic voice>"Summer of recovery"</dramatic voice>. That was after the two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures Obama wanted to pass. Now, what did he do during that time? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready", and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill in there too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
every bill up to 2010 was filibustered by the right ... yiour view of what happen is comical at best ... the sad part is your to dumb to know any better

Sorry, if a Senator is not yapping on about nothing, it's not a filibuster, it's merely the threat of a filibuster. Reid had the option to force their hand and make them actually do it. He did not.
are you this stupid??? really ??? merely the threat of a filibuster ??? you need to go look at the filibuster count ... over 500 filibusters cast ... I guess that's not a threat ...

Really? 500 times a Senator took the floor and spoke for days on end? Surely you can find all those on YouTube somewhere. Do you know what a filibuster is? I'll help you out a little. Look up Ted Cruz and what he actually DID. That's a filibuster. Also, note that a filibuster doesn't actually permanently destroy a bill. It merely delays it so more debate can happen. What you're calling a filibuster is one side saying, "Don't bring that up for a vote or we'll talk you to death", and the other side saying "I can't stand the sound of your voice and you're going to keep me from happy hour, so fine, we won't bring it up".
ted cruse was grand standing when he filibustered ... its obvious you to don't know how the filibuster rule is used in the senate.... all a senator has to do is file the filibuster he doesn't have to come to the floor and yammer days on end ... once it has been filed the senate has to vote to remove it ... why the hell do you they they need the 60 vote to remove it ????so they can bring the bill to the floor to vote on it... why do you think harry reid won't bring a bill to the floor knowing he needs 60 votes ... he has nothing better to do???? you and the rest of these idiots need to go and read the senate rule on filibuster rule... then you will understand what I'm saying... then you will understand that Ted XCruz was grand is you who hasn't any idea how a filibuster rule works in the senate...

filibuster rule
Three quarters of a century later, in 1917, senators adopted a rule (Rule 22), at the urging of President Woodrow Wilson, that allowed the Senate to end a debate with a two-thirds majority vote, a device known as "cloture." The new Senate rule was first put to the test in 1919, when the Senate invoked cloture to end a filibuster against the Treaty of Versailles. Even with the new cloture rule, filibusters remained an effective means to block legislation, since a two-thirds vote is difficult to obtain. Over the next five decades, the Senate occasionally tried to invoke cloture, but usually failed to gain the necessary two-thirds vote. Filibusters were particularly useful to Southern senators who sought to block civil rights legislation, including anti-lynching legislation,

this is how the republicans have been using the filibuster rul e get it now???
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every bill up to 2010 was filibustered by the right ... yiour view of what happen is comical at best ... the sad part is your to dumb to know any better

Sorry, if a Senator is not yapping on about nothing, it's not a filibuster, it's merely the threat of a filibuster. Reid had the option to force their hand and make them actually do it. He did not.
are you this stupid??? really ??? merely the threat of a filibuster ??? you need to go look at the filibuster count ... over 500 filibusters cast ... I guess that's not a threat ...

Really? 500 times a Senator took the floor and spoke for days on end? Surely you can find all those on YouTube somewhere. Do you know what a filibuster is? I'll help you out a little. Look up Ted Cruz and what he actually DID. That's a filibuster. Also, note that a filibuster doesn't actually permanently destroy a bill. It merely delays it so more debate can happen. What you're calling a filibuster is one side saying, "Don't bring that up for a vote or we'll talk you to death", and the other side saying "I can't stand the sound of your voice and you're going to keep me from happy hour, so fine, we won't bring it up".
its obvioust you haven't a clue about filibusters in this day and age... this isn't a Mr. smith goes to washington type filbuster where they stand on the floor and ramble about nothing... they don't even have to go to the floor to give it ... they can give in anomously ... like they have been doing .... all they have to do is say they filibuster the bill .. thats it... no going to the floor... no grand standing ... for harry reid to change the rule he had a certain time to do it ... that time sailed you moron... we dems thought we could work with repuiblicans that was a huge mistake ... as far as I'm concern I hope the dems filibuster every law that the republicans try to pass ... it would do the dems a gread deal to do so ...

