Anyone Think Dragon Day Could Happen?

The United States defaulted big time when FDR changed the value of the dollar from 1/20 an ounce of gold to 1/35. That was a default on nearly half our debt, in total violation of the "gold clause" in debt contracts. Talk about abusing our power!

His action pissed off all of our debtors, including our allies.

But nobody invaded.

The United States defaulted again when Nixon converted the dollar into a fiat currency.

And nobody invaded.

You only invade if you think you can take over. What country could have taken us during FDR or Nixon's Presidency? None would have even dented us!

If China could do what Dragon Day's says, then that would be a different story.

It is not unheard of to invade when a country default. What do you think Cinco De Mayo is about? The Mexicans defaulted and the French invaded!

Cinco de Mayo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A national, government-initiated, broadband project in Australia banned Huawei from supplying equipment because of security concerns.
Australia has blocked Huawei Technologies of China from bidding on contracts in the $38 billion Australian National Broadband Network, citing security concerns, Huawei said Monday.

“We were informed by the government that there is no role for Huawei” in the network, said Jeremy Mitchell, a spokesman in Australia for Huawei, one of the world’s largest suppliers of telecommunications equipment.

The Australian plan is the largest infrastructure project in the country’s history. It is intended to connect 93 percent of homes and workplaces with fiber-optic cable, providing broadband service in urban and rural areas.

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