Anyone want to know why Nikki is 30 points down in her home state? Read this.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The "pundits" spin is that South Carolina is full of Trump lovers and "evangelicals" but as Paul Harvey used to say" And now for the rest of the story". This is a deep dive I haven't finished it yet, but it contains a very detailed look at Haley's not so pretty tenure in SC.


Blah.....She' still the twinkle in The Turtle's eyes.

If she does not land the VP slot McConnell will shop her for a Senate seat somewhere like he planned to do with Liz Cheney before she imploded.

Mark my words....Sure as shit.
Nimarata is toast. She's just auditioning for MSLSD at this point.

Sounds like she fucked half the men in her state, but so has adam schitt, so she'll get along great with the child molesters.

nikki haley love this part warmonger.jpg
She's a Dem collaborator, basically a female Jeb Bush.
I know some folks (I don’t wanna mention any names — Oddball and/or Crusader Frank) who maintain she is Jeb with a vagina.

l’ll see if I can get verification. 👍
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The "pundits" spin is that South Carolina is full of Trump lovers and "evangelicals" but as Paul Harvey used to say" And now for the rest of the story". This is a deep dive I haven't finished it yet, but it contains a very detailed look at Haley's not so pretty tenure in SC.

Haley has taken donations from Democrat donors and has lost support from many Republicans.
Reasons why I would not vote for her

1. She is a RINO. More of a Liberal than a Conservative

2. She took down the Confederate flag in SC, pissing on a proud American history

3. She has a "Karen" personality

4. Owned by special interest

5. Does not seem to be trustworthy

Would she be better than any Democrat? Of course but that is such a low bar that the term "better" is almost meaningless.

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