You're echoing what I said. One side says, "filibuster!", and the other side says, "Okay, we really didn't want to do it anyway". Face it, Reid could easily have called their bluff and forced them to yammer away until they got tired. The filibuster doesn't kill bills, it only delays them.
you haven't any clue what you're talking about
We have just begun our real recovery from Bush and let's hope the Republicans don't start us down that path again. There must be some other way for business to make bundles without causing another depression/recession.

Hey, why DID it take so long for Obama and crew to figure out which summer was going to be the REAL summer of recovery? Now that the adults are controlling Congress, maybe we can actually move forward, unless of course Obama becomes the obstructionist Reid played so he wouldn't have to.
you sure ask the stupidest question ... here the answer, that you and your moronic repub-lie-cans don't seem to get ... if obama was allowed to passed the bills that he needed passed, it would have come quicker a long time ago ... when you have morons like you buying everything your master tells you, when you got repub-liecans blocking everything, then it takes longer you idiot... why do you think hes gone another way to get it done... do you republicans ever pull your heads out of your ass???

Really? He had two years where the Republicans couldn't and didn't do anything to stop any economic measures he wanted to pass and what did he do? He passed a massive "stimulus" package that was supposed to fund a bunch of "shovel ready" jobs. It didn't stimulate, he later admitted the jobs weren't "shovel ready" ready, and the money ended up in the pockets of fat cats on Wall Street. Oh, and there was something about a healthcare bill too. Then, when Republicans took control of the House, his buddy Reid sat on a bunch of bills that passed the House with bipartisan support and refused to even pass a budget for years. And somehow that's the Republicans' fault? True believer, right there.
Obama had the super majority for two weeks in his first congress... do you really think that we will buy you premise that he had the super majority for two years and did nothing ??? you republicans love to post your stupidity here ... the dems had the majority that means if you don't know they have over half of the members in congress from their party ....that doesn't mean they have the super majority you moron ... the dems had the super majority for two weeks and that's what you can't seem to get through that head of yours

Sorry the democrats never had that super majority.

If you will remember in 2009, Al Franken didn't take his seat in the senate until July 2009.

By that time both Senator Kennedy and Byrd were dying. Both men were in and out of the hospital until they both died in the summer of 2009.

There was a window of opportunity of that 60 votes at the beginning IF the republican governor of Minnesota had not forced that recount to take 7 months. Technically there was 60 seats by July of 2009 but 2 of them weren't filled to break the republican non stop filibusters of every single piece of legislation that came out of Pelosi's House.

There was never that magic 60 seats actually filled by democrats for democrats to stop the republican non stop filibusters.
Is anyone surprised that rdean labels this as a Republican thing, when people would be equally unimpressed with a Democrat controlled Congress?

People are sick and tired of the partisan bullshit. That's it. Apparently nobody gave rdean the memo.
CNN Poll New Congress Americans not feeling change -

30% of Americans think Congress will be more responsive to the public in the new session.

This was very interesting:

Those surveyed in the CNN/ORC poll released on Tuesday also sounded off on the role of government. Their message? Less government and less focus on values.

The government is trying to doing too much that businesses and individual should handle, 58% of Americans surveyed said.

And 55% said the government shouldn't be in the business of promoting traditional values -- or any values, at all.


Imagine how much less government there would be if Republicans stayed out of our bedrooms.

Don't mistake low expectations for a Republican Congress as validation and support for Democrat policies we have had in place for the past 8 years. If that were the case, we would not be looking at a Republican Congress. Americans are fed up with radical Democrat policies. The milquetoast Republicans in the majority of Congress right now is simply a stopgap measure to stem the hemorrhaging.

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